
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Theme Week: Favorite Dragon of 2019
1 2 ... 89 90 91 92 93 ... 109 110
So, this was soooo tricky for me but I finally made my choice! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Aercus was a recent buy, completely on impulse, but I just had to because she caught my eye and was just such a gorgeous girl that I couldn't resist. Her lore is a work in progress like every other dragon that I have though lol But Aercus is one dragon that I don't regret buying and is my current favorite. I'm so happy I bought her. I hope 2020 is as good a year for dragons as 2019 was!
So, this was soooo tricky for me but I finally made my choice!


Aercus was a recent buy, completely on impulse, but I just had to because she caught my eye and was just such a gorgeous girl that I couldn't resist. Her lore is a work in progress like every other dragon that I have though lol
But Aercus is one dragon that I don't regret buying and is my current favorite. I'm so happy I bought her. I hope 2020 is as good a year for dragons as 2019 was!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Him! When I first hatched him from his egg I was disappointed because his colors were ugly but then I checked his tert and saw he was an XYX. He's still ugly but I don't care.


Him! When I first hatched him from his egg I was disappointed because his colors were ugly but then I checked his tert and saw he was an XYX. He's still ugly but I don't care.
Spr_4p_471_s.png +3 FR time

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My girl Bailey required a little gene editing, but I knew I had a special one on my hands just waiting to grow up and don the Wooden Hide accent. After that the apparel fell into place, and the Windsinger elevated her hence the wonderful glowing eyes. I've tried to spoil her with only the best, and have an ever growing are collection dedicated to her. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] An example: Bailey by GiantLizard [url=][img][/img][/url]
My girl Bailey required a little gene editing, but I knew I had a special one on my hands just waiting to grow up and don the Wooden Hide accent. After that the apparel fell into place, and the Windsinger elevated her hence the wonderful glowing eyes. I've tried to spoil her with only the best, and have an ever growing are collection dedicated to her.


An example:
Bailey by GiantLizard
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] My girl Purity, ID 49999999!! I was trying to get 50mil but just missed by one, lol. It was a good time hatching her, I had just watched Nightmare On Elm Street 2 and it was around 2 am when I logged on for the last bit of the 50mil countdown. It was incredible to get something so close; nests were split by 30 between the IDs of siblings, and the second nest i hatched were 300 over. It was a good time :3 I scattered her like 9 times and am just now getting around to gening her lol.


My girl Purity, ID 49999999!! I was trying to get 50mil but just missed by one, lol. It was a good time hatching her, I had just watched Nightmare On Elm Street 2 and it was around 2 am when I logged on for the last bit of the 50mil countdown. It was incredible to get something so close; nests were split by 30 between the IDs of siblings, and the second nest i hatched were 300 over. It was a good time :3

I scattered her like 9 times and am just now getting around to gening her lol.
[center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Llywelyn is my constant pride and joy, I got him shortly after the new year. He was going to stay as a nocturne but I ended up getting a Wildclaw scroll from a raffle, so he got that and a new gene plan. He doesn’t have much lore but he’s my beautiful boy and that’s what matters.
Llywelyn is my constant pride and joy, I got him shortly after the new year. He was going to stay as a nocturne but I ended up getting a Wildclaw scroll from a raffle, so he got that and a new gene plan. He doesn’t have much lore but he’s my beautiful boy and that’s what matters.
Oh my goodness, that is truly a tough decision... I'd have to go with Aria, although she isn't one of my progens, she is the most gorgeous dragon that I found on the auction house; I'm trying to complete her outfit at the moment but when I do, she will be my clans ambassador/hand maiden to Freya.[url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Oh my goodness, that is truly a tough decision... I'd have to go with Aria, although she isn't one of my progens, she is the most gorgeous dragon that I found on the auction house; I'm trying to complete her outfit at the moment but when I do, she will be my clans ambassador/hand maiden to Freya.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Astare... truly the perfect ambassador to the dawn.


Astare... truly the perfect ambassador to the dawn.
Hands down, it's this lovely girl, who I had to breed change and re-gene. Cost me a fortune but she's exactly what I wanted, and still less than the only other one like her on the site (who is around 4K gems): [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Hands down, it's this lovely girl, who I had to breed change and re-gene. Cost me a fortune but she's exactly what I wanted, and still less than the only other one like her on the site (who is around 4K gems):

[center]This year has been WILD. Picking a favorite dragon would be hard... but I've gotta say my favorites are probably my progens (duh), my pile of Spirals, and Nebby. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I found him as an adorable baby Guardian on the Dragons For Sale forum back when I first joined... For 14 gems. For me back then, that was expensive. I didn't know how to exalt dragons, and I still don't know how to play G&G. But still, I remember waiting on the Auction House screen with my slow internet, stressing out over whether or not I got him... And then I did. He is my baby. Now I realize how truly valuable he is - a matchy primal, worth much more than that... but he's priceless to me, and I'd never sell him for anything. <3[/center]
This year has been WILD.
Picking a favorite dragon would be hard... but I've gotta say my favorites are probably my progens (duh), my pile of Spirals, and Nebby.


I found him as an adorable baby Guardian on the Dragons For Sale forum back when I first joined... For 14 gems. For me back then, that was expensive. I didn't know how to exalt dragons, and I still don't know how to play G&G. But still, I remember waiting on the Auction House screen with my slow internet, stressing out over whether or not I got him... And then I did. He is my baby. Now I realize how truly valuable he is - a matchy primal, worth much more than that... but he's priceless to me, and I'd never sell him for anything. <3
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] This is Ulkesh. A fourth generation son of the Glitch Queen Naomi, he's not been in my lair long... But he's already a striking, fearsome creature. I can't [i]wait[/i] to slap some lore on this bad boy, and I hope he brings me lots of gems from his babies!

This is Ulkesh. A fourth generation son of the Glitch Queen Naomi, he's not been in my lair long... But he's already a striking, fearsome creature. I can't wait to slap some lore on this bad boy, and I hope he brings me lots of gems from his babies!
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1 2 ... 89 90 91 92 93 ... 109 110