[center]Well, I finally did it.
The perfect Aurora Borealis in dragon form (at least in my opinion)
Bought this girl at a g1 penny auction bc I fell in love with her scry. Can't believe she's finally finished (ty night of the nocturne cash)
I plan on breeding her to make my alternate scry come to fruition. I mean...just look at how gorgeous she would look as a fathom permababy w/ facet
[img alt=""]https://www1.flightrising.com/dgen/preview/dragon?age=0&body=69&bodygene=82&breed=16&element=7&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=29&tertgene=17&winggene=8&wings=33&auth=f554ba1ef99e4ff777d743c920d29950c918f553&dummyext=prev.png[/img]
Anyways, I just wanted to share my gorgeous gorgeous girl :)[/center]
Well, I finally did it.
The perfect Aurora Borealis in dragon form (at least in my opinion)
Bought this girl at a g1 penny auction bc I fell in love with her scry. Can't believe she's finally finished (ty night of the nocturne cash)
I plan on breeding her to make my alternate scry come to fruition. I mean...just look at how gorgeous she would look as a fathom permababy w/ facet
Anyways, I just wanted to share my gorgeous gorgeous girl :)
beautiful!! orchid flaunt is absolutely perfect for this!
beautiful!! orchid flaunt is absolutely perfect for this!
Ooo she's adorable! That flaunt gene really pulls it together (I love flaunt/flair).
I have a dragon named Borealis, but he's not exactly supposed to look like aurora borealis.
Ooo she's adorable! That flaunt gene really pulls it together (I love flaunt/flair).
I have a dragon named Borealis, but he's not exactly supposed to look like aurora borealis.
She is gorgeous!
I also have an aurora borealis dragon:
Her name is Aurella and she is very beautiful. She's not quite as perfect of a borealis of your dragon though!
She is gorgeous!
I also have an aurora borealis dragon:

Her name is Aurella and she is very beautiful. She's not quite as perfect of a borealis of your dragon though!
oh, she's very striking! I love how bright the colors are.
Victor here is the closest I have to a proper Northern Lights dragon right now--I want to get more in the future with more fitting colors.
oh, she's very striking! I love how bright the colors are.
Victor here is the closest I have to a proper Northern Lights dragon right now--I want to get more in the future with more fitting colors.
Orchid and Wisteria flaunt are sooooo pretty!
Oooo, he's so funky! I love it. I also adore flaunt and flare, so happy they aren't gem genes :)
Oh, she is GORGEOUS! I love Aethers, she definitely embodies a more muted borealis, I love her <3
His little bunny companion, my heart! He's stunning, thanks for sharing
Orchid and Wisteria flaunt are sooooo pretty!
Oooo, he's so funky! I love it. I also adore flaunt and flare, so happy they aren't gem genes :)
Oh, she is GORGEOUS! I love Aethers, she definitely embodies a more muted borealis, I love her <3
His little bunny companion, my heart! He's stunning, thanks for sharing
I have a pair of aurora borealis dragons.