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TOPIC | [subspecies] Luck Dragons
[indent][indent][columns][b]LUCK DRAGONS[/b] [size=2]a neverending subspecies [i]Never give up and good luck will find you~[/i][/size] [nextcol] [nextcol][img][/img] [/columns][/indent][/indent] [center]------------[/center] [indent][indent][columns][size=3][font=calibri][color=#60634c]“If you have never spent whole afternoons with burning ears and rumpled hair, forgetting the world around you over a book, forgetting cold and hunger-- If you have never read secretly under the bedclothes with a flashlight, because your father or mother or some other well-meaning person has switched off the lamp on the plausible ground that it was time to sleep because you had to get up so early-- If you have never wept bitter tears because a wonderful story has come to an end and you must take your leave of the characters with whom you have shared so many adventures, whom you have loved and admired, for whom you have hoped and feared, and without whose company life seems empty and meaningless-- If such things have not been part of your own experience, you probably won't understand what Bastian did next.” ~ Michael Ende, The Neverending Story [nextcol][item=wispy foxtail] [item=rusted crown] [nextcol] [/columns][/indent][/indent] [indent][columns][img][/img] [item=tallow candle] [item=aged tome] [img][/img] [nextcol][size=3]Nothing has touched my heart and imagination more than The Neverending Story. One of my first memories is watching the movie, I have seen the film so many times I even wore out my VHS copy. When I discovered the book, I read it cover to cover; over and over. I have always felt a connection to Falkor, and wanted to create a subspecies in his name. This is my offering. Luck dragons are full of whimsy and have a jovial nature. It takes a great disturbance to upset them. They are passionate and live life to the fullest. They love strongly, and hoard without apology. They are regal in appearance, commanding authority due to their size and stature, but have no doubt: Luck dragons are always optimistic. Honour and loyalty are two important traits all luck dragons share. Their loyalty is neverending, their honour without boundaries. They will carry their friends when those friends have given up on hope, when they have lost their sense of self and feel without purpose. Luck dragons are there with words of encouragement and a gentle nod of the head to go on. They seem light as the air, and are able to swim through the sky. They spit blue fire and sleep in the cloud castles above Sornieth. They are the calm point in a storm, when the Nothing swirls around them, they do not surrender. [nextcol] [/columns][/indent] [center][color=#b7c1ae][size=2]-----------[color=#6a6d57][font=consolas]notes[/font][/color][/size] ---------------------[/color][/center] [indent][indent][columns][size=3][size=4][b]»[/b][/size] Luck dragons come from all corners of [s]Fantasia[/s] Sornieth. They are all on a quest to reach the Ivory Tower (though they argue about where that is, [i]exactly[/i]), and therefore enjoy travelling. They can often be heard laughing or singing as they fly past overhead. [size=3][b]»[/b][/size] Luck dragons enjoy a massive hoard they can come home to, and often collect strange things with a theme: coins that shimmer and jingle, gems that glitter and reflect their appearance back at them, leaves and fur pelts to soften their nest and keep them cozy to rest after their long flights. [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][size=3][font=calibri][color=#60634c][b]aesthetic[/b]: [nextcol] [size=3][font=calibri][color=#60634c][b]colours[/b]: maize-platinum | fog-mist | sky, robin & storm | pistachio & jade | rose & pearl [b]must be[/b]: XXX [b]genes[/b]: must have matching primary/secondary (bar/daub, cherub/seraph, clown/eye spots, crystal/facet, falcon/peregrine, giraffe/hex, iridescent/shimmer, jaguar/rosette, jupiter/saturn, lionfish/noxtide, metallic/alloy, petals/butterfly, piebald/paint, pinstripe/trail, poison/toxin, python/morph, ripple/current, savannah/safari, skink/spinner, speckle/freckle, starmap/[i]constellation[/i], tapir/striation, tiger/stripes, vipera/hypnotic, wasp/bee) | triple gened (no basic) [b]breeds[/b]: imperial, spiral, tundra [b]flight[/b]: all[/color][/font][/size] [size=1][size=1][color=transparent]_________________________________________________________[/color][/size][/size] [nextcol] [/columns][/indent][/indent] [center][url=][size=1][font=consolas]code by epher #101073[/font][/size][/url] [size=1][font=consolas]button + header by huskylove @ [url=]golden glow graphics[/url][/font][/size] [size=1][br][/size][/center]
LUCK DRAGONS a neverending subspecies

Never give up and good luck will find you~

“If you have never spent whole afternoons with burning ears and rumpled hair, forgetting the world around you over a book, forgetting cold and hunger--

