
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Custom Progenitor Dragon!
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][size=6][font=Palatino Linotype ]C I R[/center] [img][/img][columns]
IMG-2180.png -—--tumblr_pelod6tOrq1tv56zio8_100.png —- -» Accents
—- -» Dragons
—- --» Art
Oof, my progens and I, we sure do have [i]history[/i], that's fore sure. I exalted and resurrected them a bunch of times, but I was never truly happy with them - [i]until[/i] first Veilspuns, and then Obelisks came around. [url=][img][/img][/url][item=Vigilant Spear] [url=][img][/img][/url][item=Transmuted Treasure] [i][b]Shirosaki[/b] still got her original colors - and boii, does she shine as a Veilspun or what? Also wears that accent like a second skin 10/10! [b]Skaldhi[/b] took his chances and went for a single tri-color scatterscroll- that sure did pay off, didn't it? He only needed one to look this stunning too! Found his calling within the Obelisks - sweet accent, too![/i]
Oof, my progens and I, we sure do have history, that's fore sure.
I exalted and resurrected them a bunch of times, but I was never truly happy with them - until first Veilspuns, and then Obelisks came around.

25511596_350.png Vigilant Spear
25511597_350.png Transmuted Treasure

Shirosaki still got her original colors - and boii, does she shine as a Veilspun or what? Also wears that accent like a second skin 10/10!
Skaldhi took his chances and went for a single tri-color scatterscroll- that sure did pay off, didn't it? He only needed one to look this stunning too! Found his calling within the Obelisks - sweet accent, too!
   dgHlSWG.png      LEpJMnn.png
[img][url=][img][/img][/url][/img] This is Huldra. Her gene setup was recommended by UmbraGlide. I could not for the life of me figure out what to do with her tert.

This is Huldra. Her gene setup was recommended by UmbraGlide. I could not for the life of me figure out what to do with her tert.
[url=][img][/img][/url] My custom dude stayed ungened until gaolers were released because his tert was so annoying to work with. I have half a mind to regene him as an Obelisk someday, but I might keep him like this just for the nostalgia.
My custom dude stayed ungened until gaolers were released because his tert was so annoying to work with. I have half a mind to regene him as an Obelisk someday, but I might keep him like this just for the nostalgia.
here is my sweet grandma dragon do not harm her or else [url=][img][/img][/url]
here is my sweet grandma dragon do not harm her or else
Username is s0ki with a zero (0) cZyClw0.png
[url=][img][/img][/url] Meet Lyfre, my never exalted and never scattered beautiful Tundra. I couldn't possibly get rid of her, she is the clan matron!

Meet Lyfre, my never exalted and never scattered beautiful Tundra. I couldn't possibly get rid of her, she is the clan matron!
60eldD0.gif mlHpBMC.png
[center][emoji=plant size=1][emoji=brown gem size=1][emoji=plant size=1] Folirosa, Matriarch of the Crystal Fern Colony [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

Folirosa, Matriarch of the Crystal Fern Colony

Make happy those who are near,
and those who are far will come.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Jelaal! I joined sometime in 2016, meaning that this bad boy is. a little over 5 years old now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, has it really been that long??? D: He's been through a lot! I could never really figure out how to get his tert to work, so he's gone through many, many gene + apparel revamps, and I'm 90% sure his lore now is waaaaaaay different than it was when I first joined the site LOL

Jelaal! I joined sometime in 2016, meaning that this bad boy is. a little over 5 years old now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, has it really been that long??? D:
He's been through a lot! I could never really figure out how to get his tert to work, so he's gone through many, many gene + apparel revamps, and I'm 90% sure his lore now is waaaaaaay different than it was when I first joined the site LOL
I have had her for years, all basic, no genes like this, couldn't ever find a scry I liked enough to go for it... [img][/img] Until recently!!!! Now I just need to get a certain skin and she'll be finished completely... [url=][img][/img][/url]
I have had her for years, all basic, no genes like this, couldn't ever find a scry I liked enough to go for it...
Until recently!!!! Now I just need to get a certain skin and she'll be finished completely...
AUyhiki.gif J0opiUV.png
_____________owO What's this?__
[url=][img][/img][/url] here's mine! her name is fen. she began as a fae and i exalted her once or twice for space, until veilspun came out last year and i found that the species suited her perfectly. thus i began my very first gene project! i think she turned out really nice. purple is my favorite color and i wasn't at all aware of how the colors i chose would end up having weird accent colors. still, i love her, and she's become a major part of my lair and lore :-)

here's mine! her name is fen. she began as a fae and i exalted her once or twice for space, until veilspun came out last year and i found that the species suited her perfectly. thus i began my very first gene project! i think she turned out really nice. purple is my favorite color and i wasn't at all aware of how the colors i chose would end up having weird accent colors. still, i love her, and she's become a major part of my lair and lore :-)

spencer - they/he/ix - fr +1