
Dragon Share

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@Tangle -- I was super torn. I love, love, love Maverick's look. Skydancers are my favorite breed and he looks like a Commander on a ship. So regal and handsome. However, oh man, I have the biggest soft spot for peach. It's such an underrated soft color and looks amazing paired up with so many colors. Qhuinn is gorgeous and I love his lore, it's so different than what you might see over in Plague. I'd steal this fellow in a heartbeat! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Tangle --

I was super torn. I love, love, love Maverick's look. Skydancers are my favorite breed and he looks like a Commander on a ship. So regal and handsome.

However, oh man, I have the biggest soft spot for peach. It's such an underrated soft color and looks amazing paired up with so many colors. Qhuinn is gorgeous and I love his lore, it's so different than what you might see over in Plague. I'd steal this fellow in a heartbeat!

[center]@Kardi I love this wind baby [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
I love this wind baby

@Scrubbie - Wow! Your dragons are actually really awesome, but to be honest this is my favorite snapper ever. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Scrubbie - Wow! Your dragons are actually really awesome, but to be honest this is my favorite snapper ever.

@Quiller [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dean.. Obviously Dean, it had to be Dean!


Dean.. Obviously Dean, it had to be Dean!
@Lieselotte [url=] [img][/img] [/url] woah... I don't think I've seen many dragons with her secondary and tert. Color. Plus I like how the accent makes her colors pop.


woah... I don't think I've seen many dragons with her secondary and tert. Color. Plus I like how the accent makes her colors pop.
@babybumblebee I love how deep and rich those colors are! Quite a bit of colors, but they work so well. Those pops of sunset are great :) [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

I love how deep and rich those colors are! Quite a bit of colors, but they work so well. Those pops of sunset are great :)

[center]@Cattywompers [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Poseidon looks really nice and fits his name very well. This accent + his Gembond = perfect combo.[/center]


Poseidon looks really nice and fits his name very well. This accent + his Gembond = perfect combo.
[center][size=2]@Guimauve rayquaza is my favorite pokemon so i just had to choose this coatl! [img][/img][/size][/center]
rayquaza is my favorite pokemon so i just had to choose this coatl!
@makanipua [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Her colors, apparel, and accent all play into each other to make a lovey nature girl. :)


Her colors, apparel, and accent all play into each other to make a lovey nature girl. :)
Naomi ~ she/they ~ FR +3
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~ Writing noughts till the end of time...
Meet me where the cliffs greet the sea. ~
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@DarkDragonfly I love the depth of this apparel! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@DarkDragonfly I love the depth of this apparel!
