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TOPIC | My Dragon Age 2 party!
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[center]So I made dragons based on [b]THE FAMOUS KIRKWALL CREW[/b] from my favorite video game of all time, [img][/img][/center] I made just the main characters. Tho okay, Bethany and Carver are kind of the .. main characters too but one Hawke is good for now! I think I'm going to make them too some day. Sebastian is not here too, since I don't have the DLC where he's on and I probably won't ever get it. I tried also make everyone a different breed since I think they are all so different in the game! Everyone's unique! Let's start with the main disaster himself! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [right][b]HAWKE[/b][/right] This is my dear Garrett Hawke! Ridgebacks already look like they have Hawke’s armor on so it was easy to decide what breed my Hawke would be. He’s a rogue, so he has a quiver and lots of color red! He looks like Red!Hawke but I prefer Purple!Hawke myself, byt anyways! This Hawke is sometimes aggressive! He also has an Accent: The Nightmare on. [center]*****[/center] [right] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/right] [b]ANDERS[/b] I know that Anders shares many opinions, but tbh he’s my favorite character. With Fenris and Bela. Okay I love them all but there’s just something great in Anders. I started to play DA2 because of him. Now, Anders is actually an Imperal [i]female[/i], but I think it just looked better? Imperal because they are long and skinny, just like Anders! I got this dragon from @ducthulhu and it looks absolutely gorgeous! Lovely green, awesome goldish wings!! it looks just like Anders!! And look, Anders has Ser Pounce-A-Lot too!! Also I put an Accent: Frozen Aurora on him, because it kinda reminds me of Justice! Anders is in the same Coliseum party as Hawke and Fenris and he’s the healer like in the game! [center]*****[/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [right][b]FENRIS[/b][/right] Fenris here took me the longest time! An accent he’s wearing (Frozen Guilts) reminded me of Fenris and then I got an idea to make a whole DA2 party here! So I wanted Fenris to be Windclaw male, and I wanted him to have White or Shale Primary, Oilslick (Seraph) Secondary and Robin Tertiary. I hunted for him a looong time, like 2 – 3 weeks (not that long but!) and THEN I GOT HIM! I bought Piebald gene because it had white and shale on it, and then I bought Smoke Tertiary to cover up Basic Robin Tertiary! And he looks GORGEOUS! Okay he’s kinda hidden in those apparel, I don’t still have clear vision of what I want him to wear, but some feathers yes. And those claws. Drop me ideas please!! Also I bought him a familiar, Hati, because wolves suit Fenris. I didn’t get him green eyes but I think Earth Dragon is also a great choice! [center]*****[/center] [right][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/right] [b]VARRIC[/b] Now I bought Varric randomly. He was the last of these all. He’s small, looks a bit like a dwarf(?), he has nice colors and HE HAS A BOOK! Also he has a great shirt, i think he looks good! I don’t yet know if I’m gonna put him or Aveline on the battlefield but we’ll see!! He has also cute glasses ;) [center]*****[/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [right][b]ISABELA[/b][/right] Now let me introduce you everyone’s favorite pirate, The Queen of Seas, Isabela!!! Now I’m gonna be honest, she is definitely my favorite out of all these seven! She’s a skydancer with water element. She looks GREAT! I spent the most money on her clothes and I’m seriously so happy!!! She has no daggers tho and I wished that there would be something navy for her hip but She’s still great!! AH! [center]*****[/center] [right] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/right] [b]MERRILL[/b] Merrill is smol cute bean Fae dragon! Her element is plague since She’s a blood mage and I didn’t find good colors on Nature dragons. Also she was actually a Spiral dragon at first, but I definitely wanted her to be a Fae. She has [i]Daisy[/i] Flower Crown on her head and she’s also going to be the mage of the party in Coliseum. She’s gonna battle with Isabela for sure, but I’m not sure if the third dragon is going to be Aveline or Varric. [center]*****[/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [right][b]AVELINE[/b][/right] LAST BUT NOT LEAST, we have Aveline! She’s big and strong like a Guardian dragon! I really love her looks, she’s orangeish like her hair in the game. I think her armor here is okay, but it could have been a bit better?? idk LEAVE ME IDEAS! Also her element is Lightning, which is a bit random since I first wanted her to be a Fire dragon, but this dragon looked the best when I was buying it. And no matter the eye color! [center]*****[/center] So there they were! I hope I put this under the right topic lol? Share your opinions and your party too!! I'm excited to see what DA characters you have ;U; Also give me ideas to make them better - I'm open for new ideas!
So I made dragons based on
from my favorite video game of all time,

