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TOPIC | [R] Name Skydancer; Obs/Obs Plent Prize
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[b]Trigger Warning: Bug(butterfly/moth) pictures. I don't want to squick anyone out accidentally, so I'm just putting this up top before the pics should show up.[/b] So I've got this really pretty Skydancer boy who I've been waffling on a name for since he was hatched. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He's Obs/Obs/Lemon, and I plan to get him Stripes to go with his tiger, and then... Possibly Ghost, Point, or Circuit. But it's really hard to decide exactly what I want for him, if anything, in the tertiary range. His tert is just so pretty against his body, but I don't know if I want the lack of organic look that circuit has, or if I want ghost or point to cover up a lot of his current/planned geneing. Anyway! So what I'm going to do for help picking a name for him is run an itty bitty little raffle. [quote]Raffle Rules: Enter only once! If I spot that you've tried to enter twice, you will be disqualified! Choose only one name! Pick whatever one you like best! Choosing a name will afford you [b]one ticket.[/b] For an [b]extra ticket[/b], tell me a little bit about why you preferred that name over the others. It doesn't need to be an essay or anything, but a sentence or two is just fine. A winner will be chosen on [url=][/url], with a list of entrants numbered in the second page. The raffle will end at 23:59 Flight Rising(Pacific) time on Wednesday, October 2nd[/quote] [quote]The Prize! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Obsidian/Obsidian/Orange Male Mirror[/quote] The Options, and why I like them: [quote][b]Spirit[/b] My first thought for what I wanted to name him was 'Spirit', after the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, my favorite plane. [img][/img] [b]Pros:[/b] I like to name my dragons after the first idea that comes to mind, and this was the first for him. He is sleek and rounded, much like the Spirit. His shape, probably inexplicably, reminds me of one. I imagine Skydancers to be quick, sharp, hard to detect, and deadly in battle, much like the B-2. [b]Cons:[/b] Spirit feels like a very, very generic name, and one easily misinterpretted as... Well, not about the plane. It also feels kind of new-agey and a little bit silly, when taken out of its aviation context. Naming a dragon after an airplane also feels really, really silly, even if he reminds me of one so much. His tertiary is lemon; there is nothing yellow about the B-2, though a pale grey would have been perfect for the patterning upon it, yellow doesn't really match up.[/quote] [quote][b]Charith[/b] The second thought I had was to give him a similar naming convention to his mother's. This is part of the Zebra Longwing butterfly's scientific name [i]Heliconius charithonia[/i]. [img][/img] Pros: This name matches his mother's naming scheme. A name in this scheme was the first idea I had, prior to the first 'specific' name I had, which was Spirit. Cons: The colors don't quite match up; the markings on the butterfly are more white than yellow, closer to maize or banana than the vibrancy of lemon. There's no tertiary that is both stripey and organic, so getting his colors to match up simply won't happen.[/quote] [quote][b]Xenes[/b] Xenes is a name much in the same vein of the former, taking a chunk out of a scientific name, this time from the Eastern Black Swallowtail butterfly, [i]Papilio polyxenes[/i]. [img][/img] Pros: Naming scheme matches his mother's. A name in this scheme was the first idea I had, prior to the first 'specific' name I had, which was Spirit. Coloration is almost perfect, with the bright yellow markings matching lemon. Cons: There is [i]no[/i] spotty tertiary of any kind at all. The colors that aren't the main markings can't be used at all without use of an accent. [/quote] [quote][b]Phaler[/b] The third and final butterfly/moth suggestion, Phaler is actually from a moth rather than a butterfly, the Harnessed Tiger Moth, [i]Apantesis phalerata[/i], [img][/img] Pros: Naming convention perfectly matches his mothers. A name in this scheme was the first idea I had, prior to the first 'specific' name I had, which was Spirit. The banding on this moth's wings are exactly the kind of 'stripey' look that I imagine would look [i]fantastic[/i] on this dragon. Cons: Once more, shot in the foot with no working tertiary, though circuit kind of comes close. The coloration isn't perfect, with the wing markings being more of a banana color than lemon. [/quote] [quote][b]Cacicus[/b] This one is different from the others in that it's named after a bird, which I've never named a dragon after before. The specific bird this is aimed at is the Mexican Cacique, or Yellow-Winged Cacique, [i]Cacicus melanicterus[/i]. This name is from the genus, however, which includes all Caciques, all of which are predominantly a glossy black, and the majority of which display vibrant yellow markings on various areas of their body. [img][/img] Pros: With the beautiful feathering on Skydancers, naming them after birds is pretty thematically fitting. The markings on Cacique could actually fit in with the upcoming Ghost marking, whenever it is released. Cacique are a type of blackbird, which borders on my 'naming him after a plane I like', as my second favorite is the SR-71 Blackbird. Cons: Not thematically relevant to any of my other naming conventions. It sounds kind of odd rolling off the tongue, almost like a rude word(could be a pro for some, but not me).[/quote] So, uh, cast your votes here. I'll keep a little track of votes for those interested. [b]Spirit[/b]: 2 [b]Charith[/b]: 0 [b]Xenes[/b]: 6 [b]Phaler[/b]: 0 [b]Cacicus[/b]: 4 [b]As a note[/b]: I may not pick the name that gets the most votes, and there will be no bonus for voting on the name I end up choosing. The reason I'm offering double tickets for people who give me reasoning is I'd actually like persuasion on what names are good or not, rather than just a popularity contest.
Trigger Warning: Bug(butterfly/moth) pictures. I don't want to squick anyone out accidentally, so I'm just putting this up top before the pics should show up.

