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TOPIC | Toxikoi: Taxonomically Noxious
Well, the items section is a bit pathetic. If I find other things I think would be good, I'll let you know. =) And I'd help more with clothing, but honestly, I have no idea. I've been on this site for almost three years, and I probably don't know even half the clothing.... But I'll keep that in mind, too. =)
Well, the items section is a bit pathetic. If I find other things I think would be good, I'll let you know. =) And I'd help more with clothing, but honestly, I have no idea. I've been on this site for almost three years, and I probably don't know even half the clothing.... But I'll keep that in mind, too. =)
unicorn_icon_by_orgetzu-d9z1xrd.pnghouse_icon_z_by_orgetzu-d9z2r3i.pngwinter_icon_by_orgetzu-d9z2szz.pngfrog_icon_by_orgetzu-d9zwkt5.pngpixel_potatoes_by_orgetzu-d9z0pkl.gif Some of these pixels go places....
@Orgetzu Hehe! I'm in the same position--after three years, I have only a few dragons with 6 apparel pieces at once. It's not apparel, but I did find out that Doomling's accents look fabulous: [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
@Orgetzu Hehe! I'm in the same position--after three years, I have only a few dragons with 6 apparel pieces at once.

It's not apparel, but I did find out that Doomling's accents look fabulous:
Many of my dragons are nudists. The ones that aren't are mostly wearing pieces of (mostly teardrop) jewelry, and some bows/feathers, and then a scattered pile of sometimes relevant-to-their-personality clothing. Usually I dress them up when I don't like them a lot and I'm trying to make myself like them more, as is the case with Amai and Mimas, if you wanna go look. Some just felt like they needed clothing.

Also, that is a very lovely accent. My accent collection consists entirely of ones from holidays. Others are just too expensive for me to really want to bother looking in to, so I just don't.
Many of my dragons are nudists. The ones that aren't are mostly wearing pieces of (mostly teardrop) jewelry, and some bows/feathers, and then a scattered pile of sometimes relevant-to-their-personality clothing. Usually I dress them up when I don't like them a lot and I'm trying to make myself like them more, as is the case with Amai and Mimas, if you wanna go look. Some just felt like they needed clothing.

Also, that is a very lovely accent. My accent collection consists entirely of ones from holidays. Others are just too expensive for me to really want to bother looking in to, so I just don't.
unicorn_icon_by_orgetzu-d9z1xrd.pnghouse_icon_z_by_orgetzu-d9z2r3i.pngwinter_icon_by_orgetzu-d9z2szz.pngfrog_icon_by_orgetzu-d9zwkt5.pngpixel_potatoes_by_orgetzu-d9z0pkl.gif Some of these pixels go places....
@GiggleRaptor Once you've had Trifalla a bit and gotten to know her habits well, if there are any behavioral or biological notes you want to add to the Type Specimens, let me know. Any particular effects from her toxins you want added in an entry for her? (Her name sounds so cute, too!) I do want to rebuild my Type Specimens section a little, soon. I'll rearrange it a bit and use more dynamic images. Also hoping to expand some profile/info options with little icons, like this: [center][img][/img][/center] But I'm still thinking how best to do that. At least I have this little bit done!
@GiggleRaptor Once you've had Trifalla a bit and gotten to know her habits well, if there are any behavioral or biological notes you want to add to the Type Specimens, let me know. Any particular effects from her toxins you want added in an entry for her? (Her name sounds so cute, too!)

I do want to rebuild my Type Specimens section a little, soon. I'll rearrange it a bit and use more dynamic images. Also hoping to expand some profile/info options with little icons, like this:


But I'm still thinking how best to do that. At least I have this little bit done!

Oh, wowzers! I kind of forgot about that offshoot from my breeding project, came back to check up on her, and found this! It's crazy to see that she's got her whole shabang going on now. Could I be pinged for any new hatches? If not to buy, just to browse. I'm kind of picky and fickle when it comes to dragons for lore reasons.

Oh, wowzers! I kind of forgot about that offshoot from my breeding project, came back to check up on her, and found this! It's crazy to see that she's got her whole shabang going on now. Could I be pinged for any new hatches? If not to buy, just to browse. I'm kind of picky and fickle when it comes to dragons for lore reasons.
+2 FR
one million tundra dragons
bleh2 bleh3 StjSAn9.png
b PUBaf.gif
@mony I was thinking of telling you Apricorn was all done now! I'm crazy about her. I'll get you on her pinglist--I know how much fun it can be. Like your dragon grandkids there, really. ;)
@mony I was thinking of telling you Apricorn was all done now! I'm crazy about her. I'll get you on her pinglist--I know how much fun it can be. Like your dragon grandkids there, really. ;)
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=2]@Mintiani @OnABadBet @Orgetzu @SariStar @Skyeset @TPF5 @Mony[/size][/center] Two new Toxikoi hatchlings; both are the [b]Radiant [/b]and [b]Velvet [/b]classes of the subspecies. Previews in bios for now. Will be placed up for general auction tomorrow, or contact me today for a crossroads trade. [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][center][b]Radiant Velvet Toxikoi[/b] crocodile/honeydew/peridot imperial female 60k[/center][/columns] [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][center][b]Radiant Velvet Toxikoi[/b] amber/honeydew/peridot nocturne male 60k[/center][/columns]

Two new Toxikoi hatchlings; both are the Radiant and Velvet classes of the subspecies. Previews in bios for now. Will be placed up for general auction tomorrow, or contact me today for a crossroads trade.

Radiant Velvet Toxikoi
imperial female

Radiant Velvet Toxikoi
nocturne male
Hi! Can I be pinged when a Jaguar baby comes out?? I love this subspecies so much! I want one now~
Hi! Can I be pinged when a Jaguar baby comes out?? I love this subspecies so much! I want one now~
@RavageAndRot Awesome to hear, I'll keep you updated on jaguar babies! =D
@RavageAndRot Awesome to hear, I'll keep you updated on jaguar babies! =D
These are gorgeous!!
Could I be pinged for Honeydew / Radiant Toxikoi?
And any others with Piebald? :D
These are gorgeous!!
Could I be pinged for Honeydew / Radiant Toxikoi?
And any others with Piebald? :D
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