
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | [Subspecies] Chromaberrations
[center][img][/img] [size=3][i]* note: this post relies heavily on the font [font=comic sans ms][b]comic sans ms[/b][/font] to differentiate between “added” info and original info[/i][/size] [center][rule] [url=][color=000]home[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]information[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff00ff]MAKE UR CHROMABERRATION![/color][/font][/url] | [url=][color=000]registry[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]badges[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff0078]EVENTS!![/color][/font][/url] [rule][/center] [img][/img] [font=courier]The [b]CHROMA[/b] ([b]CH[/b]romatic [b]R[/b]esearch, [b]O[/b]rder, and [b]M[/b]anagement [b]A[/b]im) Project is a research initiative established by GreyShock Labs, created for the primary objective of investigating and documenting the latest phenomenon on Sorienth known as [b]Chromaberrations[/b]. The ensuing documentation has been designed with the specific intention of providing personnel with accessible information. If you are not personnel of the CHROMA Project or GreyShock Labs, continuing to read will result in exterminatory action.[/font] [rule] [img][/img] [columns][center][img][/img] [size=3][sunset/fuchsia/amethyst][/size] [nextcol][center]Chromaberrations, colloquially referred to as Chromatics or Chromas, represent a unique species of extraterrestrial beings originating from the depths of space. These enigmatic organisms are believed to inhabit not only the solar system of Sorienth, but potentially extend beyond our galaxy. Chromaberrations typically assume the form of Aberrations, leveraging the diverse traits found in the dragon breed to minimize suspicion in case their shape-shifting is not perfect.[/columns] [pinglist=20657]

* note: this post relies heavily on the font comic sans ms to differentiate between “added” info and original info


The CHROMA (CHromatic Research, Order, and Management Aim) Project is a research initiative established by GreyShock Labs, created for the primary objective of investigating and documenting the latest phenomenon on Sorienth known as Chromaberrations.

The ensuing documentation has been designed with the specific intention of providing personnel with accessible information. If you are not personnel of the CHROMA Project or GreyShock Labs, continuing to read will result in exterminatory action.

Chromaberrations, colloquially referred to as Chromatics or Chromas, represent a unique species of extraterrestrial beings originating from the depths of space. These enigmatic organisms are believed to inhabit not only the solar system of Sorienth, but potentially extend beyond our galaxy.

Chromaberrations typically assume the form of Aberrations, leveraging the diverse traits found in the dragon breed to minimize suspicion in case their shape-shifting is not perfect.

