
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Prettiest Dragon Above You!
1 2 ... 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 ... 15929 15930
@GoldenHeart343 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ahh I love how adventurous she looks!
ahh I love how adventurous she looks!
selling like a bazillions dragons, come get one that's the most [adjective of choice] for you
@vinsmoke [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I just love how wintery she looks, and how her accent just looks with the smoke.


I just love how wintery she looks, and how her accent just looks with the smoke.
@Rhyllyn [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Love it! So bright and beautiful, and she really cool with this accent, nice choice! (OMG cat!)


Love it! So bright and beautiful, and she really cool with this accent, nice choice!
(OMG cat!)
tumblr_inline_ny7iufSmv51qmzhvw_540.1519666973.png Sorry my bad English || +10
@nanakiharumi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sooo pretty with that glimmer. And the apparel really makes her pop!


Sooo pretty with that glimmer. And the apparel really makes her pop!
@Stripeycat [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A nice imp boy! Super pretty


A nice imp boy! Super pretty
@Cryptids [url=] [img][/img] [/url] My secret love for red makes me gravitate towards this boy~


My secret love for red makes me gravitate towards this boy~
@Alexstrasza [url=] [img][/img] [/url] You have a lot of good looking dragons in your lair, but I had to choose Onyxia because she reminds me of my fem. nocturne Saphira, and also she is purple and purple is my favorite color.


You have a lot of good looking dragons in your lair, but I had to choose Onyxia because she reminds me of my fem. nocturne Saphira, and also she is purple and purple is my favorite color.
> rosie | 19 | they/them
> +3 fr time
> art shop coming soon bc i need irl money and game money
> lore also coming soon bc i really want to write
@AmarilloOso [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She may not have fancy accents or apparel, but I picked her because of the colors and genes. I'm surprised how well piebald works with seraph --- the other reason is her name. Kappa. I'm a huge mythology nut and Kappa seems so appropriate since she looks like a being of water :D


She may not have fancy accents or apparel, but I picked her because of the colors and genes. I'm surprised how well piebald works with seraph --- the other reason is her name. Kappa.
I'm a huge mythology nut and Kappa seems so appropriate since she looks like a being of water :D

@Miloki [url=] [img][/img] [/url] You have so many beautiful dragons! It was hard choosing just one!


You have so many beautiful dragons! It was hard choosing just one!
Home of the Lavendel Clan | 6+ FR hours
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@MissyBeatrix [url=] [img][/img] [/url] His colours.... I want him!


His colours.... I want him!
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