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TOPIC | [Lineage] Ethereal Warlocks (1st Hatch)
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[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [columns][nextcol][center][color=#5A3D33][font=book antiqua][size=5]Ethereal Warlock[/size] [color=#C9C0B1][i]The legacy[/i][/color][/center] [center][color=#5A3D33][font=book antiqua][url=]Rules[/url] || [url=]Lore [/url]|| [url=]Hatchlings[/url] || [url=]Legacy[/url] || [url=]Badges[/url] || [url=]Affiliates[/url][/font][/color][/center] [font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33] The idea of this project start from [url=]Manid[/url]. My old imp warlock was sitting in my lair, and I wanted to create something with him. After finding a suitable partner in the name of [url=]Vesperiel[/url], Manid can now have his own legacy with his lover. Vesperiel comes from another plane. When he arrived on our land, he was unstable and lost, and came to Manid for help. As they both found a solution to his problem, they grew very fond of each other, and Vesperiel no longer felt like returning to where he came from. Although Vesperiel refers to himself as male, he is not of any known gender, but rather a hermaphrodite who can lay eggs. Now lovers, Manid and Vesperiel have decided to start a family together. But children from a powerful warlock and an ethereal are not just normal children; they are special. They are [b]Ethereal Warlocks[/b]. [center][i]So, yes: this is a love story.[/i][/center] [center][pinglist=43369][/center] [nextcol] [item=Shackled Book of Fairytales] [item=Illuminated Runescroll] [item=Trickster's Magic Cards] [item=Mystic Sage Lantern] [nextcol][/columns] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]The Warlock and the Ethereal[/b][/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]100%[/b] Imperial [b]15%[/b] Fern [b]85%[/b] Flaunt // [b]15%[/b] Paisley [b]85%[/b] Flair // [b]50%[/b] Crackle [b]50%[/b] Rune[/color][/font] [img][/img] [/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Rules[/b][/color][/font][/center] [LIST] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]Track your dragon's powers in their bio or Broadcast Message. [i]e.g.: Natural Potioneer Ethereal Warlock[/i][/color][/font] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]All dragons descending from Manid and Vesperiel are accepted in the lineage. Unpowered dragons are called the [b]Unsighted[/b]. You might refere them as "Unsighted Ethereal Warlock" somewhere in their bio.[/color][/font] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]To manifest Ethereal Warlock powers, a dragon must be an Imperial.[/color][/font] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]A dragon must have both Flaunt/Flair or Fern/Paisley in order to manifest the corresponding powers. One alone isn't enough.[/color][/font] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]Breed your Ethereal Warlocks and add them to the list! I'd be happy to see more Ethereal Warlocks arround! Cross-Lineage breeding are great! Please: tell me because I'd love to know.[/color][/font] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]G1 will be named, but feel free to rename them![/color][/font] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]Before exalting an Ethereal Warlock, if it's an imperial please come to me so I can adopt them. Anyway, give them a name before please.[/color][/font] [/LIST] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]FAQ[/b][/color][/center] [font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]My Ethereal Warlock isn't an Imperial. Does that mean they can't be a part of the Lineage?[/b] No, it simply means they can't manifest powers, but they remain a part of the lineage as an "Unsighted". [b]If I change one of my dragon's genes, can they manifest the power that comes with it?[/b] As long as the dragon is an Imperial: yes. [b]My dragon isn't an Imperial or doesn't have the required gene, but I'd like to give them powers. Can I do that?[/b] Yes, feel free to write the lore you like for your dragon, just make sure to be clear in your description if the next gen wants to follow the "official" lore. Nothing is strictly forbidden. Just make sure to choose only one between "Natural" and "Astral Traveler", and between "Potioneer" and "Runecaster". [/color][/font][center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color] [color=#5A3D33][font=book antiqua][size=2]code by [url=]wanderlustfaun[/url][/size][/center]
Ethereal Warlock
The legacy

The idea of this project start from Manid. My old imp warlock was sitting in my lair, and I wanted to create something with him. After finding a suitable partner in the name of Vesperiel, Manid can now have his own legacy with his lover.

