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TOPIC | LF lore help for a newbie
hello! i am very new here and just getting into lore and such. ive become attached to one of my dragons and would love to make lore for him, but im horribly inexperienced in that field. any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated! the dragon in question is my gaoler horace ! [url=][img][/img][/url]
hello! i am very new here and just getting into lore and such. ive become attached to one of my dragons and would love to make lore for him, but im horribly inexperienced in that field. any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!

the dragon in question is my gaoler horace !

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I've got a couple ideas for him, mainly based on his design and name: [list][*]Cave delver, with his familiar as an assistant in that regard. Maybe he does so to find sweet loot to sell, maybe he does it so he can find something regarding his past. [*]Keeper of a secret grove. You can fill in how he came into that role, or who he's protecting it from (necromancers, a family who wants to hunt him down, etc.) [*]Knight and defender of your clan's leader, if he isn't a leader himself. Was he born into the role, or inherit it after proving himself in the heat of battle?[/list] These are just some ideas you can use to kickstart your own creative process. I wish you luck! He's certainly a pretty dragon, so I hope you cook up something good for him.
I've got a couple ideas for him, mainly based on his design and name:
  • Cave delver, with his familiar as an assistant in that regard. Maybe he does so to find sweet loot to sell, maybe he does it so he can find something regarding his past.
  • Keeper of a secret grove. You can fill in how he came into that role, or who he's protecting it from (necromancers, a family who wants to hunt him down, etc.)
  • Knight and defender of your clan's leader, if he isn't a leader himself. Was he born into the role, or inherit it after proving himself in the heat of battle?

These are just some ideas you can use to kickstart your own creative process. I wish you luck! He's certainly a pretty dragon, so I hope you cook up something good for him.
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