I think most of my lair is enjoying the summer, but these three in particular stand out:
[b]Jara, The Groundskeeper[/b]
Our resident gardener/groundskeeper is spending plenty of time out in the sun making sure that the gardens look as beautiful as can be.[/center]
[b]Ridley, The First Mate[/b]
Ridley is out to sea at the moment with the crew of the Cetus and his captain, [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/64128491]Glaze[/url], putting his druidic abilities to good use.[/center]
[b]Xanthe, The Desert Nomad[/b]
Xanthe is currently out exploring the world and making important trades for the clan, while also making xer trademark perfumes to sweeten the deal.[/center]
I think most of my lair is enjoying the summer, but these three in particular stand out:
Jara, The Groundskeeper
Our resident gardener/groundskeeper is spending plenty of time out in the sun making sure that the gardens look as beautiful as can be.
Ridley, The First Mate
Ridley is out to sea at the moment with the crew of the Cetus and his captain,
Glaze, putting his druidic abilities to good use.
Xanthe, The Desert Nomad
Xanthe is currently out exploring the world and making important trades for the clan, while also making xer trademark perfumes to sweeten the deal.
Phantasie and Mirare
Imagination and Wonder

Forum Signature by Digs from
I think they look pretty summer-y.
Oasis will be sun bathing and swimming
Sakana will be caring for and swimming with his Koi, then napping in the shade afterwards

Oasis will be sun bathing and swimming

Sakana will be caring for and swimming with his Koi, then napping in the shade afterwards
Wildfire is like burning in the Sun~
She soaked in the dyed lava for too long.
Gold Sunny Villain Ember~
this Candiwing soldier basically loves the Sun, melted candies~
Wildfire is like burning in the Sun~
She soaked in the dyed lava for too long.
Gold Sunny Villain Ember~
this Candiwing soldier basically loves the Sun, melted candies~
Saulosi is a surfer! They loves the feeling of warm sun and sea breeze~

Saulosi is a surfer! They loves the feeling of warm sun and sea breeze~
''And you don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero''
~ Vriska Serket ~
[emoji=seashell size=1][emoji=seafood size=1]Time for a picnic at the beach~ [emoji=sun size=1][emoji=sunglasses size=1][/center]
My tropical waitress Meli is ready to serve your dragons some delicious summer drinks :)
My tropical waitress Meli is ready to serve your dragons some delicious summer drinks :)