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TOPIC | Most likely a be a cultist above you
@HeckerDoodle I would say half of your lair. But mostly this guy: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

I would say half of your lair. But mostly this guy:

1-F5-BF76-A-4-BA7-4-A24-92-E4-74-E68049-C409.png hhhhhhhh »Blackcraft hatchery

»Skin shop

»Adopt shop
hhhhhh hhh AF9-FBF80-9-D8-C-48-FC-AFCE-F3-CAB0-D170-D6.png
@Closetcreep Imma say the blood moon is pretty very demonic, my guess for cultist. [img][/img]
Imma say the blood moon is pretty very demonic, my guess for cultist.
""I feel I should apologize for what's happened here... some of my employees took things too far."
@lykewake half of your dragons look like they mine for magical bone fragments and follow some unspeakable underground religion not fit for daylight eyes (in a good way, I mean. love it!). but I have to say that of all of them Hazel is the one that looks like he just lives in a thicket somewhere and occasionally bursts out and prophesizes at people until they give him money to go away.[url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@lykewake half of your dragons look like they mine for magical bone fragments and follow some unspeakable underground religion not fit for daylight eyes (in a good way, I mean. love it!). but I have to say that of all of them Hazel is the one that looks like he just lives in a thicket somewhere and occasionally bursts out and prophesizes at people until they give him money to go away.
A man asked me for a quarter for a cup of coffee so I bit him.
@BunjyWunjy [url=] [img][/img] [/url] well, firstly, the name. Secondly, he just gives off vibe, where something's wrong but you don't know what. Probably worships an old god or something.


well, firstly, the name. Secondly, he just gives off vibe, where something's wrong but you don't know what. Probably worships an old god or something.
approaching 100 projects (gone wrong)
@Salteas [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Aria definitely looks like she's [i]somebody's[/i] high priestess. Special mention goes to Erys, who looks like she's probably worshiped by a cult. (Normally I say "check all my tabs", but in this case, stick to my main tab.)


Aria definitely looks like she's somebody's high priestess. Special mention goes to Erys, who looks like she's probably worshiped by a cult.

(Normally I say "check all my tabs", but in this case, stick to my main tab.)
An Elder Scrolls fandragon project
@Vanshira - Vivax looks like a [b]ruthless[/b] cultist. The smallest slight and she'll slip a deadly poison into your drink. Or maybe she's the type to be a little more direct and stab you in the gut? Either way, shorty looks evil. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Vanshira - Vivax looks like a ruthless cultist. The smallest slight and she'll slip a deadly poison into your drink. Or maybe she's the type to be a little more direct and stab you in the gut? Either way, shorty looks evil.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx amaluna
vistafestival_6.png x trading
(@Amaluna She is a cultist of the Plaguebringer, but she's not evil. Her mate is evil, and she's the closest thing he has to a conscience.)
(@Amaluna She is a cultist of the Plaguebringer, but she's not evil. Her mate is evil, and she's the closest thing he has to a conscience.)
An Elder Scrolls fandragon project
@amaluna I don't know much about warlocks but she does appear to be a bit ominous! Wouldn't be surprised if she was interested in some occult stuff [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]To anyone who's next:[/b] I actually do have several dragons who are secretly cultists but I did not get the opportunity to dress them yet. It IS written in their bio tho
@amaluna I don't know much about warlocks but she does appear to be a bit ominous! Wouldn't be surprised if she was interested in some occult stuff


To anyone who's next: I actually do have several dragons who are secretly cultists but I did not get the opportunity to dress them yet. It IS written in their bio tho
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
@TehuMertt [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I would say that Senetchemnetchem looks quite suspect-- maybe it's the long name and/or the creepy excess of religious iconography? Also, your lair theme is really cool! Wish I were that talented with visuals.


I would say that Senetchemnetchem looks quite suspect-- maybe it's the long name and/or the creepy excess of religious iconography?
Also, your lair theme is really cool! Wish I were that talented with visuals.
@FourFlames I think Sinvan would take quite the liking to my [url=]Sileo[/url]... Perhaps too much a liking to him. He give me cultist vibes from his outfit. I would fear for his safety under Sileo. He eats his followers. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

I think Sinvan would take quite the liking to my Sileo... Perhaps too much a liking to him. He give me cultist vibes from his outfit. I would fear for his safety under Sileo. He eats his followers.

246.png IT/XE/HE - 21

"Somewhere deep inside me fester memories and dreams.."