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TOPIC | [MistJam 23] Pottery Painting
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[i]When a group of dragons passes by, one of them, an aberration, gets closer after hearing about the painting booth, they're very attentive on the tour but don't really answer much, just mutter some quiet words while choosing the pots, ultimately picking two of them and excusing themselves so they could paint the chosen pottery. [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] It's possible to hear some bickering from the two heads as they paint the soup bowl they picked, strangely enough they aren't each painting a different pot... Things like [b]"Ssstop painting out of the linesss!"[/b] and [b]"The wind is frrree, it is not bound by lines!"[/b] are whispered, as well as some [b]"Ssstop ruining thisss!" "I'm not rrruining it! You'rrre the one making a mess!"[/b], and occasionally one of them trying to paint the face of the other instead of the bowl, but despite the bickering, they do finish the painting with the bowl in one piece! It's a little rough on the edges and, besides using the same colors, the ideas are a little all over, but it surely feels like something that belongs to these two! [/i] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [right][url=][img][/img][/url][/right] [i]After looking closely at the aberration, you're able to notice that the other pot they picked isn't just being abandonned... it's actually painted! And very carefully as well, you can practically see every gentle brush stroke on it...! Well, at least on the outside, the inside seems to just be the paint that fell into it... And right by it's side the artist is found, just as tiny as the pot itself if not even tinnier! She looks up, brush in hands, and simply says [b]"He is green. And shiny. Like Yadael. Green and shiny. Like the forest...!"[/b][/i] [/columns] [i]The, now two, dragons seem very happy with their works, specially the tiny one, you can somewhat hear her talking to the aberration with her about bringing their other friends over later so they can paint as well![/i]
When a group of dragons passes by, one of them, an aberration, gets closer after hearing about the painting booth, they're very attentive on the tour but don't really answer much, just mutter some quiet words while choosing the pots, ultimately picking two of them and excusing themselves so they could paint the chosen pottery.

It's possible to hear some bickering from the two heads as they paint the soup bowl they picked, strangely enough they aren't each painting a different pot... Things like "Ssstop painting out of the linesss!" and "The wind is frrree, it is not bound by lines!" are whispered, as well as some "Ssstop ruining thisss!" "I'm not rrruining it! You'rrre the one making a mess!", and occasionally one of them trying to paint the face of the other instead of the bowl, but despite the bickering, they do finish the painting with the bowl in one piece!

It's a little rough on the edges and, besides using the same colors, the ideas are a little all over, but it surely feels like something that belongs to these two!
After looking closely at the aberration, you're able to notice that the other pot they picked isn't just being abandonned... it's actually painted! And very carefully as well, you can practically see every gentle brush stroke on it...! Well, at least on the outside, the inside seems to just be the paint that fell into it... And right by it's side the artist is found, just as tiny as the pot itself if not even tinnier!
She looks up, brush in hands, and simply says "He is green. And shiny. Like Yadael. Green and shiny. Like the forest...!"

The, now two, dragons seem very happy with their works, specially the tiny one, you can somewhat hear her talking to the aberration with her about bringing their other friends over later so they can paint as well!

Monday's Noodle Doodle winner is @Halk! Would you like a Noodle doodle, and if so, what dragon would you like her to doodle? @ghostStrawberry NNNG the TINY VEIL. I'm going to give Nectar the utter privildege of talking to that cutie, so not ignoring her <3 [img][/img] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]____[/color] [nextcol] [right][size=4] @ghostStrawberry Almost out of nowhere, Noodle appears at the Aberration's painting station. Hopefully the pair doesn't startle easily - the spiral is always in motion, it seems. Even her small leg-wings wiggle - she's definitely someone who uses all her appendages to talk. "Hello hello! Wow! This is very nice, so nice!" Noodle's big eyes peer closely at the pot like big, goofy spotlights. "Yes, I see, I see! This is YOU! Your inner beauty splashed on the surface for all to admire!" She gives a delighted sigh, clasping her front paws together. "Exhilarating! Don't hesitate if you want to paint more!" [/right][/size] [/columns]
Monday's Noodle Doodle winner is @Halk! Would you like a Noodle doodle, and if so, what dragon would you like her to doodle?