So I've got this really pretty Skydancer boy who I've been waffling on a name for since he was hatched.


He's Obs/Obs/Lemon, and I plan to get him Stripes to go with his tiger, and then... Possibly Ghost, Point, or Circuit. But it's really hard to decide exactly what I want for him, if anything, in the tertiary range. His tert is just so pretty against his body, but I don't know if I want the lack of organic look that circuit has, or if I want ghost or point to cover up a lot of his current/planned geneing.

Anyway! So what I'm going to do for help picking a name for him is run an itty bitty little raffle.
Raffle Rules:
Enter only once! If I spot that you've tried to enter twice, you will be disqualified!
Choose only one name! Pick whatever one you like best!

Choosing a name will afford you one ticket.
For an extra ticket, tell me a little bit about why you preferred that name over the others. It doesn't need to be an essay or anything, but a sentence or two is just fine.

A winner will be chosen on, with a list of entrants numbered in the second page.

The raffle will end at 23:59 Flight Rising(Pacific) time on Wednesday, October 2nd
The Prize!


Male Mirror

The Options, and why I like them:
My first thought for what I wanted to name him was 'Spirit', after the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, my favorite plane.


Pros: I like to name my dragons after the first idea that comes to mind, and this was the first for him.
He is sleek and rounded, much like the Spirit.
His shape, probably inexplicably, reminds me of one.
I imagine Skydancers to be quick, sharp, hard to detect, and deadly in battle, much like the B-2.

Cons: Spirit feels like a very, very generic name, and one easily misinterpretted as... Well, not about the plane.
It also feels kind of new-agey and a little bit silly, when taken out of its aviation context.
Naming a dragon after an airplane also feels really, really silly, even if he reminds me of one so much.
His tertiary is lemon; there is nothing yellow about the B-2, though a pale grey would have been perfect for the patterning upon it, yellow doesn't really match up.

The second thought I had was to give him a similar naming convention to his mother's. This is part of the Zebra Longwing butterfly's scientific name Heliconius charithonia.


Pros: This name matches his mother's naming scheme.
A name in this scheme was the first idea I had, prior to the first 'specific' name I had, which was Spirit.

Cons: The colors don't quite match up; the markings on the butterfly are more white than yellow, closer to maize or banana than the vibrancy of lemon.
There's no tertiary that is both stripey and organic, so getting his colors to match up simply won't happen.

Xenes is a name much in the same vein of the former, taking a chunk out of a scientific name, this time from the Eastern Black Swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polyxenes.


Pros: Naming scheme matches his mother's.
A name in this scheme was the first idea I had, prior to the first 'specific' name I had, which was Spirit.
Coloration is almost perfect, with the bright yellow markings matching lemon.

Cons: There is no spotty tertiary of any kind at all.
The colors that aren't the main markings can't be used at all without use of an accent.

The third and final butterfly/moth suggestion, Phaler is actually from a moth rather than a butterfly, the Harnessed Tiger Moth, Apantesis phalerata,


Pros: Naming convention perfectly matches his mothers.
A name in this scheme was the first idea I had, prior to the first 'specific' name I had, which was Spirit.
The banding on this moth's wings are exactly the kind of 'stripey' look that I imagine would look fantastic on this dragon.

Cons: Once more, shot in the foot with no working tertiary, though circuit kind of comes close.
The coloration isn't perfect, with the wing markings being more of a banana color than lemon.

This one is different from the others in that it's named after a bird, which I've never named a dragon after before. The specific bird this is aimed at is the Mexican Cacique, or Yellow-Winged Cacique, Cacicus melanicterus. This name is from the genus, however, which includes all Caciques, all of which are predominantly a glossy black, and the majority of which display vibrant yellow markings on various areas of their body.

