[center][i]A small Wind clan is formed when love blossoms between two young dragons. Through their Matriarch's strange power called Dream Shifting, clanmates are able to enter another plane of existance, disappearing entirely until they wish to return. But when the clan becomes targeted by the Shade, could the queen's unique power be putting her clan at risk?
The Shifting Wing Clan seeks refuge from the dark shadow that chases them. A melting pot caravan constantly on the move, everyone pulls their weight to ensure the clan's survival.[/i][/center]
Finally had the idea to make a thread about my lore! I have a lot in my head that's sort of evolved over my time from playing the site.
Feel free to comment in this thread, or if you prefer, private messages and profile comments are also fine!
My intention is to write things out as I feel it. Not all posts will be chronological, I'd like to just flesh out pieces as I feel inspired to. For the main story beats, please see the Summary section for each era - the Table of Contents will link to individual stories based on these summaries. The ToC and Summary posts ARE chronological.
Note: This will come up eventually, but the clan's original name is Shifting Wind. It is somewhat unformally renamed to Shifting Wing after the clan moves from Wind to Lightning. That said, because there's never an official renaming, various dragons refer to the clan as either [b]Shifting Wind[/b] or [b]Shifting Wing[/b]. These are not typos!
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947#post_57050541]Resources[/url]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947#post_57050547]Table of Contents[/url]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947#post_57050551]Cast[/url]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947#post_57050559]Canon Interpretations[/url]
A small Wind clan is formed when love blossoms between two young dragons. Through their Matriarch's strange power called Dream Shifting, clanmates are able to enter another plane of existance, disappearing entirely until they wish to return. But when the clan becomes targeted by the Shade, could the queen's unique power be putting her clan at risk?
The Shifting Wing Clan seeks refuge from the dark shadow that chases them. A melting pot caravan constantly on the move, everyone pulls their weight to ensure the clan's survival.
Finally had the idea to make a thread about my lore! I have a lot in my head that's sort of evolved over my time from playing the site.
Feel free to comment in this thread, or if you prefer, private messages and profile comments are also fine!
My intention is to write things out as I feel it. Not all posts will be chronological, I'd like to just flesh out pieces as I feel inspired to. For the main story beats, please see the Summary section for each era - the Table of Contents will link to individual stories based on these summaries. The ToC and Summary posts ARE chronological.
Note: This will come up eventually, but the clan's original name is Shifting Wind. It is somewhat unformally renamed to Shifting Wing after the clan moves from Wind to Lightning. That said, because there's never an official renaming, various dragons refer to the clan as either
Shifting Wind or
Shifting Wing. These are not typos!
- Resources
- Table of Contents
- Cast
- Canon Interpretations
[nextcol][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2721066][b]The Beastclan Guide[/b][/url]
Technically out of date, this guide is gatherings of beastclan lore and posts about them from the staff. Until the staff actually moves forward on their retcon of beastclan lore, I'll be following my own interpretation of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2721066#post_39821025]Beastclans on the Rise[/url] (see: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947#post_57050559]Canon Interpretations[/url]).
[center][size=7][color=#643f9c][b]Table of Contents[/b][/color][/size]
Stories listed here are in chronological order. Stories with a red ampersand ([color=red]*[/color]) are unfinished and will have more additions later. Click the Era name to get a summary and organized links to stories and info!
[emoji=wind rune size=1] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/1#post_57050564][b][size=4]Era of Wind[/size][/b][/url]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/1#post_57080438]Field of Dreams[/url]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/2#post_57428584]The Day The Shade Came[/url] [color=red]*[/color]
[emoji=wing size=1] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/1#post_57050567][b][size=4]Era of Migration[/size][/b][/url]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57763712]Eye of the Storm[/url] [color=red]*[/color]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57642016]Gods In Decay[/url]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/2#post_57420645][Info] Life in the Shifting Expanse: Lairing and Caravaning[/url]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57595226][Info] Canonizing Fandragons & Humans[/url]
[emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/1#post_57050571][b][size=4]Era of Division[/size][/b][/url]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57933981]Outsiders[/url] [color=red]*[/color]
[emoji=gloom tile size=1] [b][size=4]Pre-Lore[/size][/b]
[i]To be added[/i]
[center][size=7][color=#643f9c][b]Canon Interpretations[/b][/color][/size]
These are things I've either retconned, reinterpreted, or made decisions on where I'm not sure what the official canon is. Some things here were things I heard were canon and internalized, and then couldn't track down the source, so I'm listing them for clarity's sake.
[*] Time is a bit more stretched out. It takes about five months for a hatchling to grow into physical maturity (young adulthood). Flight holidays happen once a year and last an entire month, ie: only one flight has a holiday a year. (One year might be Wind, the next Arcane, etc.)
[*] Flight holidays are big events where other flights are allowed into certain parts of the territory, usually a capital city or large event area. As long as the guests remain civil, they can enjoy the festivities. (Rowdy guests are exiled.)
[*] The world map is an oversimplification of territory lines. The lands and seas are constantly reshaping based on Dominance. There are also pockets of elements in the hearts of other territories; small stretches of land that are transformed during Dominance battles and may stay that way for years, overlooked. Dragons of the reigning deity will often work with these patches to terraform them to their element, or avoid them out of caution. But these islands of territory are what allow beasts and beastclan to pick up affinities to elements outside the reigning deity without traveling far for them.
[*] Sornieth is a huge planet. It needs to be to maintain the large dragon populations. In some areas, beastclan outnumber dragons. In the early days, most dragon clans settled in lands that were inhospitable to beastclan. These areas, where beasts would not live and crops would not grow, flourished with life after the touch of the dragons.
