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TOPIC | PROJECT- Bringing Rare Color Combos back
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[center][center][img][/img][/center] [center] Greetings yall! Welcome to... [size=5][b]Project: Re-introduction Of Rare Color Combos[/b][/size] This is a personal project that i've been thinking about for quite a while for now, One that will take time, patience and funding, alot of funding... So, to make this more bearable for myself and to register the progress and success of the project, i decided to make this public, who knows? maybe there's more people that also like the concept of my idea and want to follow it to see the advancements. Without nothing more to say, let's jump to the introduction![/center] ------- [b]ANNOUNCEMENTS & ACHIVEMENTS:[/b] [i]-24/09/2019: Thread was finished and released into the public.[/i] [img][/img][/center]
Greetings yall!
Welcome to...
Project: Re-introduction Of Rare Color Combos

This is a personal project that i've been thinking about for quite a while for now, One that will take time, patience and funding, alot of funding...

So, to make this more bearable for myself and to register the progress and success of the project, i decided to make this public, who knows? maybe there's more people that also like the concept of my idea and want to follow it to see the advancements.

Without nothing more to say, let's jump to the introduction!

-24/09/2019: Thread was finished and released into the public.

Looking for some art for your dragons? click down below!

[center][img][/img] [i][b]INTRODUCTION[/b][/i] All of this started about 4 months ago, when i was collecting dragons with interesting color combos to open a hatchery. In my search i came across some rare color combos, this sparked a very weird interest in me, and so, a very strong obsession with colecting rare color combos grew on me. I started going crazy both in the Scrying workshop and the Search engine, making up weird color combos and then searching them. 100% of the times the precious dragons were already owned by someone OR they were exalted a very long time ago, some users were really kind enough to sell or gift me their dragons, each time i obtained a rare combo made me feel really proud and excited, at this point, i wasn't collecting dragons for my future hatchery, but getting rare colored dragons just for the sake of having them. Using this method i managed to get some pretty stuff like Oilslick/Oilslick/Cyan and Midnight/Mint/Mint. [i]Then.[/i] I came across not one, but two very rare color combos, definitely the rarest combos i own to this date. i'm talking about: [b]Flint/Flint/Jungle[/b] [i](14 existing, [u]2 active[/u])[/i] & [b]Flint/Flint/Hunter[/b] [i](10 Existing,[u] 3 active[/u]).[/i] This combo was the one that inspired the whole project. With all the luck on my side i was lucky to get 2 dragons with these colors to produce some offspring. I also want to do something rather special with them other than just breeding them non-stop, you will see what in a momment.... [img][/img][/center]


All of this started about 4 months ago, when i was collecting dragons with interesting color combos to open a hatchery.
In my search i came across some rare color combos, this sparked a very weird interest in me, and so, a very strong obsession with colecting rare color combos grew on me.

I started going crazy both in the Scrying workshop and the Search engine, making up weird color combos and then searching them.

100% of the times the precious dragons were already owned by someone OR they were exalted a very long time ago, some users were really kind enough to sell or gift me their dragons, each time i obtained a rare combo made me feel really proud and excited, at this point, i wasn't collecting dragons for my future hatchery, but getting rare colored dragons just for the sake of having them.
Using this method i managed to get some pretty stuff like Oilslick/Oilslick/Cyan and Midnight/Mint/Mint.


I came across not one, but two very rare color combos, definitely the rarest combos i own to this date.
i'm talking about:

Flint/Flint/Jungle (14 existing, 2 active)
Flint/Flint/Hunter (10 Existing, 3 active).

This combo was the one that inspired the whole project. With all the luck on my side i was lucky to get 2 dragons with these colors to produce some offspring.
I also want to do something rather special with them other than just breeding them non-stop, you will see what in a momment....

Looking for some art for your dragons? click down below!