Vesperiel comes from another plane. When he arrived on our land, he was unstable and lost, and came to Manid for help. As they both found a solution to his problem, they grew very fond of each other, and Vesperiel no longer felt like returning to where he came from. Although Vesperiel refers to himself as male, he is not of any known gender, but rather a hermaphrodite who can lay eggs. Now lovers, Manid and Vesperiel have decided to start a family together.

But children from a powerful warlock and an ethereal are not just normal children; they are special. They are Ethereal Warlocks.

So, yes: this is a love story.
Shackled Book of Fairytales
Illuminated Runescroll
Trickster's Magic Cards
Mystic Sage Lantern

The Warlock and the Ethereal

100% Imperial
15% Fern 85% Flaunt // 15% Paisley 85% Flair // 50% Crackle 50% Rune


  • Track your dragon's powers in their bio or Broadcast Message.
    e.g.: Natural Potioneer Ethereal Warlock
  • All dragons descending from Manid and Vesperiel are accepted in the lineage. Unpowered dragons are called the Unsighted. You might refere them as "Unsighted Ethereal Warlock" somewhere in their bio.
  • To manifest Ethereal Warlock powers, a dragon must be an Imperial.
  • A dragon must have both Flaunt/Flair or Fern/Paisley in order to manifest the corresponding powers. One alone isn't enough.
  • Breed your Ethereal Warlocks and add them to the list! I'd be happy to see more Ethereal Warlocks arround! Cross-Lineage breeding are great! Please: tell me because I'd love to know.
  • G1 will be named, but feel free to rename them!
  • Before exalting an Ethereal Warlock, if it's an imperial please come to me so I can adopt them. Anyway, give them a name before please.

My Ethereal Warlock isn't an Imperial. Does that mean they can't be a part of the Lineage?
No, it simply means they can't manifest powers, but they remain a part of the lineage as an "Unsighted".

If I change one of my dragon's genes, can they manifest the power that comes with it?
As long as the dragon is an Imperial: yes.

My dragon isn't an Imperial or doesn't have the required gene, but I'd like to give them powers. Can I do that?
Yes, feel free to write the lore you like for your dragon, just make sure to be clear in your description if the next gen wants to follow the "official" lore. Nothing is strictly forbidden. Just make sure to choose only one between "Natural" and "Astral Traveler", and between "Potioneer" and "Runecaster".