[*] Dragons [i]are[/I] magic. They are literally their element given form. This is not commonly or fully understood.
[*] Dragons effectively live forever - they do not die unless they are slain or fall ill, etc. (Most dragons eventually do.)
[*] Spirals and veilspun are comparable in size to skydancers. Small ones still exist but the average is around a medium-sized dragon. Veilspun have the natural ability to shrink themselves to the size of a faerie, and will often live this size to maintain secrecy of their lairs. (See: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/4#post_57934215]Headcanon Breed Sizes Chart[/url])
[*] Fae do not speak monotone; they don't make traditional facial expressions, but instead fan their crests to show their emotions. Most dragons eventually pick up these crest movements and "read" them as a smile, frown, etc. Fae don't need to open their mouths to talk - they can magically project their thoughts as words instead, which are still heard like a voice. (See: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57614763]Fae Expressions[/url])
[*] Coatls have trouble understanding fae, but this is because they can't hear them. Fae's magical vocal ranges are too high for most coatl ears to pick up. Coatls are better with low tones and most speak in those ranges. Higher toned dragons of other breeds can be heard with some difficulty, but fae are the only one that is completely out of range. That combined with fae lacking facial expressions, coatls have no idea what's going on when a fae speaks to them - and often don't even know a conversation is happening.
[*] Wind dragons don't need to flap their wings to fly, and can just coast/levitate on their magic. They do need their wings open for this, though.
[*] Dragons in the early days (Ancients) had no culture and simply served their deity's lusts for battle. After the early years when Ancients began to think for themselves, they developed their own culture, and many began to drop out from the wars of the deities. Slowly over time, these Ancient clans began to go into hiding (for various reasons), and were replaced by modern breeds. Generally speaking, modern dragons were brought into the world with a sense of their own culture and the choice to participate in the wars or not - as most deities realized their children would come to this crossroad eventually anyway.
[*] Beastclan are not aggressive to dragons by default: they are wary and often fearful, particularly of the larger dragons. But reactions depend on individual tribes, clans, communities, etc., and individuals.
[*] Attempts have been made to domesticate smaller dragons, such as fae, to keep as pets. This typically only works if one can isolate the dragon from others. Fae sometimes allow this to happen, assuming the role similar to a house cat: stoic, knowing they're smarter than their captors, but happy to be pampered.
[*] It is common for beastclan to hate dragons and blame them for the problems in the world. Dragons often see themselves as stewards of the deities and may overlook the plights of the beastclan, leading to more general hostility.
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2721066#post_39821025]Beastclans on the Rise[/url] is an ancient tale passed down by beastclan storytellers, detailing of the early days of dragonkinds' emergence (Ancients). The stories of destruction have been exaggerated over the years; some destruction of beastclan territories was observed, but dragons did not intentionally target beastclan cities/homes/etc or take over their lands for their own lairs, as the damage was more collateral.
[*] The Shade can take on the shape of other living creatures. One of its common tricks is to take the form of Beastclan and rile their people into attacking dragonkind, convincing them they are the enemy.
[*] Beastclan have no knowledge of the Shade on their own. An individual is considered "Awakened" by dragons if they have been taught, and accepted, the truth of the Shade and the dragon deities being the world's original creators/sculptors.
[*] Beastclan/beasts have no innate magic, because they were not born of it like dragons. Beastclan spell casters learn to call magic from the world around them. Dragons' magic comes from within them. Some are born with an affinity toward an element, which makes it easier to channel that type of magic. Beasts can sometimes cast spells and pick up the magic passively from the environment.
Canon Interpretations
These are things I've either retconned, reinterpreted, or made decisions on where I'm not sure what the official canon is. Some things here were things I heard were canon and internalized, and then couldn't track down the source, so I'm listing them for clarity's sake.
- Time is a bit more stretched out. It takes about five months for a hatchling to grow into physical maturity (young adulthood). Flight holidays happen once a year and last an entire month, ie: only one flight has a holiday a year. (One year might be Wind, the next Arcane, etc.)
- Flight holidays are big events where other flights are allowed into certain parts of the territory, usually a capital city or large event area. As long as the guests remain civil, they can enjoy the festivities. (Rowdy guests are exiled.)
- The world map is an oversimplification of territory lines. The lands and seas are constantly reshaping based on Dominance. There are also pockets of elements in the hearts of other territories; small stretches of land that are transformed during Dominance battles and may stay that way for years, overlooked. Dragons of the reigning deity will often work with these patches to terraform them to their element, or avoid them out of caution. But these islands of territory are what allow beasts and beastclan to pick up affinities to elements outside the reigning deity without traveling far for them.
- Sornieth is a huge planet. It needs to be to maintain the large dragon populations. In some areas, beastclan outnumber dragons. In the early days, most dragon clans settled in lands that were inhospitable to beastclan. These areas, where beasts would not live and crops would not grow, flourished with life after the touch of the dragons.
- Dragons are magic. They are literally their element given form. This is not commonly or fully understood.
- Dragons effectively live forever - they do not die unless they are slain or fall ill, etc. (Most dragons eventually do.)