If you have never read secretly under the bedclothes with a flashlight, because your father or mother or some other well-meaning person has switched off the lamp on the plausible ground that it was time to sleep because you had to get up so early--

If you have never wept bitter tears because a wonderful story has come to an end and you must take your leave of the characters with whom you have shared so many adventures, whom you have loved and admired, for whom you have hoped and feared, and without whose company life seems empty and meaningless--

If such things have not been part of your own experience, you probably won't understand what Bastian did next.”
~ Michael Ende, The Neverending Story
Wispy Foxtail
Rusted Crown
Tallow Candle
Aged Tome
Nothing has touched my heart and imagination more than The Neverending Story. One of my first memories is watching the movie, I have seen the film so many times I even wore out my VHS copy. When I discovered the book, I read it cover to cover; over and over. I have always felt a connection to Falkor, and wanted to create a subspecies in his name. This is my offering.

Luck dragons are full of whimsy and have a jovial nature. It takes a great disturbance to upset them. They are passionate and live life to the fullest. They love strongly, and hoard without apology. They are regal in appearance, commanding authority due to their size and stature, but have no doubt: Luck dragons are always optimistic.

Honour and loyalty are two important traits all luck dragons share. Their loyalty is neverending, their honour without boundaries. They will carry their friends when those friends have given up on hope, when they have lost their sense of self and feel without purpose. Luck dragons are there with words of encouragement and a gentle nod of the head to go on.

They seem light as the air, and are able to swim through the sky. They spit blue fire and sleep in the cloud castles above Sornieth.

They are the calm point in a storm, when the Nothing swirls around them, they do not surrender.

» Luck dragons come from all corners of Fantasia Sornieth. They are all on a quest to reach the Ivory Tower (though they argue about where that is, exactly), and therefore enjoy travelling. They can often be heard laughing or singing as they fly past overhead.
» Luck dragons enjoy a massive hoard they can come home to, and often collect strange things with a theme: coins that shimmer and jingle, gems that glitter and reflect their appearance back at them, leaves and fur pelts to soften their nest and keep them cozy to rest after their long flights.
colours: maize-platinum | fog-mist | sky, robin & storm | pistachio & jade | rose & pearl
must be: XXX
genes: must have matching primary/secondary (bar/daub, cherub/seraph, clown/eye spots, crystal/facet, falcon/peregrine, giraffe/hex, iridescent/shimmer, jaguar/rosette, jupiter/saturn, lionfish/noxtide, metallic/alloy, petals/butterfly, piebald/paint, pinstripe/trail, poison/toxin, python/morph, ripple/current, savannah/safari, skink/spinner, speckle/freckle, starmap/constellation, tapir/striation, tiger/stripes, vipera/hypnotic, wasp/bee) | triple gened (no basic)
breeds: imperial, spiral, tundra
flight: all

code by epher #101073
button + header by huskylove @ golden glow graphics

qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[br] [indent][indent][columns][size=4][font=consolas][color=#46483A][b]REGISTERED LUCK DRAGONS[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=2][font=calibri][color=#6a6d57][i]But that is another story and shall be told another time~[/i][/color][/font][/size] [nextcol]----------------[nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns][/indent][/indent] [center][color=#b7c1ae]-------------------------------------------[/color][/center] [indent][indent][columns][size=3][font=calibri][color=#60634c]To register your Luck Dragon, follow the link below, courtesy of oreosalad.[nextcol] [nextcol] [/columns][/indent][/indent] [url=][B]GOOGLE FORM ENTRY HERE[/B][/url] [size=2]~ I'll get a graphic for this made so it looks prettier ~[/size] [indent][indent][columns][size=3][font=calibri][color=#60634c][b]UPDATES PINGLIST:[/b] @creme @pyramids @wolfandcrow @siouxsie @rosequinn @dischord @bambu @demonchild77 @rabbitspirit @hundemon[nextcol] [nextcol] [/columns][/indent][/indent]

But that is another story and shall be told another time~


To register your Luck Dragon, follow the link below, courtesy of oreosalad.