code by wanderlustfaun
9uqtco.jpg 4lsalo.png
[center][color=#5A3D33][font=book antiqua][url=]Rules[/url] || [url=]Lore [/url]|| [url=]Hatchlings[/url] || [url=]Legacy[/url] || [url=]Badges[/url] || [url=]Affiliates[/url][/font][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Original Story[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Manid [/b]is a great sorcerer. He might look young, but he is much older than he appears. Time has passed for him, but he never really paid attention to it, and now he is lonely. Living alone in his cottage, only seeing clients who come to ask for advice, potions, charms, or talismans, is not very fulfilling. Manid has lived his life without truly living it. And now, he is bored. Every day brings the same questions, the same problems, the same clients unable to solve their issues. It's all so boring. A spirit coming from another plane arrived on our land, he was unstable and lost, with no clear memories and no knowledge of who he was. He was searching for help and finally found Manid. The great sorcerer agreed to assist him, using his knowledge and magic. Manid found a way to help, step by step. Manid managed to give the spirit a corporeal, temporary form. This form helped the spirit remember his name: [b]Vesperiel[/b]. Manid offered him shelter until he could find a more lasting solution. As time passed with no clear answer, Vesperiel became less and less inclined to continue living. Vesperiel didn’t understand how things worked here, in this world. Love, dating... Because where he came from, there is no such thing as gender. They are all a kind of 'hermaphrodite' and can all lay eggs. He might refer to himself as male here, but he's not really either gender. Two males together aren’t always accepted. Fortunately for Vesperiel, he never faced hate or rejection, because as soon as he showed interest—just as he would have done in his own plane—Manid responded positively. And for the first time in more years than they could remember, they no longer felt lonely or lost. Which lead to the end of researching for a way back, and a more definitive shelting for the ethereal. Now lovers, Manid and Vesperiel have decided to start a family together. But children born of a powerful warlock and an ethereal are no ordinary children; they are special. They are [b]Ethereal Warlocks[/b].[/color][/font] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]The descendants[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]Children of Manid and Vesperiel are called Ethereal Warlocks. When the first generation was born, their parents quickly realized that their children had inherited some of their power, with some even being more powerful. Indeed, when Vesperiel landed on Sornieth, he lost his ethereal ability and could no longer travel between planes. He barely managed to free himself from where he was, thanks to Manid's intervention. This is likely due to the magical and witchcraft aspects of their genetics. Both of these genetic traits may have unlocked some very special abilities, much to their parents' greatest pride. Now, let's hope none of them will stray down a dark path.[/color][/font] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]The powers[/b][/color][/font][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [columns][columns][columns] [item=Ravenous Cauldron] [nextcol][font=cambria][color=#5A3D33][size=4]Potioneer[/size][/color][/font] [color=#C9C0B1]Required genes: Crackle or Firebreather*[/color] [size=3]Potioneers and alchemists are the best brewers. They often use a variety of random ingredients and always carry strange mixtures. They are often the best tea makers.[/size] [/columns] [columns] [item=Cloudy Wings] [nextcol][font=cambria][color=#5A3D33][size=4]Astral Traveler[/size][/color][/font] [color=#C9C0B1]Required genes: Flaunt/Flair[/color] [size=3]Astral travelers can see and hear spirits, sometimes even touch them. They are also able to travel between planes.[/size] [/columns][/columns][nextcol][columns][columns] [item=Fanciful Casting] [nextcol][font=cambria][color=#5A3D33][size=4]Natural[/size][/color][/font] [color=#C9C0B1]Required gene: Fern/Paisley or Boulder/Myrid*[/color] [size=3]Naturals are said to be the most powerful. They are natural learners and can master a wide variety of spells, charms, and enchantments with few or no tools.[/size] [/columns] [columns] [item=Runed Tuft of Fur] [nextcol][font=cambria][color=#5A3D33][size=4]Runecaster[/size][/color][/font] [color=#C9C0B1]Required gene: Runes[/color] [size=3]These runes change intensity with the dragon's mental and physical health. The runes also twinkle when danger approaches. They can also be invocators.[/size] [/columns][/columns][/columns] [font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]*[i]Natural born or gene change are both valid. Mixing Boulder/Myrid with Fern/Paisley is valid too. It allows some options to the original genes. Might add Flecks to potioneers later?[/i][/color][/font] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]What to add in Lore?[/b][/color][/font][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]A few facultatives lore ideas:[/color][/font] [LIST] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]What's your Ethereal Warlock's element/flight and how does it affect their power?[/color][/font] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]Is your Ethereal Warlock choosing the dark path and use his power to be bad? Why?[/color][/font] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]How is your Ethereal Warlock feeling toward his power? Is it too much? Not enough? Not something they wanted? Do they wish to have some but doesn't inherit them?