- Spirals and veilspun are comparable in size to skydancers. Small ones still exist but the average is around a medium-sized dragon. Veilspun have the natural ability to shrink themselves to the size of a faerie, and will often live this size to maintain secrecy of their lairs. (See: Headcanon Breed Sizes Chart)
- Fae do not speak monotone; they don't make traditional facial expressions, but instead fan their crests to show their emotions. Most dragons eventually pick up these crest movements and "read" them as a smile, frown, etc. Fae don't need to open their mouths to talk - they can magically project their thoughts as words instead, which are still heard like a voice. (See: Fae Expressions)
- Coatls have trouble understanding fae, but this is because they can't hear them. Fae's magical vocal ranges are too high for most coatl ears to pick up. Coatls are better with low tones and most speak in those ranges. Higher toned dragons of other breeds can be heard with some difficulty, but fae are the only one that is completely out of range. That combined with fae lacking facial expressions, coatls have no idea what's going on when a fae speaks to them - and often don't even know a conversation is happening.
- Wind dragons don't need to flap their wings to fly, and can just coast/levitate on their magic. They do need their wings open for this, though.
- Dragons in the early days (Ancients) had no culture and simply served their deity's lusts for battle. After the early years when Ancients began to think for themselves, they developed their own culture, and many began to drop out from the wars of the deities. Slowly over time, these Ancient clans began to go into hiding (for various reasons), and were replaced by modern breeds. Generally speaking, modern dragons were brought into the world with a sense of their own culture and the choice to participate in the wars or not - as most deities realized their children would come to this crossroad eventually anyway.
- Beastclan are not aggressive to dragons by default: they are wary and often fearful, particularly of the larger dragons. But reactions depend on individual tribes, clans, communities, etc., and individuals.
- Attempts have been made to domesticate smaller dragons, such as fae, to keep as pets. This typically only works if one can isolate the dragon from others. Fae sometimes allow this to happen, assuming the role similar to a house cat: stoic, knowing they're smarter than their captors, but happy to be pampered.
- It is common for beastclan to hate dragons and blame them for the problems in the world. Dragons often see themselves as stewards of the deities and may overlook the plights of the beastclan, leading to more general hostility.
- Beastclans on the Rise is an ancient tale passed down by beastclan storytellers, detailing of the early days of dragonkinds' emergence (Ancients). The stories of destruction have been exaggerated over the years; some destruction of beastclan territories was observed, but dragons did not intentionally target beastclan cities/homes/etc or take over their lands for their own lairs, as the damage was more collateral.
- The Shade can take on the shape of other living creatures. One of its common tricks is to take the form of Beastclan and rile their people into attacking dragonkind, convincing them they are the enemy.
- Beastclan have no knowledge of the Shade on their own. An individual is considered "Awakened" by dragons if they have been taught, and accepted, the truth of the Shade and the dragon deities being the world's original creators/sculptors.
- Beastclan/beasts have no innate magic, because they were not born of it like dragons. Beastclan spell casters learn to call magic from the world around them. Dragons' magic comes from within them. Some are born with an affinity toward an element, which makes it easier to channel that type of magic. Beasts can sometimes cast spells and pick up the magic passively from the environment.
[center][size=7][color=#643f9c][b]Era of Wind[/b][/color][/size]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/1#post_57050547][sub]Table of Contents[/sub][/url]
[emoji=wind rune size=1]
The clan of the Shifting Wind was founded by Spelldancer, a fae, and Baerka, a tundra, in the green fields of the Windswept Plateau. The early years of the clan were peaceful, and the pair accepted new faces who sought their protection and company, even bringing in a son into the world - Prince Gloam.
Spelldancer, the matriarch and queen, has a unique power she calls Dream Shifting. This power allows her to fade into another plane. After spending time with Spelldancer in the clan, this power can be shared with others, allowing them to shift as well. Though for Spelldancer, the power works instantly - for others, it takes time. The ability is activated by closing ones eyes as if to sleep, then allowing the power to take you to another plane - what Spelldancer calls the Dream Realm. Dragons can gain the power by joining the clan and, after some time, some of the magic seems to rub off from Spelldancer onto them. Not only that, but dragons who spend time in the dream realm return refreshed and healed if they'd gone in injured.
The origins of this power are unknown, but she and Baerka have always assumed this was a gift from Windsinger. Whatever it was, it was a blessing.
But out of no where one day, the clan started being attacked by strange, shadow-like creatures. They weren't fully formed as anything, but would relentlessly attack. Baerka and others fought them off, but the attacks were frequent. Some were so horrible, and they were forced to watch dragons of their clan - under their protection - be pulled into the shadows, never to be seen again.
Could this be the Shade? Whispers began circulating in the clan. Why? Why is the Shade attacking us? What do we do? The dragons tried to get the attention of Windsinger, but the deity is very aloof and often difficult to find. Their cries to the skies went unheard, forsaken.
Then the unthinkable happened - the shadows, the Shade, whatever it was; they took Baerka. Their king, their protector, their light in the darkness, was gone. Spelldancer's love was gone.
She could sit still no longer. The clan needed help, and they needed to move. She had to protect her clan, even if it meant abandoning their home. In the next peaceful moment, Spelldancer rallied everyone to pack their things. She wasn't sure where they'd land, but she knew they needed to fly.
[nextcol][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/1#post_57080438][b]Field of Dreams[/b][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/2#post_57188022][2][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/2#post_57581613][3][/url]
The story of the clan's founding in the Windswept Plateau. Spelldancer and Baerka organically grow a small clan by simply letting dragons stay with them in their shimmering, gentle willow tree by a pond. The dragon pair learn of Spelldancer's unique ability to Dream Shift and ponder its origins.
[nextcol][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/2#post_57428584][b]The Day The Shade Came[/b][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/2#post_57459727][2][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/2#post_57569878][3][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/4#post_58245588][4][/url]
Life changes forever for the Shifting Wind when strange creatures attack their home.
To be added.
The clan of the Shifting Wind was founded by Spelldancer, a fae, and Baerka, a tundra, in the green fields of the Windswept Plateau. The early years of the clan were peaceful, and the pair accepted new faces who sought their protection and company, even bringing in a son into the world - Prince Gloam.
Spelldancer, the matriarch and queen, has a unique power she calls Dream Shifting. This power allows her to fade into another plane. After spending time with Spelldancer in the clan, this power can be shared with others, allowing them to shift as well. Though for Spelldancer, the power works instantly - for others, it takes time. The ability is activated by closing ones eyes as if to sleep, then allowing the power to take you to another plane - what Spelldancer calls the Dream Realm. Dragons can gain the power by joining the clan and, after some time, some of the magic seems to rub off from Spelldancer onto them. Not only that, but dragons who spend time in the dream realm return refreshed and healed if they'd gone in injured.
The origins of this power are unknown, but she and Baerka have always assumed this was a gift from Windsinger. Whatever it was, it was a blessing.
But out of no where one day, the clan started being attacked by strange, shadow-like creatures. They weren't fully formed as anything, but would relentlessly attack. Baerka and others fought them off, but the attacks were frequent. Some were so horrible, and they were forced to watch dragons of their clan - under their protection - be pulled into the shadows, never to be seen again.
Could this be the Shade? Whispers began circulating in the clan. Why? Why is the Shade attacking us? What do we do? The dragons tried to get the attention of Windsinger, but the deity is very aloof and often difficult to find. Their cries to the skies went unheard, forsaken.
Then the unthinkable happened - the shadows, the Shade, whatever it was; they took Baerka. Their king, their protector, their light in the darkness, was gone. Spelldancer's love was gone.
She could sit still no longer. The clan needed help, and they needed to move. She had to protect her clan, even if it meant abandoning their home. In the next peaceful moment, Spelldancer rallied everyone to pack their things. She wasn't sure where they'd land, but she knew they needed to fly.
Field of Dreams [2] [3]
The story of the clan's founding in the Windswept Plateau. Spelldancer and Baerka organically grow a small clan by simply letting dragons stay with them in their shimmering, gentle willow tree by a pond. The dragon pair learn of Spelldancer's unique ability to Dream Shift and ponder its origins.
To be added.
[center][size=7][color=#643f9c][b]Era of Migration[/b][/color][/size]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/1#post_57050547][sub]Table of Contents[/sub][/url]
[emoji=wing size=1]
Spreading their wings, the clan takes to the winds in search of a new home. With their patriarch, Baerka, missing, their only option is to flee. But they struggle to outrun the shadow creatures that chase them. The attacks continue, and various dragons step up to become their new protectors: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/42397955]Venomous[/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/42592208]Winter[/url], and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/54653389]Paladin[/url]. But the three are novices in the art of combat, and along the journey, various clanmates fall or are pulled away by the shadows.
The clan crosses the Sea of a Thousand Currents by air, never stopping their flight. There are whispers amongst the clan that the Lightning territory is the safest in the world against the Shade, as Stormcatcher takes the threat more seriously than any other deity. Spelldancer makes the call: they will move to the Shifting Expanse.
Stormcatcher accepts their plea to live in his lands. In return, Stormcatcher has a work plan for the clan. They must lay down new cablework in rock tunnels underneath the Charged Barrens, in conjunction with a second team who is further underground. It is also up to the Shifting Wing to find their own way in the desert - there are no handouts in the Expanse.
In order to survive, they create a system of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/2#post_57420645]caravaning and lairing[/url]; the clan has periods of lairing under the desert sands in constructed caves, and alternates these with times of travel across the surface. Not only is it necessary for their work, but it becomes one of their best defenses against the shadows, and they finally see peace, as their temporary lair system allows them to hide better than ever before and stave off the attacks. Though the peace breeds paranoia and fear, as they know danger continues to loom on the horizon.
Then the unthinkable happens... Baerka returns! He tells the clan he had left to try to save the dragons captured by the Shade. He was unsuccessful and eventually lost track of them all. When he'd tried to find the clan again, they were gone, and he feared the worst. It took quite some time to track them down in the Shifting Expanse, and he's endured many battles against hostile beastclan in his time searching for clues.
But... who is the force? Is it the Shade, as they feared? Baerka isn't so sure but can't say it isn't. Something tells him that it's different... but who has truly seen the Shade at their worst, other than the Eleven? But the clan's ability to outrun the creatures gives him hope that the worst is behind them. He's delighted to see Venom took up charge to protect the clan and expands the war party, personally training new recruits to fight and defend. Delwen, an Arcane dragon with a fascination for Lightning tech who'd joined the clan, begins developing devices that incorporate both Arcane and Lightning magic to help protect the clan.
Finally with some semblence of normalcy, the Wind clan begins to morph into a Lightning clan culturally. Hatchlings and new joinees begin to mishear the clan's name of Shifting Wind as Shifting Wing. Spelldancer questions it and corrects dragons when she hears it, but it becomes so common that it's hard to dispute. Some days bother her less than others, and maybe this is just signs of the clan's maturity. But Gloam hung more tightly to their Wind roots than his parents, priding their original name and aggressively correcting dragons who got it wrong. But the king and queen undermine his attempts to keep their original culture. Baerka is proud of his peoples' resilency and embraces their new lifestyle. And Gloam falls into despair when, to his horror, his parents have a new clutch of eggs, bringing his brother and sister into the clan: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/70497870]Autumn[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/70497866]Skarm[/url]. As the twins grow, they're entrusted with sensitive responsibilities of the royal family - just as Gloam had been. And their blue-green eyes and royal blood give them authority when they proclaim "this is a Lightning clan!" to counter Gloam's complaints.
But just when things seem to be at their best, the Shade returns. In a climactic battle, both Spelldancer and Baerka disappear.
[nextcol][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57763712][b]Eye of the Storm[/b][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57875458][2][/url]
Escaping from the dangers at their home in the Windswept Plateau, the Shifting Wind enters the Shifting Expanse. But crossing the volatile desert will be its own challenge, as storms rage constantly.
[nextcol][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57642016][b]Gods In Decay[/b][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57653538][2][/url]
After traveling the Shifting Expanse, the clan arrives at the Tempest Spire, seeking an audience with Stormcatcher. Spelldancer pleads her clan's case for sanctuary from the danger of the Shade, which continues to hunt them.
[nextcol][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/2#post_57420645][b]Lairing and Caravaning[/b][/url]
The clan's unique take on building lairs in the Shifting Expanse.
[nextcol][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57595226][b]Canonizing Fandragons & Humans[/b][/url]
Strange dragons have been wandering Sornieth, shapeshifted into unknown Beastclan forms, claiming to be from other worlds. Suspecting the cause is brain tampering from the magical energies of the Forbidden Portal, the Baldwin Alchemical Society issued a recommendation to help alchemists with treating dragons suffering from "humanization."
Until I can write individual stories for major points, here is a general summary of what happens during this era.
[*] Spelldancer tries to appeal to Windsinger to save the clan, but has trouble finding him (that boy’s always roaming)
[*] Shifting Wind abandons their home; Spelldancer leads clan on a migration in search of safety
[*] The Shade continues to attack the clan; War Party is established, led by Venomous; other members are Winter, Paladin, and Shimmer.
[*] Non-war party founding members become royal council members. Spelldancer frequently consults them for advice and ideas on what to do next.
Spelldancer tries to lead clan with optimism and confidence, but is terrified without her pair, Baerka.
[*] Spelldancer pleads to Stormcatcher for safety. He accepts her clan in his territory, but gives them an assignment. They must travel the Charged Barrens and run new cablework below the desert.
[*] The clan creates a system of caravaning and lairing. They carve temporary lairs under the Charged Barrens, in the hard rock below the sands. After staying for a few months, the clan picks up and caravans across the desert before settling down and building a new lair. This system is needed for the work Stormcatcher has assigned them, but also helps by providing safety and hiding them from the Shade.
[*] Shade attacks stop for some time. The caravan/lair system seems to work.
[*] The clan begins accepting stray dragons as a general policy; grows quite large. Delwen joins the clan.
[*] Delwen experiments with Lightning-style devices with Arcane magic infused. Creates portable force field generators that the caravan can use for shielding from The Shade while on the move.
[*] New dragons begin to mishear the name Shifting Wind as Shifting Wing. The clan name morphs - Spelldancer allows it, but Gloam pushes back, insisting the original name (and Wind heritage) be preserved.
[*] Clan begins to integrate into Lightning culture. Many Wind dragons, including Gloam, push back, preferring Wind culture. Spelldancer struggles with the shift, but allows it.
[*] Baerka returns to the clan. He had tried to rescue the dragons who had been taken by the Shade, but was unsuccessful. He updates the war party on what he understand about their enemies.
[*] Autumn and Skarm (full princess and prince) are born. Autumn acts as treasurer. Skarm brokers trades with other clans for needed resources.
[*] The Shade begins attacking the clan again.
[*] Baerka and Spelldancer both disappear; clan members begin to panic, morale drops.
Spreading their wings, the clan takes to the winds in search of a new home. With their patriarch, Baerka, missing, their only option is to flee. But they struggle to outrun the shadow creatures that chase them. The attacks continue, and various dragons step up to become their new protectors:
Winter, and
Paladin. But the three are novices in the art of combat, and along the journey, various clanmates fall or are pulled away by the shadows.
The clan crosses the Sea of a Thousand Currents by air, never stopping their flight. There are whispers amongst the clan that the Lightning territory is the safest in the world against the Shade, as Stormcatcher takes the threat more seriously than any other deity. Spelldancer makes the call: they will move to the Shifting Expanse.
Stormcatcher accepts their plea to live in his lands. In return, Stormcatcher has a work plan for the clan. They must lay down new cablework in rock tunnels underneath the Charged Barrens, in conjunction with a second team who is further underground. It is also up to the Shifting Wing to find their own way in the desert - there are no handouts in the Expanse.
In order to survive, they create a system of
caravaning and lairing; the clan has periods of lairing under the desert sands in constructed caves, and alternates these with times of travel across the surface. Not only is it necessary for their work, but it becomes one of their best defenses against the shadows, and they finally see peace, as their temporary lair system allows them to hide better than ever before and stave off the attacks. Though the peace breeds paranoia and fear, as they know danger continues to loom on the horizon.
Then the unthinkable happens... Baerka returns! He tells the clan he had left to try to save the dragons captured by the Shade. He was unsuccessful and eventually lost track of them all. When he'd tried to find the clan again, they were gone, and he feared the worst. It took quite some time to track them down in the Shifting Expanse, and he's endured many battles against hostile beastclan in his time searching for clues.
But... who is the force? Is it the Shade, as they feared? Baerka isn't so sure but can't say it isn't. Something tells him that it's different... but who has truly seen the Shade at their worst, other than the Eleven? But the clan's ability to outrun the creatures gives him hope that the worst is behind them. He's delighted to see Venom took up charge to protect the clan and expands the war party, personally training new recruits to fight and defend. Delwen, an Arcane dragon with a fascination for Lightning tech who'd joined the clan, begins developing devices that incorporate both Arcane and Lightning magic to help protect the clan.
Finally with some semblence of normalcy, the Wind clan begins to morph into a Lightning clan culturally. Hatchlings and new joinees begin to mishear the clan's name of Shifting Wind as Shifting Wing. Spelldancer questions it and corrects dragons when she hears it, but it becomes so common that it's hard to dispute. Some days bother her less than others, and maybe this is just signs of the clan's maturity. But Gloam hung more tightly to their Wind roots than his parents, priding their original name and aggressively correcting dragons who got it wrong. But the king and queen undermine his attempts to keep their original culture. Baerka is proud of his peoples' resilency and embraces their new lifestyle. And Gloam falls into despair when, to his horror, his parents have a new clutch of eggs, bringing his brother and sister into the clan:
Autumn and
Skarm. As the twins grow, they're entrusted with sensitive responsibilities of the royal family - just as Gloam had been. And their blue-green eyes and royal blood give them authority when they proclaim "this is a Lightning clan!" to counter Gloam's complaints.
But just when things seem to be at their best, the Shade returns. In a climactic battle, both Spelldancer and Baerka disappear.
Eye of the Storm [2]
Escaping from the dangers at their home in the Windswept Plateau, the Shifting Wind enters the Shifting Expanse. But crossing the volatile desert will be its own challenge, as storms rage constantly.
Gods In Decay [2]
After traveling the Shifting Expanse, the clan arrives at the Tempest Spire, seeking an audience with Stormcatcher. Spelldancer pleads her clan's case for sanctuary from the danger of the Shade, which continues to hunt them.
Canonizing Fandragons & Humans
Strange dragons have been wandering Sornieth, shapeshifted into unknown Beastclan forms, claiming to be from other worlds. Suspecting the cause is brain tampering from the magical energies of the Forbidden Portal, the Baldwin Alchemical Society issued a recommendation to help alchemists with treating dragons suffering from "humanization."
Until I can write individual stories for major points, here is a general summary of what happens during this era.
- Spelldancer tries to appeal to Windsinger to save the clan, but has trouble finding him (that boy’s always roaming)
- Shifting Wind abandons their home; Spelldancer leads clan on a migration in search of safety
- The Shade continues to attack the clan; War Party is established, led by Venomous; other members are Winter, Paladin, and Shimmer.
- Non-war party founding members become royal council members. Spelldancer frequently consults them for advice and ideas on what to do next.
Spelldancer tries to lead clan with optimism and confidence, but is terrified without her pair, Baerka.
- Spelldancer pleads to Stormcatcher for safety. He accepts her clan in his territory, but gives them an assignment. They must travel the Charged Barrens and run new cablework below the desert.
- The clan creates a system of caravaning and lairing. They carve temporary lairs under the Charged Barrens, in the hard rock below the sands. After staying for a few months, the clan picks up and caravans across the desert before settling down and building a new lair. This system is needed for the work Stormcatcher has assigned them, but also helps by providing safety and hiding them from the Shade.
- Shade attacks stop for some time. The caravan/lair system seems to work.
- The clan begins accepting stray dragons as a general policy; grows quite large. Delwen joins the clan.
- Delwen experiments with Lightning-style devices with Arcane magic infused. Creates portable force field generators that the caravan can use for shielding from The Shade while on the move.
- New dragons begin to mishear the name Shifting Wind as Shifting Wing. The clan name morphs - Spelldancer allows it, but Gloam pushes back, insisting the original name (and Wind heritage) be preserved.
- Clan begins to integrate into Lightning culture. Many Wind dragons, including Gloam, push back, preferring Wind culture. Spelldancer struggles with the shift, but allows it.
- Baerka returns to the clan. He had tried to rescue the dragons who had been taken by the Shade, but was unsuccessful. He updates the war party on what he understand about their enemies.
- Autumn and Skarm (full princess and prince) are born. Autumn acts as treasurer. Skarm brokers trades with other clans for needed resources.
- The Shade begins attacking the clan again.
- Baerka and Spelldancer both disappear; clan members begin to panic, morale drops.
[center][size=7][color=#643f9c][b]Era of Division[/b][/color][/size]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/1#post_57050547][sub]Table of Contents[/sub][/url]
[emoji=eclipsed sun size=1]
To be added.
[nextcol][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/3#post_57933981][b]Outsiders[/b][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/4#post_58144983][2][/url]
Gloam finds a strange-looking "dragon" lying in the sands of the Charged Barrens named Breyker. He joins the clan but struggles to fit in, as he seems to suffer from a strange... curse? But Breyker discovers he's not the first this curse has happened to.
To be added.
Until I can write individual stories for major points, here is a general summary of what happens during this era.
[*] Gloam steps forward as new leader for the clan, but he has so little respect amongst the clan that there’s a lot of pushback. Royal council questions every decision he makes; Gloam is too naive to make proper decisions and often acts out of pettiness and bitterness toward Lightning.
[*] Autumn/Skarm protest, saying they would be better fit to lead as Lightning dragons, and that Gloam often puts the clan’s interests behind his own, due to his prejudice. Gloam insists that he is the leader, as he is the oldest.
[*] Breyker joins the clan. Gloam forces him to be his friend, and Breyker hangs out with him out of pitty - Gloam has no other friends.
[*] Breyker tries to talk sense into Gloam. Gloam often disagrees, but later presents Breyker’s ideas to the royal council as his own. These ideas are often better accepted.
[*] Acro finds Track, who claims she hunts Shade, tries to get her to join the clan. She refuses to become “family,” but joins on as a hired hunter.
[*] Shimmer’s body and mind deteriorate over time. He eventually disappears.
[*] Battle breaks out between Windsinger and Stormcatcher. Stormcatcher demands dragons fight the Wind flight. Conflict spreads throughout the clan, as some are still internally loyal to Windsinger.
[i]To be continued[/i][/quote]
The siblings' rivalry splits the clan into two sub clans: one led by Gloam, the Breath; another led by Skarm, the Heart.
Gloam's Breath (under Breyker and Track's guidance) leads the clan into the Tangled Wood in search of Spelldancer and Baerka. They take with them the king and queen's most loyal followers on their rescue mission. Glint, the clan Brightseer, recruits High Inquisitor Lizanin into the clan to pierce the dark of the woods. The Wisplights are formed, mostly of veilspun, to additionally help guide the group.
Skarm's Heart stay in the Shifting Expanse. He has been negotiating with Sandsurges that had joined the clan and creating a big operation for Lightning's benefit, which he sees as his calling.
Autumn stays with Skarm, and so the clan's treasury stays with the Heart of the Shiftng Wing - leaving Gloam and his followers penniless and without many resources. But as Skarm's ego begins to grow as a leader, Autumn begins to butt heads with him. She forms Autumn's Blood: a secretive group that begins supporting the efforts of Gloam's Breath by sending them resources, mostly through Ysidro.
To be added.
Outsiders [2]
Gloam finds a strange-looking "dragon" lying in the sands of the Charged Barrens named Breyker. He joins the clan but struggles to fit in, as he seems to suffer from a strange... curse? But Breyker discovers he's not the first this curse has happened to.
To be added.
Until I can write individual stories for major points, here is a general summary of what happens during this era.
- Gloam steps forward as new leader for the clan, but he has so little respect amongst the clan that there’s a lot of pushback. Royal council questions every decision he makes; Gloam is too naive to make proper decisions and often acts out of pettiness and bitterness toward Lightning.
- Autumn/Skarm protest, saying they would be better fit to lead as Lightning dragons, and that Gloam often puts the clan’s interests behind his own, due to his prejudice. Gloam insists that he is the leader, as he is the oldest.
- Breyker joins the clan. Gloam forces him to be his friend, and Breyker hangs out with him out of pitty - Gloam has no other friends.
- Breyker tries to talk sense into Gloam. Gloam often disagrees, but later presents Breyker’s ideas to the royal council as his own. These ideas are often better accepted.
- Acro finds Track, who claims she hunts Shade, tries to get her to join the clan. She refuses to become “family,” but joins on as a hired hunter.
- Shimmer’s body and mind deteriorate over time. He eventually disappears.
- Battle breaks out between Windsinger and Stormcatcher. Stormcatcher demands dragons fight the Wind flight. Conflict spreads throughout the clan, as some are still internally loyal to Windsinger.
To be continued
Ideas wrote:
The siblings' rivalry splits the clan into two sub clans: one led by Gloam, the Breath; another led by Skarm, the Heart.
Gloam's Breath (under Breyker and Track's guidance) leads the clan into the Tangled Wood in search of Spelldancer and Baerka. They take with them the king and queen's most loyal followers on their rescue mission. Glint, the clan Brightseer, recruits High Inquisitor Lizanin into the clan to pierce the dark of the woods. The Wisplights are formed, mostly of veilspun, to additionally help guide the group.
Skarm's Heart stay in the Shifting Expanse. He has been negotiating with Sandsurges that had joined the clan and creating a big operation for Lightning's benefit, which he sees as his calling.
Autumn stays with Skarm, and so the clan's treasury stays with the Heart of the Shiftng Wing - leaving Gloam and his followers penniless and without many resources. But as Skarm's ego begins to grow as a leader, Autumn begins to butt heads with him. She forms Autumn's Blood: a secretive group that begins supporting the efforts of Gloam's Breath by sending them resources, mostly through Ysidro.
[center][size=5][color=teal][b]Field of Dreams (pt 1)[/b][/color][/size]
[emoji=wind rune size=1] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/1#post_57050564]Era of Wind[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/1#post_57050547]ToC[/url] [emoji=book size=1]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947/2]Part 2[/url] >>
The dragons were born of the Wind, and in their very core, that's what they were - no matter where that wind takes them.
Spelldancer was just a fae hatchling when she discovered her unique power to shift planes. All she need to is close her eyes, like she was planning to go to sleep, and she could feel a power unfold itself inside her. Allow it to, and it would transport her to another plane. She named this place the Dream Realm. When it first started happening, she thought she was actually sleeping; but after some time, she realized this was something different. Something more.
"It must be a gift from Windsinger," Baerka would whisper when she would question herself. "He's gifted you with this power, and your pure heart allows you to share it with others. That's why he chose you, he knew you were the right one to wield it."
Neither of them really knew where it came from. In her early days, once Spelldancer learned to control it, before she had any idea it was special, she would use it to protect herself. She grew up an orphan, and having the power to instantly blip out of sight was very useful to hide away from predators.
Neither of them had ever spoken to Windsinger, though they would sometimes spot him passing by: the Wind Deity would not hide himself and, when passing through his territory, could easily be seen flying high in the atmosphere above - far higher than the pair had ever gone. Spelldancer would sometimes say they should just go talk to him, but the distance between them was far greater than she realized.