~ I'll get a graphic for this made so it looks prettier ~

qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[br] [indent][indent][columns][size=4][font=consolas][color=#46483A][b]LUCK DRAGON BREEDERS[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=2][font=calibri][color=#6a6d57][i]A story can be new and yet tell about olden times. The past comes into existence with the story~[/i][/color][/font][/size] [nextcol]----------------[nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns][/indent][/indent] [center][color=#b7c1ae]-------------------------------------------[/color][/center] [indent][indent][columns][size=3][font=calibri][color=#60634c][nextcol] [nextcol] [/columns][/indent][/indent] [center][size=3][font=calibri][color=#60634c] [img][/img] [U]^ @Jaspernoir ^[/u] [Img][/img] [U]^ @Oreosalad ^[/u] [img][/img] [u]^ @starlightcass ^[/u] [/center]

A story can be new and yet tell about olden times. The past comes into existence with the story~


qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[br] [indent][indent][columns][size=4][font=consolas][color=#46483A][b]AFFILIATED SUBSPECIES[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=2][font=calibri][color=#6a6d57][i]But that is another story and shall be told another time~[/i][/color][/font][/size] [nextcol]----------------[nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns][/indent][/indent] [center][color=#b7c1ae]-------------------------------------------[/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [Url=][Img][/img][/url] [Url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]

But that is another story and shall be told another time~





qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[Columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=#b7c1ae][size=2]-----------[color=#6a6d57][font=consolas]variants[/font][/color][/size] ---------------------[/color][/center] [b]| maize-platinum | [/b] Considered the most regal, the de facto leaders - if luck dragons could be said to have leaders - perhaps it's more of a hierarchy... There is an all-knowingness to them, a quiet understanding of the world around them, as if they've read this story before but are revisiting it for the memories. Moreso than any other luck dragon, they seem to have no temper to speak of; they accept everything around them as part of the neverending story. They adorn themselves in jewels most often; anything that with catch and reflect sunlight. [i]note >> White is the most revered variant of luck dragons, considered the most pure, the most heavenly.[/i] [b]| fog-mist | [/b] Sometimes called twilight luck dragons, they blend in best with the skyline just after dusk, when the sun has slipped from view but before it's truly nightfall. They shimmer closest to the afterlife, some say their somber songs are more like dirges and eulogies for those who've crossed on. They wear dark attire, often invoking rogues and outsiders. [b]| sky, robin, storm | [/b] Sky dragons exclusively live in the clouds - building elaborate iridescent castles that exist between this world and the next. It's said they've forgotten what it's like on the ground. They dance among the sunbeams, spiraling through the air in elaborate dances and rituals. They enjoy wearing silks and feathers. [b]| pistachio, jade | [/b] Known colloquially as forest luck dragons; strangely enough, they're rarely seen in the sky. Some whisper questions on if they've forgotten how to fly at all. Forest dragons can often be found snoozing in sun puddles, or curled up around the trunks of large trees, catching a light nap. They adorn themselves with flowers, plantlife, and woodbaskets. [b]| rose-pearl |[/b] Called [i]the heart[/i] of the luck dragons, their love knows no boundaries. They are the epicentre of faith in [s]Fantasia[/s] Sorneith, and it's said if anyone knows where the Ivory Tower might be, the heart have seen it in their dreams. They are often seen in armour or thorns, as if guarding themselves and creating a bastion against the Nothing. [nextcol][img][/columns] [center][color=#b7c1ae][size=2]-----------[color=#6a6d57][font=consolas]favoured trinkets[/font][/color][/size] ---------------------[/color][/center] Luck dragons hoard many variety of items, but their favoured above all is books. They may fill their nests with anything they choose, but they will always have at least one book that is beloved. Each variant tends to favour a different style of book, though individual exceptions apply. [columns][item=aged tome] [center]white[/center][nextcol][item=battered book of fables] [center]maize-platinum[/center][nextcol][item=owlcat journal] [center]fog-mist[/center][nextcol][item=forest field guide] [center]sky[/center][nextcol][item=toridae mythology] [center]pistachio[/center][nextcol][item=book of urban legends] [center]rose-pearl[/center][/columns] [center][color=#b7c1ae][size=2]-----------[color=#6a6d57][font=consolas]resources[/font][/color][/size] ---------------------[/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] Below is a bio code that you're welcome to use for your luck dragon~ [code][br] [indent][indent][columns][b]LUCK DRAGONS[/b] [size=2]an IMPERIAL subspecies [i]Never give up and good luck will find you~[/i][/size] [nextcol] [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns][/indent][/indent] [center]------------[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=2]Variant here.[/size][/center][nextcol]Luck dragons are full of whimsy and have a jovial nature. It takes a great disturbance to upset them. They are passionate and live life to the fullest. They love strongly, and hoard without apology. They are regal in appearance, commanding authority due to their size and stature, but have no doubt: Luck dragons are always optimistic. Honour and loyalty are two important traits all luck dragons share. Their loyalty is neverending, their honour without boundaries. They will carry their friends when those friends have given up on hope, when they have lost their sense of self and feel without purpose. Luck dragons are there with words of encouragement and a gentle nod of the head to go on. They seem light as the air, and are able to swim through the sky. They spit blue fire and sleep in the cloud castles above Sornieth. They are the calm point in a storm, when the Nothing swirls around them, they do not surrender. ---------------------------------------- [center][b]Favoured trinket[/b] [item=battered book of fables][/center][/columns] [Img][/img][/code]

| maize-platinum |
Considered the most regal, the de facto leaders - if luck dragons could be said to have leaders - perhaps it's more of a hierarchy...

