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[center][url=][img][/img][/url] My name is Verd, I write sometimes. General content warning for death and horror themes throughout. A lot of this stuff is older now, but I'd like to start writing more frequently again maybe. No promises. Comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. Feel free to post! :) [size=2][url=]Graphics by osiem[/url][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url]

My name is Verd, I write sometimes.

General content warning for death and horror themes throughout.

A lot of this stuff is older now, but I'd like to start writing more frequently again maybe. No promises.

Comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. Feel free to post! :)

Graphics by osiem

[center][img][/img] [b][size=5]Contents[/size][/b] [/center] [LIST] [*]Thin Ice [url=]- Short[/url] [*]Multifaceted [url=]- Ongoing Series[/url] [*]Autumn and Ruin [url=]- Ongoing Series[/url] [*]Starlight [url=]- Short[/url] [*]Fain and the Forest [url=]- Short[/url] [*]Prismatica [url=]- Short[/url] [/LIST] [center] [img][/img]


Feel free to post if you wish! :)

Everything past this post is an unorganized mess. Check the contents post to find something specific!
Feel free to post if you wish! :)

Everything past this post is an unorganized mess. Check the contents post to find something specific!
[center][img][/img] [b][size=6]The Drowned[/size][/b] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [color=red][b][size=5]NOTE: This story has undergone heavy revision! To see the most recent version, click [url=]HERE[/url].[/size][/b][/color] The two Spirals raced after one another across the icy plain, sprinting back and forth and shouting through fits of laughter. One had deep blue scales, which seemed to reflect the bright sunlight like mirrors, and the other was slightly lighter, yet no less iridescent. The lighter Spiral raced ahead, calling back to her brother. “I’ll race you to the edge, Ryvin!” Ryvin, the darker spiral, gave a startled cry. “No fair Reine, you’re way ahead!” Reine dashed away across the ice, with Ryvin following closely behind her. Ahead of them, the sheet of solid ice ended abruptly, giving way to an endless field of ice floes. The lighter spiral skidded to a stop at the edge, and her brother crashed into her moments later. “I win! I’m the speediest Spiral in Sorinith!” Proclaimed Reine. Ryvin was less amused. “No you’re not! You’ve never even left the Southern Icefield,” He protested. “How do you know there’s not speedier Spirals elsewhere?” Reine took a swipe at her brother’s wing, irritated. “I’ll prove it, then! I’ll run all the way to Arcane, and you can’t beat me!” With that, she launched herself off of the solid edge of the ice sheet, and onto a nearby floe. Ryvin stood stunned for a moment, before shaking himself and leaping after her. “Reine, you can’t! That’s not safe!” Ryvin called after his sister. Reine pretended not to hear him, leaping from ice floe to ice floe with gusto, moving farther and farther away from the shore. “I am the fastest, I am most quick! Slow pokey pokes make me sick!~” She sang as she continued her expedition. Ryvin scrambled after her, barely making it from one ice floe to the next. As Reine ricocheted off a smaller floe, it cracked into two. Ryvin skidded to a halt, staring is dismay at the broken ice. “Reine, wait for me! I can’t cross here!” He called after her. Reine skidded around, and stuck a forked tongue out at him. “You snooze, you lose!” She taunted. “I can’t help being so much speedier! Why are you so pokey? Are you scared of slipping?” Ryvin flinched at her words, and eyes the broken bits of ice between him and Reine. Slowly, he positioned himself to leap, to try and cross the now-widened gap between them. Ryvin leapt from his ice floe, wings flailing wildly. His hind legs lashed out, striking one of the fragments of the broken ice floe, in an attempt to launch himself farther. However, rather than propel him upwards, the chunk of ice bobbed beneath the surface and sank under his weight. Ryvin fell, unbalanced, against Reine’s floe; his chest slammed the hard ice and his claws scrambled for purchase. His lower body was already submerged in the cold water, and the rest of his body was quickly sliding off the ice as well. “Reine!” Ryvin gasped as he slid backwards, desperately searching for a grip on the floe. His sister was frozen in shock, staring at him in horror. Ryvin’s claws skidded uselessly across the slick ice, and before Reine could move, he plunged into the icy water below. “RYVIN!” Screamed Reine, snapping back into the moment. She threw herself to the edge of the floe, desperately peering down at the black waters below. She could see no trace of her brother in the inky blackness, only a few fragments of broken ice floating on the surface. The cold air seemed to steal her breath from her throat. One second, two seconds, five, ten… Shouldn’t he have surfaced by now? Where was he? A horrible realization began to creep up on Reine. Twenty seconds, thirty seconds, a minute… Something was wrong. Ryvin could swim, why hadn’t he come back yet? Reine began to desperately search the surrounding waters. Was he trapped under the ice? Was he playing a trick on her? Two minutes, five minutes, eight minutes… Had the water shocked him? Had he fallen unconscious? Had something beneath the waves dragged him down? Twenty minutes. Forty minutes. An hour. Reine shouted her brother’s name until her voice grew hoarse, and searched for him until her talons were frozen from the seaspray. She could barely keep her balance on the ice floes herself. At last, she dragged herself back to the shore and collapsed, tears streaming down her face and freezing as they fell to the ground. Ryvin was gone. Far away, on a distant, icy, shore, a young Spiral dragged himself out of the waves. His eyes were wide and staring, and his face exhausted. Water streamed like tears from his eyes, of which he had far more than he had started with. He almost seemed to be a part of the water itself, yet he fought it, struggling against the waves. Yet the Spiral was not entirely a dragon, not anymore. He was a piece of the sea. He was the drowned. [img][/img]

The Drowned

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NOTE: This story has undergone heavy revision!
To see the most recent version, click HERE.

The two Spirals raced after one another across the icy plain, sprinting back and forth and shouting through fits of laughter. One had deep blue scales, which seemed to reflect the bright sunlight like mirrors, and the other was slightly lighter, yet no less iridescent. The lighter Spiral raced ahead, calling back to her brother.

“I’ll race you to the edge, Ryvin!”

Ryvin, the darker spiral, gave a startled cry.

“No fair Reine, you’re way ahead!”

Reine dashed away across the ice, with Ryvin following closely behind her. Ahead of them, the sheet of solid ice ended abruptly, giving way to an endless field of ice floes. The lighter spiral skidded to a stop at the edge, and her brother crashed into her moments later.

“I win! I’m the speediest Spiral in Sorinith!” Proclaimed Reine. Ryvin was less amused.

“No you’re not! You’ve never even left the Southern Icefield,” He protested. “How do you know there’s not speedier Spirals elsewhere?” Reine took a swipe at her brother’s wing, irritated.

“I’ll prove it, then! I’ll run all the way to Arcane, and you can’t beat me!” With that, she launched herself off of the solid edge of the ice sheet, and onto a nearby floe. Ryvin stood stunned for a moment, before shaking himself and leaping after her.

“Reine, you can’t! That’s not safe!” Ryvin called after his sister. Reine pretended not to hear him, leaping from ice floe to ice floe with gusto, moving farther and farther away from the shore.

“I am the fastest, I am most quick! Slow pokey pokes make me sick!~” She sang as she continued her expedition. Ryvin scrambled after her, barely making it from one ice floe to the next. As Reine ricocheted off a smaller floe, it cracked into two. Ryvin skidded to a halt, staring is dismay at the broken ice.

“Reine, wait for me! I can’t cross here!” He called after her. Reine skidded around, and stuck a forked tongue out at him.

“You snooze, you lose!” She taunted. “I can’t help being so much speedier! Why are you so pokey? Are you scared of slipping?” Ryvin flinched at her words, and eyes the broken bits of ice between him and Reine. Slowly, he positioned himself to leap, to try and cross the now-widened gap between them.

Ryvin leapt from his ice floe, wings flailing wildly. His hind legs lashed out, striking one of the fragments of the broken ice floe, in an attempt to launch himself farther. However, rather than propel him upwards, the chunk of ice bobbed beneath the surface and sank under his weight. Ryvin fell, unbalanced, against Reine’s floe; his chest slammed the hard ice and his claws scrambled for purchase. His lower body was already submerged in the cold water, and the rest of his body was quickly sliding off the ice as well.

“Reine!” Ryvin gasped as he slid backwards, desperately searching for a grip on the floe. His sister was frozen in shock, staring at him in horror. Ryvin’s claws skidded uselessly across the slick ice, and before Reine could move, he plunged into the icy water below.

“RYVIN!” Screamed Reine, snapping back into the moment. She threw herself to the edge of the floe, desperately peering down at the black waters below. She could see no trace of her brother in the inky blackness, only a few fragments of broken ice floating on the surface. The cold air seemed to steal her breath from her throat. One second, two seconds, five, ten… Shouldn’t he have surfaced by now? Where was he?

A horrible realization began to creep up on Reine. Twenty seconds, thirty seconds, a minute… Something was wrong. Ryvin could swim, why hadn’t he come back yet? Reine began to desperately search the surrounding waters. Was he trapped under the ice? Was he playing a trick on her? Two minutes, five minutes, eight minutes… Had the water shocked him? Had he fallen unconscious? Had something beneath the waves dragged him down? Twenty minutes. Forty minutes. An hour.

Reine shouted her brother’s name until her voice grew hoarse, and searched for him until her talons were frozen from the seaspray. She could barely keep her balance on the ice floes herself. At last, she dragged herself back to the shore and collapsed, tears streaming down her face and freezing as they fell to the ground. Ryvin was gone.

Far away, on a distant, icy, shore, a young Spiral dragged himself out of the waves. His eyes were wide and staring, and his face exhausted. Water streamed like tears from his eyes, of which he had far more than he had started with. He almost seemed to be a part of the water itself, yet he fought it, struggling against the waves. Yet the Spiral was not entirely a dragon, not anymore. He was a piece of the sea. He was the drowned.

[url=][center][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [b][size=6]Multifaceted[/size][/b] [size=4]An ongoing series[/size] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][b]Contents[/b][/size][/center] [LIST=1] [*][url=]Found[/url] [*][url=]Sentience[/url] [*][url=]Revelation[/url] [*][url=]Spite[/url] [*][url=]Hijacker[/url] [*][url=]Liftoff[/url] [*]... [/LIST] [center][size=4][b]Other Relevant Reading[/b][/size][/center] [LIST] [*][url=]Hivemind Extended Lore[/url] [/LIST] [center][img][/img]


An ongoing series

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  1. Found
  2. Sentience
  3. Revelation
  4. Spite
  5. Hijacker
  6. Liftoff
  7. ...

Other Relevant Reading

[center][img][/img] [b][size=4][url=]Multifaceted:[/url][/size] [size=6]Found[/size][/b] [img][/img] There were four eggs in their nest. Four cyan-colored eggs, each sparking and crackling with electricity. They were abandoned in the Carrion Canyon, far from any wandering travelers or resident clans. Three of them hatched. One did not. The first of the hatchlings was female. She was a strong and inquisitive Pearlcatcher, with pale pink scales that faded into shades of blue. She made her way to the edge of the ledge that the eggs rested upon with caution. She gazed down with wonder, and tentatively reached out as if to try and touch the ground below, but a new sound caught her attention. It was the sound of her brother. The second hatchling, a male, was much weaker than his sister, though seemingly identical in color. He barely managed to pull himself from his egg, and he lay on the ground, exhausted. His sister sniffed at him, and batted him playfully on the head. He opened his eyelids, and revealed not draconic pupils, but faceted eyes like those of an insect, blinking at the light and taking in the world. The third egg, too, had begun to make noises. The third hatchling seemed to tear out of his egg, with a tiny snarl. He was another male, much stronger than his brother, though they were virtually indistinguishable save for their eyes. He chomped at the remains of his egg, as if to punish it for keeping him confined so long. He then investigated his siblings, who investigated him with just as much enthusiasm. The fourth egg remained silent. The lightning that had once coursed through it sparked more weakly than before. The Pearlcatchers poked at it with their noses, before deciding that it was not as interesting as the rest of the world around them. Confined to the ledge they had hatched on, the hatchlings soon began to feel hunger. Out of instinct, they whined and cried, perhaps for parents that wouldn’t come. There were no dragons to hear their plaintive whimpers. But there were beastclans. The harpies that found them were not hostile, nor did they immediately kill the three hatchlings that they had found. They discussed among themselves quietly, anxiously, considering what to do. They looked over the small Pearlcatchers who nudged at them, looking for food, and at the middle brother’s faceted eyes. They examined the fourth egg, which was fading from blue to grey before them. At long last, they carefully lifted each hatchling from the ledge to the top of the canyon, and began to guide then to the south. [img][/img] After a week of travelling, carrying the hatchlings when they would walk no farther and hunting for food at even the briefest rest, the odd party reached a city, of sorts. Not a city of harpies, but a city of dragons. Several dragon guards approached them, and spoke with the tallest harpy. Finally, the head guard nodded, and the guards gently lifted the Pearlcatcher hatchlings and carried them back towards the city. The guards carried them through the city, to an old building where several hatchlings of various breeds were playing out front. The lead guard and two others entered the building with the hatchlings in tow, and approached an elderly female Ridgeback. The lead guard spoke to her, uttering a request, and the guards gently set the hatchlings on the ground. The Ridgeback examined them carefully, nudging each of the hatchlings experimentally as they bounced around, excited by her spines. Her gaze suddenly caught on the middle brother’s faceted eyes, and she recoiled with a snarl, drawing away from him and glaring at the guards. The lead guard spoke to the Ridgeback once more, this time his tone firm and his stature imposing. He was no longer asking, he was commanding. The Ridgeback held her ground for a brief moment, then lowered her head, glowering darkly at the ground. Still softly growling and lashing her tail, she herded the three hatchlings away. The Ridgeback nestled them into a nest together, one of the many nests that filled the old building, and the Pearlcatchers instinctively curled up in the warmth. The lead guard lingered for a moment, watching the Ridgeback carefully, then turned and led the two remaining guards out of the building. Once in the street, they rejoined the rest of the guards, and soared as single being back to the outskirts of the city to resume their patrol. Meanwhile, the Pearlcatchers had fallen fast asleep, under the watchful eyes of the Ridgeback. She looked them over once again, her eyes narrowing as she gazed at the middle brother, his faceted eyes hidden beneath the eyelids of sleep. There was practically no way to tell the three apart now, though the Ridgeback seemed to know regardless. With a quiet, agitated huff, she lumbered away to tend to the other hatchlings. [size=2][ [url=]First[/url] / [url=]Contents[/url] / [url=]Next[/url] ][/size] [img][/img]



There were four eggs in their nest. Four cyan-colored eggs, each sparking and crackling with electricity. They were abandoned in the Carrion Canyon, far from any wandering travelers or resident clans. Three of them hatched. One did not.

The first of the hatchlings was female. She was a strong and inquisitive Pearlcatcher, with pale pink scales that faded into shades of blue. She made her way to the edge of the ledge that the eggs rested upon with caution. She gazed down with wonder, and tentatively reached out as if to try and touch the ground below, but a new sound caught her attention. It was the sound of her brother.

The second hatchling, a male, was much weaker than his sister, though seemingly identical in color. He barely managed to pull himself from his egg, and he lay on the ground, exhausted. His sister sniffed at him, and batted him playfully on the head. He opened his eyelids, and revealed not draconic pupils, but faceted eyes like those of an insect, blinking at the light and taking in the world.

The third egg, too, had begun to make noises. The third hatchling seemed to tear out of his egg, with a tiny snarl. He was another male, much stronger than his brother, though they were virtually indistinguishable save for their eyes. He chomped at the remains of his egg, as if to punish it for keeping him confined so long. He then investigated his siblings, who investigated him with just as much enthusiasm.

The fourth egg remained silent. The lightning that had once coursed through it sparked more weakly than before. The Pearlcatchers poked at it with their noses, before deciding that it was not as interesting as the rest of the world around them. Confined to the ledge they had hatched on, the hatchlings soon began to feel hunger. Out of instinct, they whined and cried, perhaps for parents that wouldn’t come. There were no dragons to hear their plaintive whimpers. But there were beastclans.

The harpies that found them were not hostile, nor did they immediately kill the three hatchlings that they had found. They discussed among themselves quietly, anxiously, considering what to do. They looked over the small Pearlcatchers who nudged at them, looking for food, and at the middle brother’s faceted eyes. They examined the fourth egg, which was fading from blue to grey before them. At long last, they carefully lifted each hatchling from the ledge to the top of the canyon, and began to guide then to the south.


After a week of travelling, carrying the hatchlings when they would walk no farther and hunting for food at even the briefest rest, the odd party reached a city, of sorts. Not a city of harpies, but a city of dragons. Several dragon guards approached them, and spoke with the tallest harpy. Finally, the head guard nodded, and the guards gently lifted the Pearlcatcher hatchlings and carried them back towards the city.

The guards carried them through the city, to an old building where several hatchlings of various breeds were playing out front. The lead guard and two others entered the building with the hatchlings in tow, and approached an elderly female Ridgeback. The lead guard spoke to her, uttering a request, and the guards gently set the hatchlings on the ground. The Ridgeback examined them carefully, nudging each of the hatchlings experimentally as they bounced around, excited by her spines. Her gaze suddenly caught on the middle brother’s faceted eyes, and she recoiled with a snarl, drawing away from him and glaring at the guards. The lead guard spoke to the Ridgeback once more, this time his tone firm and his stature imposing. He was no longer asking, he was commanding. The Ridgeback held her ground for a brief moment, then lowered her head, glowering darkly at the ground. Still softly growling and lashing her tail, she herded the three hatchlings away. The Ridgeback nestled them into a nest together, one of the many nests that filled the old building, and the Pearlcatchers instinctively curled up in the warmth.

The lead guard lingered for a moment, watching the Ridgeback carefully, then turned and led the two remaining guards out of the building. Once in the street, they rejoined the rest of the guards, and soared as single being back to the outskirts of the city to resume their patrol.

Meanwhile, the Pearlcatchers had fallen fast asleep, under the watchful eyes of the Ridgeback. She looked them over once again, her eyes narrowing as she gazed at the middle brother, his faceted eyes hidden beneath the eyelids of sleep. There was practically no way to tell the three apart now, though the Ridgeback seemed to know regardless. With a quiet, agitated huff, she lumbered away to tend to the other hatchlings.

[ First / Contents / Next ]

[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [b][size=4][url=]Multifaceted:[/url][/size] [size=6]Sentience[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Deep in the dark of the Hive, the figure of an Imperial paced through narrow halls. It’s eyes were empty of thought, and it’s course was calculated. It was under control of the Hivemind. The Imperial Drone rounded a bend in the tunnel, and abruptly turned into a smaller chamber, off to the side. Nestled in a small hollow in the wall of the chamber rested two dark eggs, which seemed to shake slightly, as though they were ready to hatch. The Imperial Drone settled itself, and set it’s gaze on the eggs, watching and waiting for the Drones within to emerge. Soon, one of the eggs began to shudder more violently, and the outer shell tore apart as a tiny Skydancer Drone crawled out into the open. The Imperial Drone carefully reached out and lifted the Skydancer away from the edge of the hollow, and placed it safely on the ground. The Skydancer Drone had a pristine black carapace, unmarred by errors or anomalies, and golden eyes that stared only straight ahead. The only thing that set the Skydancer Drone apart was the auburn markings that traced across their carapace, forming a distinct skeletal pattern. This Drone was a Hijacker, yet they had been born without a shred of sentience. They were the perfect weapon. They were what the Consciousness wanted. The Skydancer Hijacker shakily crawled it’s way towards the Imperial Drone, and curled up beneath the safety of the Imperial’s great wings. The Imperial Drone, through lacking intelligent thought, carefully shifted its weight so that the tiny Hijacker was in no danger of being crushed. Then, the massive Drone continued it’s wait, it’s thoughtless eyes staring at the unhatched egg. The second egg hatched not long after, a second Skydancer Drone fighting it’s way out of the protective eggshell. Like the first hatchling, this Drone had the telltale skeletal markings of a Hijacker; though the second hatchling’s markings were a mossy green color. Even the Imperial Drone, however, could see that there was something wrong with this hatchling right away. The wings of the newly hatched Skydancer Drone were bent and tattered oddly, and they were far too small. They barely made it out of their egg without help. Most concerningly, the tiny Hijacker’s yellow eyes did not stare blankly like those of their older sibling, or those of the Imperial Drone. This Hijacker Drone looked all around itself, taking in its surroundings, even in the darkness of the Hive. This Hijacker was sentient. This Hijacker was not what the Consciousness wanted. This Hijacker could be a problem. [size=2][ [url=]First[/url] / [url=]Contents[/url] / [url=]Next[/url] ][/size] [img][/img]




Deep in the dark of the Hive, the figure of an Imperial paced through narrow halls. It’s eyes were empty of thought, and it’s course was calculated. It was under control of the Hivemind.

The Imperial Drone rounded a bend in the tunnel, and abruptly turned into a smaller chamber, off to the side. Nestled in a small hollow in the wall of the chamber rested two dark eggs, which seemed to shake slightly, as though they were ready to hatch. The Imperial Drone settled itself, and set it’s gaze on the eggs, watching and waiting for the Drones within to emerge.

Soon, one of the eggs began to shudder more violently, and the outer shell tore apart as a tiny Skydancer Drone crawled out into the open. The Imperial Drone carefully reached out and lifted the Skydancer away from the edge of the hollow, and placed it safely on the ground. The Skydancer Drone had a pristine black carapace, unmarred by errors or anomalies, and golden eyes that stared only straight ahead. The only thing that set the Skydancer Drone apart was the auburn markings that traced across their carapace, forming a distinct skeletal pattern. This Drone was a Hijacker, yet they had been born without a shred of sentience. They were the perfect weapon. They were what the Consciousness wanted.

The Skydancer Hijacker shakily crawled it’s way towards the Imperial Drone, and curled up beneath the safety of the Imperial’s great wings. The Imperial Drone, through lacking intelligent thought, carefully shifted its weight so that the tiny Hijacker was in no danger of being crushed. Then, the massive Drone continued it’s wait, it’s thoughtless eyes staring at the unhatched egg.

The second egg hatched not long after, a second Skydancer Drone fighting it’s way out of the protective eggshell. Like the first hatchling, this Drone had the telltale skeletal markings of a Hijacker; though the second hatchling’s markings were a mossy green color. Even the Imperial Drone, however, could see that there was something wrong with this hatchling right away. The wings of the newly hatched Skydancer Drone were bent and tattered oddly, and they were far too small. They barely made it out of their egg without help. Most concerningly, the tiny Hijacker’s yellow eyes did not stare blankly like those of their older sibling, or those of the Imperial Drone. This Hijacker Drone looked all around itself, taking in its surroundings, even in the darkness of the Hive. This Hijacker was sentient. This Hijacker was not what the Consciousness wanted. This Hijacker could be a problem.

[ First / Contents / Next ]

[center][img][/img] [size=6][b]Autumn and Ruin[/b][/size] [size=4]An Ongoing Series[/size] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img] [b][size=5]Contents[/size][/b][/center] [LIST=1] [*] [url=]Misplaced Spirit[/url] [*][url=]Warmth[/url] [*][url=]From Beyond[/url] [*]... [/LIST] [center] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Autumn and Ruin
An Ongoing Series

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  1. Misplaced Spirit
  2. Warmth
  3. From Beyond
  4. ...


