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TOPIC | Aito's Art WIP Thread ~ Comments welcome
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Hi, all! I finished FirozTaverbi's Yashira (she/her). I was given a neat pinterest board of different patterns and clothes to give me an idea how to color her. I decided to pick a few base colors to keep a nice consistency and then have each base color have a specific pattern so that way it's like they're all patchwork. I also saw these super neat chunky threaded bracelets so I had to add some of those in to the finished version. [img][/img]
Hi, all!

I finished FirozTaverbi's Yashira (she/her). I was given a neat pinterest board of different patterns and clothes to give me an idea how to color her. I decided to pick a few base colors to keep a nice consistency and then have each base color have a specific pattern so that way it's like they're all patchwork. I also saw these super neat chunky threaded bracelets so I had to add some of those in to the finished version.
More updates!! Ceylon has asked me to draw a picture of their sweetbean corgi. This is the first time I've ever drawn a corgi and I wanted to be sure to get it right!!! I used a few sources to make an amalgamation of the pose I wanted for the initial sketch, but after it was requested that there be a smol peek of lil tail in there I had to go hunting to find a particular pose outside of my usual stomping ground. I ended up finding [url=]more of the ref i needed on Adobe's Stock photo site.[/url] UNFORTUNATELY Adobe doesn't tell me more than that the owner's name is "Happy monkey", and there isn't a profile for me to link to the photographer's personal site. (Though maybe I am a bean and have missed it somehow) From my research, I am 90% sure that it is ethically okay for me to use this photo as a drawing reference for a commission as I am not tracing, am not making an exact copy, and am creating something entirely new. [s]Hi I am maybe extremely personally enthusiastic about behaving in a way i view to be ethical-- did i mention i am lawful good i'm so lawful good[/s] ANYWAY here is the drawing!! [img][/img] AlvildaBright asked me to draw a gijinka bust of their derg StoutHeart! After I did my first sketch I was asked to add in a summer swelter or spring breath apparel aspect as this is important for his character. [img][/img] Final update for now is almost like a sneak peek sorta?? Yall asked for a specific pose for the couple's pic they commissioned. As I wanted to make sure I blocked out all the limbs and proportioning right before I started adding in details, I did a... first first draft sketch?? Once I've got the pose right I'll finish the draft sketch and [i]then[/i] start the lining. I don't think I've done this before with a commission but it seemed like a better idea than having to worry about redrawing all the details later. this is gonna be so cute u guys [img][/img]
More updates!!

Ceylon has asked me to draw a picture of their sweetbean corgi. This is the first time I've ever drawn a corgi and I wanted to be sure to get it right!!! I used a few sources to make an amalgamation of the pose I wanted for the initial sketch, but after it was requested that there be a smol peek of lil tail in there I had to go hunting to find a particular pose outside of my usual stomping ground. I ended up finding more of the ref i needed on Adobe's Stock photo site. UNFORTUNATELY Adobe doesn't tell me more than that the owner's name is "Happy monkey", and there isn't a profile for me to link to the photographer's personal site. (Though maybe I am a bean and have missed it somehow) From my research, I am 90% sure that it is ethically okay for me to use this photo as a drawing reference for a commission as I am not tracing, am not making an exact copy, and am creating something entirely new. Hi I am maybe extremely personally enthusiastic about behaving in a way i view to be ethical-- did i mention i am lawful good i'm so lawful good

ANYWAY here is the drawing!!

AlvildaBright asked me to draw a gijinka bust of their derg StoutHeart! After I did my first sketch I was asked to add in a summer swelter or spring breath apparel aspect as this is important for his character.

Final update for now is almost like a sneak peek sorta?? Yall asked for a specific pose for the couple's pic they commissioned. As I wanted to make sure I blocked out all the limbs and proportioning right before I started adding in details, I did a... first first draft sketch?? Once I've got the pose right I'll finish the draft sketch and then start the lining. I don't think I've done this before with a commission but it seemed like a better idea than having to worry about redrawing all the details later.

this is gonna be so cute u guys
Hi, again! I finished Ceylon's doggo Tony (he/him) [img][/img] I got that tail peek in there and [i]some toebeans[/i] AlvildaBright's Stoutheart (he/him) also got finished!! [img][/img] Still workin on yall's duo. As my references for both were mostly text and had an excellent level of detail, (also cos yall is Very Cool) I did a super-quick appearance ref sketch of both characters to help me get the earlier pose sketch fleshed out properly. (Is that a pun??? it could be i guess????) [img][/img] i am ready to draw cutie nerds let's go next update will hopefully include the completed first draft!!
Hi, again!

I finished Ceylon's doggo Tony (he/him)
I got that tail peek in there and some toebeans

AlvildaBright's Stoutheart (he/him) also got finished!!

Still workin on yall's duo. As my references for both were mostly text and had an excellent level of detail, (also cos yall is Very Cool) I did a super-quick appearance ref sketch of both characters to help me get the earlier pose sketch fleshed out properly. (Is that a pun??? it could be i guess????)
i am ready to draw cutie nerds let's go next update will hopefully include the completed first draft!!
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