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TOPIC | Ridgies 'Round The World Project
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Three Ridgies Have Been Born... Aquila, Scorpio, and Tucana! [i]Ever since they first looked to the sky, and saw the very constellations for which they were named, they knew they were destined to travel the world. And so they gave each other hugs in farewell, knowing that it would be a long and hard journey before they would see each other again.[/i] These dragons are ready to leave the nest, and will not return until they have been in the lairs of 50 different people. [center][b]Aquila[/b] [url][img][/img] [/url] [b]Scorpio[/b] [center][img][/img] (I currently reside with @CuteLilRedHead) [b]Tucana[/b] [img][/img] [/center] (I currently reside with @TheBee)
Three Ridgies Have Been Born...
Aquila, Scorpio, and Tucana!
Ever since they first looked to the sky, and saw the very constellations for which they were named, they knew they were destined to travel the world. And so they gave each other hugs in farewell, knowing that it would be a long and hard journey before they would see each other again.

These dragons are ready to leave the nest, and will not return until they have been in the lairs of 50 different people.



(I currently reside with @CuteLilRedHead)

(I currently reside with @TheBee)
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  • It is absolutely forbidden to Exalt or Sell any of the Ridgies under any circumstances
  • You may not breed any of the Ridgies
  • It is mandatory to record your name in the Info of the Ridgy you hosted, and placing a link is encouraged
  • You may not remove or rearrange and of the names in a Ridgy's info, or alter the description.
  • You are required to keep your Ridgy for at least one night
  • If someone is in line for a Ridgy after you, you may keep it for a maximum of two nights
  • If you will be incapable of passing on a Ridgy once your shift has ended, let me know and you will be moved to the first plausible shift for you to be on
  • If you don't have the lair space, not my problem. (Unless you want me to delay your shift)
  • When you are passing on a Ridgy, ping me to let me know.
  • It is absolutely forbidden to Exalt or Sell any of the Ridgies under any circumstances
  • You may not breed any of the Ridgies
  • It is mandatory to record your name in the Info of the Ridgy you hosted, and placing a link is encouraged
  • You may not remove or rearrange and of the names in a Ridgy's info, or alter the description.
  • You are required to keep your Ridgy for at least one night
  • If someone is in line for a Ridgy after you, you may keep it for a maximum of two nights
  • If you will be incapable of passing on a Ridgy once your shift has ended, let me know and you will be moved to the first plausible shift for you to be on
  • If you don't have the lair space, not my problem. (Unless you want me to delay your shift)
  • When you are passing on a Ridgy, ping me to let me know.
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Aquila's Hosting Pinglist wrote:
Sign up to host Aquila today!!!
Aquila's Hosting Pinglist wrote:
Sign up to host Aquila today!!!
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Scorpio's Hosting Pinglist wrote:
Sign up to host Scorpio today!!!
Scorpio's Hosting Pinglist wrote:
Sign up to host Scorpio today!!!
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Tucana's Hosting Pinglist wrote:
Sign up to host Tucana today!!!
Tucana's Hosting Pinglist wrote:
Sign up to host Tucana today!!!
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We are open! Be the first to host a beautiful ridgy!
We are open! Be the first to host a beautiful ridgy!
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Scorpio can come visit my lair :)

Scorpio can come visit my lair :)
@CuteLilRedHead: Wonderful! ^w^ I'll send the CR right away!
@CuteLilRedHead: Wonderful! ^w^ I'll send the CR right away!
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We still need steadings for Aquila and Tucana!!!
We still need steadings for Aquila and Tucana!!!
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