"I know it looks like he's moving slow. But he's massive. The speed he's traveling at is immense." Baerka's sleepy eyes sometimes gave off the impression that he was naive, but what Spelldancer admired about him most was actually his intelligence. "We'll never catch him, we'd already have to be in the air if we had any hope of him noticing us."
"But... how will we speak to him? Surely someone must."
"Maybe we'll find someone who knows someday."
The Dream Realm was very much like a lucid dream; anything was possible. When Spelldancer thought about it, she realized it may not actually be a dream, but a plane heavy with magic; so heavy that raw magic would drip off your palms like water. Thoughts quickly take tangible form, and without great mental control, your surroundings could turn to chaos in an instant. More than once, Spelldancer would escape danger only to immediately recreate it in her Dream. She realized she needed great mental fortitude to pause her mind and simply exist in the ocean of magic.
Spelldancer never saw anyone else in the Dream Realm, until she brought Baerka there.
Baerka was a tundra. When Spelldancer first met him, she thought he was an ugly thing, not even realizing he was a dragon like her. Fur? A muzzle? He looked closer to a beast. It wasn't until she saw his great wings that she paused. But for Baerka, it was love at first sight. He wasn't sure what fascinated him with her, but she was beautiful. He, like her, had been alone since his hatchling days. Unlike her, not having an escape act to slip away from danger, he learned to protect himself through fang and claw.
But Baerka couldn't Dream Shift. She tried explaining it to him, but he seemed confused by the idea. She tried to teach him to do it, but when demonstrating, would simply send herself there. When she returned, he shrugged and laughed. "No no, I can't turn invisible."
"I'm not turning invisible!" But the specifics didn't matter to Baerka. Whatever this was, he couldn't do it.
It didn't take long for the two to fall in love. They stayed together over the coming years, maturing into adulthood together. They nested in the open grass plains, in a lone tree that stood defiantly, with a large hollow at the bottom of the trunk. Baerka dug into the earth beneath the trunk for more space, but Spelldancer often found herself perched in the branches instead, and often sailed away into the wind without realizing it, lost in thought. Baerka would track her down, "waking" her with a gentle smile painted on his face.
With time, some answers came, from the establishment of their own clan.
The dragons were born of the Wind, and in their very core, that's what they were - no matter where that wind takes them.
Spelldancer was just a fae hatchling when she discovered her unique power to shift planes. All she need to is close her eyes, like she was planning to go to sleep, and she could feel a power unfold itself inside her. Allow it to, and it would transport her to another plane. She named this place the Dream Realm. When it first started happening, she thought she was actually sleeping; but after some time, she realized this was something different. Something more.
"It must be a gift from Windsinger," Baerka would whisper when she would question herself. "He's gifted you with this power, and your pure heart allows you to share it with others. That's why he chose you, he knew you were the right one to wield it."
Neither of them really knew where it came from. In her early days, once Spelldancer learned to control it, before she had any idea it was special, she would use it to protect herself. She grew up an orphan, and having the power to instantly blip out of sight was very useful to hide away from predators.
Neither of them had ever spoken to Windsinger, though they would sometimes spot him passing by: the Wind Deity would not hide himself and, when passing through his territory, could easily be seen flying high in the atmosphere above - far higher than the pair had ever gone. Spelldancer would sometimes say they should just go talk to him, but the distance between them was far greater than she realized.
"I know it looks like he's moving slow. But he's massive. The speed he's traveling at is immense." Baerka's sleepy eyes sometimes gave off the impression that he was naive, but what Spelldancer admired about him most was actually his intelligence. "We'll never catch him, we'd already have to be in the air if we had any hope of him noticing us."
"But... how will we speak to him? Surely someone must."
"Maybe we'll find someone who knows someday."
The Dream Realm was very much like a lucid dream; anything was possible. When Spelldancer thought about it, she realized it may not actually be a dream, but a plane heavy with magic; so heavy that raw magic would drip off your palms like water. Thoughts quickly take tangible form, and without great mental control, your surroundings could turn to chaos in an instant. More than once, Spelldancer would escape danger only to immediately recreate it in her Dream. She realized she needed great mental fortitude to pause her mind and simply exist in the ocean of magic.
Spelldancer never saw anyone else in the Dream Realm, until she brought Baerka there.
Baerka was a tundra. When Spelldancer first met him, she thought he was an ugly thing, not even realizing he was a dragon like her. Fur? A muzzle? He looked closer to a beast. It wasn't until she saw his great wings that she paused. But for Baerka, it was love at first sight. He wasn't sure what fascinated him with her, but she was beautiful. He, like her, had been alone since his hatchling days. Unlike her, not having an escape act to slip away from danger, he learned to protect himself through fang and claw.
But Baerka couldn't Dream Shift. She tried explaining it to him, but he seemed confused by the idea. She tried to teach him to do it, but when demonstrating, would simply send herself there. When she returned, he shrugged and laughed. "No no, I can't turn invisible."
"I'm not turning invisible!" But the specifics didn't matter to Baerka. Whatever this was, he couldn't do it.
It didn't take long for the two to fall in love. They stayed together over the coming years, maturing into adulthood together. They nested in the open grass plains, in a lone tree that stood defiantly, with a large hollow at the bottom of the trunk. Baerka dug into the earth beneath the trunk for more space, but Spelldancer often found herself perched in the branches instead, and often sailed away into the wind without realizing it, lost in thought. Baerka would track her down, "waking" her with a gentle smile painted on his face.
With time, some answers came, from the establishment of their own clan.