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TOPIC | [ lore ] » desertus
[center][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [size=6][font=georgia][ DESERTUS ] ------ [columns][color=transparent]____________[/color][nextcol] [font= cambria]The elderly librarian sighs and reluctantly unlocks the bookshelf, realeasing clouds of dust into the room. Two withering claws reach out from underneath his cloak, as he gently brushes them along the spines of each book. After a sudden pause, he grasps out a thick book en-crested with a golden cross. This is no book of spells or forbidden magic, but a personal treasure. As he turns the first page his eyes cloud with regret. [nextcol][color=transparent]____________[/color] [/columns] [columns][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color][nextcol][b]Ajani[/b] [s]summary[/s] [s]stats about lore relationships[/s][/columns][nextcol][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color][nextcol][b]Spes[/b] summary stats about lore relationships[/columns][nextcol][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color][nextcol][b]Fides[/b] summary stats about lore relationships[/columns][/columns][columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color][nextcol][b]Kreutzer[/b] [u]summary[/u] [u]stats[/u] about lore relationships[/columns][nextcol][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color][nextcol][b]Xuxa[/b] [s]summary stats[/s] about [s]lore[/s] relationships[/columns][nextcol][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color][nextcol][b]Thursday[/b] summary stats about lore relationships[/columns][/columns][columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color][nextcol][b]Styx[/b] summary stats about lore relationships[/columns][nextcol][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color][nextcol][b]Helios[/b] summary stats about lore relationships[/columns]


____________ The elderly librarian sighs and reluctantly unlocks the bookshelf, realeasing clouds of dust into the room. Two withering claws reach out from underneath his cloak, as he gently brushes them along the spines of each book. After a sudden pause, he grasps out a thick book en-crested with a golden cross.

This is no book of spells or forbidden magic, but a personal treasure. As he turns the first page his eyes cloud with regret.

72527300p.png __ Ajani
78846239p.png __ Spes
66300850p.png __ Fides
66270254p.png __ Kreutzer
50376957p.png __ Xuxa

38538318p.png __ Thursday
80195722p.png __ Styx
79688506p.png __ Helios

» locations
» aesthetics
» economy
» spells
» medicine
» adaptations
» characters


» locations
» aesthetics
» economy
» spells
» medicine
» adaptations
» characters


xxxxxxxxxxx Yyls » a small trading village next to the border separating Dragonhome, The Tangled Woods and The Viridian Labyrinth. Merchants travel hundreds of miles to sell their goods here, along with various thieves and scam artists. It is difficult to hear your own thoughts over the chatters of merchants belting out their deals, competing with one another. Adventurers often gather here to retell their adventures, selling their valuables and purchasing new tools and weapons to aid their next journey.

Dwellenstone » a bustling village in Cairnestone Rest, home to a wide range of dragons. Mansions and slums barely meters away from each other, many dragons move to Dwellenstone in hopes for work inside the mines. Although it is constantly being guarded and watched, most danger lies inside the abandoned lairs and labyrinths which many workers have been trapped inside of.

The Forgotten Palace » a palace in which no dragon has walked outside of alive: many legends and rumours spiral around this mysterious location. Once guarded by an untouchable wall which now crumbles, half sunken in the sand. Nobody knows what led to the sudden fall of this palace, as none have been able to explore it.


xxxxxxxxxxx Yyls » a small trading village next to the border separating Dragonhome, The Tangled Woods and The Viridian Labyrinth. Merchants travel hundreds of miles to sell their goods here, along with various thieves and scam artists. It is difficult to hear your own thoughts over the chatters of merchants belting out their deals, competing with one another. Adventurers often gather here to retell their adventures, selling their valuables and purchasing new tools and weapons to aid their next journey.

Dwellenstone » a bustling village in Cairnestone Rest, home to a wide range of dragons. Mansions and slums barely meters away from each other, many dragons move to Dwellenstone in hopes for work inside the mines. Although it is constantly being guarded and watched, most danger lies inside the abandoned lairs and labyrinths which many workers have been trapped inside of.

The Forgotten Palace » a palace in which no dragon has walked outside of alive: many legends and rumours spiral around this mysterious location. Once guarded by an untouchable wall which now crumbles, half sunken in the sand. Nobody knows what led to the sudden fall of this palace, as none have been able to explore it.

