
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Theme Week: Wild Clans
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Flavus is the best candidate I've got. He and his mother were shunned from the clan when he was still in the egg -- his mother caught practicing dangerous, and dark magics. He was later born mutated with no scales to cover his muscles, likely a result from being forced from the nest and forced to hatch too soon. He is in constant, horrible agony from his ailment and seeks revenge on the progenitor of the clan for being outcast. He is a dangerous loaner, a clan killer, and is not someone you'd want to cross paths with!


Flavus is the best candidate I've got. He and his mother were shunned from the clan when he was still in the egg -- his mother caught practicing dangerous, and dark magics. He was later born mutated with no scales to cover his muscles, likely a result from being forced from the nest and forced to hatch too soon. He is in constant, horrible agony from his ailment and seeks revenge on the progenitor of the clan for being outcast. He is a dangerous loaner, a clan killer, and is not someone you'd want to cross paths with!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Swampee, the Fire born frog whisperer. She's a little freak, likes to secretly leave the Southern Island and swim over to visit the Wasteland. She's a Plague fan, but would never leave her clan. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kahlida, the Witch. She is never where you think she is, but always there when her magic is needed. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nimrod, the borrowing master, only permanent Ridgeback of the lair. The clan tolerates him, but other Ridgebacks never get to stay long.


Swampee, the Fire born frog whisperer. She's a little freak, likes to secretly leave the Southern Island and swim over to visit the Wasteland. She's a Plague fan, but would never leave her clan.


Kahlida, the Witch. She is never where you think she is, but always there when her magic is needed.


Nimrod, the borrowing master, only permanent Ridgeback of the lair. The clan tolerates him, but other Ridgebacks never get to stay long.
Is it any surprise that my windy dragons would fit this theme? I certainly think not! First up is my progen, Pyrixe. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] There's a reason this clan has a Queen Matriarch but no king. Pyrixe struck out on her own when she became fed up with the archaic ways of her parents (thus why she claims no lineage). Having grown up with Renaldord, the perpetual wanderer, she knew she would have a travel companion to help her establish her own domain. One night, in a year when spring came early, she visited her friend, satchel packed. "Get your things, we're leaving," she told him in a no-nonsense tone. Without a look back, she took off into the sky, and Renaldord followed. This handsome Robin Hood-esque dragon is Roarfin the Orphan. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] He rarely listens, and when he does, it's only to the clan's General, Warforged. Everyone thought he'd settle down once he had mated, but that wasn't the case. He'd rather be off in the woods or plains stalking prey than worrying about smelly little hatchlings that barely wobble off the ground.
Is it any surprise that my windy dragons would fit this theme? I certainly think not!

First up is my progen, Pyrixe. There's a reason this clan has a Queen Matriarch but no king. Pyrixe struck out on her own when she became fed up with the archaic ways of her parents (thus why she claims no lineage). Having grown up with Renaldord, the perpetual wanderer, she knew she would have a travel companion to help her establish her own domain. One night, in a year when spring came early, she visited her friend, satchel packed. "Get your things, we're leaving," she told him in a no-nonsense tone. Without a look back, she took off into the sky, and Renaldord followed.

This handsome Robin Hood-esque dragon is Roarfin the Orphan. He rarely listens, and when he does, it's only to the clan's General, Warforged. Everyone thought he'd settle down once he had mated, but that wasn't the case. He'd rather be off in the woods or plains stalking prey than worrying about smelly little hatchlings that barely wobble off the ground.

[center][size=4][b]LOCH[/b][/size] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Loch spends his days in the depths of the Leviathan Trench, deep within the Sea of a Thousand Currents. He is searching for lost treasures and strange new familiars, and has yet to emerge and rejoin the rest of the clan. ----- [size=4][b]GHOST[/b][/size] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ghost haunts the Shrieking Wilds, occasionally wandering to other areas of the Viridian Labyrith. His solitary lifestyle leaves him plenty of time to contemplate existential questions and search for new species of plants. ----- [size=4][b]CHELONA[/b][/size] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Chelona is the wildest of all, never emerging from the shadows of the Tangled Wood. She ventures where no others dare to go in search of new forms of shadowy magic. [/center]


Loch spends his days in the depths of the Leviathan Trench, deep within the Sea of a Thousand Currents. He is searching for lost treasures and strange new familiars, and has yet to emerge and rejoin the rest of the clan.



