@TheUltimateOwl [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=29098003]
She seems to be a really mysterious and edgy skydancer. I love the tiny hint of pink hidden between black and dark green - this makes her so much more interesting! I just love dark dragons like her :3c

She seems to be a really mysterious and edgy skydancer. I love the tiny hint of pink hidden between black and dark green - this makes her so much more interesting! I just love dark dragons like her :3c
She looks so mysterious and I love it. Stained really makes her look unique and changes her colors in such a nice way. Her art is just gorgeous too. Overall she just looks like a dragon with personality.

She looks so mysterious and I love it. Stained really makes her look unique and changes her colors in such a nice way. Her art is just gorgeous too. Overall she just looks like a dragon with personality.
She reminds me of an assassin, except a little awkward and clumsy, maybe because her outfit isn't totally sleek. I can just imagine her trying to sneak stealthily behind an opponent but making a lot of noise! So cute!

She reminds me of an assassin, except a little awkward and clumsy, maybe because her outfit isn't totally sleek. I can just imagine her trying to sneak stealthily behind an opponent but making a lot of noise! So cute!
Svanda has really lovely colors that go well with her apparel and that accent. She looks every part the seasoned warrior defending her clan. I like how the gold of her accent stands out against the rest of the pale greens and browns. Overall she has a really natural look to her that's really pretty.

Svanda has really lovely colors that go well with her apparel and that accent. She looks every part the seasoned warrior defending her clan. I like how the gold of her accent stands out against the rest of the pale greens and browns. Overall she has a really natural look to her that's really pretty.
To Infinity & Beyond
The first dragon in your lair got my attention right away. She is gorgeous OMG. *o*

The first dragon in your lair got my attention right away. She is gorgeous OMG. *o*
His colors are so beautiful!!!! Absolutely in love with his robin facet
@Eurybia Ninja! lol
The cuffs are a lovely choice with the silks, nice pop of color off of her obsidian hide
His colors are so beautiful!!!! Absolutely in love with his robin facet

Eurybia Ninja! lol
The cuffs are a lovely choice with the silks, nice pop of color off of her obsidian hide

I provide free nest rentals and studding services. Message with inquires
I'm a sucker for this accent!

I'm a sucker for this accent!
She pulls gembond off very well!

She pulls gembond off very well!
Multigaze and Permababy collector.
Browse the lair and let me know what you think.