[center][img][/img] [url=][size=4][b]Autumn and Ruin:[/b][/size][/url] [size=6][b]Misplaced Spirit[/b][/size] [img][/img] Thunder rumbled overhead, but the rain had not yet started. The gusts of wind blew the autumn leaves up from the forest floor and scattered them in new places among the barren trees. The clouds above blocked out any sunlight, shrouding the dusky forest in more shadows than usual. The air seemed to have a sinister feel, one that would have kept most dragons well away from the autumnal wood. The young Nocturne, sprinting through the leaves with one wing dangling at an odd angle, was too terrified to care. The Nocturne had pale white scales which seemed to be bruised and scratched, and brown wings with dusty patterns. One wing hung limp at her side, seemingly dislocated. She was barely more than a hatchling, and she was running for her life. Above the treetops, a red male Nocturne circled in flight. He suddenly caught sight of the hatchling, and dove down through the tree branched, snatching at her. “I’ve got you now, brat!” He snarled. The hatchling barely managed to escape his grasp, worming away and landing heavily on her already bent wing with a cry of pain. She sprung away again, continuing her mad dash through the trees. The red Nocturne righted himself as well, and leapt after her with a curse. “Give up already!” The red Nocturne growled. “You can’t run forever. If you don’t stop running, I’ll make you wish you’d never been hatched!” The young Nocturne ran faster. The red Nocturne, however, was stronger and faster. He soon caught up to the young Nocturne, and sprang upon her, pinning her to the ground. She collapsed under the weight of his talons with a cry, and struggled to free herself from his grip in vain. His claws sank into her, and blood ran down onto the dead leaves. “This will teach you to run away!” The red Nocturne snarled, as he lifted the fighting hatchling, and hurled her at a nearby tree. The young Nocturne struck the tree with a crack, and dazed, tried to rise run once more. One of her forelegs was crooked, and she couldn’t put weight on it without falling. The red Nocturne pounced on her again, and hurled her once more. This time, his aim wasn’t as good, and her body skidded through the leaves. The hatchling rose, struggling, and tried to run, but only made it a few steps before collapsing at the feet of a strange Skydancer. The red Nocturne leapt after the hatchling in pursuit, but skidded to a stop in confusion in front of the Skydancer. The Skydancer had elegant orange wings, and seemed to be a part of autumnal forest itself. Her eyes were a deep red and narrow. The red Nocturne abruptly noticed the eerie presence of the forest around them. It felt unnatural. It felt off. Had it been like this the whole time? The Skydancer stared down silently at the red Nocturne. She had moved so that she stood above the young Nocturne, who was curled in a tight ball beneath her. The red Nocturne stared sneeringly back at her, waiting for her to speak. At last, she did. “Why have you entered this this forest..?” The red Nocturne blinked. He had expected an insult, or an accusation, but he recovered his arrogant glare quickly. “Mind your business, fancypants. Get out of my way, I’m finishing what I’ve started!” The red Nocturne snapped at the Skydancer, whose cold gaze seemed to pierce him. The Skydancer didn’t move, holding eerily still. “Anything that enters the forest is my business…” Hissed the Skydancer. “Leave now… or you will join the last dragon that challenged me.” The red Nocturne snarled in rage. “You, you dare threaten me? I’ve taken down dragons twice your size! I’m not going anywhere until I teach that useless runt a lesson!” The young Nocturne whimpered, and flattened herself lower beneath the Skydancer, almost burying herself in the leaves. The Skydancer paused, and glanced down at the hatchling. The moment her eyes left the red Nocturne, he leapt at the Skydancer’s throat, teeth bared. Thick roots shot upwards from the ground, plunging into the red Nocturne’s chest and wings. He gave a cry of pain and horror, and fell short to the ground in front of the Skydancer, the roots dragging him down. More roots and branches reached out and grasped at him, burying into his flesh. The fallen leaves on the forest floor seemed to drag him down into the earth. The red Nocturne let out a primal screech as he struggled in vain to break free of the plant life ensnaring him. The young Nocturne peered out from beneath the Skydancer, eyes wide with shock and awe. “The forest is no place for a dragon,” Murmured the Skydancer, her eyes slits. “Especially not one of your character…” She stood and watched as the roots dragged the red Nocturne down into the forest floor, until only a few overturned leaves remained as a reminder of the struggle. The Skydancer gazed back down at the Nocturne hatchling, who stared up at her with wide eyes. She let out a quiet sound, something like a sigh, and lifted the small Nocturne up onto her back. The hatchling nestled herself into the soft mane of feathers, and clung tightly to the Skydancer’s neck. The Skydancer’s tail lashed anxiously, but she didn’t move. Thunder rumbled again in the distance, and a few drops of rain speckled the carpet of fallen leaves. The Skydancer turned her head to the sky. “The forest is no place for a dragon…” She whispered under her breath, as if to the storm clouds themselves. “The forest is no place for a dragon…” [ [url=]First[/url] / [url=]Contents[/url] / [url=]Next[/url] ] [img][/img]

Autumn and Ruin:
Misplaced Spirit

Thunder rumbled overhead, but the rain had not yet started. The gusts of wind blew the autumn leaves up from the forest floor and scattered them in new places among the barren trees. The clouds above blocked out any sunlight, shrouding the dusky forest in more shadows than usual. The air seemed to have a sinister feel, one that would have kept most dragons well away from the autumnal wood.

The young Nocturne, sprinting through the leaves with one wing dangling at an odd angle, was too terrified to care.

The Nocturne had pale white scales which seemed to be bruised and scratched, and brown wings with dusty patterns. One wing hung limp at her side, seemingly dislocated. She was barely more than a hatchling, and she was running for her life.

Above the treetops, a red male Nocturne circled in flight. He suddenly caught sight of the hatchling, and dove down through the tree branched, snatching at her.

“I’ve got you now, brat!” He snarled. The hatchling barely managed to escape his grasp, worming away and landing heavily on her already bent wing with a cry of pain. She sprung away again, continuing her mad dash through the trees. The red Nocturne righted himself as well, and leapt after her with a curse.

“Give up already!” The red Nocturne growled. “You can’t run forever. If you don’t stop running, I’ll make you wish you’d never been hatched!”

The young Nocturne ran faster. The red Nocturne, however, was stronger and faster. He soon caught up to the young Nocturne, and sprang upon her, pinning her to the ground. She collapsed under the weight of his talons with a cry, and struggled to free herself from his grip in vain. His claws sank into her, and blood ran down onto the dead leaves.

“This will teach you to run away!” The red Nocturne snarled, as he lifted the fighting hatchling, and hurled her at a nearby tree. The young Nocturne struck the tree with a crack, and dazed, tried to rise run once more. One of her forelegs was crooked, and she couldn’t put weight on it without falling. The red Nocturne pounced on her again, and hurled her once more. This time, his aim wasn’t as good, and her body skidded through the leaves. The hatchling rose, struggling, and tried to run, but only made it a few steps before collapsing at the feet of a strange Skydancer.

The red Nocturne leapt after the hatchling in pursuit, but skidded to a stop in confusion in front of the Skydancer. The Skydancer had elegant orange wings, and seemed to be a part of autumnal forest itself. Her eyes were a deep red and narrow. The red Nocturne abruptly noticed the eerie presence of the forest around them. It felt unnatural. It felt off. Had it been like this the whole time?

The Skydancer stared down silently at the red Nocturne. She had moved so that she stood above the young Nocturne, who was curled in a tight ball beneath her. The red Nocturne stared sneeringly back at her, waiting for her to speak. At last, she did.

“Why have you entered this this forest..?”

The red Nocturne blinked. He had expected an insult, or an accusation, but he recovered his arrogant glare quickly.

“Mind your business, fancypants. Get out of my way, I’m finishing what I’ve started!” The red Nocturne snapped at the Skydancer, whose cold gaze seemed to pierce him. The Skydancer didn’t move, holding eerily still.

“Anything that enters the forest is my business…” Hissed the Skydancer. “Leave now… or you will join the last dragon that challenged me.”

The red Nocturne snarled in rage.

“You, you dare threaten me? I’ve taken down dragons twice your size! I’m not going anywhere until I teach that useless runt a lesson!”

The young Nocturne whimpered, and flattened herself lower beneath the Skydancer, almost burying herself in the leaves. The Skydancer paused, and glanced down at the hatchling. The moment her eyes left the red Nocturne, he leapt at the Skydancer’s throat, teeth bared.

Thick roots shot upwards from the ground, plunging into the red Nocturne’s chest and wings. He gave a cry of pain and horror, and fell short to the ground in front of the Skydancer, the roots dragging him down. More roots and branches reached out and grasped at him, burying into his flesh. The fallen leaves on the forest floor seemed to drag him down into the earth. The red Nocturne let out a primal screech as he struggled in vain to break free of the plant life ensnaring him. The young Nocturne peered out from beneath the Skydancer, eyes wide with shock and awe.

“The forest is no place for a dragon,” Murmured the Skydancer, her eyes slits. “Especially not one of your character…” She stood and watched as the roots dragged the red Nocturne down into the forest floor, until only a few overturned leaves remained as a reminder of the struggle.

The Skydancer gazed back down at the Nocturne hatchling, who stared up at her with wide eyes. She let out a quiet sound, something like a sigh, and lifted the small Nocturne up onto her back. The hatchling nestled herself into the soft mane of feathers, and clung tightly to the Skydancer’s neck. The Skydancer’s tail lashed anxiously, but she didn’t move. Thunder rumbled again in the distance, and a few drops of rain speckled the carpet of fallen leaves. The Skydancer turned her head to the sky.

“The forest is no place for a dragon…” She whispered under her breath, as if to the storm clouds themselves. “The forest is no place for a dragon…”

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