Ghost haunts the Shrieking Wilds, occasionally wandering to other areas of the Viridian Labyrith. His solitary lifestyle leaves him plenty of time to contemplate existential questions and search for new species of plants.



Chelona is the wildest of all, never emerging from the shadows of the Tangled Wood. She ventures where no others dare to go in search of new forms of shadowy magic.
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Arava Wivvyrholdalphiax took to the wilderness rather than the civilization her brother so adores when their family tree was eliminated by barbarians. She saw it as a sign the laws of the land were to be heeded over those of civilization. Her brother saw this event differently and has led them to be estranged. She's gotten along fine in his absence and has become an incredibly skilled druid. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Yggdrasil on the other hand initially went to the wilds so he could practice his unsavory magics in peace. Civilization renounced necromancy so he renounced civilization. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Midjin here runs a sanctuary for Wendigoes so one must be a little wild to deal with that.[/center]


Arava Wivvyrholdalphiax took to the wilderness rather than the civilization her brother so adores when their family tree was eliminated by barbarians. She saw it as a sign the laws of the land were to be heeded over those of civilization. Her brother saw this event differently and has led them to be estranged. She's gotten along fine in his absence and has become an incredibly skilled druid.


Yggdrasil on the other hand initially went to the wilds so he could practice his unsavory magics in peace. Civilization renounced necromancy so he renounced civilization.


Midjin here runs a sanctuary for Wendigoes so one must be a little wild to deal with that.
[columns][font=georgia][size=6][b]Rogue[/b][/size][size=5] is the clan's tracker. For months at a time, he'll be off hunting down whatever or whomever his clients ask for. He hasn't been known to ever speak; not even to his wife, who he met foraging for herbs all those years ago. What with the silence and the stoicism and the constant leaving, it's fair to say Rogue is pretty unattached to clan life. His soft spot is reality TV. He will sit down and watch some of that nonsense with anyone. [nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns]
Rogue is the clan's tracker. For months at a time, he'll be off hunting down whatever or whomever his clients ask for. He hasn't been known to ever speak; not even to his wife, who he met foraging for herbs all those years ago. What with the silence and the stoicism and the constant leaving, it's fair to say Rogue is pretty unattached to clan life.

His soft spot is reality TV. He will sit down and watch some of that nonsense with anyone.

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Snow | HQsa6bD.png | she/her
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"dusty footprints harden into stone"
_ f6433320e8dbe41df801f3a326261d72d9763293.png
[img][/img] This is Akiro, previously known simply as Koi. Although loyal to the clan you'll rarely see him around base. A hard dragon to get used to as he's very spontaneous as well as always sticking to water. Which is usually fine up until he poisons the water with well... Contaminate. Despite the occasional accident he's quite a nice dragon to know, even if he doesn't talk. He's the main Hoarder for the clan, specializing in scavenging, digging, and hunting seafood. He has a real knack for treasure and just being a pure hearted dergle. [i]Silently whispers to you[/i] Oh and uhm... he thinks he's a samurai but no one has the heart to tell him otherwise... so don't tell him his lil sword makes him so happy. [img][/img] Although not as "crazy" and "rowdy" as some other dragons Khaciana often strikes out on her own despite most reason. Much of her past are lost in the fields of history, but there are a few things we do know for certain. Born to a high class clan in the Starwood Strand she was taught mathematics, the arts, and several other skills. She took up magic at a young age, and still practices it to this day. After some time she disappeared, never to see her family or friends again. Three years later she's found by Avosi in the The Twisting Crescendo and immediately token into the clan. Bark had over token her legs and feathers sprouted into blossoms. It was evident that soon there would be no Khaciana, just a cherry tree. She currently resides on a small cliffside in the Zephyr Steppes often visited by caretakers. Her rank is "Peacekeeper" a rank given to her more out of pity as she can no longer do any tasks for the clan. Although she has long given up flying, swimming, and other strenuous tasks she still smiles on in the deep quiet of the valley. [img][/img] My last dragon is Bamboo. Keeper of Flora and life within the clan she handles familiars of all types. Known for being stubborn in her own motherly way she's a representative to the outside world from the Village of Stalks. Sorry that was so long but I never do write lore for my dragons and then bam here it is XD
This is Akiro, previously known simply as Koi. Although loyal to the clan you'll rarely see him around base. A hard dragon to get used to as he's very spontaneous as well as always sticking to water. Which is usually fine up until he poisons the water with well... Contaminate. Despite the occasional accident he's quite a nice dragon to know, even if he doesn't talk. He's the main Hoarder for the clan, specializing in scavenging, digging, and hunting seafood. He has a real knack for treasure and just being a pure hearted dergle. Silently whispers to you Oh and uhm... he thinks he's a samurai but no one has the heart to tell him otherwise... so don't tell him his lil sword makes him so happy.

