[url=https://youtu.be/Q-k9Xu5O7AY][emoji=music note size=1][/url]
[center][color=transparent]..............[/color] [size=6]The Flightless Valley[/size]
[size=2][color=transparent]..............[/color] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1827394#post_19328695]Dragon Highlight Reel[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1827394#post_19324913]Lore Summary[/url] |[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1827394#post_21047134] Prologue[/url][/size][/center]
On the edge of the Gladeveins, just before the Shrieking Wilds sprouts its tall and ancient trees, lies a large open plain where hundreds of dragons call home. Despite its size, it still remains secluded and it is not a surprise if outsiders haven't heard of a place called The Flightless Valley. In this valley, a river twists right down the middle, supplied by a tall waterfall. A constant rainbow looks over the valley and is often interpreted as a symbol of peace among the dragon flights that home there.
Petronas and his beloved mate Irisierend founded and created this safe haven for outcast dragons belonging to all flights where they are free to work and share their cultures without fear of bias.
If one were to enter the valley, they would have to do so by sea due to the cliffs and thick forests that surround the valley. Two dragons, guard the river entrance in shifts and, depending on the visitor's disposition, are generally welcoming. On lovely days you can see most of the clan fishing or relaxing along the banks of the river.
Farther up the twisting river, on the left side of the bank, is a marketplace. Where most dragons gather to trade. On occasion festivals, special ceremonies, and general gathering spots are held here. Various huts, holes, and structures dot the land. In the back, you can see holes dug out of the cliff side, a habit of former Earth-flight dragons.
To the right, farther away from the bank, and closer to the forests is the nursery. Pavonin, an Imperial dragon, entertains the young ones, but the whole clan pitches in when raising them. Near the Nursery is the Training Grounds, where the hatchlings go to become strong and educated dragons when they are of age. Ceremonies are often held for the dragonlings before and after training.
Along the river is the waterfall that feeds it. Dragons of all kinds tend to gather at this peaceful place to relax and get away from the rest of the clan. Petronas and Irisierend, the leaders, make their own nest near the rainbow and can often be spotted here, watching over the clan. Behind the fall is a special cave in which the Saver of Secrets dwells where she, too, watches.

On the edge of the Gladeveins, just before the Shrieking Wilds sprouts its tall and ancient trees, lies a large open plain where hundreds of dragons call home. Despite its size, it still remains secluded and it is not a surprise if outsiders haven't heard of a place called The Flightless Valley. In this valley, a river twists right down the middle, supplied by a tall waterfall. A constant rainbow looks over the valley and is often interpreted as a symbol of peace among the dragon flights that home there.
Petronas and his beloved mate Irisierend founded and created this safe haven for outcast dragons belonging to all flights where they are free to work and share their cultures without fear of bias.
If one were to enter the valley, they would have to do so by sea due to the cliffs and thick forests that surround the valley. Two dragons, guard the river entrance in shifts and, depending on the visitor's disposition, are generally welcoming. On lovely days you can see most of the clan fishing or relaxing along the banks of the river.
Farther up the twisting river, on the left side of the bank, is a marketplace. Where most dragons gather to trade. On occasion festivals, special ceremonies, and general gathering spots are held here. Various huts, holes, and structures dot the land. In the back, you can see holes dug out of the cliff side, a habit of former Earth-flight dragons.
To the right, farther away from the bank, and closer to the forests is the nursery. Pavonin, an Imperial dragon, entertains the young ones, but the whole clan pitches in when raising them. Near the Nursery is the Training Grounds, where the hatchlings go to become strong and educated dragons when they are of age. Ceremonies are often held for the dragonlings before and after training.
Along the river is the waterfall that feeds it. Dragons of all kinds tend to gather at this peaceful place to relax and get away from the rest of the clan. Petronas and Irisierend, the leaders, make their own nest near the rainbow and can often be spotted here, watching over the clan. Behind the fall is a special cave in which the Saver of Secrets dwells where she, too, watches.
[b]Clan History:[/b][/size]
The TL;DR of my Lore
[b][size=4]The Beginning[/size][/b]
Petronas only remembers existing. He felt tied into the land that he claimed his home. This Valley was nurturing, and it watched him grow into a fine adult Guardian, but The Valley was also lonely, for Petronas was the only dragon that inhabited the area. He knew nothing of what a "charge" was, since he wasn't raised by other dragons, and felt a nagging feeling in the back of his head until he met his future mate, Irisierend.
She burst through the thicket on the forested side of The Valley, being chased by an enemy Wildclaw. The trauma left her wing broken and vulnerable, but Petronas stepped in, swatting the Wildclaw away with his tail and a mighty roar. He turned to the scared Imperial and introduced himself, assuring her that she was safe.
Irisierend told him about other dragons and the wars. How certain flights, devoted to specific deities would fight against each other, even though the real enemy was The Shade. Their blind panic made The Flights cast rationality into the wind. Petronas then vowed to create a safehaven, a place where dragons were Flightless, and more importantly declared war on The Shade. The imperial took this vow as well, and stood beside him. For the first time, Petronas's nagging in the back of his head silenced itself.
The Present[/size][/b]
Currently, the clan is filled with a diverse set of dragons, and they all defend their new home with pride. However there is one dragon, The Saver of Secrets, that has made her home behind the waterfall. She receives prophecies and is seemingly omniscient, gathers intel on the coming dangers that face the clan. Most dragons tend to avoid her, but throughout the years, many start to warm up to her.
The clan occasionally faces tough battles against The Shade, with Petronas and Irisierend leading the front lines each time. Warriors, rogues, and mages put all of their strength in the protection of their home.
The Future[/size]
A ghost by the name of Kodama makes himself known to The Saver of Secrets, bringing news of a huge battle for The Valley. While she is aware of it, she agrees that the leaders should know. The clan prepares for this large battle, but even with all of the training in the world, Petronas perishes in the fight and is the heaviest of losses that are felt that day.
After the battle, some dragons leave The Valley for fear of it being unsafe, or to venture out to warn others of the coming Shade, but the ones that remain erect a giant statue of their late leader at the top of the waterfall that overlooks the clan. Not long after, Irisierend passes due to the intense mourning of her mate and the leadership of the clan is passed onto their children, Harmony and Tranquilitus. Together, the siblings focus on rebuilding the clan in preparation against whatever enemy may come next.
Long after that, another prophecy is born in light of hope. The Saver of Secrets is brought into a dream in which she finds herself on the border of The Tangled Wood and The Viridian Labyrinth. The Pearlcatcher stumbles across an unguarded nest that is holding two eggs: One of nature and one of shadow. Touching them throws the dragoness into a prophetic trance, sending a shockwave through her body. When she wakens, she is back in her cave under the waterfall, but in her arms are the two eggs.
[center][b][size=5][url=https://i.imgur.com/jbhzoMX.png]Lore Timeline[/url][/b]
[size=1](an even more TL;DR version of my lore)[/center]
Clan History:
The TL;DR of my Lore
The Beginning
Petronas only remembers existing. He felt tied into the land that he claimed his home. This Valley was nurturing, and it watched him grow into a fine adult Guardian, but The Valley was also lonely, for Petronas was the only dragon that inhabited the area. He knew nothing of what a "charge" was, since he wasn't raised by other dragons, and felt a nagging feeling in the back of his head until he met his future mate, Irisierend.
She burst through the thicket on the forested side of The Valley, being chased by an enemy Wildclaw. The trauma left her wing broken and vulnerable, but Petronas stepped in, swatting the Wildclaw away with his tail and a mighty roar. He turned to the scared Imperial and introduced himself, assuring her that she was safe.
Irisierend told him about other dragons and the wars. How certain flights, devoted to specific deities would fight against each other, even though the real enemy was The Shade. Their blind panic made The Flights cast rationality into the wind. Petronas then vowed to create a safehaven, a place where dragons were Flightless, and more importantly declared war on The Shade. The imperial took this vow as well, and stood beside him. For the first time, Petronas's nagging in the back of his head silenced itself.
The Present
Currently, the clan is filled with a diverse set of dragons, and they all defend their new home with pride. However there is one dragon, The Saver of Secrets, that has made her home behind the waterfall. She receives prophecies and is seemingly omniscient, gathers intel on the coming dangers that face the clan. Most dragons tend to avoid her, but throughout the years, many start to warm up to her.
The clan occasionally faces tough battles against The Shade, with Petronas and Irisierend leading the front lines each time. Warriors, rogues, and mages put all of their strength in the protection of their home.
The Future
A ghost by the name of Kodama makes himself known to The Saver of Secrets, bringing news of a huge battle for The Valley. While she is aware of it, she agrees that the leaders should know. The clan prepares for this large battle, but even with all of the training in the world, Petronas perishes in the fight and is the heaviest of losses that are felt that day.
