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[center]UPDATE Revamped lineart on page 2. [/center] So I'm hoping to correct any anatomically incorrect aspects of this derg, but I need another pair of eyes. I plan on fixing the fingers on the back wing, but what about the chest area? Leg positioning? Give it to me straight, I wanna get this right. [img][/img]
Revamped lineart on page 2.

So I'm hoping to correct any anatomically incorrect aspects of this derg, but I need another pair of eyes. I plan on fixing the fingers on the back wing, but what about the chest area? Leg positioning? Give it to me straight, I wanna get this right.
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The back leg ends real close to the tail which looks a little strange but could be easily fixed by ending the right-most line on the front leg a little earlier. The tail also tapers in a pretty un-taillike way and I'd suggest making it decrease more slowly if that makes sense??

Otherwise this looks really cool (the face is perfect omg!!!) and I can't wait see the final product!! Good luck!
The back leg ends real close to the tail which looks a little strange but could be easily fixed by ending the right-most line on the front leg a little earlier. The tail also tapers in a pretty un-taillike way and I'd suggest making it decrease more slowly if that makes sense??

Otherwise this looks really cool (the face is perfect omg!!!) and I can't wait see the final product!! Good luck!
tumblr_oerrsfAK0O1vgz3bko1_100.gif wybwsOP.png

That looks amazing! =D

The legs are on a slightly odd angle compared to each other, so the body appears to curve strangely if you know what I mean. And same as what rembrandt said - the tail is is sort of unnatural.

Apart from that it's great! ^-^

That looks amazing! =D

The legs are on a slightly odd angle compared to each other, so the body appears to curve strangely if you know what I mean. And same as what rembrandt said - the tail is is sort of unnatural.

Apart from that it's great! ^-^
@Crazybonez try heightening the hip/rump a bit. with where the leg is attached to the hip, it looks like there's no muscle over the hip. the hind legs have two long bones on top, and the bottom third section has really long toes and for the forelegs, make sure the long bones are about equal length


on the other hands, the front legs have only two long bones and the hand bones are small, as you've already drawn. the long bones should be about the same length as well, however.

as for the wings the webbing ends partway up the tail, and they are missing a finger. other than that they're pretty top notch! the wings on this site can be so complicated but you got the most complicated part right -- the front part of the wings are so confusing x-X
someone else said it, but the head looks soooo good too gj! ^o^/
@Crazybonez try heightening the hip/rump a bit. with where the leg is attached to the hip, it looks like there's no muscle over the hip. the hind legs have two long bones on top, and the bottom third section has really long toes and for the forelegs, make sure the long bones are about equal length


on the other hands, the front legs have only two long bones and the hand bones are small, as you've already drawn. the long bones should be about the same length as well, however.

as for the wings the webbing ends partway up the tail, and they are missing a finger. other than that they're pretty top notch! the wings on this site can be so complicated but you got the most complicated part right -- the front part of the wings are so confusing x-X
someone else said it, but the head looks soooo good too gj! ^o^/
basicly the butt is too small :) means the hind legs are placed too high ;)
the foreleg in the front has its elbow placed a bit too high aswell.

i like the wings alot :)
maybe next time you stick to the sketch to find mistakes first ;) it is less frustrating i promise :D
basicly the butt is too small :) means the hind legs are placed too high ;)
the foreleg in the front has its elbow placed a bit too high aswell.

i like the wings alot :)
maybe next time you stick to the sketch to find mistakes first ;) it is less frustrating i promise :D
@rembrandt @MidnightBlossom @LoaderBot

Thanks so much for your input :)

I see what you mean about the problems with the back legs, I knew there was something weird going on! Regarding that...I'll take the advice to raise up line above her hips, tweak the right most leg line and bring it in a little, and make the rear leg bones the same lengths opposed to making them smaller on the way down as I apparently did O_o

As for the strange curvature of the body, I'm not sure how to fix that without completely redrawing the body, so maybe I can just shrink the chest back a bit and that will help?

I'm a little confused about the tail. Should it be thinner as it progresses towards the end?

I'm not sure about the wings either. The extension of the webbing partway down the tail may or may not just be a matter of preference? And I was trying to keep the finger number the same as on her hands and feet: 3, 3, and 3 if that makes sense. Does it look weird without a fourth wing finger?
@rembrandt @MidnightBlossom @LoaderBot

Thanks so much for your input :)

I see what you mean about the problems with the back legs, I knew there was something weird going on! Regarding that...I'll take the advice to raise up line above her hips, tweak the right most leg line and bring it in a little, and make the rear leg bones the same lengths opposed to making them smaller on the way down as I apparently did O_o

As for the strange curvature of the body, I'm not sure how to fix that without completely redrawing the body, so maybe I can just shrink the chest back a bit and that will help?

I'm a little confused about the tail. Should it be thinner as it progresses towards the end?

I'm not sure about the wings either. The extension of the webbing partway down the tail may or may not just be a matter of preference? And I was trying to keep the finger number the same as on her hands and feet: 3, 3, and 3 if that makes sense. Does it look weird without a fourth wing finger?
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Yeah I agree she's got a flat badonk X) Not sure about the elbow, aside from the fact that both her elbow spots don't match.
I did originally stick the the sketch but then as I started doing my work in GIMP, well...THEN I started noticing discrepancies DX
Yeah I agree she's got a flat badonk X) Not sure about the elbow, aside from the fact that both her elbow spots don't match.
I did originally stick the the sketch but then as I started doing my work in GIMP, well...THEN I started noticing discrepancies DX
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@Crazybonez little tipp: mirror the image. you will seemistakes that way more easily. i sometimes even turn them upside down ^^
@Crazybonez little tipp: mirror the image. you will seemistakes that way more easily. i sometimes even turn them upside down ^^
Yeah I actually did flip the image (and boy did it look weird). I fixed a few things already from doing that but then I got used to both angles and the trick was no longer working :/
Yeah I actually did flip the image (and boy did it look weird). I fixed a few things already from doing that but then I got used to both angles and the trick was no longer working :/
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If it'd be all right with you I could draw some shapes over it to communicate more accurately what I was saying? Only if you're okay with it of course!!!
If it'd be all right with you I could draw some shapes over it to communicate more accurately what I was saying? Only if you're okay with it of course!!!
tumblr_oerrsfAK0O1vgz3bko1_100.gif wybwsOP.png
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