Pahaliah, one of my dreamcore dragons! Dreamcore as an aesthetic is very abstract to me in a similar way to eldritch horrors. Whether or not this is a comparison anyone else can make is up for debate, but it sticks out pretty prominently for me.
Kevin. My current PFP dragon, who is a fandragon of a character who is extremely implied to be somehow involved with eldritch forces, if not just straight-up being one himself.
Reckless Battery Burns! Another fandragon, this time of a song that captures that abstract and vaguely horrifying (but in a good way) vibe.
Pahaliah, one of my dreamcore dragons! Dreamcore as an aesthetic is very abstract to me in a similar way to eldritch horrors. Whether or not this is a comparison anyone else can make is up for debate, but it sticks out pretty prominently for me.
Kevin. My current PFP dragon, who is a fandragon of a character who is extremely implied to be somehow involved with eldritch forces, if not just straight-up being one himself.
Reckless Battery Burns! Another fandragon, this time of a song that captures that abstract and vaguely horrifying (but in a good way) vibe.
Oh this is FUN
My child Faegan
he has some pretty fun lore in his bio!
Oh this is FUN
My child Faegan
he has some pretty fun lore in his bio!
v Dragon and Plague Doctor picture book, written and illustrated by me!

Check out my picture book!
My xenomorph fandragon is probably my most eldritch!!

My xenomorph fandragon is probably my most eldritch!!
Mothman. He's a moth. That's a dragon. That's a moth.
SOMA, where technology meets the horrors beneath the ocean.
Siren, part machine, part something else.
Mothman. He's a moth. That's a dragon. That's a moth.
SOMA, where technology meets the horrors beneath the ocean.
Siren, part machine, part something else.
I proudly present Esper, Mallow and Onyx:
I proudly present Esper, Mallow and Onyx:
ooooo this is just my theme!
humanitas, a flesh priest in service of the Plaguebringer
Third Impact, humanities combined conscience, free from anxiety
Samiran, an automata possessed by.. [i]something[/i]
ooooo this is just my theme!
humanitas, a flesh priest in service of the Plaguebringer
Third Impact, humanities combined conscience, free from anxiety
Samiran, an automata possessed by..

Local Evangelion Freak
What would you give in order to fathom the unfathomable?
If you wish to partake of its bounty, you must first offer of yourself.

What would you give in order to fathom the unfathomable?

If you wish to partake of its bounty, you must first offer of yourself.
I do have Ashealath and Ravenlore, my two cosmic horror inspired dragons:
And as for a third, Morrigan feels pretty sinister and weird:
I do have Ashealath and Ravenlore, my two cosmic horror inspired dragons:
And as for a third, Morrigan feels pretty sinister and weird: