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TOPIC | Aito's Art WIP Thread ~ Comments welcome
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These are... so pretty, W o w!!! I love the style choice with your lines and your coloring really compliments that as well. So pretty
These are... so pretty, W o w!!! I love the style choice with your lines and your coloring really compliments that as well. So pretty
Aaaah thank you! <3 <3 That's very kind of you to say. ^^
Aaaah thank you! <3 <3 That's very kind of you to say. ^^
Since I just opened [url=]the AAG slots[/url] suddenly my workload increased from 8 to 11 commissions and after my initial :surprised pikachu meme: reaction I decided to buckle down and finish a chunk of the commissions I'd gotten into the final lines stage. awww ye that means [i]coloring[/i] tbh coloring is the hardest part of art for me-- I am not a colorist. If I could just do the lines and then lob my art at some much more talented person to color for me, HECK i'd be on that. But!!! this is all good practice and coloring can be pretty soothing. I get to practice my color theory stuff too, so that's extra fun. First up is vervain's Mirlande! (she/her) She was actually a lot more work to color than I first realized-- there's a lot of smol lines and lil patterns that I hadn't noticed until I was trying to emulate them from the reference image. This was fine, cos a later drawing I thought was gonna be a lot harder to put together actually was the easier of the two LOL I added in Mirlande's jewelry before coloring cos I mean what pirate lass goes anywhere without some bling, right? I can't believe I forgot all of them in the first two stages.... [img][/img] Next is Phryne! (she/her) The easiest of the group to color. Her reference image has kneehigh white socks, so I decided to give her leggies some white fur/hair to echo that. vervain requested some markings as well on her face, so I decided to go for some that would emphasize her eyes. I also made her jacket like twice as shiny as it used to be but lbr it's perfect [img][/img] Last from vervain's group is Tesla (she/her). I think I mentioned before that my reference was a headshot? vervain gave me a ton of artistic freedom to design Tesla's bodyshape and clothing based off of their WC derg. WCs always seem... really buff to me??? So I made her heckin buff with thicc leggies just like a WC. I also made her face a lot more gaunt and angular than it was originally--definitely going more for "handsome" than "beautiful". I live in California and see ladies in yoga pants like everywhere with these neat mesh panels and I couldn't resist giving Tesla the same style. vervain asked that the okapi pattern from the derg appear on the gijinka so I added it around her wrists, ankles, and knees. [img][/img] Last of the finished pics for now is PinesAwait's strix boy (he/him they/them) I was given a color palette and a few guidelines on what colors the parts of the drawing should be-- (gray skin, black pants, blue collar, etc) --so a fun part of this drawing was balancing the values so that the picture stays within the color range but doesn't blur together. In this version I made his skin slightly bluer than the given example to differentiate it from his wings [img][/img]
Since I just opened the AAG slots suddenly my workload increased from 8 to 11 commissions and after my initial :surprised pikachu meme: reaction I decided to buckle down and finish a chunk of the commissions I'd gotten into the final lines stage.

awww ye that means coloring

tbh coloring is the hardest part of art for me-- I am not a colorist. If I could just do the lines and then lob my art at some much more talented person to color for me, HECK i'd be on that. But!!! this is all good practice and coloring can be pretty soothing. I get to practice my color theory stuff too, so that's extra fun.

First up is vervain's Mirlande! (she/her)
She was actually a lot more work to color than I first realized-- there's a lot of smol lines and lil patterns that I hadn't noticed until I was trying to emulate them from the reference image. This was fine, cos a later drawing I thought was gonna be a lot harder to put together actually was the easier of the two LOL

I added in Mirlande's jewelry before coloring cos I mean what pirate lass goes anywhere without some bling, right? I can't believe I forgot all of them in the first two stages....

Next is Phryne! (she/her) The easiest of the group to color. Her reference image has kneehigh white socks, so I decided to give her leggies some white fur/hair to echo that. vervain requested some markings as well on her face, so I decided to go for some that would emphasize her eyes. I also made her jacket like twice as shiny as it used to be but lbr it's perfect

Last from vervain's group is Tesla (she/her). I think I mentioned before that my reference was a headshot? vervain gave me a ton of artistic freedom to design Tesla's bodyshape and clothing based off of their WC derg. WCs always seem... really buff to me??? So I made her heckin buff with thicc leggies just like a WC. I also made her face a lot more gaunt and angular than it was originally--definitely going more for "handsome" than "beautiful". I live in California and see ladies in yoga pants like everywhere with these neat mesh panels and I couldn't resist giving Tesla the same style.

vervain asked that the okapi pattern from the derg appear on the gijinka so I added it around her wrists, ankles, and knees.

