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TOPIC | [IC] Earthy g1, 3-off XYY
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Hello! I'm doing this interest check on behalf of my sister @Silverdash She hatched this dragon a while ago, and while it's not her aesthetic, I think she scries up quite nicely! [quote][center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Ivory/Hickory/Brown[/b] wind unusual secondary colors match eyes brown range, earthy colors 3-off XYY[/center] [/quote] some of my favorite scries: [img][/img][morphology=182772] [morphology=206415][img][/img] her colors are very versatile and work well together with most genes, including gaolers. I'm not really sure what a dragon like her would be worth, so pricing help is appreciated! depending on interest I will either auction her or do a flatsale
Hello! I'm doing this interest check on behalf of my sister @Silverdash
She hatched this dragon a while ago, and while it's not her aesthetic, I think she scries up quite nicely!


wind unusual
secondary colors match eyes
brown range, earthy colors
3-off XYY
some of my favorite scries:
Pretty matchy g1 scry1

Pretty matchy g1 scry2
her colors are very versatile and work well together with most genes, including gaolers.

I'm not really sure what a dragon like her would be worth, so pricing help is appreciated!
depending on interest I will either auction her or do a flatsale
eLAndXa.png FooterAds.gif
Gary was here, Ash is a loser
2OTuj7X.png I hoard black orpingtons and black-capped chickadees!
Pinging g1 hoarders association for the above dragon. I tried my best to only ping the relevant lists, apologies if I made a mistake!

@apotheca @apothecaria @arienai @armin @avarosa @aviv @awayfrombirdland @batcrooks @betta @bitmap @bloodwyrm @bob @bones @cairon @calibris @calm @canadian @caribou @catsrevenge @cedric @charias @cheshirecatuk1 @chichi @chomeister @coli @kveikur @damelz @dancerinthesky @dandelions @dayliqht @deadbattery @deathwing @descending @disease @diseased @dixy @draconequis @dragonmage @dragonmaiden @dragonweaver @drakkanwolf @drastalblight @dreamt @elementalentropy @elroking @embereye @embroid @erianamoon @ern @etchedshadow @evilwave @faileas @falcoeur @fallingstar275 @firethroat @fizzywits @fjaralunar @followedbyrocks @foolishray @foxxtrot @frostycloud @fruityhoofbeast @gasoline @ghast @ghostenthusiast @gou @greatcontagion @grendel @grimalkkin @guillain @gurrero @harleyfae @haylxx @heavnlyaristo @hiame @hybro @icefirestarfire @icetea @ignei @imupacreek2000 @incarnate @inculta @insouciant @jacknoahkerr @kaitii @kaito @kavalkade @keydotzip @khezu @kievan @kittyboops @kyoya @laastaria @laegjarn @lavenderamethyst @leafdapple1 @leeedea @lemecrazy @lemonquartz @lewana @lizardheart @london @lottie @lrjj @luciftian @luusan @magari @maila @manda @marceline @marva @masterneko @matejko @mellifera @meonox @micheru @miloki @mimiru @minx @misericordieuse @missfemke @miusempire @moofius @mudguts @nanairo @naralex @nathlene @nightrising @niharike @noctilucent @nryenth @oceanics @oftquoted @oncamimus @oodie @ordona @oria @ouji @outlandishkg @owlktor @peisinoe @perfidious @plushie @poo @pretzuls @prism @psi @pulses @puppicino @putin @putrefaction @putri @qyetlady @raeyena @rangiku @rangsky @raucousremy @rayen @reckless @redcroft @renaci @renmiri @rest @rijl @rogue @roiben @ruinia @rulanir @ryuuna @sabbat @sableye @saeliras @saintseb @satire @scaledfoxx @scamper @scared @scientist @scylla @sealterbloind @searinox @serendipia @serra @shadeythedragon @shamelessscalies @yip @zenemesis @silverquark @auraea @bit @childish @laby @lordofthedeer @ravenhearst @seylon @sochitelya @solanaceae13 @sooraya @sotherin @sparkleofgold @spartalicous @spicytunaroll @stakie @starfire0 @starly @succulents @tangaroa @taogtmi @techmess @tehumertt @textbookhumor @thanksmeg @thederpmaster2 @thegodaesthetic @therowen @thestormcatcher @thrym @cowl @tigerpanda13 @tigerrocky @toasterontop @treedancer @tuatara @txtiger @uzaaki9 @vaiya @vashtya @veevi @ventus @voidshadow @warlock @weir @why @wicker @wobbitt @wolfscent @wyrda @xirei @yiqi @yoosung @zayev @zenzic @zona @zsazsa @sunlace @myheromako @benzyne @suntouched @insan3king @takadimi @big @eryel @squishypeachy @drackana @ceruleancrow @bystander @lunasillusions @thistleprose @los @krysavorona @meanling @gilbunny @kelpoyo @flutes