After the battle, some dragons leave The Valley for fear of it being unsafe, or to venture out to warn others of the coming Shade, but the ones that remain erect a giant statue of their late leader at the top of the waterfall that overlooks the clan. Not long after, Irisierend passes due to the intense mourning of her mate and the leadership of the clan is passed onto their children, Harmony and Tranquilitus. Together, the siblings focus on rebuilding the clan in preparation against whatever enemy may come next.
Long after that, another prophecy is born in light of hope. The Saver of Secrets is brought into a dream in which she finds herself on the border of The Tangled Wood and The Viridian Labyrinth. The Pearlcatcher stumbles across an unguarded nest that is holding two eggs: One of nature and one of shadow. Touching them throws the dragoness into a prophetic trance, sending a shockwave through her body. When she wakens, she is back in her cave under the waterfall, but in her arms are the two eggs.
[b]Petronas[/b] - The Yin
[size=3]Petronas was born into The Flightless Valley. His first memory was this place surrounded by nature, but his second memory was loneliness. He felt abandoned by the gods and knows nothing of his birth. He remained in this valley because he felt a strong attachment to it. It was only later that he would find out that his charge was with him all along.
[nextcol][size=3][b]Irisierend[/b] - The Yang
Young Irisierend was once part of and Ice Flight militia, however she could not find the passion that many of her peers had when serving. She was in a battle with an opposing Arcane force when she crashed in to a clearing. Petronas helped scare off the Wildclaw that was attacking, but her wing was broken from falling on it. It was when Petronas spoke of peace and nature, she found her calling. Irisierend was permanently damaged from the fall, but she remains happy by her mate's side. [/columns]
[size=5][b]Secret Saver[/b][/size]
[emoji=crystal ball size=1]
[size=4]The Saver of Secrets is a mysterious dragon. She studies the arcane in her free time and collects the histories of the lost and forgotten. The others seek her out for guidance and magical abilities. She may be young, but she is indeed a force to be reckoned with.[/columns][/size]
[size=5][b]Harmony [/b][/size]
[emoji=silver crown size=1]
[columns] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=32794063]
[size=4]Harmony and her brother, Tranquiliitas, lead a short reign in The Flightless Valley, but it is a peaceful one. Their goal is mostly to rebuild the clan to it's former stability due to the chaos caused by the first shade battle.[/right] [/columns][/size]
[emoji=silver crown size=1][/center]
[columns] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=22966066]
[size=4]Tranquillitas is a quiet dragon compared to his chatty sister. He serves as the clans second generation leader right by his sister's side and is often a source of serenity and wisdom. [/columns][/size]
[emoji=silver tiara size=1][/center]
[size=4]A troublemaker, kind spirit, and playful tundra, Hoch spends his time being taught various things by the clan. Battle, clan history, and the occasional magic by Secret Saver. He loves to adventure, which earns him most of his troubles. The forest beckons to him.[/columns][/size]
[center][size=5][b]Cadburry [/b][/size]
[emoji=silver tiara size=1][/center]
[columns] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=18192066]
[size=4]Cadbury is extremely intelligent and excels in the trainings that the clan provides for her and Hoch. She is so clever, that she can actually manage to dissuade Hoch from his especially daring adventures, but sometimes trouble still finds the two dragons anyway.[/columns][/size]
[center][size=5][b]Kodama [/b][/size]
[emoji=normal eyes size=1][/center]
[columns] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=17886856]
[size=4]The Valley Spirit who watches over his home. When he was alive, he lived in the valley with his small family, but now he serves as a spiritual guardian, watching over the clan. Because Secret Saver is the only dragon who can see him, they became fast friends.[/columns][/size]
[center][size=5][b]Flight Representatives[/b] [/center]
[b][size=5]Rainbow Warriors
Orage - leader
Quetz - ground soldier
Galareon - ground soldier
Aeros - air soldier
Xever - air soldier
Charlie - ambush tactical command
Mandah - marksman

Petronas - The Yin
Petronas was born into The Flightless Valley. His first memory was this place surrounded by nature, but his second memory was loneliness. He felt abandoned by the gods and knows nothing of his birth. He remained in this valley because he felt a strong attachment to it. It was only later that he would find out that his charge was with him all along.

