
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | El's Lair Reviews & Improvements OPEN
Type of Service: Lair Improvement Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: 5? More if they catch your eye? Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: For Sale/Projects are unfinished. Plushie palace is going to be all stitch/patch permababies so no variations there. Other Comments: Don't forget to enjoy my disaster fodder pairs, they have some interesting hatch potentials, haha. @Chocoli [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh, this is such a pretty dragon! This is the perfect primary gene to go with that skin, it goes with the tones on the feathers perfectly! It is so rare to see underbelly in an age of Glimmer, but it works so well here! There are so many good apparel pieces he can wear! I tried to dress him for you, I think it came out quite well! It was difficult to find Wing apparel that doesn’t cover up that amazing skin. [outfit=1382842] [url=][img][/img][/url] We’ve got some matchy toxin here, do we? I love the hood+woodmask here, the solid white eyes are quite fitting for the secondary. Apparel layering is such a good thing. The head fins work beautifully, you don't see contour too often. While I love most of the outfit, I think she can be improved by adding some more purple apparel. If I may suggest some, Baldwin claws Fuchsia NoTN set, and the Archer set might work. The Gossamer set you’ve used looks super good here. In all the black apparel you’ve used, they all have blue or purple undertones. This outfit shows a solid understanding of color theory. [url=][img][/img][/url] Wow, I just love how the wings look. Matchy Ringlets can look so good I swear to the Earthshaker, this is breathtaking. I also love fade/blend so much, thanks for showing me dirt slaps. I love the choice of apparel here, she fits the cascades perfectly. The skin looks so great here, especially on the belly. Here are some Misc tips if you’d like to improve her outfit: She looks great with the Peach plumes, Ruby pendants, glowing claws, and Ember Sylvan. Golden silk +Gossamer Silk matches her primary perfectly. Marigold Flowerfall + Autumnal Wreath are a blessed combination for those godly vibes. Maybe summer swelter? Butterfly breastplate <3 [url=][img][/img][/url] What a lovely brown range! I do love to see some matchy toxins. You’ve used some really unusual but pretty genes, unique combinations such as this appeal to my tastes. I am insulted that you would consider this a decent hatch, she is a great one! Due to the daub plus underbelly, she gives snake vibes, and I love it! The skin adds gold highlights to his look, which opens up a wide variety of apparel sets. I gave him an outfit, and he looks amazing in the Mango plume set. [outfit=1382948] [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh, you have so many good birthday dragons. I love to see Peacock being put to good use, and lead has so many pretty accent colors! I tried to dress him, all of your dragons have been so fun to dress so far. I love when Lionfish works, and Orange notoxide has such beautiful highlights. This creates a really cohesive dragon. [outfit=1382963]
Type of Service: Lair Improvement

Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: 5? More if they catch your eye?

Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: For Sale/Projects are unfinished. Plushie palace is going to be all stitch/patch permababies so no variations there.

Other Comments: Don't forget to enjoy my disaster fodder pairs, they have some interesting hatch potentials, haha.



Oooh, this is such a pretty dragon! This is the perfect primary gene to go with that skin, it goes with the tones on the feathers perfectly! It is so rare to see underbelly in an age of Glimmer, but it works so well here! There are so many good apparel pieces he can wear! I tried to dress him for you, I think it came out quite well! It was difficult to find Wing apparel that doesn’t cover up that amazing skin.

outfit idea


We’ve got some matchy toxin here, do we? I love the hood+woodmask here, the solid white eyes are quite fitting for the secondary. Apparel layering is such a good thing. The head fins work beautifully, you don't see contour too often. While I love most of the outfit, I think she can be improved by adding some more purple apparel. If I may suggest some, Baldwin claws Fuchsia NoTN set, and the Archer set might work. The Gossamer set you’ve used looks super good here. In all the black apparel you’ve used, they all have blue or purple undertones. This outfit shows a solid understanding of color theory.


