Hmm, a little odd but strangely beautiful. I actually really like her.

Hmm, a little odd but strangely beautiful. I actually really like her.
Daaaag I love swamp coral so much. And the ripple/hex looks surprisingly good together.
Daaaag I love swamp coral so much. And the ripple/hex looks surprisingly good together.
I actually keep a text file with screencaps of any gorgeous dragons Predict Morphology gives me, [i]just in case.[/i] I've made a couple into real dragons (like my avatar dragon, for example), but for the most part, they're just something I look at on the side.
And on that note, here's the last one it gave me.
Such a gorgeous giraffe ;~;
I actually keep a text file with screencaps of any gorgeous dragons Predict Morphology gives me,
just in case. I've made a couple into real dragons (like my avatar dragon, for example), but for the most part, they're just something I look at on the side.
And on that note, here's the last one it gave me.
Such a gorgeous giraffe ;~;
Those blues look so nice together. T__T Gorgeous ocean dragon.
Speaking of gorgeous giraffe, jeez louise! Two in one day, that's just not fair.
Those blues look so nice together. T__T Gorgeous ocean dragon.
Speaking of gorgeous giraffe, jeez louise! Two in one day, that's just not fair.
[i]who gave you the[b] right
who gave you the right
and then I get this thing...
Followed by...
and then I get this thing...
Followed by...
It just gave me this handsome one and I just ... WOW.
It just gave me this handsome one and I just ... WOW.
Send help I cant afford this

Send help I cant afford this
@HeroOfWinds I don't have a screenshot, but I saw this once.
I immediately searched for any dragons of this colour combo, and came across a female gen one Guardian lady who even had Ice eyes, just like the randomly generated dragon. It was destiny XD
HeroOfWinds I don't have a screenshot, but I saw this once.
I immediately searched for any dragons of this colour combo, and came across a female gen one Guardian lady who even had Ice eyes, just like the randomly generated dragon. It was destiny XD
Annnd I now need this
I'd probably mix it up a bit (gem genes for primary and secondary instead, a different tert maybe), but those colours are so pretty...
Annnd I now need this
I'd probably mix it up a bit (gem genes for primary and secondary instead, a different tert maybe), but those colours are so pretty...