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I copied this list from the G1 Hoarders Spreadsheet

@aberration @adomaniia @aearinn @apothecaria @aqunathlok @basilius @belief @biird @capricat @captainnadine @catpilot @cheshirecatuk1 @coalchaser @concept @cove @darkmatter @draxia @femboyy @fugo @galaxanova @galli @ghostharpies @grasp @hazy @heathermoon @irrwahn @jazperz @kairoku @keydotzip @kiddo @krocodalie @kuiperr @lewana @liluye @mayuli @meanling @misericordieuse @mxcrabs @netris @nightmarejudge @overture @owlktor @paxx @pelicanbitten @perospero @pondweed @puppicino @quatervois @rayena @reliquiaen @roheryn @roiben @rosas @russmond @saraceaser @scavenging @scylla @shortkeike @shuffluffalo @skitzopod @smolsnekbestsnek @snartie @seylon @sookiejane @soots @sotku @spark @spicytunaroll @swanee @taiyou @tenebrium @thestormcatcher @cowl @toxipraline @triforces @trinkenki @tues @twizz @venneris @viktoor @wildflora @yamatsumori @ythequeris @zelai @neonhorns @aarune @coexistence @tul1p @remind @yukorusshi @vintaegucci @idyll @sorkan @ushi

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I copied this list from the G1 Hoarders Spreadsheet

@Aku (unbred, NO GREENS) @dandyfrau (unbred) @rufusdrumknott (browns only) @Exceed (No ICs, no greens, unbred) @father (unbred, match eyes) @Heathers (unbred) @heavenlii (unbred) @Nemora (unbred, no greens) @Raptorfeathers (no greens or bright oranges) @scolopendromorph (no greens/'tree dragons', unbred) @sneakys (unbred) @torture (BROWNS ONLY) @Spooce (NO AUCTIONS) @Praedyth (no tree themes, brown OR green ranges only) @Vsavi (No greens) @Peachie(unbred,no auctions!)
@aberration @apothecaria @aqunathlok @arbokobra @arkenrall @belief @cirrostratus @concept @dedicate @excessnight @fugo @hasufel @heathers @hybro @krazkitcat @l1br4 @lrjj @malisvitterfolk @mirkairan @naja @owlktor @psi @roseofgehenna @saraceaser @sarapkm @scylla @seylon @shr0ud @sirspiderider @skitzopod @smeen @takadimi @thegodaesthetic @thestormcatcher @tigenki @venneris @yum @ayxia

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I copied this list from the G1 Hoarders Spreadsheet

@Roheryn (unbred, no pinks)

@5h4d0wdu57 @aearinn @aldru @aqunathlok @banguela @betta @biird @billygoatsgruff @capitibus @catpilot @cerion @cheshirecatuk1 @chuchuana @cove @darkniiinja @dandyfrau @drakenhart @draxia @embroid @endro @erendira @evarinya @darlnim @fruityhoofbeast @gardenvoir @ghostchateau @ghostharpies @hanzosinmada @lackess @lunarias @malisvitterfolk @mekora @mxcrabs @nejira @novarys @ivoryash @porl @rangsky @ratfriend @roiben @rosas @saeliras @scylla @goldstar @selenomancy @sirspiderider @dustfawn @smokeybunny @sotherin @squishypeachy @taipantigress @taiyou @taogtmi @tetris @tinyelephant @tuatara @tues @turtleedove @venture @ylfa @zytorian @cats @aersolace @shaide @neonhorns @faebeats @yukorusshi @dudodo @7up @scalymaiden

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I copied this list from the G1 Hoarders Spreadsheet

@KKorven (unbred) @nullius (unbred only) @tranquillite (unbred only) @OyasumiKasumi @Takadimi (Unbred) @Windstrike (no Arcane, Plague, Light, or Fire)

@Dischord (March 8th hatchdate, any year, unbred)

And I think that's all of the relevant pings :)
Pinging g1 hoarders association for the above dragon. I tried my best to only ping the relevant lists, apologies if I made a mistake!