Wow, I just love how the wings look. Matchy Ringlets can look so good I swear to the Earthshaker, this is breathtaking. I also love fade/blend so much, thanks for showing me dirt slaps. I love the choice of apparel here, she fits the cascades perfectly. The skin looks so great here, especially on the belly. Here are some Misc tips if you’d like to improve her outfit:
She looks great with the Peach plumes, Ruby pendants, glowing claws, and Ember Sylvan.
Golden silk +Gossamer Silk matches her primary perfectly.
Marigold Flowerfall + Autumnal Wreath are a blessed combination for those godly vibes. Maybe summer swelter?
Butterfly breastplate <3


What a lovely brown range! I do love to see some matchy toxins. You’ve used some really unusual but pretty genes, unique combinations such as this appeal to my tastes. I am insulted that you would consider this a decent hatch, she is a great one! Due to the daub plus underbelly, she gives snake vibes, and I love it! The skin adds gold highlights to his look, which opens up a wide variety of apparel sets. I gave him an outfit, and he looks amazing in the Mango plume set.
rough idea


Oooh, you have so many good birthday dragons. I love to see Peacock being put to good use, and lead has so many pretty accent colors! I tried to dress him, all of your dragons have been so fun to dress so far. I love when Lionfish works, and Orange notoxide has such beautiful highlights. This creates a really cohesive dragon.


Resident Trickster Rabbit God
Studier of Color Theory
Giver of Earth Nests
we can consider this the same as the last, as I didnt change anything lol

Type of Service: Can you do a bit of it all?
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended:As many as you feel spark your interest. If you want, you can send a pm instead, so it doesn't clog the page too much
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid:Just avoid the last 2 in my hib den. They are fodder producers for me ^^
Other Comments:Go crazy! I'm super interested to see what someone thinks of my lair, as it is so crazy. I don't even know what theme you would call my lair ^^"

Oh wait, if you wanted to try and make the 2 fodder dragons pretty you can. But they be pretty ummmm. Yeah lol
we can consider this the same as the last, as I didnt change anything lol

Type of Service: Can you do a bit of it all?
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended:As many as you feel spark your interest. If you want, you can send a pm instead, so it doesn't clog the page too much
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid:Just avoid the last 2 in my hib den. They are fodder producers for me ^^
Other Comments:Go crazy! I'm super interested to see what someone thinks of my lair, as it is so crazy. I don't even know what theme you would call my lair ^^"

