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Ok! Thanks for clarifying Viven's role and the info about the coven and Sirius. Lux's relationship with Harlequin is that he can barely control her, despite being her summoner, and she often overpowers him and attempts to cause all manner of trouble. It sounds like it would work well for Lux to gain acceptance into the coven, summon Harlequin and get kicked out when she becomes unstable and uncontrollable.

If you're open to it, it seems like Sirius would make a fantastic mentor for Lux as well. I was interested in finding someone who could serve as his guide and perhaps gift him with the amulet he wears to strengthen and focus his abilities.


Ok! Thanks for clarifying Viven's role and the info about the coven and Sirius. Lux's relationship with Harlequin is that he can barely control her, despite being her summoner, and she often overpowers him and attempts to cause all manner of trouble. It sounds like it would work well for Lux to gain acceptance into the coven, summon Harlequin and get kicked out when she becomes unstable and uncontrollable.

If you're open to it, it seems like Sirius would make a fantastic mentor for Lux as well. I was interested in finding someone who could serve as his guide and perhaps gift him with the amulet he wears to strengthen and focus his abilities.

@awaicu | Aye, that's what I was thinking, but thank you for letting me know ~ and uh, thank you for the compliments?? <3 <3

I would absolutely love to do collaborations. The lore is still a bit messy and I have to develop most of the dragons, but it would be really fun to do so with a partner!
@awaicu | Aye, that's what I was thinking, but thank you for letting me know ~ and uh, thank you for the compliments?? <3 <3

I would absolutely love to do collaborations. The lore is still a bit messy and I have to develop most of the dragons, but it would be really fun to do so with a partner!
Stardust Sap Lamp
--- [ D i n o ] ---
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♥ Layout by snom !

I'm totally open to it! Sirius has a habit of giving items of importance to his disciples to help them in one way or another. If you can imagine those kind old sages from cartoons that live on mountains and teach the protagonist everything they know, he's that kinda guy. Super chill and into life lessons and philosophy. Now that I think about it, he gives me some Musfasa from the lion king vibes.

I'm totally open to it! Sirius has a habit of giving items of importance to his disciples to help them in one way or another. If you can imagine those kind old sages from cartoons that live on mountains and teach the protagonist everything they know, he's that kinda guy. Super chill and into life lessons and philosophy. Now that I think about it, he gives me some Musfasa from the lion king vibes.

Yeah, that would be awesome! I'm always down to throw some ideas back and forth via PM. I don't have many deities in my lair, aside from Seraph, but I do have a whole ton of faeries, angels, demons, and some goblins if any of those groups might fit in with one of the houses/deities in your clan!

Yeah, that would be awesome! I'm always down to throw some ideas back and forth via PM. I don't have many deities in my lair, aside from Seraph, but I do have a whole ton of faeries, angels, demons, and some goblins if any of those groups might fit in with one of the houses/deities in your clan!

Sounds perfect! I'll set to work on writing the rest of Lux's story. Do you happen to have any descriptions of your clan/environment where the coven would meet that I could draw from?

Sounds perfect! I'll set to work on writing the rest of Lux's story. Do you happen to have any descriptions of your clan/environment where the coven would meet that I could draw from?

While red sodality is located in a cave in the side of a mesa in the lightning farm, the coven is wherever it's needed, although they have taken a liking to a hidden field littered with large, jagged rocks that have risen or been magically brought to the surface. Which region it's in is up to you.

While red sodality is located in a cave in the side of a mesa in the lightning farm, the coven is wherever it's needed, although they have taken a liking to a hidden field littered with large, jagged rocks that have risen or been magically brought to the surface. Which region it's in is up to you.
[columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][b][font="Century Gothic"]Dragon name[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]Anodyne[/font] [b][font="Century Gothic"]Looking for[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]Adopted Kids (sort of)[/font] [b][font="Century Gothic"]Specific flight[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]Plague[/font] [b][font="Century Gothic"]Specific breed[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]Skydancer[/font][/columns] [indent][b][font="Century Gothic"]About[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"][i]The day they hatched, I remember it so clearly. It was a windy afternoon, the Southern chill had been creeping into the land. The eggs had been twitching for a few days, and I had thought nothing of the little kicks, and pondered what I should get for dinner. But then, I witnessed the most beautiful, the most miraculous thing. I watched entranced, as the two hatchlings broke free, one after another, their little claws and wings flailing, their throats letting out angry little squeaks as they shed the shells.[/i] Her lore is in her bio, an important part of it is finding 2 Skydancer eggs in plague territory and deciding to raise them. The hatchlings however have migrated away, if her lore interests you hit me up!![/font] [b][font="Century Gothic"]Notes[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]Two Skydancer siblings would be most ideal, though not entirely necessary :3 can also be from different lairs if you’ve only got 1 Skydancer! [/font] [/indent] Snipped!