Pros: With the beautiful feathering on Skydancers, naming them after birds is pretty thematically fitting.
The markings on Cacique could actually fit in with the upcoming Ghost marking, whenever it is released.
Cacique are a type of blackbird, which borders on my 'naming him after a plane I like', as my second favorite is the SR-71 Blackbird.

Cons: Not thematically relevant to any of my other naming conventions.
It sounds kind of odd rolling off the tongue, almost like a rude word(could be a pro for some, but not me).

So, uh, cast your votes here. I'll keep a little track of votes for those interested.

Spirit: 2
Charith: 0
Xenes: 6
Phaler: 0
Cacicus: 4

As a note: I may not pick the name that gets the most votes, and there will be no bonus for voting on the name I end up choosing. The reason I'm offering double tickets for people who give me reasoning is I'd actually like persuasion on what names are good or not, rather than just a popularity contest.
1-2: @yam
3-4: @Enzeru
5-6: @Skystrider
7-8: @teiraa
9-10: @Draconargentum
11-12: @InventorMari
13-14: @spadesoilslick
15-16: @EtchedShadow
16-17: @Mezduin
17-18: @warriorjames
19-20: @Fara
21-22: @purplpeanut
23-24: @Mirkanshade

I will be pinging people when posting what tickets they have to make sure I actually get a player name; if the ping breaks, I know I made a typo.
1-2: @yam
3-4: @Enzeru
5-6: @Skystrider
7-8: @teiraa
9-10: @Draconargentum
11-12: @InventorMari
13-14: @spadesoilslick
15-16: @EtchedShadow
16-17: @Mezduin
17-18: @warriorjames
19-20: @Fara
21-22: @purplpeanut
23-24: @Mirkanshade

I will be pinging people when posting what tickets they have to make sure I actually get a player name; if the ping breaks, I know I made a typo.
Now Open
Now Open
i think he looks like a swallowtail more than a streamlined jet he's an organic shape and doesn't look v....machine-y!
i think he looks like a swallowtail more than a streamlined jet he's an organic shape and doesn't look v....machine-y!
I like Cacicus! Beautiful burd, nice name, and nothing too unusual :D
I like Cacicus! Beautiful burd, nice name, and nothing too unusual :D
Cacius. I think naming a Skydancer after a bird is really fitting, and I think the bird itself looks really cute. Also, names ending with -ius always remind me of the Romans, and your boy here looks really regal and haughty like I always picture Romans.
Cacius. I think naming a Skydancer after a bird is really fitting, and I think the bird itself looks really cute. Also, names ending with -ius always remind me of the Romans, and your boy here looks really regal and haughty like I always picture Romans.
he/him fr__wind_by_baelfin-d8uyn8b.png FR+2
Cacicus is my choice.

The bird most closely resembles the elements of your unnamed SD. The feathers, of course, are an added plus, but I like that the beak and head shape of the Cacicus bird resembles that of an SD. The Cacicus bird also has a longer tail than the other choices, much like the SD's long tail, and has the closest tert match of the group.
Cacicus is my choice.

The bird most closely resembles the elements of your unnamed SD. The feathers, of course, are an added plus, but I like that the beak and head shape of the Cacicus bird resembles that of an SD. The Cacicus bird also has a longer tail than the other choices, much like the SD's long tail, and has the closest tert match of the group.
I'm definitely throwing my two cents on for Xenes.

Not only could the upcoming Ghost tert potentially work out really nicely, the name has a nice sound to it. Plus-- and this is just me being a dork and thinking about physiology as if they were real creatures-- I like to try and think of names that dragons could actually pronounce. I imagine that with as long as a skydancer's muzzle is, they'd have a fair bit of trouble with pronouncing P (Spirit,) Ph (Phaler,) and Th (Charith.) Cacicus just strikes me as being a bit too... harsh.
(Aaand I'm gonna stop here before this turns into a dissertation.)
I'm definitely throwing my two cents on for Xenes.

Not only could the upcoming Ghost tert potentially work out really nicely, the name has a nice sound to it. Plus-- and this is just me being a dork and thinking about physiology as if they were real creatures-- I like to try and think of names that dragons could actually pronounce. I imagine that with as long as a skydancer's muzzle is, they'd have a fair bit of trouble with pronouncing P (Spirit,) Ph (Phaler,) and Th (Charith.) Cacicus just strikes me as being a bit too... harsh.
(Aaand I'm gonna stop here before this turns into a dissertation.)

Not for a prize; just for future reference. I get better results when I search by meaning.

Not for a prize; just for future reference. I get better results when I search by meaning.
Personally, I like Cacicus the most.

The colour most closely matches Lemon, Skydancers are particularly birdy and feathery dragons, and it's quite a unique name.
Personally, I like Cacicus the most.

The colour most closely matches Lemon, Skydancers are particularly birdy and feathery dragons, and it's quite a unique name.
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