Ashealath's Clan

Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places...
Ancient Lair
hidden within

Clan Info

About Me
I'm a 30 something year old weirdo interested in writing and art. I currently work at a non-profit that trains and matches service dogs for veterans and people with disabilities free of charge to them. We also do boarding, daycare, and public training to make that effort possible. So in short, I work with dogs. I'm always happy to chat and make friends if anyone's interested in doing so, I’m open to lore connecting with other dragons and clans and rping if anyone wants to, so don’t be afraid to ask. I'm not always super active, but I don't bite, so if you'd like to talk, don't hesitate to send me a message, it may take me a while, but I'll always read it and try my best to respond~


Clan Lore

Clan Misfortune

Nestled within the Forum of the Obscured Crescent there lies a small, but promising clan. They are led by the devout shadow dragon, Deazal, a mysterious but cunning mirror dragon. Deazal's overall intentions are not always clear, but he has gained a following and loyalty based on his open acceptance of misfits and outcast, creating a clan of strange and wildly different dragons, bound primarily by their equal loyalty to Deazal for accepting them when no one else would, or when they themselves could accept no other. The clan has a tendency to shrug off many outstanding beliefs and judgments, where other flights and breeds may not like to mingle, they do not see this as a problem and accept all kinds.

Founding Members
Progenitors: Deazal, Pandora
Other: Shatter, Samael, Ceridwen, Beholder, Persephone

Clan Positions

Main Lair: The primary lair dedicated to the heads of the clan and the flight ambassadors.

Progenitors: The two original clan members and founders of the Clan Misfortune, these two are the clan leader, Deazal, and his mate and second in command, Pandora. They are both of mysterious origins and have no known family ties prior to the Clan Misfortune. They are said to be first generation dragons born directly of the power of shadow itself.
Leader: Deazal
Second: Pandora

Council Members: A set of dragons that have very specific singular roles in the clan and are a part of Deazal’s inner circle of councilors. Apart from himself and Pandora, this includes many of the other founding members of the clan and some others that have proven themselves vital in making major decisions on behalf of the clan and its members.
Advisors: Samael, Ceridwen
Observer: Persephone
Treasurer: Wadjet
Archivist: Ravi
Executioner: Moloch
Healer: Panacea

Speakers: These dragons speak on behalf of their clan for their respective flight. They are diplomats and ambassadors, often sent abroad to broker deals and trade with other clans in other territories. (Familiars: Elemental Sprites)
Ice: Yule
Shadow: Hades
Wind: Remiel
Water: Scylla
Nature: Aranyani
Light: Inanna
Lightning: Tesla
Fire: Ares
Arcane: Hypnos
Plague: Asariel
Earth: Gaeus

Lair of Mind: A lair dedicated to dragons that serve the clan with knowledge and magic.

Mages: Clan members supremely adept at magic within their flight, they use their magical prowess to aid the clan in their own unique ways, from making structures to support or protect the clan, to actively fighting on behalf of the clan should it be required. (Familiars: Elemental Acolytes)
(Light) Magi: Nefertem
(Lightning) Technomancer: Luchtaine
(Fire) Pyromancer: Jacawitz
(Arcane) Starseer: Beholder
(Plague) Sorcerer: Grigori
(Earth) Shaman: Herne
(Ice) Enchanter: Skadi
(Shadow) Illusionist: Achlys
(Wind) Incanter: Aurai
(Water) Wavereader: Amphitrite
(Nature) Druid: Gaia

Keepers: Keepers and recorders of knowledge pertaining to the different flights and the clan's own history. They observe and catalog all they hear and witness, and teach what they know to others in the clan. (Familiars: Elemental Goblins)
Light: Indignation
Lightning: Cable
Fire: Hestia
Arcane: Pasithea
Plague: Hecate
Earth: Selu
Ice: Frigga
Shadow: Echo
Wind: Elzaphan
Water: Alala
Nature: Aether