[center][img][/img] [i][b]ABOUT THE DRAGONS[/b][/i] Now.... I've been talking alot about colors and stuff, but i haven't showed you the dragons that i'll be using yet, so i want you to meet our rare fellas! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Flint[/b] A snapper with a skin of stone but a heart of gold, he's our Jungle tertiary. & [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Sakra[/b] A Pearlcatcher who has a a groundbreaking actitude, she's our Hunter tertiary. They will be the ones in charge of bringing their color combos back on the map, back to Flight Rising! Think about it like saving an animal species back from extinction, but with dragons. And know, you might be asking, [i]why? what do you get from doing this? wouldn't doing this make them less rare and thus, less valuable?[/i] Yeah, it will decrease their status of rare, but i want to do this so more people learn and get more appreciation for rare color combos that often go unnoticed. Plus, i want to see their colors rise again, and make players have the opportunity to own them. [b]The plan is very, very simple.[/b] I got the dragons already, let's breed them constantly to repopulate again! Well, yes, i could just do that, but there's a catch, remember earlier i told you about doing [i]"something special"[/i]? well, here's the something that i want to do... [img][/img][/center]



I've been talking alot about colors and stuff, but i haven't showed you the dragons that i'll be using yet, so i want you to meet our rare fellas!


A snapper with a skin of stone but a heart of gold, he's our Jungle tertiary.


A Pearlcatcher who has a a groundbreaking actitude, she's our Hunter tertiary.

They will be the ones in charge of bringing their color combos back on the map, back to Flight Rising!
Think about it like saving an animal species back from extinction, but with dragons.

And know, you might be asking, why? what do you get from doing this? wouldn't doing this make them less rare and thus, less valuable?
Yeah, it will decrease their status of rare, but i want to do this so more people learn and get more appreciation for rare color combos that often go unnoticed.
Plus, i want to see their colors rise again, and make players have the opportunity to own them.

The plan is very, very simple.

I got the dragons already, let's breed them constantly to repopulate again!
Well, yes, i could just do that, but there's a catch, remember earlier i told you about doing "something special"? well, here's the something that i want to do...

Looking for some art for your dragons? click down below!

[center][img][/img] [i][b]SCRYING & CRYING[/b][/i] BOOM Nobody expects the scrying workshop, my "something special" Is making them a [b]Sub-species[/b] of their own, with their own lore, apparel, familiars, all that subspecies stuff, i've even came up with a name, they will be called.... The Gladeveins Gargoyles [img][/img] Jungle tertiary. [img][/img] Hunter tertiary. [b]Ripple/Current/Crackle [/b] Ripple and Current to make up for cracks in the stone and Crackle to simulate moss that overgrew them a long time ago. They would be a nature sub-species, breed in nature nests for auntenticity. Without spoiling so much lore [i](that will have it's own thread)[/i]: Here's a pretty basic summary: "[i]they were living gargoyles scattered across the Nature region with the purpose to scare away the shade, but that was a long time ago, after the shade vanished they were left with no purpose and so, they slept for centuaries until very recently, something brought them back to life...[/i]" Interesting, isn't it? I wanted to turn them into a sub-species to make them more attractive, more appealing, so people would actually want to own one of these, be it for aestethic, lore, etc, just giving them a reason to keep them. Yes, it's nice and all, but what about costs? Well.. Let's pause the dream for a momment and do some math: [quote=Shop list] 1 Pearlcatcher change scroll = 250000[emoji=treasure size=1] [i](212500 with dom discount)[/i] 2 Ripple scrolls = 500000[emoji=treasure size=1] [i](425000 with dom discount)[/i] 2 Current scrolls = 330000[emoji=treasure size=1] [i](280500 with dom discount[/i] 2 Crackle scrolls = 380000[emoji=treasure size=1] [i](323000 with dom discount) Total w/o discount = 1460000[emoji=treasure size=1]/1460[emoji=gem size=1] Total w/ discount = 1241000[emoji=treasure size=1]/1241[emoji=gem size=1] [/quote] [i] [b]Yikes[/b][/i] I know this ammount of cash is pretty much NOTHING compared to what other users have used in their dragons, but still. How will i get the neccesary quantity of treasure? ... I don't know, seriously, probably not spending that much on apparel, doing productive stuff, farming coli and fodder i guess. We will see, after all, i'm [i]not[/i] begging you for money since this thread is basically my plans but in public, but if you want to help with a dime, i won't be mad. [img][/img][/center]


Nobody expects the scrying workshop, my "something special" Is making them a Sub-species of their own, with their own lore, apparel, familiars, all that subspecies stuff, i've even came up with a name, they will be called....

