
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | [FINALE] Witchy Wardrobe Contest!
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@tuberose I think the pinglist is view only :) I'm having trouble adding myself (although that could just be me...)
@tuberose I think the pinglist is view only :) I'm having trouble adding myself (although that could just be me...)
egg_nature_bounce_by_dogi_crimson-da8wjqe.gif FR +8egg_nature_bounce_by_dogi_crimson-da8wjqe.gif
[center]Day #1 [b]Ponder the Orb[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [outfit=2076023][/center]
Day #1 Ponder the Orb


ponder the orb

The Avenger

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”
Old username: NecroticroseQT
fr +2
[center][font=baskerville][size=7][color=#281D1E][img][/img][img][/img]‎‎[b][i]SUNDAY[/i][/b][img][/img][img][/img] Ponder! That! Orb![/color][/size][/font][img][/img][img][/img]‎ [font=arial][size=4][b][url=][color=#6b4627]RULES & BADGES[/url] | [url=][color=#6b4627]THEMES[/url] | [url=][color=#6b4627]PRIZES[/url] | [url=][color=#6b4627]PINGLIST[/url] | [url=][color=#6b4627]HUB[/url][/b][/font][/size] [columns][indent][nextcol][font=arial][color=#595f30][size=4]"Ahem." Rosemary clears her throat delicately. "Our grotto fills with travelers, and it is time we begin." She beckons, and... hm, was she always holding a glimmering handful of fireflies? How did she do that? "Legend has it that the most powerful witches of all dub themselves [b][i]wizards[/i][/b], and study the arcane arts from their high towers, surrounded by crystals and the pale light of the not-so-distant stars. In honor of the beginning of our celebration, today we shall honor [i]them[/i]—with fashion, of course." A pause. "...Legend also has it that you should not let your dryad assistants attempt to pull all-nighters decorating your atelier in preparation for guests. It creates... delays." Hm. Whoops. Wonder who [i]that[/i] could possibly refer to. "No matter. [b]Begin[/b]." [center][font=arial][color=#595f30][size=5]___________[/center] [font=arial][color=#595f30][size=5] [b]Date:[/b] Sunday, October 23, 2022 [b]Theme:[/b] [i]Ponder! That! Orb![/i] [b]Description:[/b] Wizards, magic towers, and arcane crystals, oh my! Prepare your elegant robes and spell slots alike, because today is the time to show off your dragons wielding their grandest magical powers. (And remember, just because "arcane" is in the description, doesn't mean your entry has to be in that flight's colors! All wizards welcome~) [/columns] [center][img][/img] [font=arial][color=#6b4627][size=5][b][u]OPTIONAL ENTRY FORMAT[/u]:[/b] [code] [b]Username:[/b] YOUR USERNAME HERE [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES / NO [b]Theme:[/b] DAILY THEME NAME [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=LINK TO DRAGON IN YOUR LAIR]DRAGON NAME HERE[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] NAME AND/OR DESCRIBE YOUR ENTRY (optional!) [columns][img]LINK TO OUTFIT IMAGE FROM DRESSING ROOM[/img][nextcol]OUTFIT WIDGET FROM DRESSING ROOM[/url][/columns] [/code] [img][/img]
Ponder! That! Orb!


"Ahem." Rosemary clears her throat delicately. "Our grotto fills with travelers, and it is time we begin."

She beckons, and... hm, was she always holding a glimmering handful of fireflies? How did she do that?

"Legend has it that the most powerful witches of all dub themselves wizards, and study the arcane arts from their high towers, surrounded by crystals and the pale light of the not-so-distant stars. In honor of the beginning of our celebration, today we shall honor them—with fashion, of course."

A pause. "...Legend also has it that you should not let your dryad assistants attempt to pull all-nighters decorating your atelier in preparation for guests. It creates... delays."

Hm. Whoops. Wonder who that could possibly refer to.

"No matter. Begin."


Date: Sunday, October 23, 2022
Theme: Ponder! That! Orb!
Description: Wizards, magic towers, and arcane crystals, oh my!
Prepare your elegant robes and spell slots alike, because today is the time to show off your dragons wielding their grandest magical powers.
(And remember, just because "arcane" is in the description, doesn't mean your entry has to be in that flight's colors! All wizards welcome~)



[b]Username:[/b] YOUR USERNAME HERE [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES / NO [b]Theme:[/b] DAILY THEME NAME [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=LINK TO DRAGON IN YOUR LAIR]DRAGON NAME HERE[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] NAME AND/OR DESCRIBE YOUR ENTRY (optional!) [columns][img]LINK TO OUTFIT IMAGE FROM DRESSING ROOM[/img][nextcol]OUTFIT WIDGET FROM DRESSING ROOM[/url][/columns]

GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic UfHl5Xb.png

she/her | FR +2
previously Tuberose
Great catch, and thank you for letting me know!
Turns out I had only swapped one element of the spreadsheet to be open access, wheeze. It should be fixed now!
Great catch, and thank you for letting me know!
Turns out I had only swapped one element of the spreadsheet to be open access, wheeze. It should be fixed now!
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic UfHl5Xb.png

she/her | FR +2
previously Tuberose
[b]Username:[/b] Distortedgenesis [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES [b]Theme:[/b] PONDER! THAT! ORB! [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]ARIADNE[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Here's Ariadne, rocking a suitably magical outfit as our clan's arcane rep! [columns][img],12190,15308,15133,17908,17924,17915,17899,23117,35527&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2076181][/columns]
Username: Distortedgenesis
Entry fee paid? YES

Entry Description: Here's Ariadne, rocking a suitably magical outfit as our clan's arcane rep!
Ponder! That! Orb!
Genesis (Any pronouns)
78029240p.pngVjdktqS.png aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Ball-Jointed Veilspuns!

[b]Username:[/b] Waffler [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Ponder! That! Orb! [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Timbre[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Extended exposure to particularly unstable magicks in the Star Wood Strand unprepared and without proper equipment results in... interesting... results. [columns][img],13240,822,6059,17901,20588,2124,1866,17892,35187,35182,10380,27765,31685&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol] [outfit=2075957][/columns]
Username: Waffler
Entry fee paid? Yes

Theme: Ponder! That! Orb!
Dragon: Timbre
Entry Description: Extended exposure to particularly unstable magicks in the Star Wood Strand unprepared and without proper equipment results in... interesting... results.
Not Found
XVjzpW8.png FR+2
F2U Outifts
Pinkerlocke (Hiatus)
[b]Username:[/b] littlebickle [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES [b]Theme:[/b] Ponder! That! Orb! [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Papillon[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Papillon scries giant gas orbs, celestial bodies and great chunks of ice. His eyes are always turned skyward, protective runes encircling him. Why look where you are going when you can wield pure magic? [columns][img],439,13240,15133,3698,3697,27203,30835,3685,6024,40433,17914,3632,47430,10877&xt=dressing.png[/img] [nextcol][outfit=2076367][/columns]
Username: littlebickle
Entry fee paid? YES

Theme: Ponder! That! Orb!
Dragon: Papillon
Entry Description: Papillon scries giant gas orbs, celestial bodies and great chunks of ice. His eyes are always turned skyward, protective runes encircling him. Why look where you are going when you can wield pure magic?
Not Found
egg_nature_bounce_by_dogi_crimson-da8wjqe.gif FR +8egg_nature_bounce_by_dogi_crimson-da8wjqe.gif
[b]Username:[/b] Koisticks [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Ponder! That! Orb! [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Egorius[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] An ancient mage from centuries past showing off his finest future-telling magic! Dare you gaze into his crystal ball? [columns][img],6059,15272,47122,10372,32303,10751,10386,10730,25929,23745,47431&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2076429][/columns]
Username: Koisticks
Entry fee paid? Yes

Theme: Ponder! That! Orb!
Dragon: Egorius
Entry Description: An ancient mage from centuries past showing off his finest future-telling magic! Dare you gaze into his crystal ball?
He's a wizard!
[b]Username:[/b] uruhead [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yep! [b]Theme:[/b] Ponder! That! Orb! [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Hutia[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] [i]Knowledge waits for no dragon![/i] Sometimes, to find what you're looking for, you have to go yourself. Hutia will go to the highest, iciest peaks, far away from the comfort of her home to expand what she knows. [columns][url=][img],35186,7684,17897,15299,17879,35525,35523,29067,20607,20609,20610,20612,20611&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][outfit=2076435][/columns]
Username: uruhead
Entry fee paid? Yep!

Theme: Ponder! That! Orb!
Dragon: Hutia
Entry Description: Knowledge waits for no dragon! Sometimes, to find what you're looking for, you have to go yourself. Hutia will go to the highest, iciest peaks, far away from the comfort of her home to expand what she knows.

call me alex! | he/they
[img],42694,17903,23289,24223,35542,35549,17912,35548,45489,17930,35536,17885,17921,17894&xt=dressing.png[/img][outfit=2076785] [b]Username:[/b] DriftingDreams [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Ponder! That! Orb! [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Amber[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Amber's even more decked out in wizard clothes now! (I used her original clothing and added more apparel pieces to it.) She is a librarian and a studier of magic, and this is her most formal wear for the most important (and over-the-top) of wizard meetings.
Amber Wizard

Username: DriftingDreams
Entry fee paid? Yes

Theme: Ponder! That! Orb!
Dragon: Amber
Entry Description: Amber's even more decked out in wizard clothes now! (I used her original clothing and added more apparel pieces to it.) She is a librarian and a studier of magic, and this is her most formal wear for the most important (and over-the-top) of wizard meetings.
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