[center] [size=6][font=georgia][ ALLIEGENCE ] ------ [columns][color= transparent]xxxxxxxxxxx[/color][nextcol][nextcol] [font= sylfaen] [color= #503E33]Despite there being no significant clan or tribe in which all dragons combine their recourses, many dragons have alligences with particular gods, spirits or each other. [b]ouroboros » [/b]an ancient symbol depicting a serpent eating its own tail- representing the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never escape the eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation. Those in this covent believe in the natural processes of life and death, therefore are unafraid of dying and less desperate to protect the lives of others, for it is all one part of nature. [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font= sylfaen] [color= #503E33][b]cochlea » [/b]they who believe the royal family of the shattered kingdom should still remain in power over all, for their divine spirits. Those who pledge loyalty in this covenant seek to protect royalty and eradicate the non believers. Towards those who neither support of dislike royalty are protected under them, offered their kindness for they are (in their eyes) the people of the royal family. They take their power from what remains of their royalty- a hidden princess granting her healing spells to save her people. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol][color= transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/columns]


xxxxxxxxxxx Despite there being no significant clan or tribe in which all dragons combine their recourses, many dragons have alligences with particular gods, spirits or each other.

ouroboros » an ancient symbol depicting a serpent eating its own tail- representing the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never escape the eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation. Those in this covent believe in the natural processes of life and death, therefore are unafraid of dying and less desperate to protect the lives of others, for it is all one part of nature.

cochlea » they who believe the royal family of the shattered kingdom should still remain in power over all, for their divine spirits. Those who pledge loyalty in this covenant seek to protect royalty and eradicate the non believers. Towards those who neither support of dislike royalty are protected under them, offered their kindness for they are (in their eyes) the people of the royal family. They take their power from what remains of their royalty- a hidden princess granting her healing spells to save her people.
[center] [size=6][font=georgia][ AESTHETICS ] ------ [center][item=Luminous Halo][item=Peace dove][item=Daisy Flowerfall] [item=Magician's Cobwebs][item=Green Olive Wreath][item=Tawny Antlers] [item=Haunted Flame Candles][item=Ethereal Flame Candles]


Luminous Halo Peace Dove Daisy Flowerfall
Magician's Cobwebs Green Olive Wreath Tawny Antlers
Haunted Flame Candles Ethereal Flame Candles


____________ Unfortunately to many, the life of one in Dragonhome tends to be controlled by who you were born to over what you do with your life. A region of ancient traditions with many structures and systems created thousands of years ago remaining the same to this day: the families which remain in their castles also remains the same.

As a result, many dragons' lives are simply continuations of their parents. Your father was a tavernskeep- so you will continue the tradition. And if your father was a wealthy man, so are you, and so will your children and so forth. Most are accustomed to such a system however, and see no problem living their lives each day the same as the last: and the same as their parents' last.


____________ Unfortunately to many, the life of one in Dragonhome tends to be controlled by who you were born to over what you do with your life. A region of ancient traditions with many structures and systems created thousands of years ago remaining the same to this day: the families which remain in their castles also remains the same.

As a result, many dragons' lives are simply continuations of their parents. Your father was a tavernskeep- so you will continue the tradition. And if your father was a wealthy man, so are you, and so will your children and so forth. Most are accustomed to such a system however, and see no problem living their lives each day the same as the last: and the same as their parents' last.


I'm not in on the whole 'arcane lore' but since their flight seems to be really interested in space they'd probably be able to draw a great amount of energy off of nuclear fission in stars and channel that energy for their spells. Since this would be a MASSIVE amount of energy for relatively small dragons they would probably have limits of how much energy they can 'absorb' at once before it becomes very dangerous to the dragons. An alternative could also be using direct sunlight for energy but I feel that would be possibly more unique to nature and light.

I don't actually know what spells Arcane are meant to be using here but I assume that they would likely broaden their skillsets to the other elements due to it being a flight based around magic. My only ideas stem from psychic types in pokemon so maybe telekenisis and levitation which would be achieved by manipulating magnetic fields ? Queue 'magic' excuse because I don't know how that'd work lol
Arcane probably has all the magic research powerhouses and fancy magic schools dragons travel across the world to attend


I'm not in on the whole 'arcane lore' but since their flight seems to be really interested in space they'd probably be able to draw a great amount of energy off of nuclear fission in stars and channel that energy for their spells. Since this would be a MASSIVE amount of energy for relatively small dragons they would probably have limits of how much energy they can 'absorb' at once before it becomes very dangerous to the dragons. An alternative could also be using direct sunlight for energy but I feel that would be possibly more unique to nature and light.