[center] [img][/img] [center][rule] [url=][color=000]home[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]information[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff00ff]MAKE UR CHROMABERRATION![/color][/font][/url] | [url=][color=000]registry[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]badges[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff0078]EVENTS!![/color][/font][/url] [rule][/center] [color=ff0078][size=4][b]ORIGIN + CULTURE[/b][/size][/color] Young Chromaberrations seem to form inside of the gravitational field of large celestial bodies. In early stages of formation they are indistinguishable from any other star in the sky, taking on pastel hues of primary or secondary colors. As they age, their color becomes more vibrant. At this point they fall from the sky, 75% of all young Chromaberrations land in the Shifting Expanse, the other 25% landing at the border between the Starfall Isles and the Scarred Wasteland. Due to this, CHROMA has requested an alternate location on said border from GreyShock [permission still pending]. [img][/img] [i][Image depicts a young Chromaberration in the sky. The 2 moons are in the background. The neon pink orb is slightly bigger than the stars surrounding it.][/i] After landing, Chromaberrations are no longer vibrant. For approximately 2 hours, the Chromaberration looks like a ball of black matter, until the matter seems to collapse in on itself, the more recognisable form of an adult Aberration emerging.* CHROMA has come to the conclusion that this union of black matter is similar in purpose as eggs are to dragons [img][/img] [i][Image depicts the aforementioned ball of black matter on Sorienth. The matter warps the land around it. Photo was taken from far away an synthetically enhanced for personnel safety.][/i] Chromaberrations are a very mischievous species who take great enjoyment in pranking others. This mischievous nature expresses itself in the most prominent part of their culture: “coolness”. The more cool a Chromatic is, the higher their social status. How Chromaberrations know how cool others are is currently unknown, as our resident in-lab Chromaberrations, when asked, respond that it is based on “vibes”. Personnel are not sure on what this implies, but are working on theories. The most important part of a Chromaberration’s identity is its color scheme. Chromaberrations seem to all agree that the more colors - and the more vibrant the colors - the better. Insulting one’s colors is the ultimate offense, and doing so often causes violent fights. Chromaberrations frequently play pranks on each other to bolster their coolness. These pranks are typically intended to be harmless, as violent or destructive pranks are frowned upon in Chromaberration society, and it is common courtesy of the Chromatics to aid in replacing or fixing the affected objects. Chromaberrations who frequently leave destruction unattended are referred to as “jerks”, and are excluded from society until they can raise their coolness to an acceptable level. Though the majority** of pranks pulled by Chromaberrations are with the intention to not hurt any other Chromaberrations, it has been observed that Chromaberrations are more resistant and have a much higher pain tolerance than dragons. Therefore, dragons may end up becoming injured when Chromaberrations pull pranks on them. [img][/img] [color=#ff0078][size=4][b]ABILITIES[/b][/size][/color] These abilities are not the limits of Chromaberration abilities, simply the ones most observed by personnel. Chromaberrations are frequently trying to push the boundaries of their abilities to add to their coolness. [b]Dimensional Shifting[/b] Chromaberrations are able to travel through all dimensions, from 1D to 4D and possibly further (personnel, as implied, cannot study Chromaberrations beyond the 4th dimension). All behaviors from 1D to 3D are as expected. In 4D they can shift in and out of 3D very smoothly, making parts of their body disappear. The cross-section typically appears as a black void. [left][font=comic sans ms][url=][color=6DDE21]U LEFT OUT THE BEST PART IDIOT[/color][/url] [url=][color=7323A8]Sometimes its just an empty void, and other times it's random: like little plastic planets or glow in the dark dinos or sour candy. It's hard to explain[/color][/url][/font][/left] [b]Blackh0le Creation[/b] Chromaberrations are able to create a [b]blackh0le[/b], which is not to be confused with a [url=][color=000][u]blackhole[/u][/color][/url]. The purpose of blackh0les is unknown to personnel as resident Chromaberrations have refused to describe this ability, citing a lack of coolness as the purpose for their refusal. Blackh0les are an uncommon occurrence, so some personnel have theorized that Chromaberrations don’t know what blackh0les do either. [left][font=comic sans ms][url=][color=ff0078]we do know!!!! ur so mean :(([/color ][/url] [color=7323A8]Imagine. Youre in an awkward situation, and really need to make sure everybody still thinks you’re cool after everyone coughs, avoids eye contact, and points out the extremely obvious state of the weather. Then you make a blackh0le. But only in that situation (or similar ones). Otherwise you’re just making a big mess for no reason and that's so not cool like at all[/color] [color=ff0078]YES! THANK U SNAILS!!!! ur the bestest[/color][/font][/left] [b]Shapeshifting and [Re]Generation[/b] Chromaberrations are capable of changing their form to whatever they want, including both animate and inanimate objects. They can also generate entirely new body parts, such as third (or twelfth) heads to a hundred claws. They love to generate anything, from cute to beyond disturbing. Notably, Chromaberrations are not able to change their colors nor can they change into other dragon breeds. When they shift into other species their colors transfer over, and when they transform into objects the object takes on the Chromaberration’s primary color. This inability is likely why color is so valued in Chromaberration society. [img][/img] [color=#ff0078][size=4][b]FAMILIARS[/b][/size][/color] Chromaberrations have taken a liking to the fauna of Sorienth and keep familiars just as dragons would. Most Chromaberrations seem to prefer more colorful creatures. [left][font=comic sans ms][b][url=][color=000]OBVIOUSLY We Would Like The Colorful Ones Like Who Wants A Boring Pet That Isnt Cool. Like Ew Right LMAO[/color][/url][/b][/font][/left] [item=Rainbow Daydream][item=Rainbowbeast][item=Leftover Residue][item=toxic igueel][item=ink ant][item=blushing tangle][item=blackline bicorn whale][item=ultraram][item=barking jester][item=bellus galmourtail][item=dwarf truffle] [color=#ff0078][size=4][b]DIET[/b][/size][/color] Chromaberrations seem to be able to eat and digest anything, but don't gain any nutritional value from it, nor do they even need to eat in the first place. When asked, many Chromaberrations replied that it was for fun. When they do eat, they strive to consume items that are as outlandish as possible. The ethics of anything they eat can be questioned. Personnel is attempting to dissuade resident Chromaberrations from eating more worrisome items. [left][font=comic sans ms][color=6DDE21]IF IT TASTES GOOD IT TASTES GOOD. SRRY UR LAME[/color][/font][/left] [item=fishy cotton candy][item=lawn decoration][item=infused fragment][item=unhatched nocturne egg][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [rule] [font=courier][size =3][b]Footnotes[/b] * It is unsure if this is a unique event or the case with all Chromaberrations, since the landing point of a young Chromaberration has only been observed by personnel in its entirety twice. All interviewed Chromaberrations, when asked about this process, do not recall such an event happening to them. See [url=][b]LOG A.017[b][/url] for further details. ** The pranks pulled by Jester’s Chromatics and (to a lesser degree) Lead Chromatics take on a more violent nature. See section [url=][s]Types[/s] [font=comic sans ms][b]THE MYC!![/b][/font][/url] for more information.[/size] [rule]

