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TOPIC | Headcanon a Dragon above you!
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@virtue What you've said actually matches closely with what I know of Pecha. All the Pearlcatchers in her row are adopted children of the pair above them, but since she was the last to join the family, she gets treated as the baby by all her siblings. Normally, she's quite bubbly and happy and high-energy and throws herself into every new interest with all her heart. Dork is a good word for her--but she can be very defensive if she feels other dragons are teasing her, or bossing her around too much.

As for pineapple on pizza, she's never tasted that, but if she ever did, she would love it because pineapple is a sweet golden fruit. ("Like me!" she says.)

You read my dragon very well; thank you for the interesting post!

(just chatting, skip me)
@virtue What you've said actually matches closely with what I know of Pecha. All the Pearlcatchers in her row are adopted children of the pair above them, but since she was the last to join the family, she gets treated as the baby by all her siblings. Normally, she's quite bubbly and happy and high-energy and throws herself into every new interest with all her heart. Dork is a good word for her--but she can be very defensive if she feels other dragons are teasing her, or bossing her around too much.

As for pineapple on pizza, she's never tasted that, but if she ever did, she would love it because pineapple is a sweet golden fruit. ("Like me!" she says.)

You read my dragon very well; thank you for the interesting post!

(just chatting, skip me)
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@virtue [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Spitfire was given this name for his stubborn personality and penchant for frothing magma when frustrated. Now that he is older, he is still real stubborn, but also suuuuper chill. His stubbornness only really shows when he sets his mind to something, and even then he never gets upset, just goes and does the thing contrary to anyone. You can usually find him buried in some ash, reading by the light of the magma pooled in his open mouth. As such, the name Spitfire has become a bit of a joke among friends. They like to hype his name as some sort of omen to his fiery temper, to then laugh when this very relaxed wildclaw greets them with mild confusion over all the huss and fuss


Spitfire was given this name for his stubborn personality and penchant for frothing magma when frustrated.
Now that he is older, he is still real stubborn, but also suuuuper chill. His stubbornness only really shows when he sets his mind to something, and even then he never gets upset, just goes and does the thing contrary to anyone. You can usually find him buried in some ash, reading by the light of the magma pooled in his open mouth.

As such, the name Spitfire has become a bit of a joke among friends. They like to hype his name as some sort of omen to his fiery temper, to then laugh when this very relaxed wildclaw greets them with mild confusion over all the huss and fuss
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Vidarr doesn't own a ship, despite calling himself a pirate. But likes to pretend he owns one. @Kikibug


Vidarr doesn't own a ship, despite calling himself a pirate. But likes to pretend he owns one.

@YarnDrawcia [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Due to the accident in her past that caused her to leave her old clan, Papilion is quite averse to fire. She doesn't like heat or flames or being near anything of the sort, and sometimes even panics when looking into the eyes of a Fire dragon. She often tries to hide this fear, and luckily the fear doesn't arise as much when she is cooking because she knows she is in control of it. Other than that, though, she has a strong distaste for it.


Due to the accident in her past that caused her to leave her old clan, Papilion is quite averse to fire. She doesn't like heat or flames or being near anything of the sort, and sometimes even panics when looking into the eyes of a Fire dragon. She often tries to hide this fear, and luckily the fear doesn't arise as much when she is cooking because she knows she is in control of it. Other than that, though, she has a strong distaste for it.
Cloud - She/Her
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@SugarRose22 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Khrynia's an incredibly pious dragon. So much so that his lair smells permanently and pungently of incense- and so does he to a lesser extent. If you believe that hatchling-tales, one time someone was so tired of the smell that they snuck into Khrynia's lair tried to steal the herbs and other materials that make the incense. The next morning Khrynia knocked on the thief's door, and when the thief opened it, Khrynia simply said "Leave." And before the thief could blink, Khrynia stepped away from the doorframe and the thief was thrown a hundred meters by some unseen force. Without blinking, Khrynia simply went inside, grabbed his incense, and went back inside his lair to begin burning it again. Moral of the story: Don't mess with Khrynia's incense. Ever.


