
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | I made some critters!!!
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@mummy I love the heck out of Cheesecake.
@mummy I love the heck out of Cheesecake.
@mummy riiight i didnt load a world state for my main game bc i didnt have an account on keep yet so i got default male hawke and hes like soooo boring,, but i guess generally the writing in for hawke in inquisition was p lazy like it didnt seem like they incorporated the different personality types as well as they couldve. also right/???????? it's like pointy???? ??
yeah yeah ik josies is really cute and cullen was the one i initially thought i would do bc he seemed most like alistair and anders (alistair's romance though, bless. he gives you a rose)

skyrim aaa yeah but i still get nostaligia from oblivion too bc i played that a lot when i was younger, before skyrim came out (which seems so long ago now??? 2011?? how old AM i) but yeah i was an argonian and i lived in the house that used to be haunted and i would always just go to the arena and just jump around and beat things up BUT THAT ONE GUY ??? WHO WOULD ALWAYS FOLLOW YOU AROUND??? he was so annoying. but yeah i was in the thieves guild and it was just generally a good time
dang though i didnt know you could do all that stuff in sims???? i dont remember which version we had, maybe sims 2?? i could handle building the houses and stuff but could never keep up with it too long
@mummy riiight i didnt load a world state for my main game bc i didnt have an account on keep yet so i got default male hawke and hes like soooo boring,, but i guess generally the writing in for hawke in inquisition was p lazy like it didnt seem like they incorporated the different personality types as well as they couldve. also right/???????? it's like pointy???? ??
yeah yeah ik josies is really cute and cullen was the one i initially thought i would do bc he seemed most like alistair and anders (alistair's romance though, bless. he gives you a rose)

skyrim aaa yeah but i still get nostaligia from oblivion too bc i played that a lot when i was younger, before skyrim came out (which seems so long ago now??? 2011?? how old AM i) but yeah i was an argonian and i lived in the house that used to be haunted and i would always just go to the arena and just jump around and beat things up BUT THAT ONE GUY ??? WHO WOULD ALWAYS FOLLOW YOU AROUND??? he was so annoying. but yeah i was in the thieves guild and it was just generally a good time
dang though i didnt know you could do all that stuff in sims???? i dont remember which version we had, maybe sims 2?? i could handle building the houses and stuff but could never keep up with it too long
ko - 19 - she/her
@Desnik AAAA thank you!!!! Your art is so beautiful, too!!! ;A;

@macaroni YEAH OMG... Its not like I talked to him a whole lot but I got bored of his stoic pessimist or whatever personality real fast... Also they mention the protag of the first game as a "he" but like?? male is default for both of them?? COULDNT WE HAVE ONE GIRL?
AND OMG A ROSE.... I Die for things like this I have to play his game now.....

Oblivion?? omg Im the same age but I never played oblivion... I guess I only rly got into games in like 2010... skyrim coming out feels simultaneously like it happened decades but also days ago... just **** me up..
AND WAS IT THE WEIRD FANBOY GUY??? I know nothing about oblivion apart from that crazy dude and that all the faces are some serious horror material

@Desnik AAAA thank you!!!! Your art is so beautiful, too!!! ;A;

@macaroni YEAH OMG... Its not like I talked to him a whole lot but I got bored of his stoic pessimist or whatever personality real fast... Also they mention the protag of the first game as a "he" but like?? male is default for both of them?? COULDNT WE HAVE ONE GIRL?
AND OMG A ROSE.... I Die for things like this I have to play his game now.....

Oblivion?? omg Im the same age but I never played oblivion... I guess I only rly got into games in like 2010... skyrim coming out feels simultaneously like it happened decades but also days ago... just **** me up..
AND WAS IT THE WEIRD FANBOY GUY??? I know nothing about oblivion apart from that crazy dude and that all the faces are some serious horror material

