
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Join Newt Scamander on his Quest
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good luck!
good luck!
Chasing Memories, a Pinkerlocke
Free Cauldron Lvl 10
@Boolean This is such a great idea! I love it, Newt is great. Could you please add me to the pinglist?
Also, good luck with your exams and such.
@Boolean This is such a great idea! I love it, Newt is great. Could you please add me to the pinglist?
Also, good luck with your exams and such.
Rabbits are not what they seem to be
~Welcome to Night Vale~

Snowshoe Rabbit Marsh Rabbit Old World Rabbit Cottontail Rabbit
@boolean good luck on your exams!! :D
@boolean good luck on your exams!! :D
[img][/img] [right][img][/img][/right] [u]2016-12-1 | 12:15 FST[/u] ---------------------------------- [indent]Newt made a mental note to be careful from now on.[/indent] He didn't want another run in with the centaurs. Getting on their bad side could be detrimental to his journey and quite a huge setback since he would then have to explain why he lied and would most likely need to hand over the Banded-Owlcat which he was certain would meet its demise. It was getting to be late in the day when Newt had head back to camp, head droopy. He was quite tired. It had been a long, exhausting day and he still needed to tend to the familiars both inside and outside his satchel. "Dinner time Bronwyn, Arlow!" he called after preparing a delicious looking dish that he passed to either of them. Heaps of fish spilled from either bowl as Newt watched them gobble up the food eagerly. "Behave yourselves while I head downstairs and tend to the others" he said cooly. Sliding the satchel off his shoulder he nipped the clasp and trudged down the stairs. Inside his ears were met with multiple screeches, buzzing and fluttering. Everyone was anxiously waiting for their supper and Newt had to struggle to work with everyone streaming around him. He was so busy he hadn't noticed a stealthy Coatl clad in brilliant apparel slowly creep down his stairs. [columns]"Excuse me?" echoed the voice. This caused Newt to jump as he wasn't expecting a visitor. In his start he had dropped the food which the familiars were now eagerly eating. [i]'That's one way to get it done'[/i] he thought to himself, eyeing the newcommer. A coatl, brightly colored with brilliant crystal-like skin and delicate wings. "Hello?" replied Newt, "I haven't seen you around before. Were you looking for me?" he asked her. "Yes, actually" she replied. "I am Andromeda and I have prophesied that you will come to take good care of these two!" Before Newt could respond, two young familiars had squeezed their way between the others to eat. One white with flecks of black striping, the other similar to the Jackalope Newt had received earlier. [nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] "Uh?" was the only thing Newt could think to say. "Do not worry" mused Andromeda. "I have foreseen your destiny and that destiny includes these two. The white one is a Rambra. They are ram-like creatures native to our lands. The other is a Searing Jackalope - careful they're hot - native to the Ashfall Wastes." Andromeda flicked a wing in their direction. [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] "My.. destiny?" asked Newt, trying to get his head around what he'd heard. "Oh! You're a seer!" he caught on. In his excitement he began hammering her with a bunch of questions, including what might happen to him if he ran into the centaurs again. Andromeda allowed him to speak and then burst out laughing. "Inquisitive aren't we. Sadly I can not reveal to you every detail on your future. Some things you'll need to figure out on your own. I merely came here as I was called to you to aid you on your quest." Before Newt could ask her anything else she had disappeared within a puff of smoke. Her voice echoed throughout his room. "Take care of them and they will take care of you. However, heed this warning. [i][b]Walk the path of burning ash for what you seek you will find. Though take warning as to your safety you are blind."[/b][/i] This left Newt completely puzzled. Safety. Blind? Last time he checked there wasn't anything to worry about. Newt shook his ruffled mane and bid the familiars inside the satchel adieu and went to check on Arlow and Bronwyn who were cuddled together sleeping. Ahh sleep. Something he needed greatly. Carefully he locked the satchel and curled up around the two sleeping bodies. A gentle wing enfolded them as he lay his head on his paws. "Rest easy my friends" he whispered softly, though for some strange reason Andromeda's words began echoing within his dreams. [right][b]Beastiary Count: 76[/b][/right] ---------------------------------- [u][b]Familiar Log[/b][/u] [b]New[/b] [item=Rambra][item=Searing Jackalope] ------------------------------------ I took a study break and typed something out. I can't thank everyone enough for their generous gifts towards Newt and his quest. I hope this post is up to par and I thought since Andromeda was a seer who better than to give Newt an ominous warning. Wonder what's up with that. o: Studying is also going well though there's a lot to remember. ------------------------------------ [right][b][u]Ping List[/b][/u] @Quinhwyvar @Moonlitmage @watermellon @cherryj016 @Snakefang7 @TheShadeTaken @Maddiebird @xxWolfii @Ogham @Starrlight @Kitsu @SariStar @Pippypip20 @Bluewolf123321 @Direclaw @TigerlilyParade @Nightvaled @Mashabely @HowlingGale @SilverNight104 @Petall @Immuno @Gemhydra @Valikor @Farsight @feming @Stormdragon @cyleris @Sunabi @DrZiegler @Evolution2 @xiushangirl @tigressRising @DragonWarrior333 @Krycelli @Hurricanesong @AsmaetheFox @StellarWing @Rexcaliburr @Vedis @Shadria @spacedaydreamer @RedPriestess @UniqueUniverse[/right]