@apotheca @apothecaria @arienai @armin @avarosa @aviv @awayfrombirdland @batcrooks @betta @bitmap @bloodwyrm @bob @bones @cairon @calibris @calm @canadian @caribou @catsrevenge @cedric @charias @cheshirecatuk1 @chichi @chomeister @coli @kveikur @damelz @dancerinthesky @dandelions @dayliqht @deadbattery @deathwing @descending @disease @diseased @dixy @draconequis @dragonmage @dragonmaiden @dragonweaver @drakkanwolf @drastalblight @dreamt @elementalentropy @elroking @embereye @embroid @erianamoon @ern @etchedshadow @evilwave @faileas @falcoeur @fallingstar275 @firethroat @fizzywits @fjaralunar @followedbyrocks @foolishray @foxxtrot @frostycloud @fruityhoofbeast @gasoline @ghast @ghostenthusiast @gou @greatcontagion @grendel @grimalkkin @guillain @gurrero @harleyfae @haylxx @heavnlyaristo @hiame @hybro @icefirestarfire @icetea @ignei @imupacreek2000 @incarnate @inculta @insouciant @jacknoahkerr @kaitii @kaito @kavalkade @keydotzip @khezu @kievan @kittyboops @kyoya @laastaria @laegjarn @lavenderamethyst @leafdapple1 @leeedea @lemecrazy @lemonquartz @lewana @lizardheart @london @lottie @lrjj @luciftian @luusan @magari @maila @manda @marceline @marva @masterneko @matejko @mellifera @meonox @micheru @miloki @mimiru @minx @misericordieuse @missfemke @miusempire @moofius @mudguts @nanairo @naralex @nathlene @nightrising @niharike @noctilucent @nryenth @oceanics @oftquoted @oncamimus @oodie @ordona @oria @ouji @outlandishkg @owlktor @peisinoe @perfidious @plushie @poo @pretzuls @prism @psi @pulses @puppicino @putin @putrefaction @putri @qyetlady @raeyena @rangiku @rangsky @raucousremy @rayen @reckless @redcroft @renaci @renmiri @rest @rijl @rogue @roiben @ruinia @rulanir @ryuuna @sabbat @sableye @saeliras @saintseb @satire @scaledfoxx @scamper @scared @scientist @scylla @sealterbloind @searinox @serendipia @serra @shadeythedragon @shamelessscalies @yip @zenemesis @silverquark @auraea @bit @childish @laby @lordofthedeer @ravenhearst @seylon @sochitelya @solanaceae13 @sooraya @sotherin @sparkleofgold @spartalicous @spicytunaroll @stakie @starfire0 @starly @succulents @tangaroa @taogtmi @techmess @tehumertt @textbookhumor @thanksmeg @thederpmaster2 @thegodaesthetic @therowen @thestormcatcher @thrym @cowl @tigerpanda13 @tigerrocky @toasterontop @treedancer @tuatara @txtiger @uzaaki9 @vaiya @vashtya @veevi @ventus @voidshadow @warlock @weir @why @wicker @wobbitt @wolfscent @wyrda @xirei @yiqi @yoosung @zayev @zenzic @zona @zsazsa @sunlace @myheromako @benzyne @suntouched @insan3king @takadimi @big @eryel @squishypeachy @drackana @ceruleancrow @bystander @lunasillusions @thistleprose @los @krysavorona @meanling @gilbunny @kelpoyo @flutes

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I copied this list from the G1 Hoarders Spreadsheet