Young Chromaberrations seem to form inside of the gravitational field of large celestial bodies. In early stages of formation they are indistinguishable from any other star in the sky, taking on pastel hues of primary or secondary colors.
As they age, their color becomes more vibrant. At this point they fall from the sky, 75% of all young Chromaberrations land in the Shifting Expanse, the other 25% landing at the border between the Starfall Isles and the Scarred Wasteland. Due to this, CHROMA has requested an alternate location on said border from GreyShock [permission still pending].

[Image depicts a young Chromaberration in the sky. The 2 moons are in the background. The neon pink orb is slightly bigger than the stars surrounding it.]

After landing, Chromaberrations are no longer vibrant. For approximately 2 hours, the Chromaberration looks like a ball of black matter, until the matter seems to collapse in on itself, the more recognisable form of an adult Aberration emerging.* CHROMA has come to the conclusion that this union of black matter is similar in purpose as eggs are to dragons

[Image depicts the aforementioned ball of black matter on Sorienth. The matter warps the land around it. Photo was taken from far away an synthetically enhanced for personnel safety.]

Chromaberrations are a very mischievous species who take great enjoyment in pranking others. This mischievous nature expresses itself in the most prominent part of their culture: “coolness”. The more cool a Chromatic is, the higher their social status. How Chromaberrations know how cool others are is currently unknown, as our resident in-lab Chromaberrations, when asked, respond that it is based on “vibes”. Personnel are not sure on what this implies, but are working on theories.

The most important part of a Chromaberration’s identity is its color scheme. Chromaberrations seem to all agree that the more colors - and the more vibrant the colors - the better. Insulting one’s colors is the ultimate offense, and doing so often causes violent fights.

Chromaberrations frequently play pranks on each other to bolster their coolness. These pranks are typically intended to be harmless, as violent or destructive pranks are frowned upon in Chromaberration society, and it is common courtesy of the Chromatics to aid in replacing or fixing the affected objects. Chromaberrations who frequently leave destruction unattended are referred to as “jerks”, and are excluded from society until they can raise their coolness to an acceptable level.

Though the majority** of pranks pulled by Chromaberrations are with the intention to not hurt any other Chromaberrations, it has been observed that Chromaberrations are more resistant and have a much higher pain tolerance than dragons. Therefore, dragons may end up becoming injured when Chromaberrations pull pranks on them.


These abilities are not the limits of Chromaberration abilities, simply the ones most observed by personnel. Chromaberrations are frequently trying to push the boundaries of their abilities to add to their coolness.

Dimensional Shifting
Chromaberrations are able to travel through all dimensions, from 1D to 4D and possibly further (personnel, as implied, cannot study Chromaberrations beyond the 4th dimension). All behaviors from 1D to 3D are as expected. In 4D they can shift in and out of 3D very smoothly, making parts of their body disappear. The cross-section typically appears as a black void.