Oh wait, if you wanted to try and make the 2 fodder dragons pretty you can. But they be pretty ummmm. Yeah lol
Just as a helpful hint when pinging me, there is no extra I in my name ^^
Type of Service: Lair complimenting Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: 5 would be good! Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: Hibden and Project Pairs Other Comments: I don't have much of a lair aesthetic, since I mostly have dragons that I find pretty without regard to an aesthetic. I also have lore for some of my dragons, but I'm not very proud of it and looking to rewrite at some point, so if there are any aspects you particularly like feel free to point them out! Thank you for doing this! @Alurayune Hey, thanks for putting the proper pronouns for your babies in obvious places. Sincerely, an ally, but also isn’t completely certain on which pose is which and doesn’t want to constantly double check! Also, I made some lore suggestions, I do hope that is okay! You said you were revamping your lore, and I just had a bunch of ideas today. [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh, this is quite a matchy Skydancer. Even the empty space part of the capsule matches perfectly! He only has one piece of apparel on at the moment, but it's one of my 3 favorite apparel sets so I love it already! Skydaners are such a good breed, I love my awkwardly long bird children. I do hope you don’t mind that I came up with an outfit idea for him, he can wear so many good pieces! While dressing him, a possible expansion on his current lore came to me. Because there are so few herbs in the Icefield, Cornelius has to venture away from your lair. He’s had to learn how to survive out in the glaciers with little edible food for himself, and is well versed in the ways of evading trouble with nature. [outfit=1383021] [url=][img][/img][/url] I see you have a stained dragon in your lair. I am obligated to comment on such a captivating gene. This is such a lovely green-grey, you just can’t get that color on the FR color wheel. Kinda reminds me of a glacier. Antique is such a good white-range color, and he shows it off to full display. I’m glad the linen wraps are getting attention in your lair, I personally think they are a great apparel set. He says he's a merchant, but he gives off Scammer vibes. Look at those eyes, he's definitely a scammer. [url=][img][/img][/url] My goodness, this is a great primal. The mane is so pretty, I love how desaturated it is. It matches the secondary super well, oh my goodness. Smoke is such a great gene for Wind Primals, he looks so windy! Gaolers are usually hit or miss for me, but I don’t mind him that much! Look at those antlers. For a lore idea, maybe he is so good at assination because he can see wind currents and displaced air, kind of like echolocation! It's always cool when primals are incorporated in the lore. [url=][img][/img][/url] This is a lovely skin. As much as I love the Lantern apparel we have, but it makes me wonder what more realistic apparel could look like. I adore the usage of Filigree here, the gene needs more love. It also has pink undertones, which makes the look a lot more cohesive. Rose is such a good color, I love the paleness it brings to the wings. Out of the lore I’ve read in your lair, his is probably my favorite. The lore blurb in his broadcast message is really emotional oh my goodness. I think a flowerfall would look great on him! [url=][img][/img][/url] I love subtle circuits, it looks so beautiful and amazing! The gene doesn’t get enough credit. Steel is such a good subtle color, I love how it works on the wings. You know what I said on Ash about this being my favorite bit of your lore? WELL THROW THAT OUT THE WINDOW!!! As a person who uses a device due to a disability, I beg you to keep the base of his lore. For an outfit idea, I kept steampunk wings, but chose the new set that fit his colors better. Seriously, I love him and I’d die for him. [outfit=1383119]
Type of Service: Lair complimenting
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: 5 would be good!
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: Hibden and Project Pairs
Other Comments: I don't have much of a lair aesthetic, since I mostly have dragons that I find pretty without regard to an aesthetic. I also have lore for some of my dragons, but I'm not very proud of it and looking to rewrite at some point, so if there are any aspects you particularly like feel free to point them out! Thank you for doing this!

Hey, thanks for putting the proper pronouns for your babies in obvious places. Sincerely, an ally, but also isn’t completely certain on which pose is which and doesn’t want to constantly double check!

Also, I made some lore suggestions, I do hope that is okay! You said you were revamping your lore, and I just had a bunch of ideas today.


Oooh, this is quite a matchy Skydancer. Even the empty space part of the capsule matches perfectly! He only has one piece of apparel on at the moment, but it's one of my 3 favorite apparel sets so I love it already! Skydaners are such a good breed, I love my awkwardly long bird children. I do hope you don’t mind that I came up with an outfit idea for him, he can wear so many good pieces! While dressing him, a possible expansion on his current lore came to me. Because there are so few herbs in the Icefield, Cornelius has to venture away from your lair. He’s had to learn how to survive out in the glaciers with little edible food for himself, and is well versed in the ways of evading trouble with nature.
outfit idea


I see you have a stained dragon in your lair. I am obligated to comment on such a captivating gene. This is such a lovely green-grey, you just can’t get that color on the FR color wheel. Kinda reminds me of a glacier. Antique is such a good white-range color, and he shows it off to full display. I’m glad the linen wraps are getting attention in your lair, I personally think they are a great apparel set. He says he's a merchant, but he gives off Scammer vibes. Look at those eyes, he's definitely a scammer.


My goodness, this is a great primal. The mane is so pretty, I love how desaturated it is. It matches the secondary super well, oh my goodness. Smoke is such a great gene for Wind Primals, he looks so windy! Gaolers are usually hit or miss for me, but I don’t mind him that much! Look at those antlers. For a lore idea, maybe he is so good at assination because he can see wind currents and displaced air, kind of like echolocation! It's always cool when primals are incorporated in the lore.