Last of the finished pics for now is PinesAwait's strix boy (he/him they/them)
I was given a color palette and a few guidelines on what colors the parts of the drawing should be-- (gray skin, black pants, blue collar, etc) --so a fun part of this drawing was balancing the values so that the picture stays within the color range but doesn't blur together. In this version I made his skin slightly bluer than the given example to differentiate it from his wings
hi I need a nap but before then here are two sketches I just sent in for verification: vervain's Mirlande and Lorne (both she/her) being CUTIE GIRLFRIENDS vervain didn't say i couldn't make them smooch so [img][/img] Kryda's really cool decay spirit personified Imaru (he/him) [img][/img] complete with notes to myself cos I'm tired and I know I'll forget what I want to do later
hi I need a nap but before then here are two sketches I just sent in for verification:

vervain's Mirlande and Lorne (both she/her) being CUTIE GIRLFRIENDS
vervain didn't say i couldn't make them smooch so

Kryda's really cool decay spirit personified Imaru (he/him)
complete with notes to myself cos I'm tired and I know I'll forget what I want to do later
you guys know how i develop a crush on every femme character i draw well this is the one that I have the biggest crush on it's Vai's character Vreha (she/her) who i maybe have a dragon of (once voted queen of my lair, btw) [img][/img] I may add more jewelry. Also, in case you were all wondering what my messy flats look like before I clean them up and do all the shading and whatnot [img][/img]
you guys know how i develop a crush on every femme character i draw well this is the one that I have the biggest crush on

it's Vai's character Vreha (she/her) who i maybe have a dragon of (once voted queen of my lair, btw)

I may add more jewelry.

Also, in case you were all wondering what my messy flats look like before I clean them up and do all the shading and whatnot
I've been having some wrist issues lately which has slowed me down a lot the past few days on commissions. Luckily!! I know the signs for when I need to give my wrist and hand a break and am taking steps to help them. In the meantime! Here are some updates I've sent commissioners on current commissions that happened between the last post and now. I really appreciate when commissioners let me know if there's a detail wrong with my rendition of their character so I can fix it. idk i have a lot of worry that the finished version will be a letdown for someone and I'd like to avoid that or remedy it if it happens. PinesAwait wanted a smol correction on their strix boy to have a more defined scar on his face and I think it was a good call in that now the effect is much more dramatic! [img][/img] this sweet boy needs like a hug and so many cookies Next! I finished the draft lines for Kryda's Imaru. Kryda had requested if possible that his clothes be somewhat distressed so I had fun makin him look more bedraggled. His pole is like way too skinny but yanno it looks good so it's fine. For this style lantern the metal strands that hold the glass portion usually make an x but I decided to try having them make an upside-down moth instead. I may edit those lines later if I can't get them to look especially awesome during coloring. this picture is gonna be so cool to color [img][/img] I also spent some time working on vervain's Mirlande and Lorne. idk why but I gravitate toward doing my sketches in orange and my lining in blue. I then use a clipping mask to make the blue lines black. Here's an in-process screencap of the lining for this pic: [img][/img] and here's the final lines I just submitted for approval [img][/img] When I first started this drawing I had Lorne (on the left) too tall. I ended up rotating part of the picture and then scooting Lorne in way way way closer to Mirlande to get the perspective better that Mirlande is just a lil taller than Lorne-- unless you count the horns. I also purposefully drew the picture mirrored because I find it easier to draw left-to-right than right-to-left and it made drawing Lorne's hair waaaaay easier to make the proper level of floofy last but not least I've started work on Morpha's second cat portrait. This boy??? is just a sweet and tiny lil lovebug. He has huge eyes and I wanted to do a pose that would feature them prominently. (esp a lil crosseyed) his tail may need to be thickened later, but overall I liked this pose for this tiny sugarloaf. I'm waiting to see if it'll be approved and then I'll start lining. [img][/img]
I've been having some wrist issues lately which has slowed me down a lot the past few days on commissions. Luckily!! I know the signs for when I need to give my wrist and hand a break and am taking steps to help them.

In the meantime! Here are some updates I've sent commissioners on current commissions that happened between the last post and now.

I really appreciate when commissioners let me know if there's a detail wrong with my rendition of their character so I can fix it. idk i have a lot of worry that the finished version will be a letdown for someone and I'd like to avoid that or remedy it if it happens. PinesAwait wanted a smol correction on their strix boy to have a more defined scar on his face and I think it was a good call in that now the effect is much more dramatic!
this sweet boy needs like a hug and so many cookies

Next! I finished the draft lines for Kryda's Imaru. Kryda had requested if possible that his clothes be somewhat distressed so I had fun makin him look more bedraggled. His pole is like way too skinny but yanno it looks good so it's fine. For this style lantern the metal strands that hold the glass portion usually make an x but I decided to try having them make an upside-down moth instead. I may edit those lines later if I can't get them to look especially awesome during coloring.

