
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Dragons Off To See The World!
@ElphabaThropp [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Mephala and Darius are mates, and they're off to see the world! (No pairs please!)


Mephala and Darius are mates, and they're off to see the world!

(No pairs please!)
@Moonwater sending this lovely lady your way! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] NO PAIRS PLEASE!
@Moonwater sending this lovely lady your way!



+3 hours ahead of flight rising time


Please appreciate my dragon's bios they took so long
@wolfcathybrid, Tigger's coming to you! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@wolfcathybrid, Tigger's coming to you!

Could you take a pair?
Could you take a pair?
@harvestable, surely :)
@harvestable, surely :)
@Merakiel Woo-hoo! This poor kiddos have been stuck with me for ages because I always seem to drop by when nobody wants more than one dragon, haha. They also come with some apparel which I'll send over in a minute. [url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Speaking of which, I'd rather not take a pair again myself.
Woo-hoo! This poor kiddos have been stuck with me for ages because I always seem to drop by when nobody wants more than one dragon, haha.

They also come with some apparel which I'll send over in a minute.



Speaking of which, I'd rather not take a pair again myself.
@Harvestable My first time participating in anything like this! It makes me realize just how much I need to write for my permanent clan members. o__o Please help this lovely lady begin her journey from Dragonhome... [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
My first time participating in anything like this! It makes me realize just how much I need to write for my permanent clan members. o__o

Please help this lovely lady begin her journey from Dragonhome...

@Jennalyn would you mind this old boy coming to visit? [img][/img] Will take pairs, but I already have a duo staying with me and two nests hatching soon so I would rather not :3

would you mind this old boy coming to visit?


Will take pairs, but I already have a duo staying with me and two nests hatching soon so I would rather not :3
@ForbiddenDeity Sending you Abyss! She wants to move on after a long stay:> Will send her apparel, familiar and skin in a message^^ [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@ForbiddenDeity Sending you Abyss! She wants to move on after a long stay:>
Will send her apparel, familiar and skin in a message^^

@Skritnaja [url=] [img][/img][/url] Kitten is on her way! No pairs please!


Kitten is on her way!

No pairs please!