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TOPIC | Road to 1000 Scatters
oh wait that's so pretty??
oh wait that's so pretty??
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used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
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[font=gabriola][size=7]Scatter 203: Icystorm's Nightmare[/size][/font] ----- Matchiness: 8/10 (Close to XYY and also has matchy accents to a decent extent. Experimentation with ancient genes is recommended.) Compatibility: 9/10 (Black and orange. The other accents shown (Green, Pink) are very compatible with orange too.) Palette rating: 8.5/10 (S+) [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Cherub Black...... I love it so much.. [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] A green accent. Not bad. [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] This one is my favorite. I really like the pink of Black Mochlus. [/columns][/center]
Scatter 203: Icystorm's Nightmare

Matchiness: 8/10 (Close to XYY and also has matchy accents to a decent extent. Experimentation with ancient genes is recommended.)
Compatibility: 9/10 (Black and orange. The other accents shown (Green, Pink) are very compatible with orange too.)
Palette rating: 8.5/10 (S+)
dragon?age=1&body=9&bodygene=10&breed=11&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=46&tertgene=5&winggene=5&wings=105&auth=261f76ae798f7c1e65cdce17e2837bb554e00984&dummyext=prev.png Cherub Black...... I love it so much..
dragon?age=1&body=9&bodygene=212&breed=23&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=46&tertgene=178&winggene=191&wings=105&auth=e655fffefd7b100ab5fecc8b5edbb9cee584229e&dummyext=prev.png A green accent. Not bad.
dragon?age=1&body=9&bodygene=251&breed=24&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=46&tertgene=219&winggene=245&wings=105&auth=e655dd67c911eab22cc3c5400dd5371bb60e1c86&dummyext=prev.png This one is my favorite. I really like the pink of Black Mochlus.
forum games: ignore fodder and outpost/unassorted, levelees are fine
[center]204 [img][/img] Tarnish / Pink / Amber[/center] @pinglist-27007
Tarnish / Pink / Amber

@Road to 1000 Scatters
[font=gabriola][size=7]Scatter 204: Rusted Rose[/size][/font] ----- Matchiness: 2.5/10 (Most accents don't match except for like Sailfish - somewhat. This is horrible to match even with Soap/Stained. Worse, Tarnish is an accenting color so you get even less unaccented genes to pull together.) Compatibility: 3.5/10 (I do not like pink with brown and desaturated yellow. Seriously. I don't like this this combo. I think a darker pink would've felt better.) Palette rating: 3/10 (E) [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] I wound up giving up on the modern scry quickly after realizing that no accents matched. [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Sailfish to the rescue..!? Personally wouldn't take this combo but I suppose this does look deuglied. [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] It works, I guess. You might as well soap this combo and hope for the best. [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Bonus Scry! It looks passable, but it uses two gem genes which takes away a lot of points. [/columns][/center]
Scatter 204: Rusted Rose

Matchiness: 2.5/10 (Most accents don't match except for like Sailfish - somewhat. This is horrible to match even with Soap/Stained. Worse, Tarnish is an accenting color so you get even less unaccented genes to pull together.)
Compatibility: 3.5/10 (I do not like pink with brown and desaturated yellow. Seriously. I don't like this this combo. I think a darker pink would've felt better.)
Palette rating: 3/10 (E)
dragon?age=1&body=124&bodygene=2&breed=11&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=103&tertgene=1&winggene=16&wings=66&auth=d4364a0ee2513bb4a6f7b256286791071d67fcf8&dummyext=prev.png I wound up giving up on the modern scry quickly after realizing that no accents matched.
dragon?age=1&body=124&bodygene=212&breed=23&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=103&tertgene=191&winggene=191&wings=66&auth=b8545c077d240e1e4c0692b79d071acd005657b3&dummyext=prev.png Sailfish to the rescue..!?