This is a lovely skin. As much as I love the Lantern apparel we have, but it makes me wonder what more realistic apparel could look like. I adore the usage of Filigree here, the gene needs more love. It also has pink undertones, which makes the look a lot more cohesive. Rose is such a good color, I love the paleness it brings to the wings. Out of the lore I’ve read in your lair, his is probably my favorite. The lore blurb in his broadcast message is really emotional oh my goodness. I think a flowerfall would look great on him!


I love subtle circuits, it looks so beautiful and amazing! The gene doesn’t get enough credit. Steel is such a good subtle color, I love how it works on the wings. You know what I said on Ash about this being my favorite bit of your lore? WELL THROW THAT OUT THE WINDOW!!! As a person who uses a device due to a disability, I beg you to keep the base of his lore. For an outfit idea, I kept steampunk wings, but chose the new set that fit his colors better. Seriously, I love him and I’d die for him.

rough idea

Resident Trickster Rabbit God
Studier of Color Theory
Giver of Earth Nests
Thank you so much for the lore and outfit ideas! I'm definitely going to keep them in mind when I revamp my lore. The base of Shiro's lore is definitely going to be kept, and I'm glad you enjoyed him so much! When I revamp my lore, I'd definitely love to hear your thoughts again.
Thank you so much for the lore and outfit ideas! I'm definitely going to keep them in mind when I revamp my lore. The base of Shiro's lore is definitely going to be kept, and I'm glad you enjoyed him so much! When I revamp my lore, I'd definitely love to hear your thoughts again.
@Fraility Overall, I love how you use atypical apparel sets, and your choice of skins are amazing. I am totally jealous of your ability to pick out skins. [url=][img][/img][/url] She was the one who I almost picked, but didn’t know exactly how to articulate why, so I didn’t. Now I feel more wordy. To start out with, the lace matches her colors perfectly! That opal is darned near perfect. The Magician’s cloak also really works on her, it gives her a dated vibe in the best possible way! I tried to dress her while keeping the grandmotherly looks. [outfit=1383140] [url=][img][/img][/url] This is a lovely skin, I love the pink accents. It matches the Seraph so well, beautiful. The Halo matches so well, it looks so cohesive. The Pearcatcher female pose looks angelic, so you’ve picked the perfect breed for this. I love her name, it totally suits her, but it also sounds so pretty. I dressed her with some sets that I think look great on her. The blue accents in the poison add a lot of depth to the design, matchy poison is super sweet. [outfit=1383457] [url=][img][/img][/url] Have I fangirled over Stained while reviewing your dragons yet? I love stained, it is so good. Look at those nice warm browns. The Light Halo is so beautiful, and this is such a great sure of it. The Glowing eyes match it super well, it is such a nice touch. The only suggestion I’d make on the outfit would be to consider adding some baldwin claws or a summer swelter, and that is only because I am obsessed with baldwin claws! This? A good boy. But there is one thing about him that really surprised me: I have been tricked into liking Facet, a gene that I personally do not like. That is really impressive, so he deserves a shoutout just for that. Like, if I saw a non G1 version of this dragon, I would buy it and keep the facet. [url=][img][/img][/url] As an Antler lover, the naturalist adornments are just so amazing. Makes me wish I wasn’t super broke. I love how the skink matches the tert, and even the contrasting secondary has green undertones. This is a really good usage of a Wind Halo, you don’t see that one as often. He can wear a bunch of my favorite apparel sets, and I love him! He is totally my type of SD. He looks so cohesive, I love him aaah! [outfit=1383471] [url=][img][/img][/url] Ooh, I just love matchy XYZs. The blue accents on the spinner match the terts perfectly, and I quite like the primary. One thing I’ve learned while reviewing so many lairs is how much I love the flame apparel. I gave you another outfit idea, she was my favorite to dress of this review. The wings are so pretty, I swear to goodness. I could see myself buying this Fae. [outfit=1383478]


Overall, I love how you use atypical apparel sets, and your choice of skins are amazing. I am totally jealous of your ability to pick out skins.

