
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Sanctuary of Hope - FREE Fodder Rescue
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[center][emoji=flowering tree size=1] [/center]
@starkhaven I would LOOOVE to have this beauty, she'll fit perfectly in my lore for my clan [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I would LOOOVE to have this beauty, she'll fit perfectly in my lore for my clan

Skin Shop
@starkhaven Could I get this cute boy? Also, I want to donate food, is there any kind you need the most or would you rather a mix of everything? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@starkhaven Could I get this cute boy? Also, I want to donate food, is there any kind you need the most or would you rather a mix of everything?

tumblr_pdhmtwCqZp1xpp0t6o6_100.png tumblr_pdhmtwCqZp1xpp0t6o6_100.pngtumblr_pdhmtwCqZp1xpp0t6o6_100.pngtumblr_pdhmtwCqZp1xpp0t6o6_100.png tumblr_pdhmtwCqZp1xpp0t6o6_100.png
@itsgigglez awesome, she’s on her way! [emoji=familiar heart size=1]

awesome, she’s on her way!
@ermac well i’m completely out of seafood at the moment, but any food type will get eaten haha. thanks!! i’ll send your boy over in a 2 way trade. [emoji=familiar heart size=1]

well i’m completely out of seafood at the moment, but any food type will get eaten haha. thanks!!
i’ll send your boy over in a 2 way trade.
[center][emoji=flowering tree size=1]
[center][emoji=flowering tree size=1][/center]
@starkhaven Can I have this girl? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And I got this girl for 5G but I really don't want to exalt her so can I send her to the sanctuary? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Can I have this girl?


And I got this girl for 5G but I really don't want to exalt her so can I send her to the sanctuary?


ImMJGPh.pngG1's for Sale
May I please have the sanguine/sanguine/Ruby SD male?
May I please have the sanguine/sanguine/Ruby SD male?
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