Irisierend - The Yang
Young Irisierend was once part of and Ice Flight militia, however she could not find the passion that many of her peers had when serving. She was in a battle with an opposing Arcane force when she crashed in to a clearing. Petronas helped scare off the Wildclaw that was attacking, but her wing was broken from falling on it. It was when Petronas spoke of peace and nature, she found her calling. Irisierend was permanently damaged from the fall, but she remains happy by her mate's side.
Secret Saver

The Saver of Secrets is a mysterious dragon. She studies the arcane in her free time and collects the histories of the lost and forgotten. The others seek her out for guidance and magical abilities. She may be young, but she is indeed a force to be reckoned with.
Harmony and her brother, Tranquiliitas, lead a short reign in The Flightless Valley, but it is a peaceful one. Their goal is mostly to rebuild the clan to it's former stability due to the chaos caused by the first shade battle.[/right]
Tranquillitas is a quiet dragon compared to his chatty sister. He serves as the clans second generation leader right by his sister's side and is often a source of serenity and wisdom.
A troublemaker, kind spirit, and playful tundra, Hoch spends his time being taught various things by the clan. Battle, clan history, and the occasional magic by Secret Saver. He loves to adventure, which earns him most of his troubles. The forest beckons to him.
Cadbury is extremely intelligent and excels in the trainings that the clan provides for her and Hoch. She is so clever, that she can actually manage to dissuade Hoch from his especially daring adventures, but sometimes trouble still finds the two dragons anyway.
The Valley Spirit who watches over his home. When he was alive, he lived in the valley with his small family, but now he serves as a spiritual guardian, watching over the clan. Because Secret Saver is the only dragon who can see him, they became fast friends.
Flight Representatives
Orage - leader
Quetz - ground soldier
Galareon - ground soldier
Aeros - air soldier
Xever - air soldier
Charlie - ambush tactical command
Mandah - marksman
[map x=3567 y=897 view=land width=480 height=240]The Flightless Valley[/map]
Alliances with other clans go here
Alliances with other clans go here
[size=5][b]Prologue [/b][/size]
[size=5][font=Times][color=transparent].......[/color]It was rare that the Gladekeeper found it necessary to travel outside of the Behemoth, but there was a subtle sense of change in the winds. She could feel the creeping dangers in her roots, but she also had a plan. The Gladekeeper searched out a secluded valley in her lands, one where snow from the mountains feeds a river which runs right through it. The deity gathered herself and stretched her wings, letting the breeze flow through them. Leaves of The Valley rustled, and a single leaf freed itself, landing in the lake right at the Gladekeeper's feet. An omen, of course. Leaves in the Viridian Labyrinth never fell, for the Gladekeeper's powers were life-giving. She summoned her magic and the wind swirled around the lake, disturbing the water's surface ever so slightly. The single leaf was uplifted and danced in the air. The Gladekeeper's magic transformed this leaf into an obsidian colored hatchling. A Guardian. By the time the small dragon descended gently onto the grass, the Gladekeeper was gone. It was all up to him now.
[color=transparent].......[/color]Petronas grew into a sleek scaled guardian and uncommonly large for his breed, but perhaps it was because The Labyrinth's magic that flowed through his veins. Magic couldn't solve the nagging in the back of Petronas's head, however. He was a guardian after all, and a guardian was keen to a charge, but something also told him to remain in the valley.
[color=transparent].......[/color]It was on a particularly sunny day, to the point where one would just want to laze around in the shade by the bank all day, where something unusual occurred. A racket was coming from the side of the valley that was bordered by The Shrieking Wilds. Raising his head from his nap, Petronas went to investigate. Suddenly, two dragons came barreling out of the woods, fighting tooth and claw. A solid, white, serpentine dragon was scraping with a stout, bipedal one. Petronas had never seen others of his kind before, let alone dragons of different breeds. He flapped his wings and flew closer for a better look.
[color=transparent].......[/color]Quite frankly, Petronas didn't enjoy these dragons interrupting the peace on this hot day, so he decided to intervene. With a great flap of his wings, and a haughty roar, he managed to startle the bipedal dragon off the white one. The dragon bolted back into the trees, but not before spitting a hiss at Petronas. The white dragon remained on the ground, wing injured. She spoke softly.
[color=transparent].......[/color]"Please...don't hurt me," she begged.