2016-12-1 | 12:15 FST

Newt made a mental note to be careful from now on.
He didn't want another run in with the centaurs. Getting on their bad side could be detrimental to his journey and quite a huge setback since he would then have to explain why he lied and would most likely need to hand over the Banded-Owlcat which he was certain would meet its demise.

It was getting to be late in the day when Newt had head back to camp, head droopy. He was quite tired. It had been a long, exhausting day and he still needed to tend to the familiars both inside and outside his satchel.

"Dinner time Bronwyn, Arlow!" he called after preparing a delicious looking dish that he passed to either of them. Heaps of fish spilled from either bowl as Newt watched them gobble up the food eagerly. "Behave yourselves while I head downstairs and tend to the others" he said cooly.

Sliding the satchel off his shoulder he nipped the clasp and trudged down the stairs. Inside his ears were met with multiple screeches, buzzing and fluttering. Everyone was anxiously waiting for their supper and Newt had to struggle to work with everyone streaming around him. He was so busy he hadn't noticed a stealthy Coatl clad in brilliant apparel slowly creep down his stairs.
"Excuse me?" echoed the voice.

This caused Newt to jump as he wasn't expecting a visitor. In his start he had dropped the food which the familiars were now eagerly eating. 'That's one way to get it done' he thought to himself, eyeing the newcommer. A coatl, brightly colored with brilliant crystal-like skin and delicate wings.

"Hello?" replied Newt, "I haven't seen you around before. Were you looking for me?" he asked her.

"Yes, actually" she replied. "I am Andromeda and I have prophesied that you will come to take good care of these two!"

Before Newt could respond, two young familiars had squeezed their way between the others to eat. One white with flecks of black striping, the other similar to the Jackalope Newt had received earlier.


"Uh?" was the only thing Newt could think to say.

"Do not worry" mused Andromeda. "I have foreseen your destiny and that destiny includes these two. The white one is a Rambra. They are ram-like creatures native to our lands. The other is a Searing Jackalope - careful they're hot - native to the Ashfall Wastes." Andromeda flicked a wing in their direction.

"My.. destiny?" asked Newt, trying to get his head around what he'd heard. "Oh! You're a seer!" he caught on.

In his excitement he began hammering her with a bunch of questions, including what might happen to him if he ran into the centaurs again. Andromeda allowed him to speak and then burst out laughing.

"Inquisitive aren't we. Sadly I can not reveal to you every detail on your future. Some things you'll need to figure out on your own. I merely came here as I was called to you to aid you on your quest."

Before Newt could ask her anything else she had disappeared within a puff of smoke. Her voice echoed throughout his room.

"Take care of them and they will take care of you. However, heed this warning. Walk the path of burning ash for what you seek you will find. Though take warning as to your safety you are blind."

This left Newt completely puzzled. Safety. Blind? Last time he checked there wasn't anything to worry about. Newt shook his ruffled mane and bid the familiars inside the satchel adieu and went to check on Arlow and Bronwyn who were cuddled together sleeping.

