
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Open up a door!
Ok my turn?

Door 1) An overgrown arch stands crumbling in the middle on the forest. Thorns have raged all around the arch warding off trespassers. But something peaks your interest in the door. Something... familiar?

Door 2) Deep within the ocean stands a great, towering door. Beautiful songs engraved in cursive stand out more than anything. More than the shiny pearl, or the marvelous turquoise of the door. As you gander reading the song a mystic voice starts singing the song in the door slowly, softly. Do you dare see who's singing?

Door 3) In a frostbitten mountain top stands a small, icy door. Carved out of ice itself it seems to shine when the light is cast upon it. Almost as if it screams "Open me! Aren't I the prettiest one?" The door casts a intriguing shadow on to the snow beneath you. Will you investigate the mysterious, but calling door?

I tried my best? I don't think I did very good with these but I hope they are good enough?
Ok my turn?

Door 1) An overgrown arch stands crumbling in the middle on the forest. Thorns have raged all around the arch warding off trespassers. But something peaks your interest in the door. Something... familiar?

Door 2) Deep within the ocean stands a great, towering door. Beautiful songs engraved in cursive stand out more than anything. More than the shiny pearl, or the marvelous turquoise of the door. As you gander reading the song a mystic voice starts singing the song in the door slowly, softly. Do you dare see who's singing?

Door 3) In a frostbitten mountain top stands a small, icy door. Carved out of ice itself it seems to shine when the light is cast upon it. Almost as if it screams "Open me! Aren't I the prettiest one?" The door casts a intriguing shadow on to the snow beneath you. Will you investigate the mysterious, but calling door?

I tried my best? I don't think I did very good with these but I hope they are good enough?
npc_scribbles_by_dogi_crimson-daevs0a.gif 35919840.png
Oooh door #2 please!
Oooh door #2 please!

Art dragons for sale! - - ->
Door 1 please!
Door 1 please!

Door 3 Maybe?

Door 3 Maybe?
I'm on mobile so I can't include picture sadly...


you pass though the arch getting tangled up in the thorns. You pass though to find nothing but a grave with roses sitting atop the gravestone. You give your blessing and find some cloth to clean up your cuts from the thorns.

@Dfinch You open the door as the singing abruptly stops. The voice calls out, "Oh I'm sport! Did my singing disturb you? I'm practicing for the show of course!" You go around a stone to find a beatiful imp waiting for you to ask for an encore.

@Alaerth As you open the tiny ice door and mange to squeeze though you find a fimmilar on the other side. The crocodile patiently wags its tail Wanting you to introduce yourself and it's new derg buddy.
I'm on mobile so I can't include picture sadly...


you pass though the arch getting tangled up in the thorns. You pass though to find nothing but a grave with roses sitting atop the gravestone. You give your blessing and find some cloth to clean up your cuts from the thorns.

@Dfinch You open the door as the singing abruptly stops. The voice calls out, "Oh I'm sport! Did my singing disturb you? I'm practicing for the show of course!" You go around a stone to find a beatiful imp waiting for you to ask for an encore.

@Alaerth As you open the tiny ice door and mange to squeeze though you find a fimmilar on the other side. The crocodile patiently wags its tail Wanting you to introduce yourself and it's new derg buddy.
npc_scribbles_by_dogi_crimson-daevs0a.gif 35919840.png
~Door 1~ [img][/img] ~Door 2~ [img][/img] ~Door 3~ [img][/img]
~Door 1~

~Door 2~

~Door 3~

Art dragons for sale! - - ->
@dfinch door2 please o:
@dfinch door2 please o:
@dfinch omg door 3 :oo
@dfinch omg door 3 :oo
Door 1 maybe?

Door 1 maybe?

AHhh Sorry the prizes are not the best! ~Door 1~ @Jata You win... A pretty Ice cream baby! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ~Door 2~ @IIIIIIII You win... Some food and gloves! [img][/img][img][/img] ~Door 3~@CharlieParrot You win... Some food! [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
AHhh Sorry the prizes are not the best!

~Door 1~ @Jata You win... A pretty Ice cream baby!


~Door 2~ @IIIIIIII You win... Some food and gloves!

~Door 3~@CharlieParrot You win... Some food!

Art dragons for sale! - - ->