[/color][/font] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]Does your Astral Traveler Ethereal Warlock wants to live in another plane he visited?[/color][/font] [*][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33]Does your Ethereal Warlock have a mentor? Whom? (Parent, teacher, sibling...)[/color][/font] [/LIST] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Outfits Ideas[/b][/color][/font][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][i]& Alternatives colors[/i][/color][/font][/center] [center][item=Illuminated Runescroll] [item=Ivory Mage Robes] [item=Trickster's Magic Cards] [item=Shackled Book of Fairytales] [item=Brown Wizard Hat] [item=The Golden Sage] [item=Ominous Hunter's Garb][item=Witch's Tatters] [item=Enchanted Book Collection] [item=Golden Harvest Celebration] [item=Ethereal Flame Regalia] [item=Ethereal Entourage] [item=Unearthly Onyx Trunk] [item=Rainbow Starswirl] [item=Silver Sylvan Collection] [item=Sunshield Cloak] [item=Spectre Guise] [item=Starlight Cloak] [item=Twilight Cape] [item=Nightshade Cloak] [item=Bewitching Bangles] [item=Spectral Fuchsia Trunk] [item=Bubblespirit Jug] [item=Spires of Wisp] [item=Warrior Spirit] [item=Fanciful Casting] [item=First Wish] [item=Blue Feathered Bones] [item=Counselor's Apparel] [item=Raven Grove] [item=Mystic Healer's Kit] [item=Arcane Aura] [item=Dusklight Alchemist Tools][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Familiars Ideas[/b][/color][/font][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Warlock Aesthetic[/b][/color][/font] [item=Corvid Convergence] [item=Corven Scribe] [item=Corvid Lamp] [item=Death Seeker] [item=Animated Statue] [item=Boneyard Omen] [item=Bonepicker Archivist] [item=Gold-Throated Sparrow] [item=Greybeak Reaper] [item=Hippogriff][item=Murkmirth Ambassador] [item=Plague Gryphon] [item=Raptorik Wanderer] [item=Smoke Gyre] [item=Steam Gyre] [item=Storm Seeker] [item=Stormcloud Harpy] [item=Stormclaw Showman] [item=Tengu Caller] [item=Cursed Bat] [item=Armored Duskflapper] [item=Runic Bat] [item=Bloodfang Hunter] [item=Spirit of Shadow] [item=Armored Greatowl] [item=Enstatite Burrower] [item=Supernal Brightbeast] [item=Tufted Greatowl] [item=Wildwood Owl] [item=Red-Winged Owlcat] [item=Anomalous Nekomata] [item=Augite Protector] [item=Calico Ferberus] [item=Ferberus] [item=Platewing Messenger] [item=Velvet Floracat] [item=Curious Kettle] [item=Ravenous Cauldron] [item=Bewildered Broom] [item=Book Hoard] [item=Book Swarm] [item=Ensorcelled Volume] [item=Spellbound Tome] [item=Steadfast Sweeper] [font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Ethereal Aesthetic[/b][/color][/font] [item=Crystalspine Gem Guardian] [item=Highland Gem Guardian][item=Emberglow Gem Guardian] [item=Contagion Gem Guardian] [item=Driftwood Gem Guardian] [item=Frigid Gem Guardian] [item=Zephyr Gem Guardian] [item=Everbloom Gem Guardian] [item=Shattered Plain Gem Guardian] [item=Sundial Gem Guardian] [item=Tsunami Gem Guardian] [item=Delving Jeweler] [item=Boneshard Jeweler] [item=Reserved Jeweler] [item=Tumbling Jeweler] [item=Twirling Jeweler] [item=Vibrant Jeweler] [item=Curious Jeweler] [item=Glittering Jeweler] [item=Growing Jeweler] [item=Chainlink Jeweler] [item=Lux Spectre] [item=Aer Phantom] [item=Foresight Phantasm] [item=Spectre Wyvern] [item=Disoriented Spirit] [item=Malevolent Spirit] [item=Orbiting Spirit] [item=Crystal Carrier] [item=Somber Spirit] [item=Otherworldly Aura] [item=Opposing Forces] [item=Unlikely Alliance] [item=Crystal Curiosity] [item=Ponder Orb] [item=Arcane Sprite] [item=Cloud Nymph][/center]
Original Story
Manid is a great sorcerer. He might look young, but he is much older than he appears. Time has passed for him, but he never really paid attention to it, and now he is lonely. Living alone in his cottage, only seeing clients who come to ask for advice, potions, charms, or talismans, is not very fulfilling. Manid has lived his life without truly living it. And now, he is bored. Every day brings the same questions, the same problems, the same clients unable to solve their issues. It's all so boring.
A spirit coming from another plane arrived on our land, he was unstable and lost, with no clear memories and no knowledge of who he was. He was searching for help and finally found Manid. The great sorcerer agreed to assist him, using his knowledge and magic. Manid found a way to help, step by step.
Manid managed to give the spirit a corporeal, temporary form. This form helped the spirit remember his name: Vesperiel.
Manid offered him shelter until he could find a more lasting solution. As time passed with no clear answer, Vesperiel became less and less inclined to continue living. Vesperiel didn’t understand how things worked here, in this world. Love, dating... Because where he came from, there is no such thing as gender. They are all a kind of 'hermaphrodite' and can all lay eggs. He might refer to himself as male here, but he's not really either gender. Two males together aren’t always accepted. Fortunately for Vesperiel, he never faced hate or rejection, because as soon as he showed interest—just as he would have done in his own plane—Manid responded positively.
And for the first time in more years than they could remember, they no longer felt lonely or lost. Which lead to the end of researching for a way back, and a more definitive shelting for the ethereal.
Now lovers, Manid and Vesperiel have decided to start a family together. But children born of a powerful warlock and an ethereal are no ordinary children; they are special. They are Ethereal Warlocks.