The Gladeveins Gargoyles
Jungle tertiary.
Hunter tertiary.


Ripple and Current to make up for cracks in the stone and Crackle to simulate moss that overgrew them a long time ago.
They would be a nature sub-species, breed in nature nests for auntenticity.
Without spoiling so much lore (that will have it's own thread): Here's a pretty basic summary:

"they were living gargoyles scattered across the Nature region with the purpose to scare away the shade, but that was a long time ago, after the shade vanished they were left with no purpose and so, they slept for centuaries until very recently, something brought them back to life..."

Interesting, isn't it?

I wanted to turn them into a sub-species to make them more attractive, more appealing, so people would actually want to own one of these, be it for aestethic, lore, etc, just giving them a reason to keep them.

Yes, it's nice and all, but what about costs?
Let's pause the dream for a momment and do some math:
Shop list wrote:
1 Pearlcatcher change scroll = 250000 (212500 with dom discount)
2 Ripple scrolls = 500000 (425000 with dom discount)
2 Current scrolls = 330000 (280500 with dom discount
2 Crackle scrolls = 380000 (323000 with dom discount)

Total w/o discount = 1460000/1460
Total w/ discount = 1241000/1241


I know this ammount of cash is pretty much NOTHING compared to what other users have used in their dragons, but still.

How will i get the neccesary quantity of treasure?
I don't know, seriously, probably not spending that much on apparel, doing productive stuff, farming coli and fodder i guess.
We will see, after all, i'm not begging you for money since this thread is basically my plans but in public, but if you want to help with a dime, i won't be mad.

Looking for some art for your dragons? click down below!

[center][img][/img] [i][b]THE END[/b][/i] We are in endgame pretty much now! This part Will be reserved for miscellaneous stuff like pinglists or whatever else i find that needs to be put. Pretty much that's all folks, if you sticked around 'til the end, congratulations! you [i]might[/i] be interested in my project. Seriously, thank you. Have a good day. [i]-AE[/i] -------- [b][emoji=star size=1]General Pinglist for everything realted to the project: [/b] @/Phoenyxx @/Silverbolt1159 @/Nekokitty813 @/SkyTreader197 @/TheClockworkHowl @/Ashandra @/YviJoy @/dreamlogic [b][emoji=eternal youth size=1]Pinglist for future hatchlings only:[/b] @/Silverbolt1159 @/SkyTreader197 @/Ashandra @/nevadawolfe @/Gormanghaste [img][/img][/center]


We are in endgame pretty much now!
This part Will be reserved for miscellaneous stuff like pinglists or whatever else i find that needs to be put.
Pretty much that's all folks, if you sticked around 'til the end, congratulations! you might be interested in my project.
Seriously, thank you.
Have a good day.

General Pinglist for everything realted to the project:


Pinglist for future hatchlings only:

Looking for some art for your dragons? click down below!

And it's finally open!
And it's finally open!
Looking for some art for your dragons? click down below!


I’d love t be pinged ! I actually have a Rare combo myself I got from a free thread , her name is Mabel and she is the ONLY ONE with her colours :) I wish I could genre her but it’s expenive

I’d love t be pinged ! I actually have a Rare combo myself I got from a free thread , her name is Mabel and she is the ONLY ONE with her colours :) I wish I could genre her but it’s expenive
@AEtherium I love rare colors and yours are beautiful! I'd love to be pinged about updates and hatches!
@AEtherium I love rare colors and yours are beautiful! I'd love to be pinged about updates and hatches!
Id like to be pinged as well! This seems really interesting!
Id like to be pinged as well! This seems really interesting!
I would love to be pinged for updates and hatches! ^^ As well as any general stuff. This is really interesting and I'm excited to see how it goes!
I would love to be pinged for updates and hatches! ^^ As well as any general stuff. This is really interesting and I'm excited to see how it goes!
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