She was the one who I almost picked, but didn’t know exactly how to articulate why, so I didn’t. Now I feel more wordy. To start out with, the lace matches her colors perfectly! That opal is darned near perfect. The Magician’s cloak also really works on her, it gives her a dated vibe in the best possible way! I tried to dress her while keeping the grandmotherly looks.

I need a hug from her


This is a lovely skin, I love the pink accents. It matches the Seraph so well, beautiful. The Halo matches so well, it looks so cohesive. The Pearcatcher female pose looks angelic, so you’ve picked the perfect breed for this. I love her name, it totally suits her, but it also sounds so pretty. I dressed her with some sets that I think look great on her. The blue accents in the poison add a lot of depth to the design, matchy poison is super sweet.

Have I fangirled over Stained while reviewing your dragons yet? I love stained, it is so good. Look at those nice warm browns. The Light Halo is so beautiful, and this is such a great sure of it. The Glowing eyes match it super well, it is such a nice touch. The only suggestion I’d make on the outfit would be to consider adding some baldwin claws or a summer swelter, and that is only because I am obsessed with baldwin claws! This? A good boy. But there is one thing about him that really surprised me: I have been tricked into liking Facet, a gene that I personally do not like. That is really impressive, so he deserves a shoutout just for that. Like, if I saw a non G1 version of this dragon, I would buy it and keep the facet.


As an Antler lover, the naturalist adornments are just so amazing. Makes me wish I wasn’t super broke. I love how the skink matches the tert, and even the contrasting secondary has green undertones. This is a really good usage of a Wind Halo, you don’t see that one as often. He can wear a bunch of my favorite apparel sets, and I love him! He is totally my type of SD. He looks so cohesive, I love him aaah!

woodland cryptid


Ooh, I just love matchy XYZs. The blue accents on the spinner match the terts perfectly, and I quite like the primary. One thing I’ve learned while reviewing so many lairs is how much I love the flame apparel. I gave you another outfit idea, she was my favorite to dress of this review. The wings are so pretty, I swear to goodness. I could see myself buying this Fae.