[color=transparent].......[/color]Petronas looked behind him, at the dragon. "It looks like you've already been hurt enough as it is." He moved to her side and helped her sit up and off her broken wing. "Why were you and that other dragon fighting?"
[color=transparent].......[/color]The white dragon winced at the movement. "You mean...you haven't heard of battles between flights?"
[color=transparent].......[/color]Petronas looked puzzled. "I-I have never encountered another dragon before." He took a closer look at the dragon's injuries. "Are you able to tuck your wing in? It will have to stay like that as it heals."
[color=transparent].......[/color]She complied, but let out a small wince as she drew the limb back into her side. "Wait, so you've never seen other Guardians before? Or even Imperials? Wildclaws?"
[color=transparent].......[/color]"Is that what I am? A guardian?"
[color=transparent].......[/color]"Wow, you really did grow up in a secluded area," she marvelled. "Who raised you?"
[color=transparent].......[/color]Petronas's tail twitched. "I raised myself."
[color=transparent].......[/color]"Then how do you know dragon-tongue? Or how to heal wounds?"
[color=transparent].......[/color]The black dragon shrugged. "I don't know. Let's talk in the shade," he said trying to divert the subject.
[color=transparent].......[/color]"What is your name, anyway?"
[color=transparent].......[/color]"Petronas," he said. "And yours?"
.......It was rare that the Gladekeeper found it necessary to travel outside of the Behemoth, but there was a subtle sense of change in the winds. She could feel the creeping dangers in her roots, but she also had a plan. The Gladekeeper searched out a secluded valley in her lands, one where snow from the mountains feeds a river which runs right through it. The deity gathered herself and stretched her wings, letting the breeze flow through them. Leaves of The Valley rustled, and a single leaf freed itself, landing in the lake right at the Gladekeeper's feet. An omen, of course. Leaves in the Viridian Labyrinth never fell, for the Gladekeeper's powers were life-giving. She summoned her magic and the wind swirled around the lake, disturbing the water's surface ever so slightly. The single leaf was uplifted and danced in the air. The Gladekeeper's magic transformed this leaf into an obsidian colored hatchling. A Guardian. By the time the small dragon descended gently onto the grass, the Gladekeeper was gone. It was all up to him now.
.......Petronas grew into a sleek scaled guardian and uncommonly large for his breed, but perhaps it was because The Labyrinth's magic that flowed through his veins. Magic couldn't solve the nagging in the back of Petronas's head, however. He was a guardian after all, and a guardian was keen to a charge, but something also told him to remain in the valley.
.......It was on a particularly sunny day, to the point where one would just want to laze around in the shade by the bank all day, where something unusual occurred. A racket was coming from the side of the valley that was bordered by The Shrieking Wilds. Raising his head from his nap, Petronas went to investigate. Suddenly, two dragons came barreling out of the woods, fighting tooth and claw. A solid, white, serpentine dragon was scraping with a stout, bipedal one. Petronas had never seen others of his kind before, let alone dragons of different breeds. He flapped his wings and flew closer for a better look.
.......Quite frankly, Petronas didn't enjoy these dragons interrupting the peace on this hot day, so he decided to intervene. With a great flap of his wings, and a haughty roar, he managed to startle the bipedal dragon off the white one. The dragon bolted back into the trees, but not before spitting a hiss at Petronas. The white dragon remained on the ground, wing injured. She spoke softly.
......."Please...don't hurt me," she begged.
.......Petronas looked behind him, at the dragon. "It looks like you've already been hurt enough as it is." He moved to her side and helped her sit up and off her broken wing. "Why were you and that other dragon fighting?"
.......The white dragon winced at the movement. "You mean...you haven't heard of battles between flights?"
.......Petronas looked puzzled. "I-I have never encountered another dragon before." He took a closer look at the dragon's injuries. "Are you able to tuck your wing in? It will have to stay like that as it heals."
.......She complied, but let out a small wince as she drew the limb back into her side. "Wait, so you've never seen other Guardians before? Or even Imperials? Wildclaws?"
......."Is that what I am? A guardian?"
......."Wow, you really did grow up in a secluded area," she marvelled. "Who raised you?"
.......Petronas's tail twitched. "I raised myself."
......."Then how do you know dragon-tongue? Or how to heal wounds?"
.......The black dragon shrugged. "I don't know. Let's talk in the shade," he said trying to divert the subject.
......."What is your name, anyway?"
......."Petronas," he said. "And yours?"