
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Free Nest Rentals! All 11 Flights!
clan_of_murky_spirits_button_by_perfectly_purnima-d85zc8x.png free_wind_nests_button_by_perfectly_purnima-d85zdxq.png
Your three eggs are due to hatch tomorrow! Please make sure that you have room for them and the parents to go home!
Your three eggs are due to hatch tomorrow! Please make sure that you have room for them and the parents to go home!

Dont worry I do; thank you again for taking them though ^^

Dont worry I do; thank you again for taking them though ^^
Candles, Pandas, Oh My! (A niche little hatchery)

Hey Tiger I was wondering if you had a nest open for renting?

Hey Tiger I was wondering if you had a nest open for renting?
That's good! I just wanted to make sure!
That's good! I just wanted to make sure!
@PheraRow - I definitely do! Send them on over!
@PheraRow - I definitely do! Send them on over!

Sent over

Sent over
@PheraRow - Snuck them in right under the rollover. 4 little eggs for you!
@PheraRow - Snuck them in right under the rollover. 4 little eggs for you!

Sweet can't wait to see what little beauties they give out.

Sweet can't wait to see what little beauties they give out.

Hey Notsosimple, do you have an Ice nest open I could use? I have a pair RTB that I would like the ice blue eyes for.

Hey Notsosimple, do you have an Ice nest open I could use? I have a pair RTB that I would like the ice blue eyes for.