outfit idea

Resident Trickster Rabbit God
Studier of Color Theory
Giver of Earth Nests
eyes emoji i've been waiting for u to reopen
Type of Service: lair complimenting
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: uhh surprise me
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: avoid The Nest, Cadence Camp, Ascent Square, and Stronghold
Other Comments: most of my lair is in the den!
eyes emoji i've been waiting for u to reopen
Type of Service: lair complimenting
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: uhh surprise me
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: avoid The Nest, Cadence Camp, Ascent Square, and Stronghold
Other Comments: most of my lair is in the den!
em/sai | all pronouns | fr+2 | pings ok
wishlist | fandragon project
probably on ffxiv
This is my secret text... Let's keep it between us, ok?
Type of Service: Lair Review/Improvement
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: Feel free to do as many as you would like
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: My "Projects " tab as that's where I keep breeding projects and dragons waiting to go to hibden and my Hibden as those need genes/apparel
Other Comments: I don't have too many unfinished dragons but those that are only partially finished or whose apparel I plan to change have a finished scry in their bio
Type of Service: Lair Review/Improvement
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: Feel free to do as many as you would like
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: My "Projects " tab as that's where I keep breeding projects and dragons waiting to go to hibden and my Hibden as those need genes/apparel
Other Comments: I don't have too many unfinished dragons but those that are only partially finished or whose apparel I plan to change have a finished scry in their bio
Type of Service: Lair Review/Improvement
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: Do whichever tabs catch your eye! I don't have that many permas haha
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: Any basic dragons probs have scries so you can look at those, just stay away from my hibden and sales tab bc those arent permas
Other Comments: (: thank u
Type of Service: Lair Review/Improvement
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: Do whichever tabs catch your eye! I don't have that many permas haha
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: Any basic dragons probs have scries so you can look at those, just stay away from my hibden and sales tab bc those arent permas
Other Comments: (: thank u
swip.png - hi! i'm cassie.
- my pronouns are she/her.
- my timezone is fr+3.
Type of Service: lair complimenting Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: uhh surprise me Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: avoid The Nest, Cadence Camp, Ascent Square, and Stronghold Other Comments: most of my lair is in the den! @Saiban [url=][img][/img][/url] This is such a pretty Coatl. I just love the name Mochi, so cuuuttteee. I’m hungry now. Rose is such a great color, and matches the outfit super well. Usually I hate the lovely Seraph set, mostly because we could have had a copper version, but she rocks it. She matches a bunch of apparel sets, and can be super versatile! Giraffe is so underrated, I love to see it. You can really see the food theme even without her name, in which I congratulate you. She's pastel, but she's not full-on pastel, which is an unusual take! I quite like it. [url=][img][/img][/url] Ooh. Swamp toxin is such a good gene combination. Just look at those accents! The Feathered wings are such an underrated apparel set, I love how they still show the secondary on Mirrors. You don’t see Underbelly that often, but there are times it works far better than Glimmer does. Mirrors constitute most of those times due to the face. Another thing I would like to comment on is your usage of this skin. I always find it cool when you see Fest skins outside of a Flight Rep context. You’ve used this Plague skin and make it fit well with a Nature rep! I love the use of the cloak here, it adds a really subtle gradient on the body. I also love the layering on the head, it kind of liike like a crown if you look at it the right way! [url=][img][/img][/url] I want a Vielspun but am far too broke, so I am going to live vicariously through this project. To start with, the eyes match the secondary perfectly, which cleared my skin. Matchy eyes are just the best, and my obsession with them has saved me a lot of money! I also love the use of Thorns, which is probably my least favorite of the newly released genes. He makes it work, and makes the cyan a lovely accent color. The Primary (looks at writing on hand for the names) not only matches the cyan, but provides a more muted blue for it to contrast with. The inner color theorist is fangirling over here. [url=][img][/img][/url] My love for dark sclera eyes vs my low baldwin level, FIGHT. The scry in the bio looks so cohesive, the primary and secondary match perfectly oh my goodness. The Rose thorn crown literally is the exact same color, and photoshop color picker cannot convince me otherwise. This is also my favorite use of earrings that I’ve seen in a long time. I love the tail layering. This whole outfit is just perfect for him, I literally cannot think of an outfit suggestion if you were to request one. Do you know how rare it is that my perfectionist brain shuts up? [url=][img][/img][/url] Is this matchy crackle? Release the Dopamine. The Lion mane looks so beautiful and matchy, just try not to think about the implications of lions the size of an SD. Spring is such an underrated color and nobody, not even the haters can change my mind! I love the breastplate apparel and he is no exception. The leaves work. They just work. This is a really cohesive dragon, and I love him. [url=][img][/img][/url] My goodness, this is going to be such a cool permabab. The JAguar and the blossom mimic each other so perfectly, I love it. Matchy eyes are so pretty, this works so well. I love the lore here, and I love the name.
Type of Service: lair complimenting
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: uhh surprise me
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: avoid The Nest, Cadence Camp, Ascent Square, and Stronghold
Other Comments: most of my lair is in the den!



This is such a pretty Coatl. I just love the name Mochi, so cuuuttteee. I’m hungry now. Rose is such a great color, and matches the outfit super well. Usually I hate the lovely Seraph set, mostly because we could have had a copper version, but she rocks it. She matches a bunch of apparel sets, and can be super versatile! Giraffe is so underrated, I love to see it. You can really see the food theme even without her name, in which I congratulate you. She's pastel, but she's not full-on pastel, which is an unusual take! I quite like it.