Dragon name: Anodyne

Looking for: Adopted Kids (sort of)

Specific flight: Plague

Specific breed: Skydancer
About: The day they hatched, I remember it so clearly. It was a windy afternoon, the Southern chill had been creeping into the land. The eggs had been twitching for a few days, and I had thought nothing of the little kicks, and pondered what I should get for dinner. But then, I witnessed the most beautiful, the most miraculous thing. I watched entranced, as the two hatchlings broke free, one after another, their little claws and wings flailing, their throats letting out angry little squeaks as they shed the shells.

Her lore is in her bio, an important part of it is finding 2 Skydancer eggs in plague territory and deciding to raise them. The hatchlings however have migrated away, if her lore interests you hit me up!!

Notes: Two Skydancer siblings would be most ideal, though not entirely necessary :3 can also be from different lairs if you’ve only got 1 Skydancer!

96Hu3ST.png Please no travelling dergs.
@FelinaeFatale I think you're likely to get lots of prospective kids for Anodyne but on the off chance you don't I have these two - [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] They're not bio siblings but they have been together since forever. Their own lore even has both of them coming from Plague territory - though the first one, Daisy, is Ice. He's G1 tho so I figure his egg was stolen and hatched later in Plague. Could potentially make up some backstory there? It's not important to their characters so I'd leave that up to you, if you wanted to. So here's the catch - both of them went through some pretty bad stuff in their lives. Both of them were slaves up until very recently, so if Anodyne did raise the two of them once they left her they would've been enslaved shortly after. Probably not quite the fate you'd prefer for her kids I assume lol. They are free now and fairly happy in their current lives, but... yeah.

I think you're likely to get lots of prospective kids for Anodyne but on the off chance you don't I have these two -


They're not bio siblings but they have been together since forever. Their own lore even has both of them coming from Plague territory - though the first one, Daisy, is Ice. He's G1 tho so I figure his egg was stolen and hatched later in Plague. Could potentially make up some backstory there? It's not important to their characters so I'd leave that up to you, if you wanted to.

So here's the catch - both of them went through some pretty bad stuff in their lives. Both of them were slaves up until very recently, so if Anodyne did raise the two of them once they left her they would've been enslaved shortly after. Probably not quite the fate you'd prefer for her kids I assume lol. They are free now and fairly happy in their current lives, but... yeah.
RUZTraI.png JTWHxfW.gif ======
13thKingdom wrote:
Lightweaver is clearly our Grand Nagus anyway.
She's got the biggest lobes.
[columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][b][font="Century Gothic"]Dragon name[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]Ofreidi[/font] [b][font="Century Gothic"]Looking for[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]travel acquaintances[/font] [b][font="Century Gothic"]Specific flight[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]no specific flight, but living in a wind or fire clan[/font] [b][font="Century Gothic"]Specific breed[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]any[/font][/columns] [indent][b][font="Century Gothic"]About[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]Ofreidi is lost! she's not entirely sure where she is, how she got there, or where's she's headed exactly, but is eager to meet others on the road.[/font] [b][font="Century Gothic"]Notes[/font][/b]: [font="Century Gothic"]she's travelling from her home lair in wind to end up in fire, where her siblings will eventually find her. looking for places or dragons she could pass through or meet on the way. she'll be gened by the end of it, just need more ooze and two more Baldwin levels[/font] [/indent]

Dragon name: Ofreidi

Looking for: travel acquaintances

Specific flight: no specific flight, but living in a wind or fire clan

Specific breed: any
About: Ofreidi is lost! she's not entirely sure where she is, how she got there, or where's she's headed exactly, but is eager to meet others on the road.

Notes: she's travelling from her home lair in wind to end up in fire, where her siblings will eventually find her. looking for places or dragons she could pass through or meet on the way. she'll be gened by the end of it, just need more ooze and two more Baldwin levels

My main clan (which is in hibernation) is a wind port town that is known as a hub for travelers! If you are looking for a place for her to spend a night near the start of her journey, Windkeep Tower would be a nice place to spend some time! They have a market with some traveling merchants and some permanent merchants, and a number of other touristy businesses like restaurants, tea shops, a tour guide, gardens, a beautiful mansion embassy and a number of other things. There are also a number of dragons for her to befriend/interact with if that catches your fancy.

My main clan (which is in hibernation) is a wind port town that is known as a hub for travelers! If you are looking for a place for her to spend a night near the start of her journey, Windkeep Tower would be a nice place to spend some time! They have a market with some traveling merchants and some permanent merchants, and a number of other touristy businesses like restaurants, tea shops, a tour guide, gardens, a beautiful mansion embassy and a number of other things. There are also a number of dragons for her to befriend/interact with if that catches your fancy.
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