I made just the main characters. Tho okay, Bethany and Carver are kind of the .. main characters too but one Hawke is good for now! I think I'm going to make them too some day. Sebastian is not here too, since I don't have the DLC where he's on and I probably won't ever get it.

I tried also make everyone a different breed since I think they are all so different in the game! Everyone's unique!
Let's start with the main disaster himself!


This is my dear Garrett Hawke! Ridgebacks already look like they have Hawke’s armor on so it was easy to decide what breed my Hawke would be. He’s a rogue, so he has a quiver and lots of color red! He looks like Red!Hawke but I prefer Purple!Hawke myself, byt anyways! This Hawke is sometimes aggressive! He also has an Accent: The Nightmare on.

I know that Anders shares many opinions, but tbh he’s my favorite character. With Fenris and Bela. Okay I love them all but there’s just something great in Anders. I started to play DA2 because of him. Now, Anders is actually an Imperal female, but I think it just looked better? Imperal because they are long and skinny, just like Anders!

I got this dragon from @ducthulhu and it looks absolutely gorgeous! Lovely green, awesome goldish wings!! it looks just like Anders!! And look, Anders has Ser Pounce-A-Lot too!! Also I put an Accent: Frozen Aurora on him, because it kinda reminds me of Justice! Anders is in the same Coliseum party as Hawke and Fenris and he’s the healer like in the game!


Fenris here took me the longest time! An accent he’s wearing (Frozen Guilts) reminded me of Fenris and then I got an idea to make a whole DA2 party here! So I wanted Fenris to be Windclaw male, and I wanted him to have White or Shale Primary, Oilslick (Seraph) Secondary and Robin Tertiary. I hunted for him a looong time, like 2 – 3 weeks (not that long but!) and THEN I GOT HIM! I bought Piebald gene because it had white and shale on it, and then I bought Smoke Tertiary to cover up Basic Robin Tertiary! And he looks GORGEOUS!

Okay he’s kinda hidden in those apparel, I don’t still have clear vision of what I want him to wear, but some feathers yes. And those claws. Drop me ideas please!! Also I bought him a familiar, Hati, because wolves suit Fenris. I didn’t get him green eyes but I think Earth Dragon is also a great choice!

Now I bought Varric randomly. He was the last of these all. He’s small, looks a bit like a dwarf(?), he has nice colors and HE HAS A BOOK! Also he has a great shirt, i think he looks good! I don’t yet know if I’m gonna put him or Aveline on the battlefield but we’ll see!! He has also cute glasses ;)


Now let me introduce you everyone’s favorite pirate, The Queen of Seas, Isabela!!! Now I’m gonna be honest, she is definitely my favorite out of all these seven! She’s a skydancer with water element. She looks GREAT! I spent the most money on her clothes and I’m seriously so happy!!! She has no daggers tho and I wished that there would be something navy for her hip but She’s still great!! AH!

Merrill is smol cute bean Fae dragon! Her element is plague since She’s a blood mage and I didn’t find good colors on Nature dragons. Also she was actually a Spiral dragon at first, but I definitely wanted her to be a Fae. She has Daisy Flower Crown on her head and she’s also going to be the mage of the party in Coliseum. She’s gonna battle with Isabela for sure, but I’m not sure if the third dragon is going to be Aveline or Varric.


LAST BUT NOT LEAST, we have Aveline! She’s big and strong like a Guardian dragon! I really love her looks, she’s orangeish like her hair in the game. I think her armor here is okay, but it could have been a bit better?? idk LEAVE ME IDEAS! Also her element is Lightning, which is a bit random since I first wanted her to be a Fire dragon, but this dragon looked the best when I was buying it. And no matter the eye color!

