
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | ~HoardQueen's Dragon Lore adoptions!~
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Hello all! I seem to be going through stages of obsession on this website, and my current obsession is lore dragons. So! I'm going to be adopting off some pretty dragons with nice backstories.

I have a few currently that I'm wanting to adopt off, so I'd like those to go first before I start buying new pretties, but I will accept requests for the AH form at the moment.


I offer a variety of different services centering around lore dragons. Currently, i offer the following:

Below I have a group of available dragons for adoption. They all will cost 15kt or 10g. I am always willing to haggle or take trades for these dergs.

All dragons will come with a prettied bio much like my matriarch Semira, albeit likely not as extensive as hers is.

Feel free to change anything about these bios when you adopt. I don't really mind.

Please let me know if you would like me to add a history to their bios. If you don't ask me to do so, you will only get the little personality sblurb that is written below them on this page.

Blind date

Based off of the other blind date service that I quite enjoy, I'll offer something akin to this myself.

Tell me your favored species/colors/genes/etc and I will set up a CR for the closest fitting dragon in my lair. This service will also cost 15kt, the same price as my dragon adoptions.

Also feel free to link me one of your single dragons and I will try to give you a match for them!

Finder's service

I also offer a finders service. This is where you tell me what kind of dragons you like and I go to the AH and find a pretty I think you would like. These all will run 20kt or 15g unless I have to pay over 15kt for your dragon.

I will write a bio/personality for your dragon and then send you the CR for them. No obligation to accept if you do not like your new dragon. If you would like me to try again, please let me know upon declination of the CR!

I will require the following form for this service

AH form

Position(s)?: (What position would you like your dragon to take? Traveler, Warrior, Etc?)
Lore specs: (Anything youd like included in the lore?)
Other info:

Please keep in mind the more info you provide here the harder it will be to find a dragon to fit your needs.
Hello all! I seem to be going through stages of obsession on this website, and my current obsession is lore dragons. So! I'm going to be adopting off some pretty dragons with nice backstories.

I have a few currently that I'm wanting to adopt off, so I'd like those to go first before I start buying new pretties, but I will accept requests for the AH form at the moment.


I offer a variety of different services centering around lore dragons. Currently, i offer the following:

Below I have a group of available dragons for adoption. They all will cost 15kt or 10g. I am always willing to haggle or take trades for these dergs.

All dragons will come with a prettied bio much like my matriarch Semira, albeit likely not as extensive as hers is.

Feel free to change anything about these bios when you adopt. I don't really mind.

Please let me know if you would like me to add a history to their bios. If you don't ask me to do so, you will only get the little personality sblurb that is written below them on this page.

Blind date

Based off of the other blind date service that I quite enjoy, I'll offer something akin to this myself.

Tell me your favored species/colors/genes/etc and I will set up a CR for the closest fitting dragon in my lair. This service will also cost 15kt, the same price as my dragon adoptions.

Also feel free to link me one of your single dragons and I will try to give you a match for them!

Finder's service

I also offer a finders service. This is where you tell me what kind of dragons you like and I go to the AH and find a pretty I think you would like. These all will run 20kt or 15g unless I have to pay over 15kt for your dragon.

I will write a bio/personality for your dragon and then send you the CR for them. No obligation to accept if you do not like your new dragon. If you would like me to try again, please let me know upon declination of the CR!

I will require the following form for this service

AH form

Position(s)?: (What position would you like your dragon to take? Traveler, Warrior, Etc?)
Lore specs: (Anything youd like included in the lore?)
Other info:

Please keep in mind the more info you provide here the harder it will be to find a dragon to fit your needs.
[center][b][u][size=4]For adoption[/size][/u][/b][/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote][center][u]Plum[/u] A sort of 'Jack-of-all-trades' kind of guy, Plum always enjoys trying new things- and is typically quick to pick up whatever he is doing. He never gives up in the face of difficulty, and tries even harder when he finds he can't do something easily. He gets really fired up, as others would call it, when he finds something that's hard for him to accomplish, and thus is very effective in accomplishing whatever task he is given. His current interests are alchemy and writing but he is willing to try just about anything. [/center][/quote] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote][center][u]Gaelan[/u] Gaelan enjoys attention, and that's about the brunt of his character. His brightly colored, iridescent hide certainly helps that factor, especially if he catches the light in the right way- no eyes can ignore him. Or at least, no eyes that haven't had to deal with his annoyance constantly, anyways. He is a very skilled collector of foods, and mostly enjoys scavenging for fruits and insects to bring home to the lair for the clan to partake in. He always seems to pick out the ripest bananas or the juiciest beetles-maybe he's got an eye for perfection. (Got him from an eyeburner swap, he certainly fits the bill with his bright lemon genes)[/center][/quote] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote][center][u]Nyfin[/u] Nyfin takes it upon herself to organize and study the pelts and other animal artifacts in the clan's hoard. From her hunting, she has learned much about the animals in the Labyrinth and the surrounding territories. She is very gruff and tomboyish, with an unmatched dedication to her work. She isn't chatty or particularly outgoing, but is very dependable and crafty with her pelts. If someone in the clan wears something of fur, fin, or feather, you can bet that Nyfin was probably behind it's creation. Though she is a huntress, Nyfin has a deep respect for and fascination with the creatures that she hunts, and looks down on dragons that mindlessly slaughter. [/center][/quote] I have not currently finished any bios for any of the dragons listed above. What I have written is a basic summary of their personalities. I can add and/or change any information upon purchase. They will also receive a backstory snippet in their bios if so desired. If there is no bio written here yet, i am in the process of writing it so please feel free to come back later if you're interested! I'll also take reserves for any dragons here, including the ones I've yet to write the personalities for
For adoption


