
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Prettiest Dragon Above You!
@Illuminatedd You have some very nice dragons, and it was a hard choice! But I had to go a bit minimalistic(ish) with Maisie [url=] [img][/img] [/url] They kinda remind me of those smooth rocks you would buy at the store, but I love the way you worked with genes to add a bit more color!

You have some very nice dragons, and it was a hard choice! But I had to go a bit minimalistic(ish) with Maisie


They kinda remind me of those smooth rocks you would buy at the store, but I love the way you worked with genes to add a bit more color!
When fall is over and the old gods shed their skin,
I’ll tear down this house of fire
and build it up again.
@Dramaturgy [url=] [img][/img] [/url] i'm always weak for spirals ;v; this one's colors are so nice


i'm always weak for spirals ;v; this one's colors are so nice
Rusted Crown
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] @atempause mmmm yessss... good dusty noodle, love the skin on him!

@atempause mmmm yessss... good dusty noodle, love the skin on him!
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@ShatteredMeteor [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I find her colors really cute. In fact I have a dragon that looks somewhat like her, so I guess we have similar taste in Tundras.


I find her colors really cute. In fact I have a dragon that looks somewhat like her, so I guess we have similar taste in Tundras.
@ClockConnoisseur [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Liberte's colors just drew me in! I love the pastel iridescence of his wings, and I love that it matches his rare eye color. Just beautiful!


Liberte's colors just drew me in! I love the pastel iridescence of his wings, and I love that it matches his rare eye color. Just beautiful!
[center]have you ever seen something so pretty you just start crying??? @contagioushazard yeah well you know [url=] [img][/img] [/url] im weak okay i was this close to choose [url=] Evanesce [/url]cause the name isjust great and the apparel plus colors/gens is 10/10 perfection BUT Null .... oh my god null. i have ONE TRUE WEAKNESS aside from gold+red combos and it is heavy deressed dragons like mega dressed dragons to the pointwhere you cant see what their gens are. Null? meets all of my standars. A male ridgeback well dressed w amazing gens and lore like what else could i be asking for [/center]
have you ever seen something so pretty you just start crying???
yeah well
you know


im weak okay
i was this close to choose
cause the name isjust great and the apparel plus colors/gens is 10/10 perfection BUT Null .... oh my god null.

i have ONE TRUE WEAKNESS aside from gold+red combos and it is heavy deressed dragons like mega dressed dragons to the pointwhere you cant see what their gens are.
Null? meets all of my standars. A male ridgeback well dressed w amazing gens and lore like what else could i be asking for

+4fr time --> usd art shop
Hi my namy is Alú and i am a mess
[center]@Serendipia [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Such a handsome lad, well dressed as well! Didnt even realize he was basic at first. Well done!

Such a handsome lad, well dressed as well! Didnt even realize he was basic at first. Well done!
@littleHorse [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I won’t lie, I was a little thrown off by the accent at first, but it’s actually very pretty on her. She looks so peaceful and simple, and it’s a really nice aesthetic.


I won’t lie, I was a little thrown off by the accent at first, but it’s actually very pretty on her. She looks so peaceful and simple, and it’s a really nice aesthetic.
@xAstrophel I love Guava! Good snappers are sometimes hard to find, but she kept stealing my gaze because she is so bright! Almost didn't see her goat eye. :D [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [quote][center]Check out my [url=]Den[/url] and my [url=]Lair[/url][/center][/quote]
@xAstrophel I love Guava! Good snappers are sometimes hard to find, but she kept stealing my gaze because she is so bright! Almost didn't see her goat eye. :D
Check out my Den and my Lair
@JPNerd [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I like Ghost Fae, and I like blue fire. Put them together and you have a great dragon. Also like the choice of familiar.


I like Ghost Fae, and I like blue fire. Put them together and you have a great dragon. Also like the choice of familiar.