Blackh0le Creation
Chromaberrations are able to create a blackh0le, which is not to be confused with a blackhole. The purpose of blackh0les is unknown to personnel as resident Chromaberrations have refused to describe this ability, citing a lack of coolness as the purpose for their refusal. Blackh0les are an uncommon occurrence, so some personnel have theorized that Chromaberrations don’t know what blackh0les do either.
we do know!!!! ur so mean :((

Imagine. Youre in an awkward situation, and really need to make sure everybody still thinks you’re cool after everyone coughs, avoids eye contact, and points out the extremely obvious state of the weather. Then you make a blackh0le. But only in that situation (or similar ones). Otherwise you’re just making a big mess for no reason and that's so not cool like at all

YES! THANK U SNAILS!!!! ur the bestest

Shapeshifting and [Re]Generation
Chromaberrations are capable of changing their form to whatever they want, including both animate and inanimate objects. They can also generate entirely new body parts, such as third (or twelfth) heads to a hundred claws. They love to generate anything, from cute to beyond disturbing.
Notably, Chromaberrations are not able to change their colors nor can they change into other dragon breeds. When they shift into other species their colors transfer over, and when they transform into objects the object takes on the Chromaberration’s primary color. This inability is likely why color is so valued in Chromaberration society.


Chromaberrations have taken a liking to the fauna of Sorienth and keep familiars just as dragons would. Most Chromaberrations seem to prefer more colorful creatures.
Rainbow Daydream Rainbowbeast Leftover Residue Toxic Igueel Ink Ant Blushing Tangle Blackline Bicorn Whale Ultraram Barking Jester Dwarf Truffle

Chromaberrations seem to be able to eat and digest anything, but don't gain any nutritional value from it, nor do they even need to eat in the first place. When asked, many Chromaberrations replied that it was for fun. When they do eat, they strive to consume items that are as outlandish as possible.
The ethics of anything they eat can be questioned. Personnel is attempting to dissuade resident Chromaberrations from eating more worrisome items.

Fishy Cotton Candy Lawn Decoration Infused Fragment Unhatched Nocturne Egg


* It is unsure if this is a unique event or the case with all Chromaberrations, since the landing point of a young Chromaberration has only been observed by personnel in its entirety twice. All interviewed Chromaberrations, when asked about this process, do not recall such an event happening to them. See LOG A.017 for further details.
** The pranks pulled by Jester’s Chromatics and (to a lesser degree) Lead Chromatics take on a more violent nature. See section Types THE MYC!! for more information.

