
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | A Crystal for a Crystal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 419 420
@Valtristus {{omg, he is BEAUTIFUL. and his eyes match!! ;_; thank you so much, he's a keeper!}}
@Valtristus {{omg, he is BEAUTIFUL. and his eyes match!! ;_; thank you so much, he's a keeper!}}
@Valtristus [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

@aeice [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

@authocracy [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
{{I actually have a few scatterscrolls I've been saving for a rainy day and I LOVE female imps, figure finals week is a perfect excuse to use it on Ms Magenta here, right? Wish me luck~}}
{{I actually have a few scatterscrolls I've been saving for a rainy day and I LOVE female imps, figure finals week is a perfect excuse to use it on Ms Magenta here, right? Wish me luck~}}
@CrystalDragoness He's lovely and I got him from here, but he isn't a match for any of my ladies. :( [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

He's lovely and I got him from here, but he isn't a match for any of my ladies. :(

{{@authocracy I see you changed her looks greatly. At least she is pretty now. Now to rid myself of a crystal I don't want.}}
{{@authocracy I see you changed her looks greatly. At least she is pretty now. Now to rid myself of a crystal I don't want.}}
This is a fun idea! @Aeice [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
This is a fun idea!


t.v. | she/her | fr+0 | pings very welcome!
@senryakus[url=] [img][/img] [/url]This fellow is not in my plans.
This fellow is not in my plans.
~~bumping back to the top~~
~~bumping back to the top~~
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