@aberration @adomaniia @aearinn @apothecaria @aqunathlok @basilius @belief @biird @capricat @captainnadine @catpilot @cheshirecatuk1 @coalchaser @concept @cove @darkmatter @draxia @femboyy @fugo @galaxanova @galli @ghostharpies @grasp @hazy @heathermoon @irrwahn @jazperz @kairoku @keydotzip @kiddo @krocodalie @kuiperr @lewana @liluye @mayuli @meanling @misericordieuse @mxcrabs @netris @nightmarejudge @overture @owlktor @paxx @pelicanbitten @perospero @pondweed @puppicino @quatervois @rayena @reliquiaen @roheryn @roiben @rosas @russmond @saraceaser @scavenging @scylla @shortkeike @shuffluffalo @skitzopod @smolsnekbestsnek @snartie @seylon @sookiejane @soots @sotku @spark @spicytunaroll @swanee @taiyou @tenebrium @thestormcatcher @cowl @toxipraline @triforces @trinkenki @tues @twizz @venneris @viktoor @wildflora @yamatsumori @ythequeris @zelai @neonhorns @aarune @coexistence @tul1p @remind @yukorusshi @vintaegucci @idyll @sorkan @ushi

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I copied this list from the G1 Hoarders Spreadsheet

@Aku (unbred, NO GREENS) @dandyfrau (unbred) @rufusdrumknott (browns only) @Exceed (No ICs, no greens, unbred) @father (unbred, match eyes) @Heathers (unbred) @heavenlii (unbred) @Nemora (unbred, no greens) @Raptorfeathers (no greens or bright oranges) @scolopendromorph (no greens/'tree dragons', unbred) @sneakys (unbred) @torture (BROWNS ONLY) @Spooce (NO AUCTIONS) @Praedyth (no tree themes, brown OR green ranges only) @Vsavi (No greens) @Peachie(unbred,no auctions!)
@aberration @apothecaria @aqunathlok @arbokobra @arkenrall @belief @cirrostratus @concept @dedicate @excessnight @fugo @hasufel @heathers @hybro @krazkitcat @l1br4 @lrjj @malisvitterfolk @mirkairan @naja @owlktor @psi @roseofgehenna @saraceaser @sarapkm @scylla @seylon @shr0ud @sirspiderider @skitzopod @smeen @takadimi @thegodaesthetic @thestormcatcher @tigenki @venneris @yum @ayxia

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I copied this list from the G1 Hoarders Spreadsheet

@Roheryn (unbred, no pinks)

@5h4d0wdu57 @aearinn @aldru @aqunathlok @banguela @betta @biird @billygoatsgruff @capitibus @catpilot @cerion @cheshirecatuk1 @chuchuana @cove @darkniiinja @dandyfrau @drakenhart @draxia @embroid @endro @erendira @evarinya @darlnim @fruityhoofbeast @gardenvoir @ghostchateau @ghostharpies @hanzosinmada @lackess @lunarias @malisvitterfolk @mekora @mxcrabs @nejira @novarys @ivoryash @porl @rangsky @ratfriend @roiben @rosas @saeliras @scylla @goldstar @selenomancy @sirspiderider @dustfawn @smokeybunny @sotherin @squishypeachy @taipantigress @taiyou @taogtmi @tetris @tinyelephant @tuatara @tues @turtleedove @venture @ylfa @zytorian @cats @aersolace @shaide @neonhorns @faebeats @yukorusshi @dudodo @7up @scalymaiden

Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click here for updated pinglists!

I copied this list from the G1 Hoarders Spreadsheet

@KKorven (unbred) @nullius (unbred only) @tranquillite (unbred only) @OyasumiKasumi @Takadimi (Unbred) @Windstrike (no Arcane, Plague, Light, or Fire)

@Dischord (March 8th hatchdate, any year, unbred)

And I think that's all of the relevant pings :)
eLAndXa.png FooterAds.gif
Gary was here, Ash is a loser
2OTuj7X.png I hoard black orpingtons and black-capped chickadees!