[center][font=comic sans ms][b]Your Documentation Or Whatever Sucked So We Made It Better. Maybe Log Out Next Time. Dont Change Anything.[/b] [color=6DDE21]WE HELPED HAHAHAHAHAA[/color] [color=ff0078]me to!!! yayayayayaa[/color][/font] [img][/img] [rule] [url=][color=000]home[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]information[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff00ff]MAKE UR CHROMABERRATION![/color][/font][/url] | [url=][color=000]registry[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]badges[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff0078]EVENTS!![/color][/font][/url] [rule] [font=comic sans ms]welcome to the MYC (make your chomaberration) be sure to read through it all because its SUPER COOL if you do also click on the money bags for auction house links!![/font] All Chromaberrations follow this color palette: [size=4][b]PRIMARY + SECONDARY[/b][/size] Purples: purple -> royal Blues: ultramarine -> lapis + azure -> turquoise Greens: avocado -> radioactive Oranges: sunshine -> orange Pinks: watermelon -> pink [b]Outliers[/b] are colors that are not a part of any color range, but also work for a Chromaberration. Outliers: lemon, yellow, tangerine, pumpkin [size=4][b]TERTIARY[/b][/size] All Colors [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] (colors only) [font=comic sans ms]!!!the more colorful the better!!! while it might be a valid color combo, your chromaberration might not be cool enough! a good rule to follow is at least [b]2 distinct colors[/b] of different ranges. (an exception being lead chromatics)[/font] [rule] [img][/img] [b]Classic Chromatics[/b] are all about mischief. They’re energetic and spend most of their time pulling pranks. As aforementioned, these pranks are intended to be harmless, but for the common dragon, the danger of said prank can vary. [left][font=comic sans ms][color=6DDE21]MAYBE IF THEY WERENT BABIES THEY COULD FIND IT A LITTLE FUNNY[/color][/font][/left] Classic Chromatics have features that widely vary from one individual to another, and often argue over who is more colorful. These playful arguments can appear to be led by genuine anger, especially when the arguments become physical, but resident Classic Chromatics have assured us that it is all in good fun. ___ [img][/img] [size=4][b]PRIMARY GENES:[/b][/size] cinder, crystal, diamond, flaunt, jaguar, lionfish, pinstripe, poison, ribbon, skink, stitched, swirl, tapir, tide, wasp [size=4][b]SECONDARY GENES:[/b][/size] bee, blaze, blend, eel, facet, flair, foam, jester, marbled, myrid, noxtide, paisley, patchwork, rosette, spade, spinner, striation, toxin, trail, weaver [size=4][b]TERTIARY GENES:[/b][/size] basic, braids, capsule, contour, fangs, fans, firebreather, firefly, flecks, frills, ghost, glimmer, glowtail, kumo, peacock, polkadot, sparkle, sparkle, thylacine, underbelly, veined [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [rule] [img][/img] [b]Lead Chromatics[/b], also written as LED Chromatics (due to the bioluminescent colored patterns on their bodies), are often more malicious than Classic Chromatics, preferring to cause destruction and not fix it. Because of this, they're often less cool than others. When asked, most said that their societal status doesn't seem to bother them too much. Unexpectedly, most Lead Chromatics seem more in tune with what can hurt dragons than Classic Chromatics. ___ [img][/img] [b]MUST have Pharoah and Sarcophagus[/b] [size=4][b]TERTIARY GENES:[/b][/size] can have any tertiary gene [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [rule] [img][/img] [b]Jester’s Chromatics[/b] are the biggest pranksters of all Chromaberrations. Jester’s Chromatics also pose the greatest danger to dragons through their pranks, as many of their pranks even injure other Chromaberrations. Though one would assume that this tendency would make them less cool, somehow the coolness gets so low that it turns and becomes extremely cool. ___ [img][/img] [size=4][b]PRIMARY GENES:[/b][/size] harlequin [size=4][b]SECONDARY GENES:[/b][/size] jester, paisley, spade, trail [size=4][b]TERTIARY GENES:[/b][/size] carnivore, fangs, firebreather, flameforger, frills, ghost, riot, sparkle, spines, thorns [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [rule] [font=comic sans ms][color=ff0078]the end the end the end!!!! we worked rlly hard i hope u like it!!!! snails did all the wriitng they r so smart[/color][/font] [img][/img]
Your Documentation Or Whatever Sucked So We Made It Better. Maybe Log Out Next Time. Dont Change Anything.
me to!!! yayayayayaa

home | information | MAKE UR CHROMABERRATION! | registry | badges | EVENTS!!

welcome to the MYC (make your chomaberration) be sure to read through it all because its SUPER COOL if you do
also click on the money bags for auction house links!!

All Chromaberrations follow this color palette:

Purples: purple -> royal
Blues: ultramarine -> lapis + azure -> turquoise
Greens: avocado -> radioactive
Oranges: sunshine -> orange
Pinks: watermelon -> pink
Outliers are colors that are not a part of any color range, but also work for a Chromaberration.
Outliers: lemon, yellow, tangerine, pumpkin

All Colors

(colors only)

!!!the more colorful the better!!! while it might be a valid color combo, your chromaberration might not be cool enough! a good rule to follow is at least 2 distinct colors of different ranges.
(an exception being lead chromatics)


Classic Chromatics are all about mischief. They’re energetic and spend most of their time pulling pranks. As aforementioned, these pranks are intended to be harmless, but for the common dragon, the danger of said prank can vary.