There is an all-knowingness to them, a quiet understanding of the world around them, as if they've read this story before but are revisiting it for the memories. Moreso than any other luck dragon, they seem to have no temper to speak of; they accept everything around them as part of the neverending story.

They adorn themselves in jewels most often; anything that with catch and reflect sunlight.

note >> White is the most revered variant of luck dragons, considered the most pure, the most heavenly.

| fog-mist |
Sometimes called twilight luck dragons, they blend in best with the skyline just after dusk, when the sun has slipped from view but before it's truly nightfall. They shimmer closest to the afterlife, some say their somber songs are more like dirges and eulogies for those who've crossed on.

They wear dark attire, often invoking rogues and outsiders.

| sky, robin, storm |
Sky dragons exclusively live in the clouds - building elaborate iridescent castles that exist between this world and the next. It's said they've forgotten what it's like on the ground. They dance among the sunbeams, spiraling through the air in elaborate dances and rituals.

They enjoy wearing silks and feathers.

| pistachio, jade |
Known colloquially as forest luck dragons; strangely enough, they're rarely seen in the sky. Some whisper questions on if they've forgotten how to fly at all. Forest dragons can often be found snoozing in sun puddles, or curled up around the trunks of large trees, catching a light nap.

They adorn themselves with flowers, plantlife, and woodbaskets.

| rose-pearl |
Called the heart of the luck dragons, their love knows no boundaries. They are the epicentre of faith in Fantasia Sorneith, and it's said if anyone knows where the Ivory Tower might be, the heart have seen it in their dreams.

They are often seen in armour or thorns, as if guarding themselves and creating a bastion against the Nothing.

favoured trinkets

Luck dragons hoard many variety of items, but their favoured above all is books. They may fill their nests with anything they choose, but they will always have at least one book that is beloved.

Each variant tends to favour a different style of book, though individual exceptions apply.
Aged Tome
Battered Book of Fables
Owlcat Journal
Forest Field Guide
Toridae Mythology
Book of Urban Legends


Below is a bio code that you're welcome to use for your luck dragon~
[br] [indent][indent][columns][b]LUCK DRAGONS[/b] [size=2]an IMPERIAL subspecies [i]Never give up and good luck will find you~[/i][/size] [nextcol] [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns][/indent][/indent] [center]------------[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=2]Variant here.[/size][/center][nextcol]Luck dragons are full of whimsy and have a jovial nature. It takes a great disturbance to upset them. They are passionate and live life to the fullest. They love strongly, and hoard without apology. They are regal in appearance, commanding authority due to their size and stature, but have no doubt: Luck dragons are always optimistic. Honour and loyalty are two important traits all luck dragons share. Their loyalty is neverending, their honour without boundaries. They will carry their friends when those friends have given up on hope, when they have lost their sense of self and feel without purpose. Luck dragons are there with words of encouragement and a gentle nod of the head to go on. They seem light as the air, and are able to swim through the sky. They spit blue fire and sleep in the cloud castles above Sornieth. They are the calm point in a storm, when the Nothing swirls around them, they do not surrender. ---------------------------------------- [center][b]Favoured trinket[/b] [item=battered book of fables][/center][/columns] [Img][/img]
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[center] @Crassula [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center]
Infectious Dreams; Dare to dream, to spread your wings and fly
@Crassula [url=] [img][/img] [/url] i have this antique XXX girl :-) jag/ros/opal also could you add me to the pinglist? <3


i have this antique XXX girl :-)

also could you add me to the pinglist? <3
Dragon Sales!..............FR Tumblr!
@creme @pyramids added your Luck dragons! I'll ping you when the button is ready!

also @/pyramids for sure! adding you now!
@creme @pyramids added your Luck dragons! I'll ping you when the button is ready!

also @/pyramids for sure! adding you now!
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
Oh my gosh. Soooo like I said lol here’s all my qualified dergs!!! XD I’m sooorry @Crassula hahaha And the “singles” lol [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Can I also be added on your pinglist :D
Oh my gosh. Soooo like I said lol here’s all my qualified dergs!!! XD I’m sooorry @Crassula hahaha
And the “singles” lol




Can I also be added on your pinglist :D
@WolfandCrow you got it, bb!!
@WolfandCrow you got it, bb!!
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant