spring cleaning! free dergs!

tinyvessels' Clan
under the blue sky
Clan Info
Hi I'm T.V. and I'm doing my best.
Some facts:
-Lair is not at all organized bc I am a cheapskate who won't pay for lair tabs.
-Friend requests/random PMs all very welcome!
-Will sporadically go on hiatus bc real life is mean
-Wishlists and projects and the like are... under construction
More fun facts!
-Big Coatl addiction. Huge. Also extremely fond of Spirals!!
-StarCon/WaspBee + Stained & Baldwin genes are the way to my heart
-#dragonhoarder I always run out of lair space
-Developing a troubling addiction to collecting G1s...
Dragons in my 'selling' tab are always up for grabs. Message me if you're interested and want to talk about deals! I always take mixed payment!
Mostly active on the weekends! You'll see me in the forums. Say hi anytime!
Some facts:
-Lair is not at all organized bc I am a cheapskate who won't pay for lair tabs.
-Friend requests/random PMs all very welcome!
-Will sporadically go on hiatus bc real life is mean
-Wishlists and projects and the like are... under construction
More fun facts!
-Big Coatl addiction. Huge. Also extremely fond of Spirals!!
-StarCon/WaspBee + Stained & Baldwin genes are the way to my heart
-#dragonhoarder I always run out of lair space
-Developing a troubling addiction to collecting G1s...
Dragons in my 'selling' tab are always up for grabs. Message me if you're interested and want to talk about deals! I always take mixed payment!
Mostly active on the weekends! You'll see me in the forums. Say hi anytime!
Recent Comments


Totally cool! My babes aren't going anywhere, they've been sitting there for like 4yrs

Btw I have a bunch of older G1s that I'm wanting to send into the world, if you're interested <_<

I'm not convinced it's legal for a single artist to be as good as Sufjan Stevens is

I love your new primal #59012961! is she for sale by any chance?

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE OUTFITS YOU COME UP WITH FOR THE NEW BABIES let me know if i can help re: getting them apparel

pokemon is a priority. in fact, i just finished my pokedex because there is something wrong with me. WHATS UR TEAM LOOK LIKE???? when i saw eiscue..... *lays down*

i wish you could have seen the look on my face just now.

Good luck putting together the right outfit ^^She will be BOMB :D

Mithra is looking real good :D I followed her here from the hatch worthy stories thread ^^

Happy Anniversary!

Thanks for buying one of my dragons.
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