Personally wouldn't take this combo but I suppose this does look deuglied.
dragon?age=1&body=124&bodygene=251&breed=24&element=3&eyetype=15&gender=1&tert=103&tertgene=228&winggene=251&wings=66&auth=76bd5119531039663453359a47d7d7af57b78cb0&dummyext=prev.png It works, I guess. You might as well soap this combo and hope for the best.
dragon?age=1&body=124&bodygene=1&breed=11&element=3&eyetype=15&gender=1&tert=103&tertgene=105&winggene=42&wings=66&auth=ccaa56b865ea6b3e9507e6b916d9a2bab66aa5cd&dummyext=prev.png Bonus Scry!

It looks passable, but it uses two gem genes which takes away a lot of points.
forum games: ignore fodder and outpost/unassorted, levelees are fine
[center]205 [img][/img] Azure / Goldenrod / Abyss [/center] @pinglist-27007 Another pretty scatter. Goldenrod is one of my favorite colors. Alas, I will probably scatter over this later today.
Azure / Goldenrod / Abyss
@Road to 1000 Scatters
Another pretty scatter. Goldenrod is one of my favorite colors.
Alas, I will probably scatter over this later today.
Fun scatter. Throwing up some scries myself, for the fun of it. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] These are real fun colors actually. Good luck with scatters though! <3
Fun scatter. Throwing up some scries myself, for the fun of it.





These are real fun colors actually. Good luck with scatters though! <3
[font=gabriola][size=7]Scatter 205: The Yellow Sea[/size][/font] ----- Matchiness: 7/10 (It's a little difficult but it works! Azure mainly accents blue but has accents in Abyss accent and yellowish. Goldenrod accents blue, too..) Compatibility: 6.5/10 (I don't like the particular yellow compared to the brighter azure but it still is a pretty good combo of blue, yellow, and black.) Palette rating: 7/10 (A) [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Looks like a pretty sick gradient! And matches with the eyes.. [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] While the secondary is left in the dark, the prim and tert match in marks. [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] It's a simple one, but perhaps that minimalism is best. [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Bonus Scry: Harlequin looks so good with Azure, although it's a little hard to match with Goldenrod. Still felt like showing this off. [/columns][/center]
Scatter 205: The Yellow Sea

Matchiness: 7/10 (It's a little difficult but it works! Azure mainly accents blue but has accents in Abyss accent and yellowish. Goldenrod accents blue, too..)
Compatibility: 6.5/10 (I don't like the particular yellow compared to the brighter azure but it still is a pretty good combo of blue, yellow, and black.)
Palette rating: 7/10 (A)
dragon?age=1&body=27&bodygene=11&breed=11&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=96&tertgene=5&winggene=24&wings=41&auth=6f0737ce346e565eac44b0f3164ebb3307f93340&dummyext=prev.png Looks like a pretty sick gradient! And matches with the eyes..
dragon?age=1&body=27&bodygene=202&breed=23&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=96&tertgene=191&winggene=212&wings=41&auth=07b4d853175130610feb5336e0606a9f3e41bc88&dummyext=prev.png While the secondary is left in the dark, the prim and tert match in marks.
dragon?age=1&body=27&bodygene=242&breed=24&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=96&tertgene=228&winggene=242&wings=41&auth=417f3d05dd1702d7b87231a1d7f881b95cb4c5db&dummyext=prev.png It's a simple one, but perhaps that minimalism is best.
dragon?age=1&body=27&bodygene=170&breed=13&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=96&tertgene=5&winggene=42&wings=41&auth=6d0a050e778471cfe2a0af85b7689c00c5c04fc0&dummyext=prev.png Bonus Scry: Harlequin looks so good with Azure, although it's a little hard to match with Goldenrod. Still felt like showing this off.
forum games: ignore fodder and outpost/unassorted, levelees are fine
[center]206 [img][/img] Cream / Tarnish / Marigold[/center] @pinglist-27007
Cream / Tarnish / Marigold