Craftsmen: Clan members who have knowledge in a specific craft, they aid the clan by creating a great number of things with various benefits. They are often responsible for constructing the lairs themselves, as well as weapons, armor, jewelry, and other clothing items worn by clan members. (Familiars: Elemental Gem Guardians)
(Light) Goldsmith: Ivaldi
(Lightning) Engineer: Fulgora
(Fire) Smith: Arinitti
(Arcane) Jeweler: Aradia
(Plague) Leatherworker: Golgoroth
(Earth) Mason: Zeme
(Ice) Weaver: Arachne
(Shadow) Toymaker: Asteria
(Wind) Carpenter: Coatlicue
(Water) Cook: Arethusa
(Nature) Herbalist: Pan

Explorers: Clan members with various skills that help them traverse the lands, their main goal is mapping out the world, finding important locations worth noting, and amassing knowledge for the clan. (Familiars: Elemental Zodiacs)
(Light) Adventurer: Alistair
(Lightning) Stormchaser: Nephele
(Fire) Wanderer: Ingle
(Arcane) Researcher: Lovecraft
(Plague) Survivalist: Nyarlathotep
(Earth) Delver: Gem
(Ice) Snowcarver: Mortis
(Shadow) Tracker: Sirius
(Wind) Cartographer: Hermes
(Water) Corsair: Sobek
(Nature) Wildling: Mokosh

Lair of Body: The barracks of the clan, houses clan members who aid the clan with physical prowess or for material gain.

Protectors: The clan's first defense against any outside threat, they both guard the lair and its members, and may accompany traveling clan members when they venture abroad. The protectors also help settle internal disputes. They are unparalleled fighters. (Familiars: Elemental Bears)
(Light) Paladin: Midas
(Lightning) Gladiator: Shatter
(Fire) Slayer: Argent
(Arcane) Spellblade: Niflheim
(Plague) Berserker: Nyx
(Earth) Defender: Geb
(Ice) Duelist: Isolde
(Shadow) Rogue: Cassius
(Wind) Scout: Ninlil
(Water) Battle Dancer: Ananta
(Nature) Ranger: Anubia

Seekers: Seekers are scavengers that travel far from the clan to seek riches and necessities. They are tough and clever, as they must contend with local wildlife and the various different, and often dangerous, conditions of the lands they traverse. While Beastmasters and Protectors may sometimes accompany them, Seekers usually work alone and it is a fine role for loners within the clan. (Familiars: Elemental Nymphs)
(Light) Sunbeam Ruins: Gwyar
(Lightning) Shifting Expanse: Kadlu
(Fire) Ashfall Waste Krishna
(Arcane) Starfall Isles: Ingway
(Plague) Scarred Wasteland: Militades
(Earth) Dragonhome: Prometheus
(Ice) Southern Icefields: Hod
(Shadow) Tangled Wood: Mitternacht
(Wind) Windswept Plateau: Whitesky
(Water) Sea of a Thousand Currents: Neptune
(Nature) Viridian Labyrinth: Quetzal

Beastmasters: A select few clan members with expansive knowledge of the various beastclans. They are not only experts at fighting them, but also at communicating and treating with them. If clan members who journey beyond the lair are expected to enter beastclan territory, the Beastmaster with expertise in that tribe will either accompany them or counsel them on what to do if they should encounter them. (Familiars: Beastclan Ambassadors)
(Light) Fauns: Surya
(Lightning) Miths: Baal
(Fire) Manticores: Hakan
(Arcane) Harpies: Circe
(Plague) Serthis: Ereshkigal
(Earth) Centaurs: Parvati
(Ice) Longnecks: Boreas
(Shadow) Talonok: Meretseger
(Wind) Kitsune: Vayu
(Water) Maren: Shiva
(Nature) Dryads: Bahlam

Infiltrators: Spies and assassins, these clan members excel at deception and trickery. If Clan Misfortune requires information on other clans and dragons, or if they wish to remove a threat stealthily, these are the dragons they turn to. (Familiars: Beastclan Saboteurs)
(Light) Spy: Astreaus
(Lightning) Operative: Haokah
(Fire) Agitator: Kali
(Arcane) Intelligencer: Gwydion
(Plague) Assassin: Thanatos
(Earth) Mole: Oxylus
(Ice) Sleeper: Aufeis
(Shadow) Saboteur: Antares
(Wind) Informant: Aella
(Water) Counterspy: Haurvatat
(Nature) Turncoat: Genesis

Collectors: seekers of artifacts and items unique to the various lands of Sornieth. These dragons are well versed in their respective flightlands and the various perils and treasures found within. Their job within the clan is to travel abroad and bring back anything that could be useful or valuable to the clan. (Familiars: Elemental Slinks)
(Light): Cymbeline
(Lightning): Vachel
(Fire): Calida
(Arcane): Morrigan
(Plague): Rosenrot
(Earth): Thea
(Ice): Fannar
(Shadow): Nizhalgal
(Wind): Sepher
(Water): Wyn
(Nature): Keithia

Lair of Spirit: A lair dedicated to those who aid with the overall wellbeing of the clan, ensuring they are happy and stress free.