Ahh sleep. Something he needed greatly. Carefully he locked the satchel and curled up around the two sleeping bodies. A gentle wing enfolded them as he lay his head on his paws.

"Rest easy my friends" he whispered softly, though for some strange reason Andromeda's words began echoing within his dreams.

Beastiary Count: 76

Familiar Log

Rambra Searing Jackalope

I took a study break and typed something out. I can't thank everyone enough for their generous gifts towards Newt and his quest. I hope this post is up to par and I thought since Andromeda was a seer who better than to give Newt an ominous warning. Wonder what's up with that. o: Studying is also going well though there's a lot to remember.

You said that the Zeeba was a new familiar here, but I remember in the first post of the Scarred Wasteland you got a Zeeba
Is one of those supposed to be a Rambra?
You said that the Zeeba was a new familiar here, but I remember in the first post of the Scarred Wasteland you got a Zeeba
Is one of those supposed to be a Rambra?
Rabbits are not what they seem to be
~Welcome to Night Vale~

Snowshoe Rabbit Marsh Rabbit Old World Rabbit Cottontail Rabbit
You're absolutely correct.
I'll have to fix that. I just checked my notes on the front page and realized I'd written in the wrong thing.
You're absolutely correct.
I'll have to fix that. I just checked my notes on the front page and realized I'd written in the wrong thing.
@Quinhwyvar @Moonlitmage @watermellon @cherryj016 @Snakefang7 @TheShadeTaken @Maddiebird @xxWolfii @Ogham @Starrlight @Kitsu @SariStar @Pippypip20 @Bluewolf123321 @Direclaw @TigerlilyParade @Nightvaled @Mashabely @HowlingGale @SilverNight104 @Petall @Immuno @Gemhydra @Valikor @Farsight @feming @Stormdragon @cyleris @Sunabi @DrZiegler @Evolution2 @xiushangirl @tigressRising @DragonWarrior333 @Krycelli @Hurricanesong @AsmaetheFox @StellarWing @Rexcaliburr @Vedis @Shadria @spacedaydreamer @RedPriestess @UniqueUniverse

Very sorry to ping everyone again.
This thread moved spots twice. Once to the mega-thread and now it's here in the Creative Corner after consideration towards the Rp-style content and story-like nature. I'm very happy to announce that we'll be continuing on our original thread and that no posts were lost. Please disregard the original ping to the mega-thread as I have removed that post in favor of having this thread returned. I'll work on something tonight that will include the Augite Protector.
@Quinhwyvar @Moonlitmage @watermellon @cherryj016 @Snakefang7 @TheShadeTaken @Maddiebird @xxWolfii @Ogham @Starrlight @Kitsu @SariStar @Pippypip20 @Bluewolf123321 @Direclaw @TigerlilyParade @Nightvaled @Mashabely @HowlingGale @SilverNight104 @Petall @Immuno @Gemhydra @Valikor @Farsight @feming @Stormdragon @cyleris @Sunabi @DrZiegler @Evolution2 @xiushangirl @tigressRising @DragonWarrior333 @Krycelli @Hurricanesong @AsmaetheFox @StellarWing @Rexcaliburr @Vedis @Shadria @spacedaydreamer @RedPriestess @UniqueUniverse

Very sorry to ping everyone again.
This thread moved spots twice. Once to the mega-thread and now it's here in the Creative Corner after consideration towards the Rp-style content and story-like nature. I'm very happy to announce that we'll be continuing on our original thread and that no posts were lost. Please disregard the original ping to the mega-thread as I have removed that post in favor of having this thread returned. I'll work on something tonight that will include the Augite Protector.
that's great news! it's nice that the original thread is back since it would seem sort of out of place in the personal challenge thread
that's great news! it's nice that the original thread is back since it would seem sort of out of place in the personal challenge thread
any pronouns
frt +3
g1s | adopts
Hooray, it's back! Something I'm sure we're all glad to hear. Keep it up, we're all looking foreword to it.
Hooray, it's back! Something I'm sure we're all glad to hear. Keep it up, we're all looking foreword to it.
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