Although not as "crazy" and "rowdy" as some other dragons Khaciana often strikes out on her own despite most reason. Much of her past are lost in the fields of history, but there are a few things we do know for certain. Born to a high class clan in the Starwood Strand she was taught mathematics, the arts, and several other skills. She took up magic at a young age, and still practices it to this day. After some time she disappeared, never to see her family or friends again. Three years later she's found by Avosi in the The Twisting Crescendo and immediately token into the clan. Bark had over token her legs and feathers sprouted into blossoms. It was evident that soon there would be no Khaciana, just a cherry tree. She currently resides on a small cliffside in the Zephyr Steppes often visited by caretakers. Her rank is "Peacekeeper" a rank given to her more out of pity as she can no longer do any tasks for the clan. Although she has long given up flying, swimming, and other strenuous tasks she still smiles on in the deep quiet of the valley.

My last dragon is Bamboo. Keeper of Flora and life within the clan she handles familiars of all types. Known for being stubborn in her own motherly way she's a representative to the outside world from the Village of Stalks.

Sorry that was so long but I never do write lore for my dragons and then bam here it is XD
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Local insane Fae-Fae. Fae as in the dragon and fae as in the mythical creature. They are TERRIFYING. Never give them your name if they ask if they can have it. It will end in you selling your soul.


Local insane Fae-Fae. Fae as in the dragon and fae as in the mythical creature. They are TERRIFYING. Never give them your name if they ask if they can have it. It will end in you selling your soul.
Only the wise can survive the cold , we are the storm that destroys the foolish || I use He/They/It pronouns!!
Keridwen and her mate Brennan are explorers by nature. Keridwen is the clan cartographer, and Brennan prides himself on being able to survive off of what he hunts and finds himself. The two of them often vanish for long periods of time before coming back with new discoveries, items, and intricately detailed maps on where to find them again. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Keridwen and her mate Brennan are explorers by nature. Keridwen is the clan cartographer, and Brennan prides himself on being able to survive off of what he hunts and finds himself. The two of them often vanish for long periods of time before coming back with new discoveries, items, and intricately detailed maps on where to find them again.


I misread this as "Wild Claws" and was like "why is there a space?" Then I re-read. But all of the dragons I feel apply are Wildclaws anyway, so I guess it worked out! (I totally don't favor one particular breed, nope~ lol) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Imperatus here is like a "Mad Max" style derg, so I feel the theme fits really well. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Haunt is my shadow rep, and I feel that there's a certain wildness to them. Like, the brambles and thorns and vipera with the eyes really tie that together for me. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] While I could have gone with my Nature or Plague reps, I think my Lightning Rep would fit the theme as well. Circuit strikes me as the nomadic type, after all.
I misread this as "Wild Claws" and was like "why is there a space?" Then I re-read. But all of the dragons I feel apply are Wildclaws anyway, so I guess it worked out! (I totally don't favor one particular breed, nope~ lol)


Imperatus here is like a "Mad Max" style derg, so I feel the theme fits really well.


Haunt is my shadow rep, and I feel that there's a certain wildness to them. Like, the brambles and thorns and vipera with the eyes really tie that together for me.


While I could have gone with my Nature or Plague reps, I think my Lightning Rep would fit the theme as well. Circuit strikes me as the nomadic type, after all.
FR +2
she/they sidhe/fae
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