A sort of 'Jack-of-all-trades' kind of guy, Plum always enjoys trying new things- and is typically quick to pick up whatever he is doing. He never gives up in the face of difficulty, and tries even harder when he finds he can't do something easily. He gets really fired up, as others would call it, when he finds something that's hard for him to accomplish, and thus is very effective in accomplishing whatever task he is given.

His current interests are alchemy and writing but he is willing to try just about anything.



Gaelan enjoys attention, and that's about the brunt of his character. His brightly colored, iridescent hide certainly helps that factor, especially if he catches the light in the right way- no eyes can ignore him. Or at least, no eyes that haven't had to deal with his annoyance constantly, anyways.

He is a very skilled collector of foods, and mostly enjoys scavenging for fruits and insects to bring home to the lair for the clan to partake in. He always seems to pick out the ripest bananas or the juiciest beetles-maybe he's got an eye for perfection.

(Got him from an eyeburner swap, he certainly fits the bill with his bright lemon genes)


Nyfin takes it upon herself to organize and study the pelts and other animal artifacts in the clan's hoard. From her hunting, she has learned much about the animals in the Labyrinth and the surrounding territories. She is very gruff and tomboyish, with an unmatched dedication to her work. She isn't chatty or particularly outgoing, but is very dependable and crafty with her pelts. If someone in the clan wears something of fur, fin, or feather, you can bet that Nyfin was probably behind it's creation. Though she is a huntress, Nyfin has a deep respect for and fascination with the creatures that she hunts, and looks down on dragons that mindlessly slaughter.

I have not currently finished any bios for any of the dragons listed above. What I have written is a basic summary of their personalities. I can add and/or change any information upon purchase. They will also receive a backstory snippet in their bios if so desired.

If there is no bio written here yet, i am in the process of writing it so please feel free to come back later if you're interested! I'll also take reserves for any dragons here, including the ones I've yet to write the personalities for
Sold [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]




May I send a CR for the first two? Also is it possible to have them both come with their familiar and apparel? Thanks!
May I send a CR for the first two? Also is it possible to have them both come with their familiar and apparel? Thanks!
@Oreo321 Yes of course! I haven't gotten anything written in their bio sections as of yet, but I'll get to doing that before I send them over for you. Is there anything you would like me to add to their histories or is what Ive got written fine for you?
@Oreo321 Yes of course! I haven't gotten anything written in their bio sections as of yet, but I'll get to doing that before I send them over for you. Is there anything you would like me to add to their histories or is what Ive got written fine for you?
What they have is fine! Thank you!
What they have is fine! Thank you!

What a great service! And lore dragons! I'd like to reserve Glacier, please. Could you ping me when you're done with his bio and lore? No familiar or apparel necessary, thank you.

What a great service! And lore dragons! I'd like to reserve Glacier, please. Could you ping me when you're done with his bio and lore? No familiar or apparel necessary, thank you.

Oh yes of course!! Is there anything in particular you'd like there to be included in his bio? If not then I'll go ahead and get to work on finishing up his lore!

Oh yes of course!! Is there anything in particular you'd like there to be included in his bio? If not then I'll go ahead and get to work on finishing up his lore!
@HoardQueen [quote] Is there anything in particular you'd like there to be included in his bio? [/quote] No, nothing I can think of at the moment, thank you. ^^
Is there anything in particular you'd like there to be included in his bio?

No, nothing I can think of at the moment, thank you. ^^

Let me know if any scribes come through your clan. My small clan is looking for a detail oriented dragon to keep our histories. Shadow and water dragons are especially welcome(I plan to make my clan a meld of the two flights), but I am open to others.

Let me know if any scribes come through your clan. My small clan is looking for a detail oriented dragon to keep our histories. Shadow and water dragons are especially welcome(I plan to make my clan a meld of the two flights), but I am open to others.
tumblr_nxdfpaik0p1ukywbko5_100.png Please pardon any typos/spelling mistakes.
I may have a cat on my arm.
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