So there they were! I hope I put this under the right topic lol? Share your opinions and your party too!! I'm excited to see what DA characters you have ;U; Also give me ideas to make them better - I'm open for new ideas!
She/Her | Tumblr
...24 | Finland ...
Very tired and
very gay
FR time +10 h
My DA2 party!
I thought some of you would like to see the characters from the game, like how they look!

Rogue Garrett Hawke

Anders + his Justice mode

Fenris + His Lyrium Ghost mode

Varric ( or at least i got my insp from this! )



I thought some of you would like to see the characters from the game, like how they look!

Rogue Garrett Hawke

Anders + his Justice mode

Fenris + His Lyrium Ghost mode

Varric ( or at least i got my insp from this! )



She/Her | Tumblr
...24 | Finland ...
Very tired and
very gay
FR time +10 h
My DA2 party!
You got them pretty well
You got them pretty well



i can't pick a fave but varric's and isabela's apparel is SO ON POINT as are fenris' markings!!!


i can't pick a fave but varric's and isabela's apparel is SO ON POINT as are fenris' markings!!!



you confiscate my kazoo but little do you know that i have a second, hidden kazoo between my toes
@Cicide They're so perfect, I LOVE them! Mind if I share my Anders and Fenris? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Anders has one of the best fandragon outfits of any of my dragons! I chose Pearlcatcher because it looked the most like him to me, especially with that mane. And with his pearl he can relive all of his terrible memories whenever he wants! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I also chose WC male for Fenris! I know there's an accent out there that would work well for his markings, but I got him Circuit anyway because I figure it's close enough. I'm very proud of him!

They're so perfect, I LOVE them! Mind if I share my Anders and Fenris?


Anders has one of the best fandragon outfits of any of my dragons! I chose Pearlcatcher because it looked the most like him to me, especially with that mane. And with his pearl he can relive all of his terrible memories whenever he wants!


I also chose WC male for Fenris! I know there's an accent out there that would work well for his markings, but I got him Circuit anyway because I figure it's close enough. I'm very proud of him!
trans 8upyv5b.png
Jace | He/Him | 23 | FR+1
@SCFox2620 @Freowyn @demitri @MittensTheKitten Thank you so much ;O; Omg I didn't think I would get any attention to these XD

ALSO @Tox THOSE LOOK GREAT!!! I love that Fenris has that armor, it really suits him + HE HAS A SWORD!! And Anders has a lovely robe too!! AND POUNCE IS THERE TOO!!! Amazing!! OFC you should and have be proud of them wow!!!

Also others feel free to share your DA2 party, i'd love to see more of Anders and Fenris (OH MY FAVE BOYS!!) and others!!!
@SCFox2620 @Freowyn @demitri @MittensTheKitten Thank you so much ;O; Omg I didn't think I would get any attention to these XD

ALSO @Tox THOSE LOOK GREAT!!! I love that Fenris has that armor, it really suits him + HE HAS A SWORD!! And Anders has a lovely robe too!! AND POUNCE IS THERE TOO!!! Amazing!! OFC you should and have be proud of them wow!!!

Also others feel free to share your DA2 party, i'd love to see more of Anders and Fenris (OH MY FAVE BOYS!!) and others!!!
She/Her | Tumblr
...24 | Finland ...
Very tired and
very gay
FR time +10 h
My DA2 party!
@Cicide I have a dragon whose Name and appearance are ( though somewhat loosely) based on Hawke c: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

I have a dragon whose Name and appearance are ( though somewhat loosely) based on Hawke c:

@Freowyn OOOO!!! He looks amazing?! Pretty cool! I like his apparels a lot :D
@Freowyn OOOO!!! He looks amazing?! Pretty cool! I like his apparels a lot :D
She/Her | Tumblr
...24 | Finland ...
Very tired and
very gay
FR time +10 h
My DA2 party!
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