canon wildcat strike dragon melted my heart... i love Por. a dark primary like bedrock, but with bright molten colors shining through on her wings and tert.
i imagine she dresses practically to protect herself on the job, with just a little bit of flair to show off her pride in her work.
canon wildcat strike dragon melted my heart... i love Por. a dark primary like bedrock, but with bright molten colors shining through on her wings and tert.
i imagine she dresses practically to protect herself on the job, with just a little bit of flair to show off her pride in her work.
Oh boy, I'm not sure I can pick just three favorites! Loved all the lore, and sooo many of the new characters! :) But, if I have to choose, I'll choose the following:
[img]https://image.ibb.co/dxNnqS/Chasem.png[/img] [outfit=365301]
[i]Eldritch/Obsidian/Aqua (Metallic/Alloy/Runes)[/i]
Love all of the three amigos in this story, but Chasem stood out to me the most. He seems like he enjoys having fun, but also has a good head on his shoulders. I like that, and I'd love to see more interactions between him and the others, including Gertrude!
[img]https://image.ibb.co/dWxZ4n/Garote.png[/img] [outfit=365404]
[i]Cream/Cream/Sanguine (Savannah/Safari/Spines)[/i]
I fell in love with Garote the moment he was introduced. He seemed to have secrets that I want to know, and I loved his protective nature toward Leifa. He's this reserved, protective guard who struggles with duty vs. following his heart. Those are my favorite types of characters.
[img]https://image.ibb.co/b4wDVS/Haemil.png[/img] [outfit=363367]
[i]Lemon/Saffron/Lemon (Tiger/Bee/Okapi)[/i]
Haemil's personality came across at his first word, which I enjoyed. It also made me want to get to know him more, as well as see more of his relationship with his apprentice. I know Por was the star of the story (rightfully so, she's great), but I'd love to learn more about Haemil and his story!
Oh boy, I'm not sure I can pick just three favorites! Loved all the lore, and sooo many of the new characters! :) But, if I have to choose, I'll choose the following:
Eldritch/Obsidian/Aqua (Metallic/Alloy/Runes)
Love all of the three amigos in this story, but Chasem stood out to me the most. He seems like he enjoys having fun, but also has a good head on his shoulders. I like that, and I'd love to see more interactions between him and the others, including Gertrude!
Garote 2
Cream/Cream/Sanguine (Savannah/Safari/Spines)
I fell in love with Garote the moment he was introduced. He seemed to have secrets that I want to know, and I loved his protective nature toward Leifa. He's this reserved, protective guard who struggles with duty vs. following his heart. Those are my favorite types of characters.
Haemil 3
Lemon/Saffron/Lemon (Tiger/Bee/Okapi)
Haemil's personality came across at his first word, which I enjoyed. It also made me want to get to know him more, as well as see more of his relationship with his apprentice. I know Por was the star of the story (rightfully so, she's great), but I'd love to learn more about Haemil and his story!
Familiar Trade Shop! [nextcol]
[b]Mednaior is one of my favorite of my clan. He is a priest, who healing the wounded and give peace for the dead in the Light. He cannot fight. Mednaior in his own home has so many books, he reads and learn all the way.[/b]
[b]Azeirasz, young arcane tundra. Once he want to be mage and fight against the evil with the power of the stars. He always dreamed, how look like the sky beyond the clouds.[/b]
[b]She is Rehishia. "Stormchaser" after her name means, that she always fly into the storm clouds to gather power of the lightning. She's not afraid of nothing, [i]maybe it wil be her end?[/i][/b]
Mednaior is one of my favorite of my clan. He is a priest, who healing the wounded and give peace for the dead in the Light. He cannot fight. Mednaior in his own home has so many books, he reads and learn all the way.
Azeirasz, young arcane tundra. Once he want to be mage and fight against the evil with the power of the stars. He always dreamed, how look like the sky beyond the clouds.
She is Rehishia. "Stormchaser" after her name means, that she always fly into the storm clouds to gather power of the lightning. She's not afraid of nothing, maybe it wil be her end?
The [b]Luminax Emperor[/b] should probably be counted as three characters, so I'll do them. I loved the way they were written- the contrast between the first and second segments of the story, the way it became slowly apparent that something was [i]horribly wrong[/i], and the way that reading back through the story you could see all the evidence of them being an Emperor the whole time.