@Road to 1000 Scatters
Funky scatter. Tarnish is somewhat of a pain? Cream is also a bit weird as well though. It's certainly workable though, and I'd say there's some options. [img][/img] Going for pure simplicity, Speckle/Basic/etc seemed to leave Tarnish as a rather nice brown. Works, but not something I'd really go for. [img][/img] I really like going Branches/Greenskeeper on Marigold. The wood bits match nicely with Tarnish, which I quite like. Allows for more color. [img][/img] Mosaic is kinda works here? Cream is a bit harder here, and you do have to find a gene where Tarnish cooperates. It can make for some fun scries though. [img][/img] Capsule leaves a surprisingly green tertiary, so that's certainly a thing. Alloy is also interesting, bringing in a good green. Matches the Wind eyes well. No modern scries from me this time around, but I'm sure there is a workable scry there. I just love working with ancients, to be honest. Undertide is probably my favorite out of these.
Funky scatter. Tarnish is somewhat of a pain? Cream is also a bit weird as well though. It's certainly workable though, and I'd say there's some options.

Going for pure simplicity, Speckle/Basic/etc seemed to leave Tarnish as a rather nice brown. Works, but not something I'd really go for.

I really like going Branches/Greenskeeper on Marigold. The wood bits match nicely with Tarnish, which I quite like. Allows for more color.

Mosaic is kinda works here? Cream is a bit harder here, and you do have to find a gene where Tarnish cooperates. It can make for some fun scries though.

Capsule leaves a surprisingly green tertiary, so that's certainly a thing. Alloy is also interesting, bringing in a good green. Matches the Wind eyes well.

No modern scries from me this time around, but I'm sure there is a workable scry there. I just love working with ancients, to be honest. Undertide is probably my favorite out of these.
[font=gabriola][size=7]Scatter 206: I was joking about the yellow okay[/size][/font] ----- Matchiness: 6.5/10 (Tarnish accents blue, Marigold accents blurple. Some genes on Cream accent one of the two, a few (Poison) with both. Hard to leave it unaccented, but still possible for a [i]few[/i] genes.) Compatibility: 7.5/10 (I like this combination of colors. Yellow goes well with Blue and Purple (opposites), and Orange/Brown (analogous). Not my favorite, but a good one to be sure.) Palette rating: 7/10 (A) [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Looks very tropical. I would totally buy a dragon with this palette just to turn them into this and give them a beach outfit. [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Okay this is just orange, not yellow. But it looks really warm. and cuddly. [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Or do the other way and add purple and blue! [/columns][/center]
Scatter 206: I was joking about the yellow okay

Matchiness: 6.5/10 (Tarnish accents blue, Marigold accents blurple. Some genes on Cream accent one of the two, a few (Poison) with both. Hard to leave it unaccented, but still possible for a few genes.)
Compatibility: 7.5/10 (I like this combination of colors. Yellow goes well with Blue and Purple (opposites), and Orange/Brown (analogous). Not my favorite, but a good one to be sure.)
Palette rating: 7/10 (A)
dragon?age=1&body=163&bodygene=232&breed=11&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=75&tertgene=18&winggene=42&wings=124&auth=1e1c72c7eab51dda5a97b694a1b4d032ba768946&dummyext=prev.png Looks very tropical. I would totally buy a dragon with this palette just to turn them into this and give them a beach outfit.
dragon?age=1&body=163&bodygene=212&breed=23&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=75&tertgene=178&winggene=211&wings=124&auth=8129e80e84458c9145c02f0abda9861a57da5de5&dummyext=prev.png Okay this is just orange, not yellow. But it looks really warm. and cuddly.
dragon?age=1&body=163&bodygene=227&breed=20&element=3&eyetype=15&gender=1&tert=75&tertgene=90&winggene=100&wings=124&auth=525e7308bdbc5b5e8efdca0083a95aa21b998040&dummyext=prev.png Or do the other way and add purple and blue!
forum games: ignore fodder and outpost/unassorted, levelees are fine