
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
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@Acaoth Can I have the first one??
@Acaoth Can I have the first one??
Hello folks, This is a reminder that public callouts in the forums are not allowed: [quote=Forum Code of Conduct][b]Do not engage in personal attacks against forum members, "name & shame," character assassination, blacklisting. [/b]This includes but is not limited to [LIST][*]Posts that attack another member, that single out a player for ridicule, or that accuse someone of inappropriate in-game actions will be removed without notice. [*]Posts or threads that single out another player or players and provide enough information to identify them [/LIST][/quote] If you notice anyone violating official Flight Rising rules, please use [url=]Contact Us[/url] to report the issue privately. Thank you, Gaia
Hello folks,

This is a reminder that public callouts in the forums are not allowed:
Forum Code of Conduct wrote:
Do not engage in personal attacks against forum members, "name & shame," character assassination, blacklisting. This includes but is not limited to
  • Posts that attack another member, that single out a player for ridicule, or that accuse someone of inappropriate in-game actions will be removed without notice.
  • Posts or threads that single out another player or players and provide enough information to identify them

If you notice anyone violating official Flight Rising rules, please use Contact Us to report the issue privately. Thank you,
@DelightfulMelon Sure! Sending CR now. :)
@DelightfulMelon Sure! Sending CR now. :)
@Gaia, I've filed a report about a week ago and received no response.
@Gaia, I've filed a report about a week ago and received no response.
@Omnarroux I would love to adopt Nyss if she's not taken already
@Omnarroux I would love to adopt Nyss if she's not taken already
6ztfg79.gif W3p3Kzz.png

May I adopt the 3rd guardian listed? The charcoal one?

May I adopt the 3rd guardian listed? The charcoal one?
[b]I'd prefer they never be exalted, but please name and breed at least once before ever considering it. Honestly if you wanna get rid of them I'd prefer you either put them back up here, or just contacted me.[/b] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]-ADOPTED-[/b] [s]Unnamed Female Navy Iri / Swamp Shim / Blue Gem[/s] [b]*Please ping me and I'll set up the CR*[/b][/center]
I'd prefer they never be exalted, but please name and breed at least once before ever considering it.

Honestly if you wanna get rid of them I'd prefer you either put them back up here, or just contacted me.


Unnamed Female
Navy Iri / Swamp Shim / Blue Gem

*Please ping me and I'll set up the CR*
[quote name="DeathSpecter" date=2016-03-19 14:08:07] [quote name="DeathSpecter" date=2016-03-19 13:29:25] I have this boy to a NON-EXALT home. He has lore so if you'd like him ping me with why you'd like him or an addition to his lore. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Century You could also buy him off the AH but of course as this is a free thread it isn't necessary. Oh, and don't forget to ping me! [/quote] [/quote]
DeathSpecter wrote on 2016-03-19:
DeathSpecter wrote on 2016-03-19:
I have this boy to a NON-EXALT home. He has lore so if you'd like him ping me with why you'd like him or an addition to his lore.

You could also buy him off the AH but of course as this is a free thread it isn't necessary.
Oh, and don't forget to ping me!
@CrimsonDragon: Sure I send you the Cr :-)
@CrimsonDragon: Sure I send you the Cr :-)
[quote name="Kaelum" date=2016-03-19 12:11:35] smh, I have too many impulse purchases. Ping here, please~! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]taken[/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (got him from this thread ^ please put this one back into here instead of selling or exalting, idc about the other two though.) ------- Additionally, I've got some hatches of my own =o=;; [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/quote] I forgot about these two, lmao. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (Hosted in my sister's clan for the time being 'cause I ran out of space, lol)
Kaelum wrote on 2016-03-19:
smh, I have too many impulse purchases.

Ping here, please~!




(got him from this thread ^ please put this one back into here instead of selling or exalting, idc about the other two though.)

Additionally, I've got some hatches of my own =o=;;






I forgot about these two, lmao.



(Hosted in my sister's clan for the time being 'cause I ran out of space, lol)
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