The group: I felt like, since they're seemingly ancient, I should only use "old" features for them- as such, I stuck to genes from back in 2013, and to colors from before the expansion as well. (I also took into consideration that, from my memories of 2013 Flight Rising, it was still very fashionable to go for matched primary/secondary genes- I imagine at least one of these three would have been scrolled at some point to have a "nicer" gene combo- and made sure all their colors are in a range that would have been feasible for a set of nestmates to have!) I also imagine the narrator's head would be to one side of the Emperor, with her sister at the other side and their brother in the center.
[b]The narrator: Wind, Leaf/Spring/Soil Tiger/Stripes/Crackle[/b]
The Crackle's presence is intended to give a feel of decomposing, dirt-caked flesh- especially on the wings and mouth, where Crackle is most prominent on a female Imperial, and where the narrator mentions being relatively rotted, since she notes both needing to realign her jaw and having wings too damaged to fly after prey. Her other colors are simply intended to help with the impression of being "rotted", while also being the lighter yellow-greens that would have been available in 2013.
[b]The brother: Fire, Ivory/Beige/Sunshine Iridescent/Shimmer/Underbelly[/b]
He was mentioned to be breathing fire, and to be sun-bleached, so I gave him primarily light colors with a brighter, firey-colored underbelly- think of the way that if something gets left out in the sun, the parts that are still mostly in shadow remain strongly colored.
[b]The sister: Light, Maize/Lemon/Stone Speckle/Freckle/Gembond[/b]
As with the narrator, the presence of the tertiary is intended to add to the feel of how long this dragon has been lying in the dirt- however, rather than simply being rotted and dirty, she has entire filth-coated stones clinging to her body. The brown coloration present on Lemon Speckle also helps with this impression, which is nice, and the mottled appearance of Speckle/Freckle in general adds to the "rotting" feel too.
Luminax Emperor should probably be counted as three characters, so I'll do them. I loved the way they were written- the contrast between the first and second segments of the story, the way it became slowly apparent that something was
horribly wrong, and the way that reading back through the story you could see all the evidence of them being an Emperor the whole time.
The group: I felt like, since they're seemingly ancient, I should only use "old" features for them- as such, I stuck to genes from back in 2013, and to colors from before the expansion as well. (I also took into consideration that, from my memories of 2013 Flight Rising, it was still very fashionable to go for matched primary/secondary genes- I imagine at least one of these three would have been scrolled at some point to have a "nicer" gene combo- and made sure all their colors are in a range that would have been feasible for a set of nestmates to have!) I also imagine the narrator's head would be to one side of the Emperor, with her sister at the other side and their brother in the center.
The narrator: Wind, Leaf/Spring/Soil Tiger/Stripes/Crackle
The Crackle's presence is intended to give a feel of decomposing, dirt-caked flesh- especially on the wings and mouth, where Crackle is most prominent on a female Imperial, and where the narrator mentions being relatively rotted, since she notes both needing to realign her jaw and having wings too damaged to fly after prey. Her other colors are simply intended to help with the impression of being "rotted", while also being the lighter yellow-greens that would have been available in 2013.
The brother: Fire, Ivory/Beige/Sunshine Iridescent/Shimmer/Underbelly
He was mentioned to be breathing fire, and to be sun-bleached, so I gave him primarily light colors with a brighter, firey-colored underbelly- think of the way that if something gets left out in the sun, the parts that are still mostly in shadow remain strongly colored.
The sister: Light, Maize/Lemon/Stone Speckle/Freckle/Gembond
As with the narrator, the presence of the tertiary is intended to add to the feel of how long this dragon has been lying in the dirt- however, rather than simply being rotted and dirty, she has entire filth-coated stones clinging to her body. The brown coloration present on Lemon Speckle also helps with this impression, which is nice, and the mottled appearance of Speckle/Freckle in general adds to the "rotting" feel too.
+3 FR time | they/them | local fae lover
I liked Garote, Trendal, and Wemba.
So first: Garote.
Cuz he's a big, tough guard, but also a sweetheart.
And Trendal and Wemba
Mostly just cuz I really liked their story.
I liked Garote, Trendal, and Wemba.
So first: Garote.
Cuz he's a big, tough guard, but also a sweetheart.
And Trendal and Wemba
Mostly just cuz I really liked their story.
I hoard ophiotaurs and geodes. No, I don't know why either.
This is so cool! I'll make one too, one of these days...
This is so cool! I'll make one too, one of these days...