@ghostStrawberry NNNG the TINY VEIL. I'm going to give Nectar the utter privildege of talking to that cutie, so not ignoring her <3

19135754.png ____
@ghostStrawberry Almost out of nowhere, Noodle appears at the Aberration's painting station. Hopefully the pair doesn't startle easily - the spiral is always in motion, it seems. Even her small leg-wings wiggle - she's definitely someone who uses all her appendages to talk.

"Hello hello! Wow! This is very nice, so nice!" Noodle's big eyes peer closely at the pot like big, goofy spotlights. "Yes, I see, I see! This is YOU! Your inner beauty splashed on the surface for all to admire!"

She gives a delighted sigh, clasping her front paws together. "Exhilarating! Don't hesitate if you want to paint more!"

FR time+0
Silly Code Nerd

I don't want a doodle sorry :(
I don't want a doodle sorry :(
a cartoonized velvet worm that is a dark blue with white specks all over. the art's signature is 476242
@Halk No Worries!
@Halk No Worries!

FR time+0
Silly Code Nerd


You are the first runner up for a Noodle Doodle - would you like one? :) (Again folks, no worries if you don't. xD)

You are the first runner up for a Noodle Doodle - would you like one? :) (Again folks, no worries if you don't. xD)

FR time+0
Silly Code Nerd

[center] Ace Juice, a common beverage commonly drunk by spirals. With its fruity flavor and intriguing salmon color, it's popular among baby dragons. This well known drink is served at events and festivals. The Ace fruit (main ingredient) canals be used in a verity of different foods including the flavorful Ace-n-cheese sandwich and the regal Ace cake. [img][/img] "[i]A bit of blue there, glue this on,... maybe some gray like this...[/i]" the dragon focuses on his art. After a long hour of hard work, Prince finally finished his master piece. He curled himself up into the wonderful pottery he'd just finished decorating. He had glued some paper on the sides as finishing touches. Prince posed pridefully (he he, alliteration) for the camera. His friend snapped a photo of remembrance [img][/img] [font=Cursive]HELP ME, I AM BOWL.[/font] [img][/img] [/center] Here are my entries. I added a lot to the noodle soup one-
Ace Juice, a common beverage commonly drunk by spirals. With its fruity flavor and intriguing salmon color, it's popular among baby dragons. This well known drink is served at events and festivals. The Ace fruit (main ingredient) canals be used in a verity of different foods including the flavorful Ace-n-cheese sandwich and the regal Ace cake.

"A bit of blue there, glue this on,... maybe some gray like this..." the dragon focuses on his art. After a long hour of hard work, Prince finally finished his master piece. He curled himself up into the wonderful pottery he'd just finished decorating. He had glued some paper on the sides as finishing touches. Prince posed pridefully (he he, alliteration) for the camera. His friend snapped a photo of remembrance


Here are my entries. I added a lot to the noodle soup one-
Always working on lair and Wishlist ;-;
Sketch Shop!!!
Holiday Adopts!
Art | Roleplay
click images for chibi shop!
DragonFruit Baby
This was so fun!!! I'll try digital drawing next, but I wanted to try traditional colored pencil first! I'm not sure if you can tell, but the gold pencil shines in different lights! [img][/img] [img][/img]
This was so fun!!! I'll try digital drawing next, but I wanted to try traditional colored pencil first!

I'm not sure if you can tell, but the gold pencil shines in different lights!

@mousekinn sorry for the late reply. I would love one, omg!! <3
@mousekinn sorry for the late reply. I would love one, omg!! <3
@mephistos No worries - do you have a dragon in mind to become terrible MS paint stick art? :)
@mephistos No worries - do you have a dragon in mind to become terrible MS paint stick art? :)

FR time+0
Silly Code Nerd

[size=4][columns] @ghostStrawberry Nectar leans down next to the little veilspun. "He is green, yes! Why, are you sure you don't know the Windsinger personally? This is lovely!" She smiles, bright and encouraging. @FumblingNarwhal Nectar then wanders over to some of the other artworks. She nods approvingly - "This is similarly lovely. You must have trained long hours to create such wonderful masterpieces!" [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size]

Nectar leans down next to the little veilspun. "He is green, yes! Why, are you sure you don't know the Windsinger personally? This is lovely!" She smiles, bright and encouraging.


Nectar then wanders over to some of the other artworks. She nods approvingly - "This is similarly lovely. You must have trained long hours to create such wonderful masterpieces!"
My name has two i's and no L. :)
ADHD - Poke me if I forget stuff!
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