Ooh. Swamp toxin is such a good gene combination. Just look at those accents! The Feathered wings are such an underrated apparel set, I love how they still show the secondary on Mirrors. You don’t see Underbelly that often, but there are times it works far better than Glimmer does. Mirrors constitute most of those times due to the face. Another thing I would like to comment on is your usage of this skin. I always find it cool when you see Fest skins outside of a Flight Rep context. You’ve used this Plague skin and make it fit well with a Nature rep! I love the use of the cloak here, it adds a really subtle gradient on the body. I also love the layering on the head, it kind of liike like a crown if you look at it the right way!


I want a Vielspun but am far too broke, so I am going to live vicariously through this project. To start with, the eyes match the secondary perfectly, which cleared my skin. Matchy eyes are just the best, and my obsession with them has saved me a lot of money! I also love the use of Thorns, which is probably my least favorite of the newly released genes. He makes it work, and makes the cyan a lovely accent color. The Primary (looks at writing on hand for the names) not only matches the cyan, but provides a more muted blue for it to contrast with. The inner color theorist is fangirling over here.


My love for dark sclera eyes vs my low baldwin level, FIGHT. The scry in the bio looks so cohesive, the primary and secondary match perfectly oh my goodness. The Rose thorn crown literally is the exact same color, and photoshop color picker cannot convince me otherwise. This is also my favorite use of earrings that I’ve seen in a long time. I love the tail layering. This whole outfit is just perfect for him, I literally cannot think of an outfit suggestion if you were to request one. Do you know how rare it is that my perfectionist brain shuts up?

Is this matchy crackle? Release the Dopamine. The Lion mane looks so beautiful and matchy, just try not to think about the implications of lions the size of an SD. Spring is such an underrated color and nobody, not even the haters can change my mind! I love the breastplate apparel and he is no exception. The leaves work. They just work. This is a really cohesive dragon, and I love him.


My goodness, this is going to be such a cool permabab. The JAguar and the blossom mimic each other so perfectly, I love it. Matchy eyes are so pretty, this works so well.

I love the lore here, and I love the name.

Resident Trickster Rabbit God
Studier of Color Theory
Giver of Earth Nests
Type of Service: Lair Review/Improvement Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: Feel free to do as many as you would like Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: My "Projects " tab as that's where I keep breeding projects and dragons waiting to go to hibden and my Hibden as those need genes/apparel Other Comments: I don't have too many unfinished dragons but those that are only partially finished or whose apparel I plan to change have a finished scry in their bio @baret [url=][img][/img][/url] He was the “wanted to pick, but didn’t quite know how to articulate my thought on him”. So here he is now! Antique is such a good color, but goodness, it is a difficult color to work with. You’ve done a good job with it! The accents in the skink matches the eyes perfectly! I love the Deadeye set on him, it matches both his primary and secondary well. Also the hat is just a great piece of apparel, and I wish I saw it more! I think you’ve done a really solid job dressing him, but I tried to dress him anyways and see if we could get anything else that matches for him. Here are the results! I don’t mean to brag, but that waist wrap… darn, I want one now. I love his name BTW, one of my favorite gods. [outfit=1383657] Wilde is great, I would die for him. [url=][img][/img][/url] Allright, lets get into fandragon territory here. To start with, I am weak for Gold Range SDs. The genes here are so pretty, and the Faceted eyes are a nice Subtle touch. Light totally has the best faceted, and nobody can change my mind. The Golden Seraph set is one of my favorites, and I love how subtle it looks on him! The headpiece and necklace are very subtle, but the wing ornament stands out beautifully. Seeing this makes me want to put this on all my dragons. I like the lairing of arctic paints over aviator boots, I don’t think I’ve seen that one before. The scale adds a nice pop of equally desaturated color, and really works as an accent. Outside of a fandom context, this is a lovely SD that I could totally see in a bunch of different lairs, and wearing a bunch of different outfits. Now onto the fandom section of this review! Ever since I started reviewing lairs, I’ve learned a surprising amount of JJBA lol. That quote in the bio concerns me. I don’t know anything here, but eating rocks doesn’t seem like a good idea… I looked at the wiki and things make even less sense. This seems really accurate, but I think that the new Lignting fest apparel might work better for him than the scale set! It has the pattern. Still pretty cheap on the AH if you didn’t pick any up. [url=][img][/img][/url] I may not of watched the anime, but my friend talks about her constantly! From a non-fandom context, look at that UB! That UB matches the petals perfectly, and I will research more matchy petals and UB combos at a later date. May I interest you in a complex outfit that takes up way more apparel slots than it really needs to? The colors work really well for her, [outfit=1383686] [url=][img][/img][/url] Aaah, Lead is such a good color, I love the cyan accents. He is so matchy, I would totally buy this dragon from the Auction House. Steel Capsule is actually really good, and I need to write it down for gene combos that I need to buy at some point. The outfit is surprisingly simple, but it looks so amazing. I love the layering on the Grasps. Aesthetically, he is so pretty. I love that you’ve used a kelpie mane without it looking busy, which is a hard thing to achieve in my eyes. I’d say that this is a really cute and accurate fandragon!
Type of Service: Lair Review/Improvement
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: Feel free to do as many as you would like
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: My "Projects " tab as that's where I keep breeding projects and dragons waiting to go to hibden and my Hibden as those need genes/apparel
Other Comments: I don't have too many unfinished dragons but those that are only partially finished or whose apparel I plan to change have a finished scry in their bio