I don't actually know what spells Arcane are meant to be using here but I assume that they would likely broaden their skillsets to the other elements due to it being a flight based around magic. My only ideas stem from psychic types in pokemon so maybe telekenisis and levitation which would be achieved by manipulating magnetic fields ? Queue 'magic' excuse because I don't know how that'd work lol
Arcane probably has all the magic research powerhouses and fancy magic schools dragons travel across the world to attend


potential tw for chronic pain,
death, medical stuff

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Gembond is a disease affecting around an estimated 5% of the dragons population, usually causing chronic pain in a dragon which may affect their future capabilities. Depending on where the gems are formed, some gembound dragons may find themselves unable to walk or fly due to the placement of their gems. Along with this, gems may grow in the head, heart or over nerves inflicting memory loss, excessive pain and death. The gems are extremely hard and take an excessive amount of stress to break- nearing 2.8 gigapascals. This is why gembond makes excellent armour and was often used in ancient times during the elemental war.

This disease is generally assumed 'unattractive' by most dragons. As a result, dragons with gembond will pay excessive amounts of money to undergo gemstone irradiation, which will change the colours of their gems to rarer, more unnatural colours. 'Temporary' gemstone irradiation is a relatively inexpensive option many dragons indulge in, as it often gives them enough time to find a mate before their gem's colours fade due to exposure to the heat. Of course, gemstone irradiation has large risks associated with it due to the exposure of radiation. The amount of radiation emitted depends greatly on the dragon's mass to prevent lethal damage being caused. Generally more expensive treatment is safer in comparison to cheaper treatment.

Gembond is a recessive gene which may be passed down if no dominant genes are held by the other parent's genomes. This is fairly uncommon, as gembond not only affects the fatality and fertility of dragons: but also due to social structures, dragons with gembond may have difficulty finding a mate to provide offspring.

Dragons may also be infected by gembond by absorbing venom, which can be passed by Onyx Cobras from the Dragonhome region. These creatures are also known to inflict their venom onto plants, causing those who eat them to catch the disease. As a result of this, there have been various plant species which upon eating may cause gembond: such as the crystalline rose, which can be difficult to tell apart from regular roses.

Cures for gembond vary depending on the placement of gems. Sometimes, gem form over the dragon's surface to a point where they can simply be cut out using laser- often done by professionals since the insides of a gembond gem contains a small amount of venom which may spread the disease, or infect the dragon cured once again. Alternatively, radiotherapy may be used for gems which form deeper into the skin depending on whether the gembond condition is life threatening to the dragon. Many dragons with gembond do not have access to treatment so use painkillers for the remainder of their life.

There is a small upcoming field of magic which seeks to cure these poisons based off of more ancient forms of medicine. The exact explanation to the magic is unknown, due to sorcerers using these spells are scarce and often have extremely high prices, making it only accessible to royals. It is generally theorised that the gems are slowly melted into the dragons skin. The infected venom from the gems is prevented from harming the dragon due to the injection of antibodies which neutralise the threat.



base formula:

energy = mass^0.75 x 50 x 4184/1000 J
that's a lot of energy being carried by an exposed circuit
definitely affects dragon relationships
cure? probably get an engineer to ... cover it up or alternatively remove the circuitry and train the unused organs again?



potential tw for chronic pain,
death, medical stuff

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Gembond is a disease affecting around an estimated 5% of the dragons population, usually causing chronic pain in a dragon which may affect their future capabilities. Depending on where the gems are formed, some gembound dragons may find themselves unable to walk or fly due to the placement of their gems. Along with this, gems may grow in the head, heart or over nerves inflicting memory loss, excessive pain and death. The gems are extremely hard and take an excessive amount of stress to break- nearing 2.8 gigapascals. This is why gembond makes excellent armour and was often used in ancient times during the elemental war.

This disease is generally assumed 'unattractive' by most dragons. As a result, dragons with gembond will pay excessive amounts of money to undergo gemstone irradiation, which will change the colours of their gems to rarer, more unnatural colours. 'Temporary' gemstone irradiation is a relatively inexpensive option many dragons indulge in, as it often gives them enough time to find a mate before their gem's colours fade due to exposure to the heat. Of course, gemstone irradiation has large risks associated with it due to the exposure of radiation. The amount of radiation emitted depends greatly on the dragon's mass to prevent lethal damage being caused. Generally more expensive treatment is safer in comparison to cheaper treatment.