Classic Chromatics have features that widely vary from one individual to another, and often argue over who is more colorful. These playful arguments can appear to be led by genuine anger, especially when the arguments become physical, but resident Classic Chromatics have assured us that it is all in good fun.


cinder, crystal, diamond, flaunt, jaguar, lionfish, pinstripe, poison, ribbon, skink, stitched, swirl, tapir, tide, wasp

bee, blaze, blend, eel, facet, flair, foam, jester, marbled, myrid, noxtide, paisley, patchwork, rosette, spade, spinner, striation, toxin, trail, weaver

basic, braids, capsule, contour, fangs, fans, firebreather, firefly, flecks, frills, ghost, glimmer, glowtail, kumo, peacock, polkadot, sparkle, sparkle, thylacine, underbelly, veined


Lead Chromatics, also written as LED Chromatics (due to the bioluminescent colored patterns on their bodies), are often more malicious than Classic Chromatics, preferring to cause destruction and not fix it. Because of this, they're often less cool than others. When asked, most said that their societal status doesn't seem to bother them too much. Unexpectedly, most Lead Chromatics seem more in tune with what can hurt dragons than Classic Chromatics.


MUST have Pharoah and Sarcophagus

can have any tertiary gene


Jester’s Chromatics are the biggest pranksters of all Chromaberrations. Jester’s Chromatics also pose the greatest danger to dragons through their pranks, as many of their pranks even injure other Chromaberrations. Though one would assume that this tendency would make them less cool, somehow the coolness gets so low that it turns and becomes extremely cool.



jester, paisley, spade, trail

carnivore, fangs, firebreather, flameforger, frills, ghost, riot, sparkle, spines, thorns

the end the end the end!!!! we worked rlly hard i hope u like it!!!! snails did all the wriitng they r so smart

[center][img][/img] [rule] [url=][color=000]home[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]information[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff00ff]MAKE UR CHROMABERRATION![/color][/font][/url] | [url=][color=000]registry[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]badges[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff0078]EVENTS!![/color][/font][/url] [rule] [img][/img] [size=4][b]Classic Chromatics[/b][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [size=4][b]Lead Chromatics[/b][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [size=4][b]Jester’s Chromatics[/b][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
home | information | MAKE UR CHROMABERRATION! | registry | badges | EVENTS!!

Classic Chromatics
89437240.png 90041717.png 89474096.png 88232416.png 92419029.png 88586048.png 75256119.png 86884017.png 77428571.png 74830753.png 78056858.png 90174898.png 53191041.png 29635020.png 92451351.png 80836796.png 92739226.png 87586209.png 92272413.png 78583372.png

Lead Chromatics
89726528.png 87935235.png 89339412.png 78576225.png 80240116.png 92338864.png 89186527.png 86617375.png 93077637.png 92849365.png

Jester’s Chromatics
90237749.png 92988688.png 92683985.png
[center][img][/img] [rule] [url=][color=000]home[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]information[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff00ff]MAKE UR CHROMABERRATION![/color][/font][/url] | [url=][color=000]registry[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]badges[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff0078]EVENTS!![/color][/font][/url] [rule] 85 x 85 [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] 100 x 100 [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] 150 x 150 [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] bio buttons by @/LocalHellcat [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
home | information | MAKE UR CHROMABERRATION! | registry | badges | EVENTS!!

85 x 85

100 x 100





150 x 150

bio buttons by @/LocalHellcat
classic-chroma.png lead-chroma.png jesters-chroma.png
[center][img][/img] [rule] [url=][color=000]home[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]information[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff00ff]MAKE UR CHROMABERRATION![/color][/font][/url] | [url=][color=000]registry[/color][/url] | [url=][color=000]badges[/color][/url] | [url=][font=comic sans ms][color=ff0078]EVENTS!![/color][/font][/url] [rule] [size=4][color=ff0078][b]Bi-Weekly Spotlight[/b][/color][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i]@/Khromatic's rave riot! extra cool menaces who will blow stuff up just cuz[/i]
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Bi-Weekly Spotlight

@/Khromatic's rave riot! extra cool menaces who will blow stuff up just cuz
[center][emoji=planet size=1] CLAIM POST[/center]

[center][emoji=rainbow size=1] CLAIM POST[/center]

[center][emoji=rainbow size=1] CLAIM POST[/center]

[center][emoji=rainbow size=1] CLAIM POST[/center]