The descendants

Children of Manid and Vesperiel are called Ethereal Warlocks. When the first generation was born, their parents quickly realized that their children had inherited some of their power, with some even being more powerful. Indeed, when Vesperiel landed on Sornieth, he lost his ethereal ability and could no longer travel between planes. He barely managed to free himself from where he was, thanks to Manid's intervention. This is likely due to the magical and witchcraft aspects of their genetics. Both of these genetic traits may have unlocked some very special abilities, much to their parents' greatest pride. Now, let's hope none of them will stray down a dark path.

The powers
Ravenous Cauldron Potioneer
Required genes: Crackle or Firebreather*
Potioneers and alchemists are the best brewers. They often use a variety of random ingredients and always carry strange mixtures. They are often the best tea makers.

Cloudy Wings Astral Traveler
Required genes: Flaunt/Flair
Astral travelers can see and hear spirits, sometimes even touch them. They are also able to travel between planes.
Fanciful Casting Natural
Required gene: Fern/Paisley or Boulder/Myrid*
Naturals are said to be the most powerful. They are natural learners and can master a wide variety of spells, charms, and enchantments with few or no tools.

Runed Tuft of Fur Runecaster
Required gene: Runes
These runes change intensity with the dragon's mental and physical health. The runes also twinkle when danger approaches. They can also be invocators.

*Natural born or gene change are both valid. Mixing Boulder/Myrid with Fern/Paisley is valid too. It allows some options to the original genes. Might add Flecks to potioneers later?
What to add in Lore?

A few facultatives lore ideas:
  • What's your Ethereal Warlock's element/flight and how does it affect their power?
  • Is your Ethereal Warlock choosing the dark path and use his power to be bad? Why?
  • How is your Ethereal Warlock feeling toward his power? Is it too much? Not enough? Not something they wanted? Do they wish to have some but doesn't inherit them?
  • Does your Astral Traveler Ethereal Warlock wants to live in another plane he visited?
  • Does your Ethereal Warlock have a mentor? Whom? (Parent, teacher, sibling...)

Outfits Ideas
& Alternatives colors
Illuminated Runescroll Ivory Mage Robes Trickster's Magic Cards Shackled Book of Fairytales Brown Wizard Hat The Golden Sage Ominous Hunter's Garb Witch's Tatters Enchanted Book Collection Golden Harvest Celebration Ethereal Flame Regalia Ethereal Entourage Unearthly Onyx Trunk Rainbow Starswirl Silver Sylvan Collection Sunshield Cloak Spectre Guise Starlight Cloak Twilight Cape Nightshade Cloak Bewitching Bangles Spectral Fuchsia Trunk Bubblespirit Jug Spires of Wisp Warrior Spirit Fanciful Casting First Wish Blue Feathered Bones Counselor's Apparel Raven Grove Mystic Healer's Kit Arcane Aura Dusklight Alchemist Tools

Familiars Ideas
Warlock Aesthetic

Corvid Convergence Corven Scribe Corvid Lamp Death Seeker Animated Statue Boneyard Omen Bonepicker Archivist Gold-Throated Sparrow Greybeak Reaper Hippogriff Murkmirth Ambassador Plague Gryphon Raptorik Wanderer Smoke Gyre Steam Gyre Storm Seeker Stormcloud Harpy Stormclaw Showman Tengu Caller Cursed Bat Armored Duskflapper Runic Bat Bloodfang Hunter Spirit of Shadow Armored Greatowl Enstatite Burrower Supernal Brightbeast Tufted Greatowl Wildwood Owl Red-Winged Owlcat Anomalous Nekomata Augite Protector Calico Ferberus Ferberus Platewing Messenger Velvet Floracat Curious Kettle Ravenous Cauldron Bewildered Broom Book Hoard Book Swarm Ensorcelled Volume Spellbound Tome Steadfast Sweeper