Gembond is a recessive gene which may be passed down if no dominant genes are held by the other parent's genomes. This is fairly uncommon, as gembond not only affects the fatality and fertility of dragons: but also due to social structures, dragons with gembond may have difficulty finding a mate to provide offspring.

Dragons may also be infected by gembond by absorbing venom, which can be passed by Onyx Cobras from the Dragonhome region. These creatures are also known to inflict their venom onto plants, causing those who eat them to catch the disease. As a result of this, there have been various plant species which upon eating may cause gembond: such as the crystalline rose, which can be difficult to tell apart from regular roses.

Cures for gembond vary depending on the placement of gems. Sometimes, gem form over the dragon's surface to a point where they can simply be cut out using laser- often done by professionals since the insides of a gembond gem contains a small amount of venom which may spread the disease, or infect the dragon cured once again. Alternatively, radiotherapy may be used for gems which form deeper into the skin depending on whether the gembond condition is life threatening to the dragon. Many dragons with gembond do not have access to treatment so use painkillers for the remainder of their life.

There is a small upcoming field of magic which seeks to cure these poisons based off of more ancient forms of medicine. The exact explanation to the magic is unknown, due to sorcerers using these spells are scarce and often have extremely high prices, making it only accessible to royals. It is generally theorised that the gems are slowly melted into the dragons skin. The infected venom from the gems is prevented from harming the dragon due to the injection of antibodies which neutralise the threat.



base formula:

energy = mass^0.75 x 50 x 4184/1000 J
that's a lot of energy being carried by an exposed circuit
definitely affects dragon relationships
cure? probably get an engineer to ... cover it up or alternatively remove the circuitry and train the unused organs again?

[center] [size=6][font=georgia][ ADAPTATIONS ] ------ [center][item=tawny antlers] [size=3][font=sylfaen][b]antlers[/b][/size][/center] [columns][color= transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][nextcol][nextcol] [font= sylfaen] [color= #503E33] Many dragons in dragonhome have adapted to have antlers in order to defend themselves from various beastclans. The antlers are also used for intimidation and dominance: making the dragon seem larger to large hoards of beasts which may challenge them. Along with this, the antlers support the surrounding animals: when antlers shed they provide various minerals for smaller animals dragons prey on beneffitting the ecosystem. [center][item=brown daredevil cover] [size=3][font=sylfaen][b]blindfold[/b][/size][/center] Sandstorms prove to be a great threat to the eyesight of foreign elements in Earthshaker's domain. Many are advised to cover their eyes with blindfolds and navigate via their other senses, in order to protect their vision. [nextcol][color= transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/columns]


Tawny Antlers

Many dragons in dragonhome have adapted to have antlers in order to defend themselves from various beastclans. The antlers are also used for intimidation and dominance: making the dragon seem larger to large hoards of beasts which may challenge them. Along with this, the antlers support the surrounding animals: when antlers shed they provide various minerals for smaller animals dragons prey on beneffitting the ecosystem.

Brown Daredevil Cover


Sandstorms prove to be a great threat to the eyesight of foreign elements in Earthshaker's domain. Many are advised to cover their eyes with blindfolds and navigate via their other senses, in order to protect their vision.
[center] [size=6][font=georgia][ RECOURSES ] ------ [url=]image gen[/url] [url=]stuff i dont use[/url] [url=]titles i dont use[/url] [url=]DND 5e classes[/url] [emoji=wildclaw size=1][emoji=insect size=1][emoji=meat size=1][emoji=seafood size=1][emoji=plant size=1][emoji=eliminate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=regeneration size=1][emoji=scratch size=1][emoji=shred size=1][emoji=comment size=1][emoji=bestiary size=1][emoji=information size=1][emoji=ping size=1][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][emoji=scroll size=1][emoji=star size=1][emoji=subscription update size=1][emoji=scroll size=1][emoji=wing size=1][emoji=gold crown size=1][emoji=silver crown size=1][emoji=bell size=1][emoji=book size=1][emoji=book 2 size=1][emoji=candle size=1][emoji=ceramic jar size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=peacock feather size=1][emoji=phoenix feather size=1][emoji=gear size=1][emoji=scroll 2 size=1]