I'm interested in her but I've never gotten the hang of pricing G1s. XD; I'd gladly drop 75K treasure on her now though and would be willing to go higher if you decide on more than that. ^^

I'm interested in her but I've never gotten the hang of pricing G1s. XD; I'd gladly drop 75K treasure on her now though and would be willing to go higher if you decide on more than that. ^^
Thank you for your input!
I think I'm going to wait for someone with a lot of experience pricing g1s to weigh in before I accept any offers or decide on a price, if that's alright with you.
If I set up a sales/auction thread in a day or two, would you like me to ping you?
Thank you for your input!
I think I'm going to wait for someone with a lot of experience pricing g1s to weigh in before I accept any offers or decide on a price, if that's alright with you.
If I set up a sales/auction thread in a day or two, would you like me to ping you?
eLAndXa.png FooterAds.gif
Gary was here, Ash is a loser
2OTuj7X.png I hoard black orpingtons and black-capped chickadees!
Please ping me! I’m very interested, that’s exactly the type of G1 I like. I’d be willing to make a good offer whenever the time comes around, but I don’t have much experience pricing G1s. Do you know whether you’d do an auction thread or sales thread yet?
Please ping me! I’m very interested, that’s exactly the type of G1 I like. I’d be willing to make a good offer whenever the time comes around, but I don’t have much experience pricing G1s. Do you know whether you’d do an auction thread or sales thread yet?
vlHpjp8.png .

. .
checked on swipp, baldwin, or arlo lately?
_ wizardry2.gif

That's totally understandable! I would love a ping for any sales/auction she's included in. ^_^

That's totally understandable! I would love a ping for any sales/auction she's included in. ^_^

oh, she's gorgeous!!! i'm afraid i dont have much experience pricing g1s, but i'm very interested in a sales/auction thread!! ♥

oh, she's gorgeous!!! i'm afraid i dont have much experience pricing g1s, but i'm very interested in a sales/auction thread!! ♥
Call me Beo!
FR +0

· · ·
@Cunea (sorry for the ping)

I don't have a world of experience pricing near miss g1's but from what ive gathered from browsing the marketplace, and from personal experience viewing offers on a few of my gen 1's I have a very general idea about what factors into prices, and at least my take on what she is worth.

A lot of pricing comes from the closeness of the colours and how well they match, their general visual aesthetic. xyx dragons can sell for 100-200 gems because they have bad colour matchups, and while xyy and xxy dragons generally sell for higher, the same rules still apply. If you include a wider variety of scry's, with treasure and gem genes, different breeds and even the different eyes one could buy, you can help raise appeal for potential buyers by showing em the possibilities and giving them potential budget options.

Since your gals eyes go well with the colours, and all colours pair well with a variety of genes I wouldn't accept offers under 100g, honestly she should go for 200g off the bat, least that's what id pay for her. Id take advice from seasoned gen 1 hoarders too, but remember that value is subjective and kinda a "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" deal. Price her to what you feel she is worth and adjust from there.

She has a ton of potential and looks good with a few breeds. If you decide to do a sales thread I'd love to be pinged! I would love to try to get a nice xyz gen 1 without 10 scrolls of scattering!

@Cunea (sorry for the ping)

I don't have a world of experience pricing near miss g1's but from what ive gathered from browsing the marketplace, and from personal experience viewing offers on a few of my gen 1's I have a very general idea about what factors into prices, and at least my take on what she is worth.

A lot of pricing comes from the closeness of the colours and how well they match, their general visual aesthetic. xyx dragons can sell for 100-200 gems because they have bad colour matchups, and while xyy and xxy dragons generally sell for higher, the same rules still apply. If you include a wider variety of scry's, with treasure and gem genes, different breeds and even the different eyes one could buy, you can help raise appeal for potential buyers by showing em the possibilities and giving them potential budget options.

Since your gals eyes go well with the colours, and all colours pair well with a variety of genes I wouldn't accept offers under 100g, honestly she should go for 200g off the bat, least that's what id pay for her. Id take advice from seasoned gen 1 hoarders too, but remember that value is subjective and kinda a "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" deal. Price her to what you feel she is worth and adjust from there.

She has a ton of potential and looks good with a few breeds. If you decide to do a sales thread I'd love to be pinged! I would love to try to get a nice xyz gen 1 without 10 scrolls of scattering!

@Cunea Please ping me for any auction/sale, she's a lovely G1!
@Cunea Please ping me for any auction/sale, she's a lovely G1!
@Cunea Please ping me if you decide to auction her!
@Cunea Please ping me if you decide to auction her!
lant.gif lant.gif
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