He was the “wanted to pick, but didn’t quite know how to articulate my thought on him”. So here he is now! Antique is such a good color, but goodness, it is a difficult color to work with. You’ve done a good job with it! The accents in the skink matches the eyes perfectly! I love the Deadeye set on him, it matches both his primary and secondary well. Also the hat is just a great piece of apparel, and I wish I saw it more! I think you’ve done a really solid job dressing him, but I tried to dress him anyways and see if we could get anything else that matches for him. Here are the results! I don’t mean to brag, but that waist wrap… darn, I want one now. I love his name BTW, one of my favorite gods.

rough idea

Wilde is great, I would die for him.


Allright, lets get into fandragon territory here. To start with, I am weak for Gold Range SDs. The genes here are so pretty, and the Faceted eyes are a nice Subtle touch. Light totally has the best faceted, and nobody can change my mind. The Golden Seraph set is one of my favorites, and I love how subtle it looks on him! The headpiece and necklace are very subtle, but the wing ornament stands out beautifully. Seeing this makes me want to put this on all my dragons. I like the lairing of arctic paints over aviator boots, I don’t think I’ve seen that one before. The scale adds a nice pop of equally desaturated color, and really works as an accent. Outside of a fandom context, this is a lovely SD that I could totally see in a bunch of different lairs, and wearing a bunch of different outfits.

Now onto the fandom section of this review! Ever since I started reviewing lairs, I’ve learned a surprising amount of JJBA lol. That quote in the bio concerns me. I don’t know anything here, but eating rocks doesn’t seem like a good idea… I looked at the wiki and things make even less sense. This seems really accurate, but I think that the new Lignting fest apparel might work better for him than the scale set! It has the pattern. Still pretty cheap on the AH if you didn’t pick any up.


I may not of watched the anime, but my friend talks about her constantly! From a non-fandom context, look at that UB! That UB matches the petals perfectly, and I will research more matchy petals and UB combos at a later date. May I interest you in a complex outfit that takes up way more apparel slots than it really needs to? The colors work really well for her,

me likey apparel slot


Aaah, Lead is such a good color, I love the cyan accents. He is so matchy, I would totally buy this dragon from the Auction House. Steel Capsule is actually really good, and I need to write it down for gene combos that I need to buy at some point. The outfit is surprisingly simple, but it looks so amazing. I love the layering on the Grasps. Aesthetically, he is so pretty. I love that you’ve used a kelpie mane without it looking busy, which is a hard thing to achieve in my eyes. I’d say that this is a really cute and accurate fandragon!
Resident Trickster Rabbit God
Studier of Color Theory
Giver of Earth Nests