Khrynia's an incredibly pious dragon. So much so that his lair smells permanently and pungently of incense- and so does he to a lesser extent. If you believe that hatchling-tales, one time someone was so tired of the smell that they snuck into Khrynia's lair tried to steal the herbs and other materials that make the incense. The next morning Khrynia knocked on the thief's door, and when the thief opened it, Khrynia simply said "Leave."
And before the thief could blink, Khrynia stepped away from the doorframe and the thief was thrown a hundred meters by some unseen force. Without blinking, Khrynia simply went inside, grabbed his incense, and went back inside his lair to begin burning it again.
Moral of the story: Don't mess with Khrynia's incense. Ever.
@Xeronia [url=] [img][/img][/url] Zura is wandering oracle, though he wasn't always this way - traveling from shore to shore without a single thing to anchor him. He used to find himself bathing in the sun in Redrock Cove, catching fish as they came too close to shore only to throw them back in. It wasn't until a near death experience that he began to travel, the all-seeing eye on his left wing guiding him on some sort of path to righteousness. He's a humble dragon, and very warm when speaking with others, but there's no denying how terrifying he can seem when the eye on his wing begins to glow and he gets this far off look in his eyes, nothing more than a vessel for a prophecy from none other than Poseidon.


Zura is wandering oracle, though he wasn't always this way - traveling from shore to shore without a single thing to anchor him. He used to find himself bathing in the sun in Redrock Cove, catching fish as they came too close to shore only to throw them back in. It wasn't until a near death experience that he began to travel, the all-seeing eye on his left wing guiding him on some sort of path to righteousness. He's a humble dragon, and very warm when speaking with others, but there's no denying how terrifying he can seem when the eye on his wing begins to glow and he gets this far off look in his eyes, nothing more than a vessel for a prophecy from none other than Poseidon.
@bioloyg [url=] [img][/img] [/url] spencer's magic ties into trees! even though they are a wind noodle their magic focuses on co2 in the air; they can help make forests flourish or in the same breath bring a wave of death to unfortunate woodland foliage. it is usually the former as spencer does not have much reason to mess with the ecosystem of local forests and thickets; though the thought may cross their mind time to time. on a grander scale and with more training spencer's magic could possibly tap into the co2 in the atmosphere hanging over sornieth--possibly causing or preventing large-scale climate change accordingly. to next person: please ignore all dragons past page 3!


spencer's magic ties into trees! even though they are a wind noodle their magic focuses on co2 in the air; they can help make forests flourish or in the same breath bring a wave of death to unfortunate woodland foliage. it is usually the former as spencer does not have much reason to mess with the ecosystem of local forests and thickets; though the thought may cross their mind time to time. on a grander scale and with more training spencer's magic could possibly tap into the co2 in the atmosphere hanging over sornieth--possibly causing or preventing large-scale climate change accordingly.

to next person: please ignore all dragons past page 3!
28 they/them
@roselapis [url=] [img][/img] [/url] When one has the time, Human can tell the most fascinating stories. He can create enthralling tales of his adventures with conjuring, often spanning for hours if you let him. He is a must have at bonfires or any social gathering, for he can keep a crowd entertained with his stories of other worlds and dimensions. However those who manage to listen long enough to hear the stories repeat start to notice they change every time...


When one has the time, Human can tell the most fascinating stories. He can create enthralling tales of his adventures with conjuring, often spanning for hours if you let him. He is a must have at bonfires or any social gathering, for he can keep a crowd entertained with his stories of other worlds and dimensions. However those who manage to listen long enough to hear the stories repeat start to notice they change every time...
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@sbeu [url=] [img][/img] [/url] It seems that Wynn would be very humble. Growing up in a clan that valued strengths over bonds, it's probably innate for him to care more about his contribution to the whole of the clan rather than his individual strengths. He does know them, and he's not incapable of being proud, but he's much more interested in being a mentor to dragons who admire his strength than in boasting.


It seems that Wynn would be very humble. Growing up in a clan that valued strengths over bonds, it's probably innate for him to care more about his contribution to the whole of the clan rather than his individual strengths. He does know them, and he's not incapable of being proud, but he's much more interested in being a mentor to dragons who admire his strength than in boasting.

sup, i'm alex
@Accelerator [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Anyone would be able to guess that Corvus has a tendency to collect shiny things. In fact, he particularly loves gears and alchemical lamps. However, he doesn't usually just find them laying around on the street. Sometime's he'll gather a group of his buddies and they'll go an mob poor dragons they find with things they want.


Anyone would be able to guess that Corvus has a tendency to collect shiny things. In fact, he particularly loves gears and alchemical lamps. However, he doesn't usually just find them laying around on the street. Sometime's he'll gather a group of his buddies and they'll go an mob poor dragons they find with things they want.
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