
Bug Report Forums

Report bugs and errors to the Flight Rising development team.
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I just hit Mighty Lair, and on my profile it shows up as Mighty Lair of the Molton Scar (should be Molten Scar). It's fine on the world map section of the Ashfall Wastes, but not on my profile D:
I just hit Mighty Lair, and on my profile it shows up as Mighty Lair of the Molton Scar (should be Molten Scar). It's fine on the world map section of the Ashfall Wastes, but not on my profile D:
One of Tomo's questions has an error, not sure if it's mentioned yet.
"At which stage do you receive 20 gold for bonding with your familiar?"
The correct choice, Tolerant, is spelled 'Tolderant' in the options v3v
One of Tomo's questions has an error, not sure if it's mentioned yet.
"At which stage do you receive 20 gold for bonding with your familiar?"
The correct choice, Tolerant, is spelled 'Tolderant' in the options v3v
Another one from Tomo's Trivia Tablet:
"On which day of the week is the does the current round of dominance end on?"
Another one from Tomo's Trivia Tablet:
"On which day of the week is the does the current round of dominance end on?"
[quote name="Altair" date="2014-06-18 22:18:42"]One of Tomo's questions has an error, not sure if it's mentioned yet. "At which stage do you receive 20 gold for bonding with your familiar?" The correct choice, Tolerant, is spelled 'Tolderant' in the options v3v[/quote] [img][/img] yep
Altair wrote on 2014-06-18 22:18:42:
One of Tomo's questions has an error, not sure if it's mentioned yet.
"At which stage do you receive 20 gold for bonding with your familiar?"
The correct choice, Tolerant, is spelled 'Tolderant' in the options v3v
aa ||

aaa pr7Tort.png
LF nests!
Buy my dragons!
aaa ||
Skimmed this whole thread so as not to repeat a report, I noticed that two other items, Ruby Ring and Simple Gold Bracelets, have been reported for the same grammatical error: compliment vs complement.

The Nomad's Sandwastes Sash has it, too, it should be "A simple, dented string of bangles complements it."

It's a common mistake, though. I really love a lot of the tooltip gags, so thank you for all the work that goes into them. c:
Skimmed this whole thread so as not to repeat a report, I noticed that two other items, Ruby Ring and Simple Gold Bracelets, have been reported for the same grammatical error: compliment vs complement.

The Nomad's Sandwastes Sash has it, too, it should be "A simple, dented string of bangles complements it."

It's a common mistake, though. I really love a lot of the tooltip gags, so thank you for all the work that goes into them. c:
Selling Leap Day Gen 1, up to haggle.
[stone|white|teal ; female nocturne ; Earth flight (matching eyes)]
At Swipp's Swap Stand it says "I'm seeking the following item in return. Procure them and we'll have a deal! " Shouldn't it be items since Swipp wants more than one item?
At Swipp's Swap Stand it says "I'm seeking the following item in return. Procure them and we'll have a deal! " Shouldn't it be items since Swipp wants more than one item?
currently on hiatus due to irl stuff.

pm me here or note me on DA (Kittidipity) if you want to contact me, I check in once or twice a week and will get to you as soon as I can


I think SOMETIMES it is one item though? Maybe just do item(s).

I think SOMETIMES it is one item though? Maybe just do item(s).

I was reading up on the dragons and came across two typos, both in the Pearlcatcher description:

1st Quote:

A Pearlcatcher knows that its species the pinnacle of dragonkind, and each individual rests secure in the knowledge that they are at the top tier of that select species.

I believe that this should be: A Pearlcatcher knows that its species is the pinnacle of dragonkind...

Or it could be: A Pearlcatcher knows its species to be the pinnacle of dragonkind...

2nd Quote:

Pearlcatchers are notorious cowards, and prefer to flight to fight. An offer of current gossip is often used as a bartering chip to avoid confrontation.

I believe this should be: Pearlcatchers are notorious cowards, and prefer flight to fight...
(simply omitting the first "to")
I was reading up on the dragons and came across two typos, both in the Pearlcatcher description:

1st Quote:

A Pearlcatcher knows that its species the pinnacle of dragonkind, and each individual rests secure in the knowledge that they are at the top tier of that select species.

I believe that this should be: A Pearlcatcher knows that its species is the pinnacle of dragonkind...

Or it could be: A Pearlcatcher knows its species to be the pinnacle of dragonkind...

2nd Quote:

Pearlcatchers are notorious cowards, and prefer to flight to fight. An offer of current gossip is often used as a bartering chip to avoid confrontation.

I believe this should be: Pearlcatchers are notorious cowards, and prefer flight to fight...
(simply omitting the first "to")
Which Deity slumbered on the very top of The Pillar?

The STormcatcher

The Shadowbinder

The Windsinger

The Lightweaver
Which Deity slumbered on the very top of The Pillar?

The STormcatcher

The Shadowbinder

The Windsinger

The Lightweaver
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