@mummy yeah ikr?? tbh i never picture the warden as a guy like that doesnt even cross my mind. bc ive only played female wardens and i only ever see fanart of people's female wardens so like to me male warden like?? who's that? not even canon
right no literally his romance is so sweet i die every time. hes like A+ boyfriend material

oblivion though ok so i got to playing it again i started a new character since we lost our xbox hard drive a couple times and oh man it's so great. the nostalgia?? i made a dark elf now and i found my old haunted house but it's like 5k gold??? and i have like, 60 so that'll have to wait, im trying to get all my recommendations to join the mages guild and i closed the first oblivion gate already. in oblivion you can make your own spells and other stuff that they took away in skyrim but u should definitely play it it's so good, good times. YEAH though the fanboy guy. i havent joined the arena yet bc im avoiding him but wow was he terrible. and im p sure you cant kill him or something, like he comes back. people made mods specifically to get rid of him once and for all
@mummy yeah ikr?? tbh i never picture the warden as a guy like that doesnt even cross my mind. bc ive only played female wardens and i only ever see fanart of people's female wardens so like to me male warden like?? who's that? not even canon
right no literally his romance is so sweet i die every time. hes like A+ boyfriend material

oblivion though ok so i got to playing it again i started a new character since we lost our xbox hard drive a couple times and oh man it's so great. the nostalgia?? i made a dark elf now and i found my old haunted house but it's like 5k gold??? and i have like, 60 so that'll have to wait, im trying to get all my recommendations to join the mages guild and i closed the first oblivion gate already. in oblivion you can make your own spells and other stuff that they took away in skyrim but u should definitely play it it's so good, good times. YEAH though the fanboy guy. i havent joined the arena yet bc im avoiding him but wow was he terrible. and im p sure you cant kill him or something, like he comes back. people made mods specifically to get rid of him once and for all
ko - 19 - she/her
its great but I wish so much now that I got myself a qunari and modded it BECAUSE THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING

and woah... Oblivion sounds.. way harder? my kind of pet peeve with skyrim was that its was real easy to join anything and e.g. become archmage in like 2 in-game days.. ALSO WHAT WHY DID THEY REMOVE CUSTOM SPELLS....
and YEAH I think I'm gonna get oblivion when the easter sales roll round. I wish I had less schoolwork because I already am lacking willpower to not play DA:I and work =(
its great but I wish so much now that I got myself a qunari and modded it BECAUSE THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING

and woah... Oblivion sounds.. way harder? my kind of pet peeve with skyrim was that its was real easy to join anything and e.g. become archmage in like 2 in-game days.. ALSO WHAT WHY DID THEY REMOVE CUSTOM SPELLS....
and YEAH I think I'm gonna get oblivion when the easter sales roll round. I wish I had less schoolwork because I already am lacking willpower to not play DA:I and work =(
@mummy YELLS I SURE AM MISSING OUT A LOT ON MODS sometimes console rly sucks i cant believe this

yeah??? like to join the mages guild well to like technically join u only have to talk to one of them but then ur only an associate, to actually be a higher rank you have to get letters of recommendation from all the heads of the mages guilds in every city, and to get them you have to do a quest for each of them, and then after that youll be allowed into the arcane university and can make your own spells. I HAVE NO IDEA why they got rid of it it doesn't make any sense. but yeah there are all these other ranks you can progress to? i dont rly remember what the thieves guild was like but i have some achievements from it, and ive never really done much of the fighters guild bc usually i dont play warrior classes in any game so
YEAH though ok i have exactly one week to finish jane eyre and im on page 155. of like. 504. i should have read like 8 chapters this weekend and what did i do???? oblivion. havent read more than like half a chapter. that's life huh
@mummy YELLS I SURE AM MISSING OUT A LOT ON MODS sometimes console rly sucks i cant believe this

yeah??? like to join the mages guild well to like technically join u only have to talk to one of them but then ur only an associate, to actually be a higher rank you have to get letters of recommendation from all the heads of the mages guilds in every city, and to get them you have to do a quest for each of them, and then after that youll be allowed into the arcane university and can make your own spells. I HAVE NO IDEA why they got rid of it it doesn't make any sense. but yeah there are all these other ranks you can progress to? i dont rly remember what the thieves guild was like but i have some achievements from it, and ive never really done much of the fighters guild bc usually i dont play warrior classes in any game so
YEAH though ok i have exactly one week to finish jane eyre and im on page 155. of like. 504. i should have read like 8 chapters this weekend and what did i do???? oblivion. havent read more than like half a chapter. that's life huh
ko - 19 - she/her
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