
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.

If your triple Obsidian girl is still available, I'd love to give her a home with my other oldies. She looks like she needs a best friend and she'd fit right in with my lore!

If your triple Obsidian girl is still available, I'd love to give her a home with my other oldies. She looks like she needs a best friend and she'd fit right in with my lore!
Sure! Sounds good! @Riverclan
Sure! Sounds good! @Riverclan

Wonderful to hear and I will send her now :D

Wonderful to hear and I will send her now :D
@Banantlers Has anyone claimed Syndulla yet? I'd love to adopt if she's still available
@Banantlers Has anyone claimed Syndulla yet? I'd love to adopt if she's still available
[quote name="Umbral" date=2016-07-28 20:50:40] Ping if interested! srsly i have 0 lair space and I need to get to exalting x.x and she's gone [/quote]
Umbral wrote on 2016-07-28:
Ping if interested! srsly i have 0 lair space and I need to get to exalting x.x

and she's gone
Looking for these skins!

Thank you a ton!

Thank you a ton!
WHat will the wildclaw babies look like?
Because she is absolutely beautiful!
WHat will the wildclaw babies look like?
Because she is absolutely beautiful!
|All obelisks and aethers are welcomed here.|
|I love giving people free dragons, if you are ever wanting a free dragon to adopt, feel free to send a message, I'm sure I'll have a baby for you to adopt.|
@RiverClan If you really didn't want to keep Darling then I will gladly take her back.
@RiverClan If you really didn't want to keep Darling then I will gladly take her back.
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These dragons are extremely pretty so I'm assuming they'll go fast, but I'm cleaning out my lair and I just can't sell these beauties. They meant a lot to me before, and I've had some for over a year, so PLEASE only take them if you absolutely love them, not because they're worth something! That being said here you go: 1). Vincent [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 2). Aiko [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 3). Kade [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 4). Freyja [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 5). Meical [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 6). Lindsay [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 7). Zachary [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
These dragons are extremely pretty so I'm assuming they'll go fast, but I'm cleaning out my lair and I just can't sell these beauties. They meant a lot to me before, and I've had some for over a year, so PLEASE only take them if you absolutely love them, not because they're worth something!
That being said here you go:

1). Vincent


2). Aiko


3). Kade


4). Freyja


5). Meical


6). Lindsay


7). Zachary


Thank you! And yes, I would love her!

Thank you! And yes, I would love her!