Ethereal Aesthetic

Crystalspine Gem Guardian Highland Gem Guardian Emberglow Gem Guardian Contagion Gem Guardian Driftwood Gem Guardian Frigid Gem Guardian Zephyr Gem Guardian Everbloom Gem Guardian Shattered Plain Gem Guardian Sundial Gem Guardian Tsunami Gem Guardian Delving Jeweler Boneshard Jeweler Reserved Jeweler Tumbling Jeweler Twirling Jeweler Vibrant Jeweler Curious Jeweler Glittering Jeweler Growing Jeweler Chainlink Jeweler Lux Spectre Aer Phantom Foresight Phantasm Spectre Wyvern Disoriented Spirit Malevolent Spirit Orbiting Spirit Crystal Carrier Somber Spirit Otherworldly Aura Opposing Forces Unlikely Alliance Crystal Curiosity Ponder Orb Arcane Sprite Cloud Nymph
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All come with aesthetic, lore and outfit scry.


All come with aesthetic, lore and outfit scry.

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[center][color=#5A3D33][font=book antiqua][url=]Rules[/url] || [url=]Lore [/url]|| [url=]Hatchlings[/url] || [url=]Legacy[/url] || [url=]Badges[/url] || [url=]Affiliates[/url][/font][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]The Legacy[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Registration[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][i]Copy/Paste this code to register a new descent![/i][/center] [center][code]@Geci I'd like to contribute to the legacy. [b]Name[/b]: [b]Generation[/b]: [b]Powers[/b]:[/code][/center]
The Legacy
8709173.png 100126314.png
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Copy/Paste this code to register a new descent!
@Geci I'd like to contribute to the legacy. [b]Name[/b]: [b]Generation[/b]: [b]Powers[/b]:
9uqtco.jpg 4lsalo.png
[center][color=#5A3D33][font=book antiqua][url=]Rules[/url] || [url=]Lore [/url]|| [url=]Hatchlings[/url] || [url=]Legacy[/url] || [url=]Badges[/url] || [url=]Affiliates[/url][/font][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Badges[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code]

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[center][color=#5A3D33][font=book antiqua][url=]Rules[/url] || [url=]Lore [/url]|| [url=]Hatchlings[/url] || [url=]Legacy[/url] || [url=]Badges[/url] || [url=]Affiliates[/url][/font][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Affiliated Lineages[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [i]With undefined cross-lineage project[/i][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [i]Cross-lineage project > [url=]Nolan[/url] x Ethereal Warlock[/i][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][font=book antiqua][color=#5A3D33][b]Unaffiliated Cross-Lineages Project[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]__________________________________________[/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Mostyn[/url] x Ethereal Warlock (gen 1/2)[/center]
Affiliated Lineages
With undefined cross-lineage project
Cross-lineage project > Nolan x Ethereal Warlock
Unaffiliated Cross-Lineages Project
Mostyn x Ethereal Warlock (gen 1/2)
9uqtco.jpg 4lsalo.png
9uqtco.jpg 4lsalo.png
Great news @Ethereal Warlock - News! Ethereal Warlock has their first eggs nesting! @Ethereal Warlock - Hatchlings
Feel free to contact me if you are interested.
Great news @Ethereal Warlock - News! Ethereal Warlock has their first eggs nesting! @Ethereal Warlock - Hatchlings
Feel free to contact me if you are interested.
9uqtco.jpg 4lsalo.png
Great News @pinglist-43369! Our first Ethereal Warlock are here! @pinglist-43370 Meet our first gen! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] (can add free fern on her) They're all available for now ~ 15g/kt
Great News @Ethereal Warlock - News!
Our first Ethereal Warlock are here! @Ethereal Warlock - Hatchlings
Meet our first gen!
100901073_350.png (can add free fern on her)

They're all available for now ~ 15g/kt
9uqtco.jpg 4lsalo.png
@Geci Any chance I could get Celistien for treasure? Been looking to bring in newer lineages! [url=][img][/img][/url]
@Geci Any chance I could get Celistien for treasure? Been looking to bring in newer lineages!

Any Pronoun (Agender flag)dEe2UrM.png0bMlzCz.pnglAvpyOQ.pngrix3ppo.pngdK50jmI.pngAaYNmEX.png75JySJB.pngoczO35g.pngypcKWM0.pngwh3Tiip.pngC3gPKb3.png
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