
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
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@Dragoniste I have lair space, so i'll set up the CR~
@Dragoniste I have lair space, so i'll set up the CR~
tumblr_inline_n5l9fw5kQh1scrvs1.png Feel free to ping me! ^W^
Say hi to Pumpkin! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She's more of a Fall based dragon, but she's still so precious c,: I was finally able to finish what I intended for her to be with a marigold flowerfall and I am so so happy with her! Precious lil harvest snip snap yes
Say hi to Pumpkin!


She's more of a Fall based dragon, but she's still so precious c,: I was finally able to finish what I intended for her to be with a marigold flowerfall and I am so so happy with her! Precious lil harvest snip snap yes
................e0gVkz3.png ................. 5hF3FGk.png
................. xj6Mn2e.png
................. CISPrku.png
................. etYYz4O.png
I've got a pair of Halloween Coatls, Salem and Hekate [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I've got a pair of Halloween Coatls, Salem and Hekate


Sprites by @DogiCrimson
Bloodclaw is my terrifying dragon that applies for Halloween [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and Spice and Seasoning apply to pumpkins [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and then Spellfire practices witchy stuff on Halloween and freaks out the hatchlings. :/ gosh Spellfire, chill! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Bloodclaw is my terrifying dragon that applies for Halloween


and Spice and Seasoning apply to pumpkins



and then Spellfire practices witchy stuff on Halloween and freaks out the hatchlings. :/ gosh Spellfire, chill!

Those aren't ashes, they're fireflies
My Art Thread
Dragon Coloring Pages Project!
Pronouns: he/she please don't use they/them for me if you can! Thank you!
Magneto and Mystique are my Halloween dragons: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And they made purty Halloween babies: [url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Magneto and Mystique are my Halloween dragons:



And they made purty Halloween babies:


I need a name for my new Halloweenies! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (sniped from the AH for like, 5kT) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (this guy was, too) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] spoopy ghost fae [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And my progen is dressed up like a wizard! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I need a name for my new Halloweenies!


(sniped from the AH for like, 5kT)


(this guy was, too)


spoopy ghost fae


And my progen is dressed up like a wizard!

Wych [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote]On 18 April, 1943, four boys (Robert Hart, Thomas Willetts, Bob Farmer and Fred Payne) from Stourbridge were poaching in Hagley Woods near to Wychbury Hill when they came across a large Wych elm. Hagley Wood is part of the Hagley Hall estate belonging to Lord Cobham. Believing this a good place to hunt birds' nests, Farmer attempted to climb the tree to investigate. As he was climbing, he glanced down into the hollow trunk and discovered a skull, believing it to be that of an animal. However, after seeing human hair and teeth, he realized that he was holding a human skull. As they were on the land illegally, Farmer put the skull back and all four boys returned home without mentioning their discovery to anybody. On returning home the youngest of the boys, Tommy Willetts, felt uneasy about what he had witnessed and decided to report the find to his parents. When police checked the trunk of the tree they found an almost complete human skeleton, a shoe, a gold wedding ring, and some fragments of clothing. After further investigation, a severed hand was found buried in the ground near to the tree. The body was sent for forensic examination by Prof. James Webster. He quickly established that the skeleton was female and had been dead for at least 18 months, placing her time of death around October 1941. He found taffeta in her mouth, suggesting that she had died from asphyxiation. From the measurement of the trunk he also deduced that she must have been placed there "still warm" after the killing as she could not have fit once rigor mortis had taken hold. In 1944 the first graffito message related to the mystery appeared on a wall in Upper Dean Street, Birmingham, reading [i]Who put Bella down the Wych Elm - Hagley Wood[/i]. [url=]X[/url] [/quote] And Zombie, my zombie first gen [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

On 18 April, 1943, four boys (Robert Hart, Thomas Willetts, Bob Farmer and Fred Payne) from Stourbridge were poaching in Hagley Woods near to Wychbury Hill when they came across a large Wych elm. Hagley Wood is part of the Hagley Hall estate belonging to Lord Cobham.

Believing this a good place to hunt birds' nests, Farmer attempted to climb the tree to investigate. As he was climbing, he glanced down into the hollow trunk and discovered a skull, believing it to be that of an animal. However, after seeing human hair and teeth, he realized that he was holding a human skull. As they were on the land illegally, Farmer put the skull back and all four boys returned home without mentioning their discovery to anybody.

On returning home the youngest of the boys, Tommy Willetts, felt uneasy about what he had witnessed and decided to report the find to his parents. When police checked the trunk of the tree they found an almost complete human skeleton, a shoe, a gold wedding ring, and some fragments of clothing. After further investigation, a severed hand was found buried in the ground near to the tree.

The body was sent for forensic examination by Prof. James Webster. He quickly established that the skeleton was female and had been dead for at least 18 months, placing her time of death around October 1941. He found taffeta in her mouth, suggesting that she had died from asphyxiation. From the measurement of the trunk he also deduced that she must have been placed there "still warm" after the killing as she could not have fit once rigor mortis had taken hold.

In 1944 the first graffito message related to the mystery appeared on a wall in Upper Dean Street, Birmingham, reading Who put Bella down the Wych Elm - Hagley Wood.

And Zombie, my zombie first gen

[center][b][color=#3D0C0C][font=Century Gothic]Are you, are you coming to the tree, wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? Strange things did happen here no stranger would it seem, if we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.[/font][/color][/b] Seuchenprinz - (eng. plague prince) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center]
Are you, are you coming to the tree, wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me?
Strange things did happen here no stranger would it seem,
if we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Seuchenprinz - (eng. plague prince)


English is not my native language!
I am 9 hours ahead the FR time!
My Halloween cutes. :) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
My Halloween cutes. :)



[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hallow is my first dragon, who I made to be a big ol' Halloween [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Cala is Day of the Dead


Hallow is my first dragon, who I made to be a big ol' Halloween


Cala is Day of the Dead
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