Spiritualists: Not unlike priests or councilors of a divine nature, these clan members have kept up tight links to the gods of their respective birth flights and will help members of the clan to connect with their birth element and the god that presides over it. They use their affinity for their birth element to protect the clan but their main task is to assist and guide clan members and help those that might yearn for the lands of their birth to find solace so far from home. (Familiars: Elemental Spirits)
Lightweaver: Icarus
Stormcatcher: Hawking
Flamecaller: Vesta
Arcanist: Halcyon
Plaguebringer: Serkan
Earthshaker: Veles
Icewarden: Lilaphae
Shadowbinder: Ogma
Windsinger: Hotoru
Tidelord: Lorelai
Gladekeeper: Hazard

Entertainers: Dragons that are skilled at helping other relax and unwind, they may not seem that important form the outside, but within the Clan Misfortune they are as vital as any and valued for the effort they put in to raising the spirits of those around them. (Familiars: Elemental Statues)
(Light) Animator: Firefly
(Lightning) Blade Master: Perun
(Fire) Dancer: Flamenca
(Arcane) Magician: Somnus
(Plague) Puppeteer: Libitina
(Earth) Storyteller: Bacchus
(Ice) Singer: Eirlys
(Shadow) Jester: Roshan
(Wind) Bard: Kokopelli
(Water) Fortune Teller: Earwyn
(Nature) Troubadour: Rhea


I REALLY wanna get every familiar I can. Maybe one day I will achieve this feat. One day.
Bone Fiend Skycat Boolean Golden Idol Cog Frog Red-Footed Akirbeak Golden Bantam Fangar
#1 Bone Fiend | #2 Skycat | #3 Boolean | #4 Golden Idol | #5 Cog Frog | #6 Red-Footed Akirbeak | #7 Golden Bantam Fangar
(You know, all those retired familiars I don't have and will probably never get BUT A GIRL CAN DREAM DAMMIT!!)

Recent Comments

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December 17, 2023 08:24:05
Brigid was on the front page. Love how her colors and apparel match!
September 23, 2023 06:24:24
Hermes was on the FP! I love his colors and lore :D
August 29, 2023 04:03:27
Niflheim was looking lovely on the front page!
June 04, 2023 14:57:47
Nefertem was on the front page!
January 02, 2023 03:19:47
Thank you for buying my meat mirrors!
October 25, 2022 14:28:34
Vadim was on the front page!
April 08, 2022 08:22:36
Gaia was on the front page! she's gorgerous <3
January 11, 2021 14:30:00
Hi there! If you are ever interested in selling Pelagius, I would be very interested! I could also trade him for one or two other veils that I have in my for sale tab at the time! :)
September 29, 2020 16:24:52
Arethusa on front page!! So prettyyyy
August 04, 2020 10:31:01
Hotoru was on the front page!
July 26, 2020 16:57:54
Serkan was on the front page! Love his overall vibe and his lore was really interesting to read ^_^
July 26, 2020 16:54:10
Serkan was on the front page! So cool!
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Date Joined
Aug 13, 2015

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Ashealath's Friends

Vellain (#111067)

Loste (#31116)

for everloste
Chocobe (#176517)

StuffedUrsidae on DA
Redsplendence (#44525)

i love my serkets
LadyVicky (#279238)

All welcome
Neptoonz (#386588)
BlindRain (#345338)

Dance on the ruins of the world!
gudscrub (#569009)

Recent Activity

May 08
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Mirror Female
May 08
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Imperial Female
Apr 25
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Banescale Female, 2 Banescale Male

Recent Achievements

Apr 02
Seasonal Sundries (Spring)
Apr 02
Seasonal Sundries (Winter)
Apr 02
Festive Favors: Mistral Jamboree
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