this picture is gonna be so cool to color

I also spent some time working on vervain's Mirlande and Lorne. idk why but I gravitate toward doing my sketches in orange and my lining in blue. I then use a clipping mask to make the blue lines black. Here's an in-process screencap of the lining for this pic:

and here's the final lines I just submitted for approval

When I first started this drawing I had Lorne (on the left) too tall. I ended up rotating part of the picture and then scooting Lorne in way way way closer to Mirlande to get the perspective better that Mirlande is just a lil taller than Lorne-- unless you count the horns. I also purposefully drew the picture mirrored because I find it easier to draw left-to-right than right-to-left and it made drawing Lorne's hair waaaaay easier to make the proper level of floofy

last but not least I've started work on Morpha's second cat portrait. This boy??? is just a sweet and tiny lil lovebug. He has huge eyes and I wanted to do a pose that would feature them prominently. (esp a lil crosseyed) his tail may need to be thickened later, but overall I liked this pose for this tiny sugarloaf. I'm waiting to see if it'll be approved and then I'll start lining.
Oh gosh, friends! So many updates. I have been getting back into the commission zone and am now working on getting caught up! There are currently two pics I'm coloring, but I'm planning to save those for the next update. (Hopefully when I finish them tomorrow!!) In the meantime, here's the lowdown: I finished Vai's picture of Vreha (she/her) [img][/img] u guys i am the #1 Vreha fan it's so ridiculous I also finished Kryda's Imaru (he/him). I did a version with a lit lantern and a version without. I originally did a yellow lit lantern and a red one, but Kryda and I agreed the red was better. I also did a smol skin color tweak at Kryda's request, so I'm just gonna show the finished versions. FOR SOME REASON this is my first commission where the original file became corrupted and now I can't resize it like how I want?? I guess it was bound to happen statistically. Kryda was very patient with me while I was all aaaaaahhhhh about it <3 <3 unlit [img][/img] lit (red) [img][/img] One of the pics I'm coloring now is Morpha's cutie kitkat. Here are his finished lines as a preview!! (Every time I look at one of his reference photos I am overcome by how much i love this boy) [img][/img]
Oh gosh, friends! So many updates. I have been getting back into the commission zone and am now working on getting caught up! There are currently two pics I'm coloring, but I'm planning to save those for the next update. (Hopefully when I finish them tomorrow!!)

In the meantime, here's the lowdown:

I finished Vai's picture of Vreha (she/her)
u guys i am the #1 Vreha fan it's so ridiculous

I also finished Kryda's Imaru (he/him). I did a version with a lit lantern and a version without. I originally did a yellow lit lantern and a red one, but Kryda and I agreed the red was better. I also did a smol skin color tweak at Kryda's request, so I'm just gonna show the finished versions. FOR SOME REASON this is my first commission where the original file became corrupted and now I can't resize it like how I want?? I guess it was bound to happen statistically. Kryda was very patient with me while I was all aaaaaahhhhh about it <3 <3


lit (red)

One of the pics I'm coloring now is Morpha's cutie kitkat. Here are his finished lines as a preview!! (Every time I look at one of his reference photos I am overcome by how much i love this boy)
I've also gotten started on the draft lines for a few of the other commissions in my queue. HERE THEY ARE WITHOUT CONTEXT [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
I've also gotten started on the draft lines for a few of the other commissions in my queue. HERE THEY ARE WITHOUT CONTEXT

I promised you colored versions AND I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT Vervain's cuties Mirlande and Lorne (both she/her) are the cutest cuties that ever cuted. I was having a bad start to my day and I started coloring this picture and everything perked up. [img][/img] Morpha's VERY GOOD BOY [img][/img] I'm so in love Ambivalence requested a complete draft sketch redraw as my initial sketch wasn't quite what they had been picturing for their character. I love the original sketch and will prob use it as a base for a different drawing, but it's super important to me that I get the character right for the commissioner. [img][/img] I love her horns
I promised you colored versions AND I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT

Vervain's cuties Mirlande and Lorne (both she/her) are the cutest cuties that ever cuted. I was having a bad start to my day and I started coloring this picture and everything perked up.

I'm so in love

Ambivalence requested a complete draft sketch redraw as my initial sketch wasn't quite what they had been picturing for their character. I love the original sketch and will prob use it as a base for a different drawing, but it's super important to me that I get the character right for the commissioner.
I love her horns
Let's have some updates!! So uh I completely unprompted redrew FirozTaverbi's Yashira because my first draft drawing wasn't up to my own personal standards. (Didn't show enough personality, didn't show some of the characteristics the commissioner described, etc) I redid the ears and nose in the new sketch but then wENT OUT OF CONTROL and lined it cos I was stalling on cleaning and figured I could adjust the nose and the ears more if needed in the line phase as well. [img][/img] I also finished Ambivalence's tiefling! They requested a lesbian pride element if possible so I added a lesbian pride flag background real quick with flag! [img][/img] without!! [img][/img]
Let's have some updates!!

So uh I completely unprompted redrew FirozTaverbi's Yashira because my first draft drawing wasn't up to my own personal standards. (Didn't show enough personality, didn't show some of the characteristics the commissioner described, etc) I redid the ears and nose in the new sketch but then wENT OUT OF CONTROL and lined it cos I was stalling on cleaning and figured I could adjust the nose and the ears more if needed in the line phase as well.

I also finished Ambivalence's tiefling! They requested a lesbian pride element if possible so I added a lesbian pride flag background real quick

with flag!

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